Chapter 102 The Murderer Appears
Li Tao is standing outside the general bathroom. From this perspective, the whole building really looks exactly like the public toilets in tourist attractions.

The glass door was open, and it seemed that Ah Cha had entered with the key.

Li Tao stopped outside to observe the structure of the entire building. In fact, in the video, he was still very concerned about one thing, that is, when Li Meiniang entered the dressing room, a small spot of light moved from her body when she was lying there taking a nap. Pass.

Hearing a strange noise inside, Li Tao frowned and walked in immediately.

Ah Cha's wailing sound came from the women's bathing soup, Li Tao walked over to see, it turned out that this guy slipped and fell.

"There isn't any water on this floor, so you can slip and fall~"

Li Tao glanced around, becoming more and more speechless about what happened to this guy.

"What do you know! I. I was."

"What happened to you?"

"Turn your face and look to the left!"

Li Tao blinked his eyes and looked curiously at the place Ah Cha was pointing at. A purple underwear with black bud-|-silk lace caught his eyes.

"Isn't this the underwear that Li Meiniang changed out yesterday? Is this your reaction?"

Li Tao shrugged, gouged out Ah Cha's eyes contemptuously, with a rare and strange look.

"Such a scene, can't arouse your excitement now!"

Ah Cha got up from the ground and looked at Li Tao with tears in his eyes: "You have changed, we used to be in high school, when we saw the outline of a girl's underwear under the T-shirt, tears filled our eyes with excitement, if we saw the shoulder straps, Just burn incense and pray to Buddha to thank God, now you"

"Get out, I've never been as disgusting as you." Li Tao pushed the guy away in disgust.

"A full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry~" Ah Cha sighed sadly, and then asked wonderingly, "How do you know this is Li Meiniang's?"


"And you said you didn't look carefully just now?"

Li Tao had no choice but to explain: "I really don't think much about it, because I'm well-informed now, and I can tell what cup size it fits with at a glance, and she is the only one in our class who can wear this size." .”

Ah Cha took a few steps back with trembling lips: "Have you pretended enough! You are well-informed? You are an expert, how many sets have you played~"

The flesh on Li Tao's face trembled, he stomped his feet, and made a gesture to beat him up, Ah Cha put away his meanness.

"Don't forget that your suspicion has not been cleared now. Li Manzi is at most helping you lay the groundwork. Later, you still have to bring evidence to prove your innocence."

Li Tao's words made Ah Cha's face instantly turn into a bitter gourd.

"I've wandered around thoroughly. I've searched all the corners, and there's nothing special at all."

After a pause, Ah Cha added: "And think for yourself, what can I do to prove my innocence? I must not tell them what I went to see Ma Xi at that time, that is, I couldn't produce the alibi, so I can prove my innocence It's up to you to find the murderer."

As Ah Cha spoke, he circled around in a complete circle: "Do you think there are any clues in this empty place?"

Li Tao was silent for a while, kicked Ah Cha's butt, and he staggered and fell directly on the leather chair where he was changing clothes.

"Lie there and don't move."

After Li Tao finished speaking, he walked to the corner where the cell phone was originally hidden. There happened to be a plug here. At this moment, Li Tao felt that maybe he had made a wrong estimate.

According to his previous analysis, the murderer should not be a freshman, because he/she knows this bathroom very well to release such a tricky location.

But what if the murderer is just because there is an outlet here, which can guarantee the long-term operation of the mobile phone?

Standing in this position, Li Tao simulated the angle of the rear camera of the mobile phone, adjusted to the position where only Ah Cha's body could be seen and stopped.

In the video, Li Meiniang lay there and rested for 3 minutes at the beginning, and during these 3 minutes there happened to be a light spot, which slowly climbed up on her body from bottom to top.

"I just couldn't find my anklet when I took a shower yesterday. I wanted to look for it today, and then I found my phone."

Li Tao's mind suddenly flashed the above conversation with Li Meiniang, did the spot of light come from the sunlight reflected by the anklet?

Li Tao simulated the trajectory of the light spot in his mind, and finally determined its moving direction. As Li Tao moved his eyes to the ceiling, he happened to see the air vent of a ventilation fan there.

"come out."

Li Tao waved at Ah Cha, walked out of the bathroom first, and came to the outside of this public place. Li Tao signaled Ah Cha to stand against the wall.

"Why, you still want to experience the joy of being an instructor, punish me to stand?"

Although Ah Cha muttered, he followed suit, and the next moment, Li Tao stepped on his shoulders and came lightly to the roof.

"What are you doing up there? Did you find anything?" Ah Cha jumped up and down below shouting.

Li Tao doesn't even need to identify where the vent is now, because a part of the roof is covered with a piece of white paper pressed by red bricks.

The front side of the paper read: "It seems that you really like to meddle in other people's business, so if you want to get this anklet back, you can come to the lotus pond on the south bank of the artificial lake."

Ah Cha waited below for a long time before Li Tao jumped down like a superficial touch.

Usually, when Li Tao was so expressionless, something happened. Ah Cha wanted to ask in detail, but Li Tao just shook his head and gave up.

"You go find Tong Anqi and the others, turn on your phone, and find a contact named idiot in the wei message on the phone, and your suspicion will be cleared."

After speaking, Li Tao walked towards the position away from the playground alone, Ah Cha yelled from behind to ask what was going on, but Li Tao didn't give a specific reply.

The back of the paper gave him a deadline of [-]:[-] noon. By the way, he mentioned Ah Cha's headache.

Li Tao said that the contact called the idiot was the murderer who was mocking the girls in class G of the Art Academy, and the note said that the chat record was a video, and she was wearing a half mask to film the whole process of placing the phone.

Although Li Tao didn't know the murderer's purpose, but since the other party wanted to see him, he would just walk away and help Li Meiniang get back the anklet by the way.

There are three artificial lakes near the playground alone, one is where Acha raises pigs, and the other is the lotus pond.

When Li Tao reached the end, he glanced at his phone, and it was less than 2 minutes before twelve o'clock.

Standing quietly on the shore for a while, no one came up, it was past twelve o'clock, Li Tao wondered, "Have you already left?"

"It's not leaving, it's just a little disappointed, I don't have much interest in coming out to play with you."

The woman has short gray-green hair, her austere temperament reveals a unique nobility, and her skin is very fair, like an elf in a world of ice and snow.

Following her, two women who could be called beauties in the world came out.

All three of them are wearing camouflage vests and military training canvas pants. Their proud figures have a sense of indifference that repels others thousands of miles away, which invisibly makes men have the desire to conquer them.

"Did you put the phone in the bathroom?" Li Tao narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the three women. They should all be wealthy young ladies, but they belong to that kind of cold temperament, which is completely opposite to the ordinary arrogant young ladies. .

But Li Tao couldn't tell, these three women made him feel very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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