Chapter 108 Get confused first
"If you can't beat him, you kill him."

Liu Renna's words made Li Tao a little speechless. Aunt Liu's attitude made all the little tricks he thought about to seduce him useless.

He slightly staggered his head, and Liu Renna's face was naturally buried on one side of his collarbone.

"Then I'd better try it myself, he is not a big deal."

If Liu Renna makes a move, it looks like she is really going to kill Duan Murong, which is not what Li Tao wants.

He has already adapted to Aunt Liu's personality, but Duanmurong's death will trigger a series of chain reactions.

At that time, Li Tao will be in a passive situation, and it will be difficult to carry out subsequent investigations at Luma University. As such, it is better for him to avenge this revenge himself.

It's just that Chen Zhongzang has to keep it a secret, otherwise if he knows that Liu Renna will not participate, he will probably have to give up the pick.

"Aunt Liu, I actually want to go home and take a shower. I've been in the sun all morning and I'm covered in sweat. I'm here to ask you to get the keys to the house."

Liu Renna slid her head against Li Tao's shirt until it reached his chest and sniffed it: "It doesn't smell, does it still smell like perfume?"

Seeing that her willow eyebrows tended to frown, Li Tao thought inwardly that something was wrong, he probably stuck to Xiangxue when he talked about it.

Li Tao lowered his head to smell his clothes, and used his head to separate Liu Renna from sniffing himself.

"What kind of perfume? Isn't this Aunt Liu's body fragrance~" After sniffing, Li Tao said boldly.

"Body fragrance? Who are you fooling, it looks like other women's fragrance."

In order to prevent Liu Renna from approaching her little head suspiciously, Li Tao put his whole body on Aunt Liu and let her lie on the sofa.

Looking at the little man on her waist, Liu Renna was a little dazed, she held up Li Tao's clothes corner with her little hand at a loss.

The proud place fluctuated with her breathing, she said nervously: "Bao'er, what do you want to do?"

Li Tao was silent for a while, then said solemnly:

"I heard that the more a woman is smelled, the more fragrant her scent will be. Let me first smell Aunt Liu to the point where I can smell my own body fragrance to prove my innocence."

"I just changed my clothes to the bottom, don't you." Aunt Liu blushed, arched her body, and pressed her head against Li Tao's Adam's apple, pinching the corners of his clothes to wrinkle with her small hands.

Li Tao started wrongly and bit her earlobe, Liu Renna became honest in an instant, lying on the sofa and covering her face with her small hands, Li Tao lowered her head and buried herself in the woman's soft body, swimming in the sea of ​​flowers with a woman's fragrance.


"Bad treasure, I'm gone again..."

Accompanied by the final murmur of collapse, Liu Renna's little hand was powerless and fell to the ground.

The thighs curled up on the sofa raised the toes, and the eyes rolled slightly, which made people fantasize.
It took a lot of effort before Li Tao managed to get the key home from Aunt Liu who was slumped on the sofa.

Seeing Aunt Liu who was sweating profusely from being tossed by his own hands, Li Tao was also a little embarrassed.

He took a glass of water for Liu Renna: "Aunt Liu, I'm going home first, you can slow down and drink this glass later, I think you are a little dehydrated."

Liu Renna feebly raised her eyelids and gave him a white look, because of which villain did she become dehydrated?
Li Tao didn't dare to stay longer, he had another important thing to do when he came to the hospital, which was to prepare Xiangxue's evening detoxification medicine.

As soon as Li Tao walked away, Liu Renna gasped for a while, then suddenly struggled to sit up, shaking her dizzy little head, she forced herself to walk over with her bare feet and locked the door of the office, and then slowly Take off the pajamas that are stuck to your body.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate this attractive scenery.

Cushioning her feet, she turned the fan blades of the air conditioner to the position of the sofa.

After returning to the sofa, she picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table. There were several missed calls on it.

Putting her big white legs on the coffee table, bending her little toes, crystal beads of sweat rolled down her white thighs to the ground, and it took a while before she dialed back the phone.


As soon as the call was connected, Liu Renna cursed directly in a weak tone: "You are sick~ I don't know if I'm doing business, I keep calling."

"What did you do to him? You are not allowed to eat alone!"

The voice of the woman opposite is very mature-feminine.

"He's fine, but I've been hollowed out~ huh~"

Yoo In Na crossed her legs and let out an embarrassing sound.

"Hurry up and tell me, how he reacts, or I can give you an idea, just be a person!"

Liu Renna stared at Li Tao's water glass on the tea table, tenderness appeared in her beautiful eyes.

The tone is still not salty: "You pay attention to the tone of your words when you talk to me. Over the past few years, you have been thinking about those little tricks he played, and I have written them down in my small notebook. When the memory is full, I will kill you , did you hear that Qin Keqing~"


The other end of the phone turned out to be the master of Suzaku Hall, the woman who appeared in Li Tao's memory and claimed to impregnate him, Qin Yueru's mother.

Of course, she also has an identity - a Gu master of the Miaojiang nationality who was killed by the underworld doctor, and she is also a high priest.

"Are you sure? Jiang Yu was burned to death in Yinyang Mountain by your old Tang some time ago. He was the last doctor of the underworld in the world. Although I didn't see it with my own eyes, I guess there is only one in the world. I can understand."

In fact, due to Liu Renna's living experience over the years, she is used to controlling her surroundings. She has surveillance cameras around the hospital on her computer, and she spotted Li Tao as soon as she got out of the car.

At that time, she was on the phone with Qin Keqing to relieve boredom.

And she was only wearing pajamas under her white coat, and she was deliberately seen by Li Tao while searching for ladies. It was all due to Qin Keqing's tactics.

According to Qin Keqing: "We have to give Li Tao some sense of guilt. He may feel a sense of urgency when he sees his little aunt wearing such stuffy sao and buying props."

Liu Renna's operation just now obviously agreed with her heresy.

As for why Liu Renna's relationship with Qin Keqing, who has a deep hatred, has "thawed", this is still due to a misunderstanding.

Liu Renna learned from Tang Bo that Li Tao was seriously injured, and the tattoo appeared only after being treated by Jiang Yu. According to Liu Renna's questioning to Qin Keqing and looking up the information, she judged that the weirdness on Li Tao's body was indeed Jiang Yu's trick. .

In the end, Qin Keqing was also a bit of a stickler, and just chatted with her every day.

Li Manzi has Xiangxue, and Liu Renna thinks that she must also have a dog-headed military adviser, so she temporarily forgets Qin Keqing's previous "crime".

Seeing that Liu Renna didn't speak, Qin Keqing had no choice but to add: "I've already told you, I'm willing to share him with you, seven days a week, you pick one day to let him beat me, and the remaining six days to beat you, I promise to clean it for you." Get rid of all the other wildflowers around him!"

Liu Renna sneered: "Are you worthy? Your daughter is older than my Bao'er. Why are you so blue-faced that you miss my man's body?"

Qin Keqing was also angered by her vicious words, and immediately replied: "Why are you the match? You have the face to eat the baby you raised with one hand?"

Yoo In Na: "You can be his mother-in-law at that age!"

Qin Keqing: "Sha|bi, I am the same age as you!"

The two women were fighting with each other, you come and go, what lewdness!dirty!The swear words are used to insult each other.

Liu Renna was almost so angry that Qin Keqing hung up the phone directly, but Qin Keqing should have realized this, and her tone softened:

"Let me tell you, it's not bad for you to have me as a foreign aid. Don't be too greedy. This kid is a murderer. If you approve of me joining, then we will be separated for the rest of his life. If you don't agree, God knows It has to be divided among several women."

Liu Renna sneered: "You are not ashamed to speak, you are a widow, why should you share it with me?"

"How many times have I told you, I'm not a widow, about Yueru, alas, you don't even know the fart, when the time comes, your face will be swollen."

Qin Keqing then said: "And I only need one day out of the seven days, and I can help you get rid of those little vixens, so the cost-effectiveness can't be any higher? How humble do you want me to be?"

"Then tell me, why do you think you can help me?"

"Because I'm sao~"

Yoo In Na: "..."


New news came from Liu Renna's wei letter, she clicked in and her face froze.

Qin Keqing's proud voice came from the phone's microphone: "This is what I'm wearing now, isn't it attractive~"

It was still an extremely narrow belt that was about the width of a fingernail wrapping around her plumpness, and this belt was still pink.

The snow-white skin is covered with a large area of ​​strange flower tattoos, which has a touch of coquettish and strange beauty.

Liu Renna silently saluted the photo on the phone, with undisguised respect in her eyes.

Sometimes she also admires Qin Keqing, as a woman, she dares to "wave" so unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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