Chapter 127 Slave and Master

After the death of Anna Bujima, her sword slave naturally became the highest-ranking person in the Busushima family, and she also made the unequal relationship between the sword slave and the swordsman public.

This kind of abnormal relationship will breed complicated contradictions once it is deliberated.

Since then, those who insisted on the sword slave contract and those who abolished the contract were divided into two camps. These two camps also led the Busujima family into endless civil strife. The family withdrew from the upper reaches of the Yamaguchi group.

In fact, due to the terrifying power of the sword slave contract to control the mind, if Anna Busushima kills her own sword slave before she dies, then this abnormal relationship will never be brought to light.

Because only Anna Busushima's sword slave was achieved under a perfect sword slave contract, while the sword slave contracts of the other swordsmen are not perfect and have flaws.

This kind of flaw does not mean that they have weakened their mind control over the sword slaves, on the contrary, it is stronger from this aspect alone. They do not have the enchanting talent of Anna Busujima, they can only be "lazy", and can only use the sword slaves The contract makes the knife slave completely lose the idea.

And Anna Busushima is to let the sword slave retain "spirituality", not only has a fighting thinking in the face of the enemy, but also has the ability to learn sword techniques.

With the passage of time, this kind of flaw is getting bigger and bigger. There are still some stubborn sword slave contract members in the Bujima family, but the contract they inherited can no longer achieve the kind of combination of human and sword that uses ten times as the base to increase the combat power. method of force.

Because the sword slave has been completely reduced to a walking dead, but even so, it is still possible to double the combat power.

Masako Busujima knows exactly this, she is very clear about what the current sword slave contract means, it will be a dark and all-round slavery!
Masako Busushima knows that there is a perverted swordsman in the clan now, he will send his sword slave to the big man's bed for prostitution in exchange for profit, and occasionally let the sword slave drink urine and swallow feces to satisfy his perverted taste, and even Let the knife slave slaughter his own parents.

Countless kinds of heinous behaviors actually happened.

Don't talk about resisting, the knife slave can't even commit suicide!

How horrible is this life?
The twitching and throbbing veins on Masako Busushima's face already explained it, and she only saw it from the perspective of a bystander.

"No, except for the members of the Bujima family, it is impossible for outsiders to know the method of the sword slave contract." After all, she was still a woman who was rated as a B-class A-class woman. Seeing Li Tao's face close at hand, Bushima Masako suddenly calmed down .

"If you want to learn a samurai sword, I can teach you. You don't need a sword slave contract. My parents are not diehards of the Busushima family. I don't even know how to make a sword slave contract, but I know the sword skills of the rest of the Busushima family." I am willing to teach you unconditionally."

Li Tao stared at her indifferently, and did not respond to Masako Bushima's speech. He didn't really want to learn samurai swords much.

It is his goal to make the island woman in front of him 100% not betray herself in the war simulation these days.

Li Tao's expression made Masako Bushima's heart sink. She clamped the tip of the samurai sword in Li Tao's hand with her index finger and middle finger, slowly moved the tip of the knife to the center of her chest, and cut off the tie. There was no concealment, and then he knelt and raised his chest and pressed Li Tao's face:
"Including me, I will give it to you unconditionally, don't let me out now"

To be able to do this, Masako Busushima has already gone all out, and her pretty face is flushed with charm.

Luma University has school rules, freshman, regardless of gender, must be a virgin, and Masako Busushima is no exception, it is the first time for other men to see it, and it is the first time for such a direct skin-to-skin date.


Li Tao's ambiguous words made Masako Bushima a little curious. She thought Li Tao was captured by lust, so she retreated a little.

Asked curiously: "What did you say?"

"Neck or wrist?"

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, Masako Bushima's face turned pale.

The next moment, she threw Li Tao on like crazy, and sat on his waist, her hands tightly strangled Li Tao's neck, her nails dug into his skin, and her tone was so ferocious that it made the scalp numb: "Don't force me, don't force me!!!"

Li Tao flipped his hands back and forth a few times, and the cloth strip wrapped around his palm several more times. Naturally, the cloth strip with fragments stuck around Masako Bushima's neck was also tightened.

Feeling the pain, her strength to pinch Li Tao's neck was obviously weakened, and she said in a miserable tone, "Why are you forcing me?"

Li Tao's face flushed a little because of his shortness of breath, but he still repeated a sentence expressionlessly: "Neck or wrist?"

These words completely crushed Masako Busushima like a magic voice. The hand that was pinching Li Tao's neck suddenly pulled his neck, pulled Li Tao's head into her arms, and his chin collapsed on his scalp. cry:

"Is it okay if I'm out, I'm going to die now, please let me go~"

Li Tao broke her hand away, raised his head from Masako Bushima's arms that smelled of cherry blossoms in the island country, and poked her head vigorously, Masako Bushima lay flat on the steps uncontrollably.

"Then I will choose for you, just the wrist."

"no, do not want!"

Li Tao is riding on her back now, no matter how much Masako Bujima struggles to get away, it is impossible.

"You can kill me directly, you don't need to die in battle, just die, I will give you my life!"

After finishing speaking, Masako Busushima stabbed the point of the samurai sword with her head like a lunatic.

She is not dead now, becoming a knife slave is not even qualified to die.

The reason why Masako Bujima is so afraid of this thing is actually because the sword slave who was tortured wantonly by the swordsman mentioned earlier is her mother.

And her grandparents, as well as her father, all died under the knife of her mother. Watching her mother suffer such perverted humiliation every day, and worrying whether she will be beheaded by her in her sleep like her father, it is terrible to think about it. .

Theoretically, the Yamaguchi-gumi's quota for entering Luma University this year is only the "three-surname house slave".

She wants to stand out and prove her worth here, only in this way can she escape from the abyss.

Living is too tiring, and Masako Busushima feels that death may be a relief for her. Thinking about it this way, her desire to die is very strong.

With the sharpness of the samurai sword "Abyss", if she is made to be strong, it will be no problem to penetrate the head.

Li Tao's original intention was not to cause death, but all the sudden changes caught him off guard.

He really didn't expect that Masako Bushima would be so scared by the sword slave contract that his will to die was so strong. At the very moment, Li Tao pressed his other hand directly on Masako Bushima's face, and the point of the knife pierced the skin on the back of his hand In the end, it was stuck tightly by the hand bones.

The smell of blood made Masako Bushima a little confused, she looked at Li Tao, a little bit at a loss with her small cherry mouth open.

"After six days, I will release the contract for you."

As soon as Li Tao finished speaking, he grabbed the samurai sword with his backhand and slashed Masako Busushima's wrist.

The red liquid forked and flowed to both sides of the skin. Li Tao's expression was a little complicated, and he also felt that he was a little too cruel.

"I will untie it when the time is up, and I will compensate you, so you won't suffer any disadvantages." Li Tao said in a serious voice.

Masako Busushima looked at the bloody pit on the back of his hand that was stabbed by the knife point, and his expression suddenly softened.

Kneeling, she slowly pressed her little head against Li Tao's chest, and said in a tired yet attached voice:

"Forget it, it's up to you, you bring the water from the knife quenching pool."

Masako Busushima thought about suicide and tried suicide, but no one ever stopped her.

That demon made her mother go to the toilet in front of Masako Busushima...

Masako Busushima cut her throat that day, and she watched her neck bleeding, but the people passing by didn't even look at her, and even jokingly said that Masako Busushima's mother was sent to the bed of some old man, making her roll her eyes just came back.

She suddenly has a reason not to die, and these are her enemies.

It was she who crawled back to the house clutching her bleeding neck, disinfected it with white wine, and then took the thread from her clothes to sew up the wound on her neck.

She wants revenge, how could she die——

It is conceivable what Li Tao's act of standing in front of the knife out of guilt means to her, at least Masako Bujima is willing to regard this as someone who cares about her.

Yes, she's humble, but it's not her fault, it's all her damn experience.

"Qiandaochi, your family is too strict. This bottle of medicine was prepared by my master, so it should be similar."

"This..." Masako Bushima, who was leaning sideways on Li Tao's arms, was a little speechless, but it was all like this, let it be, she slowly closed her eyes, and rubbed against Li Tao's arms attached.

The Blood Slaughter Gang and the Yamaguchi Group are feuds, and even more mortal enemies. The Yamaguchi Group sent the Dudao family swordsman to assassinate a certain high-ranking member of the Blood Slaughter Gang before, but this swordsman and the water for quenching the knife he carried were all given away for nothing.

The Xuetu gang also asked him about the sword slave contract. The master Liu Renna found for Li Tao in the Xuanwu gang, that is, the master who taught him to detoxify Xiangxue last time, once told him about this sword slave contract.

Moreover, this master also used other medicines to synthesize a potion whose composition was very similar to that of the Quen Dao Chi liquid, and he just left a bottle for Li Tao.

As for the complete process of the sword slave contract, Li Tao's master analyzed it for him with a different kind of modern eyes.

The knife quenching pool is actually a place where Anna Poshishima copied the structure of the Sword Washing Pool, a master of kendo in the kingdom of heaven. By chance, the water in the pool used to hold down knives has a special effect, and this pool is used to pour the water on the fatal wound of the sword slave. , supplemented by the mantra, the sword slave contract is connected successfully.

The master's explanation is that this essence uses psychological shadows, just like "being bitten by a snake once and being afraid of well ropes for ten years". The Tianshi Mansion has passed down the sanskrit music brainwashing for countless epochs, and the contract has been established.

In layman's terms, the pain permanently destroyed the knife slave's idea of ​​resistance. Whenever she had this idea, a mantra sounded in her mind, and the mantra brought her back to this moment.

It's a pity that there are still some things that he can't explain, that is, once this contract is established, the sword slave can really bring growth to the swordsman, and the two have established a special spiritual connection, but the essence of this method is the same as that of the poisoned Anita. It is related to the master of Tianshi Mansion who conquered it, and it is normal that he can't explain it.

After pouring this liquid, Masako Busushima began to twitch, her pupils gradually appeared Li Tao's face, and then fell deeply into her eyes.


She opened her mouth and bit Li Tao's collarbone. The taste of being bitten made Li Tao's expression distorted, but he still read out the obscure passages bit by bit according to his memory.

The horrible thing happened again, Li Tao looked at the naked upper body Masako Bushima, his eyes almost popped out.

it appeared!
(End of this chapter)

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