Chapter 135 Thrilling Escape
Beyond Li Tao's expectations, there was one more person in the car, but he couldn't afford to hesitate at this time. After jumping up from the ditch, Li Tao directly swung his explosive bow and smashed it at the instructor on his side.

It was supposed to hit the head, but the opponent noticed it in advance through the air flow, and reacted outrageously. He broke off the car door with his bare hands with beast-like strength, and then laid it across his head.


The bow banged on the car door and trembled, and Li Tao was so shaken that he almost lost his hand.

What made him even more helpless was that, as the person being attacked, not only did the instructor not fall into a passive position, but instead, in the stagnation he entered after Li Tao's furious slam, he turned his back on the guest and slammed the car door upwards as a shield.

Li Tao took two steps back immediately after being hit by the hedge, Zhou Shuguo took advantage of the victory to pursue, and kicked directly to Li Tao's chest.

Li Tao twisted the Explosive Bow and placed it on his chest. Zhou Shuguo kicked the spear that was originally used as the body of the bow with spider web-like cracks.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye, and at this time another instructor also came around from the other side of the car, encircling Zhou Shuguo and approaching Li Tao.

However, to Li Tao's relief, the other instructor turned out to be Luan Bao.

Zhou Shuguo was annoyed by the sneak attack. If he was released on the battlefield, he would probably be dead as a mercenary. Now that Luan Bao was at his side, he no longer had any scruples, and immediately pulled out the military dagger from the outside of his thigh. Live close to Li Tao.

The air was being cut by his dagger, and there was a constant sound of breaking wind. Although Li Tao's face was wrapped in bandages, it was also numb from the twisting wind and waves.

In close combat, the bow in his hand was already useless, and Li Tao didn't hesitate, and when he was about to tear off the self-made explosive bow, the original safety belt was wrapped around his palm several times.

Relying on the friction of the seat belt, Li Tao caught Zhou Shuguo's dagger with his bare hands, and then hit Zhou Shuguo's lower abdomen with a knee hammer, which used all of Li Tao's strength.

Luan Bao found that his comrade-in-arms was at a disadvantage, and was about to join the battle, but the familiar mummy in front of him suddenly opened a bandage on his collarbone.



Li Tao's strange flower tattoo can impress everyone who has seen it. It is ugly, weird, evil, and even reveals a little bit of viciousness.

Li Tao reminded Luan Bao that the referee was in the dark with his eyes, signaling him not to make a move.

Luan Bao also glanced at the ditch that had dried up. There was human breath there, which should be the mercenaries chosen by Blackwater International as referees.

The mercenaries stationed at Luma University this time served as instructors for the military training of freshmen, and half of the instructors were assigned to the Blue Army to participate in the mock war, and half of the instructors were assigned to the referees, who were always in control of the rules of the mock war.

Luan Bao quietly moved behind Zhou Shuguo, blocking the referee's view of Li Tao in the dark.

Zhou Shuguo didn't realize that the situation had reversed. Judging from Li Tao's clothes, he was just a Red Army, that is, a freshman.

He resolutely let go of the dagger held by Li Tao, and this hand turned into a fist and hit Li Tao's Adam's apple.

Li Tao tilted his head to avoid the punch, but Zhou Shuguo's punch turned into a claw and scratched off a layer of flesh on the side of Li Tao's neck.

"Damn you." Li Tao's hoarse voice came out, and the surrounding temperature dropped instantly.

The burning pain on the skin swept across Li Tao's body convulsively, making him lose control of his emotions.

Looking at the pieces of meat under his nails, Zhou Shuguo showed a proud smile: "A mere kid who just entered college, he is so bold that he dares to steal."

"Kaba~" There was a startling sound, and Li Tao's tilted head suddenly turned to Zhou Shuguo's face, and he murmured darkly: "I said, you really deserve to die."

Through the gap in the bandage, the strange green in his pupils caused Zhou Shuguo's brain to go blank for a while.

Originally, Zhou Shuguo's dagger spun in Li Tao's palm, and like a gear, Li Tao directly pressed it to the detector on Zhou Shuguo's chest.

However, Zhou Shuguo suddenly showed an evil smile: "Pretending to be a ghost, I just want to see who you are under the bandage~"


Just now Zhou Shuguo deliberately pretended to be stunned and surprised, but it was just to lure Li Tao to put down his guard on his face.

Zhou Shuguo's palm was like a kitchen knife chopping on Li Tao's turning knife hand, and the spinning dagger rose into the air, touching Li Tao's chin and climbing up, lips - nose tip - eyebrows - forehead!

Li Tao naturally raised his other hand, trying to cover his face when the bandage fell, but Zhou Shuguo also predicted his behavior, and his rough hand clamped Li Tao's other hand tightly like an eagle's claw.

Seeing that Li Tao's face was about to be exposed, there was a sound of iron scraping against the ground, and then Zhou Shuguo knelt down towards Li Tao.

I saw the car door that was broken by him earlier hit the ground and hit Zhou Shuguo's ankle. The sudden change made him unable to react in time, and he knelt down towards Li Tao's position.

A look of fierceness flashed across Li Tao's face, he bit the flying dagger with his teeth, turned around 360 degrees in mid-air, and after accumulating enough potential energy, the dagger was bitten by him and directly pierced Zhou Shuguo's collarbone, and then Continue to the summit, pinning him to the ground.


Zhou Shuguo's appalling voice made one's scalp tingle, and black blood continued to ooze from his collarbone. At this moment, he was judged dead by the detector.

Several black shadows appeared at the same time, and the referee was stunned seeing Zhou Shuguo's tragic situation, then sealed his mouth with tape, and began to treat his wound.

The play was well performed, and Zhou Shuguo and others were still there, so Li Tao Bawang Tie unceremoniously patted Luan Bao.

"You are so young, so cruel!" Luan Bao also angrily reprimanded him, and then he punched Li Tao.

The two hit the other side around the off-road vehicle, Luan Bao lowered his voice and asked, "What's going on?"

"If there is a sharp conflict between the blue army and the red army, I will capture Duan Murong alive."

Luan Bao: "!!!"

"It's impossible, he's too strong."

"It's impossible to try. If you don't take advantage of this situation to ask him for clues, you will have no chance in the future."

"Then what do I need to do?"

"Let the blue army feel provoked by the red army. The previous plan of aborting the horizontal push was changed to torturing the red army a little bit. Give me enough time."


The original garage suddenly flew out of a wall, and two somewhat embarrassed figures jumped out in the heat wave.

Luan Bao and Li Tao's fist shadows intertwined, seeing that the two foreigners had already cast their eyes here, he directly locked Li Tao's throat.

"Be careful with these two Bashi people. They are stronger than me."

Luan Bao is indeed old, otherwise he wouldn't need to lick Li Manzi all the time for his upcoming retirement.

"I'm not going to fight directly. It's enough to lure them to the Red Army base to show their faces. There are a few sets of Red Army uniforms in the ditch that should be useful to you."

After finishing speaking, Li Tao bent down suddenly and threw Luan Bao forward. Before he fell to the ground, Li Tao lifted the car door with his feet and threw Luan Bao directly into the ditch.

After finishing everything, Li Tao didn't say any more, and looked coldly at the two Baxi people, turned around and jumped on the off-road vehicle, and drove away in the opposite direction with the accelerator pedal.

"Team Luan! Are you okay!" the two men walked to the edge of the ditch and shouted.

"I'm fine. Zhou Shuguo was killed in battle. Don't worry about me. There is a car on the right side of the warehouse. Chase that Red Army back and capture him alive! Let him know the consequences of provoking the Blackwater mercenaries!!!"

"No problem." The expressions of the two Baxi people were also extremely sinister. They were almost burned to death in the warehouse just now, and they hated Li Tao ruthlessly.

After finding the off-road vehicle on the right side of the warehouse, the two drove directly to the corn fields behind the ditches on both sides of the road, crushing the crop fields, and pursued Li Tao in a straight line.

Of course, Li Tao deliberately took the road so that the people behind could catch up.

Just now when he heard the "squeak" sound of crops being crushed, Li Tao's sixth sense made him tense up, and without thinking, he slammed the steering wheel to one side to death.


This is not the Explosive Bow made by Li Tao before, but a real Explosive Bow for military use.

I saw the pitch-black arrow body, just like the barrel of Barrett's sniper rifle, with a small black square at the arrowhead. When it rushed into the undercarriage of Li Tao's car, it instantly set off a frightening heat wave. The back half of the off-road vehicle was fully lifted by more than one meter.

Fortunately, Li Tao killed the steering wheel in time so that the front wheels hadn't left the ground, otherwise he would have fallen into the ditch with his car.

After the rear body fell to the ground, Li Tao readjusted his direction, stepped on the accelerator and galloped wildly on the Sixth Ring Road.

"Hulk, aren't all the Red Army freshmen?"

Because they aimed at Li Tao's car and shot several bursting arrows, there were fireballs crawling everywhere on the road, and Temer's black and yellow face became more and more irritable under the flames.

"It's a freshman, but isn't their class called the Devil's lineup this year, and it's normal to have some skills." Hulk still focused on driving and clung to Li Tao.

Contrary to Hulk's calmness, just now Temer was blown up by Li Tao's first gas grenade in the warehouse, and the broken window glass smashed his ass.

"Fak! We've been following for 10 minutes. At the very beginning, the car jumped up, and then it missed!" Temer cursed angrily.

Hulk glanced at him from the corner of his eye, complaining endlessly in his heart, the burst bow is in Temer's hand, who can be blamed for failing to hit it.

"Can't you go faster?"

Hulk tried his best to keep restraint: "Didn't you see that the accelerator pedal was pressed to the end, how fast can it be?"

"Fak!!!" Temer slammed his fist on the co-pilot's door.

"He slowed down!" Hulk reminded suddenly.

Temer's eyes froze. After all, he was a mercenary who survived the battlefield. He was not an idiot. When he saw the timing, he also retreated from impatience when he pulled the explosive bow. He shot the arrow steadily. It hit Li Tao's car.


The front windshield shattered like raindrops and splashed on Li Tao's face, but he didn't care because he had already reached the buildings where the Red Army base was located.

(End of this chapter)

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