Chapter 96

"You are Hengxuan? But you are Hengxuan, who is that child?" The old lady asked, if this is Ji Hengxuan, who is Ji Shao?

"It seems that grandma didn't believe me, so she brought Mother De to him, but I was alone," Ji Hengxuan said with a self-deprecating smile, "If grandma doesn't believe me, she can send me out."

"You... you child, grandma doesn't believe you, it's just... this and..." The old lady felt that many things were unexpected. Is Ji Hengxuan in front of her real or fake?

Or maybe Ji Shao was fake, but if Ji Shao was fake, then why would Mother De follow him, and this child is dressed in women's clothing.

The old lady thought of many possibilities, but none of them made the old lady the happiest, because... whatever kind of her own daughter's children have suffered a lot in the past three years, He Youge .

Thinking of the woman named He Youge, the anger in her heart couldn't be calmed down, she wished she could eat that woman, but she knew that the Zhao family really couldn't fight against her He Youge right now, not because of the power of the Zhao family Weakness is simply because they cannot jump over the gap between monarch and subject.

The old lady took a look at Ji Hengxuan, intending to think about it, and told her. "Hengxuan, I have to think about it carefully,"

If Ji Shao was a fake, then there must be an inner ghost in the Zhao family right now. If this child is exposed, he will be in great danger.

"Grandmother, don't worry, I can wait for three years, I don't care about the next few days," Ji Hengxuan doesn't care, it's good if he can come back now, it doesn't matter if he can't, the Zhao family is in danger right now, he doesn't want to involve Taoyao Yao come in.

For Ji Hengxuan, Tao Yaoyao is the most important right now. Whether he says he is ungrateful or ungrateful, he can just tell everyone along the way that Tao Yaoyao protected him, not This is a member of the Zhao family.

"Good boy, don't worry...Grandma won't let you be wronged, for that girl..." Tao Yaoyao is what she is talking about now. We slept together for three years.

Men and women have different seats at seven years old, but now Ji Hengxuan is 11 years old, and will soon be 12 years old, so there is no innocence at all. Is it because of this that he rejected this classless person?

"She is my older sister," Ji Hengxuan said, his eyes softened when he said to Tao Yaoyao, "Grandmother, I don't want any changes,"

"Hengxuan, you are a man, she..." After all, it is not good for a girl to live with you, but seeing the appearance of her grandson, Mrs. Zhao doesn't have much to say now.

Tao Yaoyao didn't know about Ji Hengxuan's conversation with the old lady. Tao Yaoyao was standing outside the door when she saw Zhao Wuji walking over. Zhao Wuji held Tao Yaoyao's hand with anger on his face. .

Tao Yaoyao was pulled away by Zhao Wuji, her wrist was very painful from being grabbed, so painful that Tao Yaoyao couldn't help frowning, and struggled, but her strength couldn't compare with Zhao Wuji's.

Zhao Wuji saw Tao Yaoyao looking at Tao Yaoyao, when he was reluctant, his face immediately showed that anger, "What do you want?"

When Tao Yaoyao heard this, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Zhao Wuji, "Young Master, what do you say I don't understand?" One thing is that she is harder than anyone else.

The person who looks passionate is often the most ruthless person, Tao Yaoyao's words made Zhao Wuji grab her shoulder fiercely, the shoulder hurt from being scratched, Tao Yaoyao frowned.

"I don't understand, then let me tell you why you don't accept me? Is there something wrong with me? Or is there something about me that makes you dissatisfied?" When looking at Tao Yaoyao, Zhao Wuji said angrily.

He likes Tao Yaoyao, but these days Tao Yaoyao avoids him and never gives him a chance. Could it be that he, the young master of the Zhao family, can't even marry a maid?
"You always avoid me these days. At first I thought you were blaming me, but then I found out that you don't like me. Why?" Zhao Wou-ki looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Am I not good enough for you?"

Are you not good enough?Zhao Wuji has always been very confident in himself, but as long as he is with Tao Yaoyao, his self-confidence will be much less. I don't know when it will start, but he will start to feel unconfident when facing Tao Yaoyao.

"No, I..." Tao Yaoyao lowered her head, "Eldest young master's feelings cannot be explained clearly, young master, you have to understand, I...I have no intention of getting married right now..."

Right now, he has no idea of ​​getting married, nor of getting married. When he heard this, Zhao Wuji looked at Tao Yaoyao, "Then you have to give me a reason? Xiaoyao told me, why not Can you accept me? Did I make you unhappy?"

Zhao Wuji's humble expression made Tao Yaoyao's expression more complicated, but Tao Yaoyao still gritted her teeth, "It's because I don't like you, young master, and I...I like women, and what I like is women, young master... ..."

Tao Yaoyao said loudly, this Zhao Wou-ki took a step back, Tao Yaoyao gritted her teeth, her integrity was already gone, and now she didn't care about losing some of her integrity, Zhao Wou-ki who heard this said, looked at This peach is Yaoyao.

"Xiaoyao, are you joking? You are a girl, how can you like women..." Yes, right now, Tao Yaoyao is a woman, how can she like women.

"But young master, men can also like men," Tao Yaoyao immediately retorted, there are also people with broken sleeves in this world.

"..." Zhao Wou-ki didn't know how to refute for a while, because there are men in this world who really like men, and he has seen it now, but the girl he likes actually likes women, which made Zhao Wou-ki unable to accept it.

Looking at Tao Yaoyao, Zhao Wuji said, "It's okay, I will make Xiaoyao like men again, Xiaoyao is still young, one day she will know that women should like men,"

"..." Lord, how persistent are you to me?I really don't have much to do with you, Tao Yaoyao looked at the other party and sighed, "Master, I..."

"Don't tell me, let me tell you, the first time I saw Xiaoyao, I thought you were special. I liked you from then on, and I always felt that the crowd was looking for you thousands of times, as if a voice told you in an instant. I said, I found you, are the person I was looking for in my previous life, I found it with great difficulty now, I will not let you go easily, "

When Tao Yaoyao heard these words, she was taken aback for a moment, the person she was looking for in her previous life, thinking of everything about Dongfang Bai, and thinking of the former president, Tao Yaoyao's eyes turned red.

"Xiaoyao, the first day I saw you, I felt that I have been waiting for you all my life, and now I have waited for you, Xiaoyao... I will not let you go," Zhao Wou-ki grabbed Tao Yaoyao hand, with a serious look on his face.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly an angry voice came from behind, and soon Zao Wou-ki was pushed away, and he saw that Ji Hengxuan's face was ashen, when he looked at Zao Wou-ki, he wished he could chop off the opponent's hand , Let this cheap hand touch her sister's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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