Chapter 147 Weird Woman
In fact, after finishing the brain CT and MRI, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

The geographical location of the island where Luma University is located is quite special. Compared with the beginning of autumn in August, and now Bailu in September, the daytime occupies a lot longer.

So at this time, the sky is not quite yellow, and even the main color is blue and white, but the temperature is too high.

Liu Renna yawned, her beautiful eyes gradually became moist and blurred, and then she hung on Li Tao like a koala, her small mouth was still spitting out bubbles, and she looked a little confused again.

After returning to the ward, Li Tao put her on the bed, then went to the window and drew the curtains.

"Aunt Liu, let's go home. It's not too late. We're driving back now. There should be some stalls on the road. Just buy something to eat."

Having just recovered from a serious illness and just woke up from a coma, Li Tao was unwilling to stay in this ward filled with disinfectant.

To discuss it carefully, the time he spent in the hospital from childhood to adulthood did not last long during the period when he started school and entered Luma University, although the smell of disinfectant was just the opposite.

The smell of alcohol mixed with the cold disinfectant water in the hospital makes people feel helpless, small and sad.

"This is the school, not our home. How can there be any food stall?" Liu Renna turned over, buried her face in Li Tao's pillow and sniffed.

Li Tao pondered for a moment and said, "There should be."

Qin Yueru had previously described to her the state of Luma University after it officially started. She described it as a city, and it was a super first-tier city.

There are all kinds of food, drink and entertainment you can imagine, but the number of crowds is much lower than that of the outside world.

"You can't go out with or without it. I just woke up today and wanted to be discharged from the hospital. What are you dreaming about?"

"No matter how much I get used to you, I can't care about your body. Come here and hug me for a while." Liu Renna patted the bed sheet and said.

Li Tao really didn't want to stay in the hospital, he hesitated to speak, turned around and dawdled and closed the curtains again.

"Hurry up, it's not something shameful, and you even draw the curtains, so that you can slap me."

"I just squinted for half an hour so I could go out and buy food for you." Liu Renna raised her face from the pillow, tilted her head to look over, and rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Li Tao obediently sat on the hospital bed, with his back against the wall, put Liu Renna's small head on his lap, and pressed his hands on her cheeks to make a funny face.

Liu Renna was not angry at his childish behavior, instead she closed her eyes comfortably like a kitten, and the serene smile at the corner of her mouth also indicated that she was finally freed from the exhaustion of this week.

She didn't share with Li Tao how she survived this week, but Li Tao just now pieced together Aunt Liu's life for the past few days from Li Manzi's mouth.

After hesitating for a while, Li Tao rubbed Aunt Liu's lips and said, "I don't want to stay in the ward, the smell makes me uncomfortable."

In fact, a long time ago, when Li Tao was around eleven or twelve years old, Liu Renna hadn't retreated behind the scenes in the Blood Slaughter Gang, and she was far from as strong as she is now, so it was impossible for her not to get injured.

At that time, Li Tao was still young, and she had complicated emotions in her heart, but they were just buried in her heart. When she got injured, she would dress tightly when she returned home, and her appearance would be the same as usual. She would cook for him, watch TV with him, and then get to know him better. school life.

But the smell on his body can't be hidden no matter how much perfume he wears. Over time, he gets annoyed when he sees alcohol, disinfectant, and various drugs, and it's too easy to evoke some feelings of powerlessness.

It doesn't matter if he is lying on the bed in a coma, he will wake up for so long, and he seems to be back at that time when he breathes.

Liu Renna slowly opened her eyes, and looked at the side face of the big boy with tender eyes. She could guess what Li Tao was thinking, which made her feel very warm.

Holding Li Tao's neck and sat up from the bed, Liu Renna kissed him sideways and said, "My office smells good, and it doesn't smell like disinfectant. Let's go over there overnight."

"Aunt Liu~ You know what my body looks like, you can touch it yourself, you can really be discharged from the hospital." Li Tao still wanted to work harder, but he really didn't understand why Liu Renna insisted on it so much.

But the next moment, Li Tao's face turned dark.


He lightly slapped Liu Renna on the back of the hand, the resentment in his eyes couldn't be added.

"Why hit me~" Liu Renna pretended to be puzzled, pouted and felt aggrieved.

"Where should I touch it?"

"See if you're thinking about your aunt, giggling~" Liu Renna shook Li Tao in her arms, smiling wildly.

After the two arrived at Liu Renna's psychological director's office, Liu Renna took off her white coat and inner lining, dressed coolly and even turned on the air conditioner.

"I said I smell good, right?"

Li Tao pursed his lips and nodded. Aunt Liu's attitude obviously didn't leave him any room to go home, so he had to accept his fate.

"Bao'er, let me tell you, I'm going home now, you still have to come back tomorrow morning, I don't want to mess with you." Liu Renna probably felt that Li Tao was not in a good mood, so she dragged him to sit on the sofa and explained.

"Tomorrow, why do you have to come back?" Li Tao asked a little puzzled.

Liu Renna babbled for a long time, and put on a narcissistic pose on Li Tao in a somewhat pretentious way, her voice was also very contrived: "As expected, my Bao'er can't remember anything except me, and she will be inseparable from me even more in the days to come. "

Li Tao looked at her speechlessly, pinched Aunt Liu's soft waist, made her tremble wildly, and finally explained: "Hee hee, you need a medical examination, you want to formally confirm your student status, and you have to complete the last step." An inspection."

"Physical Examination" Li Tao looked up at the ceiling and pondered. After a while, he lowered his head abruptly, his eyes were bloodshot.

"It's the physical examination of the freshman school regulations?"

"Yeah~" Yoo In Na laughed so hard that it made his hair stand on end.

"It must be a male doctor?"

"Female doctor."

"Isn't that suitable?" Li Tao's expression was already painful, he was a little too shy, how could this school arrange for girls to test that thing, it seems that they will have to test it once a month in the future.

Liu Renna put her hands on his cheeks and rubbed them vigorously, laughing wildly: "What's wrong, that female doctor is me, I'll test you if you're shy, are you surprised, excited? "


It was as if Li Tao had been struck by lightning, and his expression had completely changed from the previous pain to despair.

"Any woman can do it, but you can't do it~" Li Tao cried

Liu Renna's nose was crooked, and every time she patted Li Tao's cheek with her little hand, she asked, "Tell me again!"

Li Tao closed his eyes, feeling disheartened, and lay down on the sofa in despair.

Liu Renna rode on him, she became angry for a moment, she squeezed Li Tao's ears and said, "You white-eyed wolf, I raised him, I can't watch it yet?"

"Oh, any woman is fine, but I can't, Xiao Litao, listen up, are you speaking human words!"

"I can't, please change someone else, Aunt Liu, please." Li Tao begged with tears in his eyes.

These words completely angered Liu Renna, she trembled all over, slapped Li Tao's belly vigorously, and then climbed off him.

She pulled a white coat from the hanger, wrapped it around her body, and walked out with her bare feet.

"Now, I'm going to check it for you right away! I'm going to find the people in charge. If I'm not here, I'll call them back!"

After opening the door and going out, Liu Renna turned her head and yelled at Li Tao: "Eat after today's test!"


The door was slammed shut, and Li Tao slumped on the sofa, covering his face, feeling a sudden pain in his head.

He really didn't have that mental awareness, not to mention being fucked by Liu Renna now, the result would probably be very embarrassing to the man, he took a sharp breath and sat up from the sofa.

"I don't care, I have to run away, no matter what, I can't let Aunt Liu test it for me." After Li Tao finished speaking, he also went to the hanger and pulled a white coat to put on.

The image of Kong Can from before appeared in his mind, so he went to Liu Renna's desk, opened the drawer and found a pair of gold-rimmed glasses to put on.

Not to mention, with Li Tao's attire, coupled with his already dark temperament, the tauren in the comics, the refined scum of the scum, has a sense of sight.

Opening the door, Li Tao pretended to be calm and walked in the opposite direction to where Liu Renna left. Anyway, he had to leave the hospital first.

Liu Renna's office must be in the outpatient building. During this period of time, there are only a few windows on the first floor to register and pick up medicines, and there are at most one or two people left in each outpatient clinic on the upper floors, so when the lights are turned on, only a quarter of them are illuminated. A sight.

But at night, the emergency department in the outpatient building was the busiest. It was obvious that the lights were brightly lit and people were intertwined. Something bad had happened.

After getting off the elevator, Li Tao lowered his head and walked towards the door, but he happened to see a familiar figure outside the emergency operating room out of the corner of his eye.

"Why is it Hangu Pass again?"

Li Tao had just finished slandering when he bumped into a woman head-on.

(End of this chapter)

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