Chapter 87

Tao Yaoyao is having a good day, but right now she has to find a way to help Ji Hengxuan, let the people of the Zhao family know that he is the real fourth prince, but this is a bit difficult, and the difficulty has escalated now, do you want to talk about it? degree.

Tao Yaoyao had a good life, Zhao Wuji doted on Tao Yaoyao very much, but Tao Yaoyao knew clearly that the other party was just playing with her as a pet, and she was not stupid enough to tell him Ji Hengxuan's identity right now.

Because this was a very dangerous choice, she didn't dare to mess around, and she didn't dare to choose randomly. Tao Yaoyao went to find Ji Hengxuan, and Ji Hengxuan was very happy to see Tao Yaoyao coming, which meant that Sister Yao hadn't forgotten herself.

" are here," Ji Hengxuan walked up to Tao Yaoyao, and Tao Yaoyao took Ji Hengxuan to a remote place to talk, she had the inner strength to find out if there were people around, after knowing that there was no one.

"I have inquired about some things now. The fake product was found half a month ago. There is a nanny next to the fake product. It is said that it is your mother's person, and it still went out from here, so the Zhao family's Talent has no doubts,"

This nanny is the maid who accompanied the empress to get married, and now she comes back with that fake, let alone someone from the Zhao family, if she doesn't have a system, she will suspect that she has found the wrong person.

"Mommy?" Ji Hengxuan turned pale when he heard this, "Is it Nanny De?" The only person who followed his mother into the palace was Nanny De, but... how could it be her?
Madam De is now in her forties, and when she entered the palace with the empress, she would be 27 or [-] years old. Now more than ten years have passed...

But Ji Hengxuan never thought that this Dema would actually be a betrayal, "She betrayed her mother, who treats her so well, how could she..."

Ji Hengxuan almost yelled, he couldn't believe it, with the anger of betrayal, the anger of revealing the truth to that hysteria, he was going to ask Nanny De, why did he betray him?Betrayed his mother?

When something was wrong with Ji Hengxuan, Tao Yaoyao immediately covered his mouth, Ji Hengxuan bit Tao Yaoyao, Tao Yaoyao wanted to shake off the pain, but when he saw that Ji Hengxuan was crying, he fell silent.

Ji Hengxuan was crying, he was originally the proud son of heaven, but now he was betrayed by everyone, first the eunuch beside him, and then this Dema, who can he trust right now?

Right now he can't believe anyone, even his grandfather. He already feels that this person has nothing to believe. Which one is not the closest person to him, Koizumi and Mother De? In the end, they all stretched out their fangs, trying to push him into the abyss and devour him.

Ji Hengxuan covered his body, squatting in panic, the panic in his eyes almost overwhelmed him, so cold... so cold... "Sister Yao, I'm so scared, I'm so scared..."

Afraid of death, and all these dangers, he is so afraid that everyone will betray him, and the same is true for Mother De, who has brought him with him since childhood. Right now, Ji Hengxuan feels that life is dark.

Tao Yaoyao grabbed Ji Hengxuan's shoulder when she heard this, "Look at me, Xiao Ji, I won't betray you, Xiao Ji can rest assured that no one will find out, if your grandfather and the others are also the ones who betrayed you, we are here It's safe, if we weren't playing by ear, Xiao Ji, you want a ninja, you are too weak, so you have to work hard to become stronger,"

If the Zhao family also betrayed, then the most dangerous place right now is the safest place. If the Zhao family can play by ear without themselves, this woman is really scheming, and she is going to kill this child at all.

Tao Yaoyao knew that she couldn't sit still and wait for death, so she must make this child stronger, and only when she became stronger could she protect herself well.

Tao Yaoyao took out a book and gave it to Ji Hengxuan as she said that. This is the martial arts secret book purchased on that system, and the martial arts at the moment are still Dongfang Bai's, Dongfang Bai... Thinking of Dongfang Bai, you will think of Zao Wou-ki. what's going on?

"You take Xiao Ji with you, let's take a look first... My sister will teach you kung fu at night. After a while, you will pretend to have nightmares every day. I will find a way to let you share a room with me," Tao Yaoyao said. Ji Hengxuan needs to learn how to protect himself well.

Let Ji Hengxuan live with me, I can ask Ji Hengxuan to learn kung fu, or I can protect Ji Hengxuan, you must know that Ji Hengxuan is my life, he is dead, I don't even want to live, I have worked so hard for so many worlds, how can I do it at this time? Was defeated at the moment.

Hearing this, Ji Hengxuan was slightly taken aback, and looked at Tao Yaoyao, "But you are a girl..." Although she is called sister, she is not relative after all, and men and women have different beds at seven years old, and he is eight years old.

"Why do you care about this now? Your life is more important than this thing? Besides, don't worry, I'm not interested in little brats, good boy... Do as I say," Tao Yaoyao said.

Ji Hengxuan heard that the little boy was upset, but he didn't make a fuss right now, but went to pretend to be sick, and Tao Yaoyao went to look for Zhao Wuji, she knew that if she went to look for it, she would definitely attract suspicion, but now this Zhao Wuji No one at home knows if there is a ghost?She needs to teach that kid kung fu.

"Do you want your sister to live with you?" Ji Hengxuan was young now, and his girly attire didn't feel out of place at all, so no one suspected that he was a man.

"Master, please, my sister is having nightmares every day these days, woo woo... You are kind, I will work harder to take care of you in the future," Tao Yaoyao said.

"Young master, my sister was raised by me since she was a child. My mother died long ago and my father also went. Now I am the only child, huh...Young master, let my sister follow me, and I will repay you. I will work harder to take care of you, I will definitely work hard to take care of you," said the important thing three times.

"..." Hearing the other party's repeated promises to take care of him, Zhao Wuji felt, thank you for taking care of him these days, this girl dared to say that she was very squeamish, although she didn't complain, but there was a look on her face, he saw Feeling distressed, Tao Yaoyao was not allowed to do it.

"Okay, don't cry, isn't your sister coming to live, I'll let someone arrange it for you..." Right now, he just did what she wanted, Zhao Wuji didn't know, he had already followed that Taoyao many times. Yao mean.

"It's not a big deal for you to let your younger sister live. Let me tell that boy," that is, Master Zhao Er, "and let your younger sister move here, but he will still take care of my little brother, and you will still follow me, but the yard is different. Is it okay to look like this? See if you are crying like a little tabby cat, not cute at all,"

As she spoke, she gently wiped Tao Yaoyao's cheeks, Tao Yaoyao blushed slightly and lowered her head, "I'll do it myself, thank you young master, you are so kind," and after finding the other party, she gave a good person card , This sentence is absolutely unmistakable.

(End of this chapter)

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