Chapter 152 The New Shura Field

"Yes, I lied to you. This test is judged by a lie detector. So what, I lied to you. What can you do to me?"

Liu Renna knelt on the ground, held Li Tao's fingers with some annoyance, and rubbed his fingertips vigorously like a child.

Li Tao sighed, put Aunt Liu's head on one of his knees and gently stroked her soft hair: "When will you be more serious, why are you living more and more?"

He muttered in a low voice: "I never saw you so coquettish when I was young."

Liu Renna was annoyed by him, and she poked his stomach with her small hand: "You can't understand at your age~"

Li Tao grinned, and tilted his head to recall. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly found that there were many times when Aunt Liu looked dignified and serious, but in fact she seemed to be talking.
Liu Renna cast a meaningful wink at him: "You don't understand the joy of growing up. After so many years of useless old lady, I brought up a little bit of cub. If I don't keep it for myself, I will be struck by lightning."

After she finished speaking, she gradually sat in Li Tao's arms while twisting her water snake's waist, reaching out to grab Li Tao's cell phone, seeing him dodging, Liu Renna immediately made a small face.

"Bring it here, I want to see which bastard tipped you off."

"No one, it's not a tip-off, it's just that I'm more sensitive, and I happened to extract some information from it." Li Tao explained with a bitter face.

"Not for me?" Liu Renna frowned and asked Li Tao.

Before Li Tao could speak, her complexion was already ugly: "Is it a woman?"

Li Tao shook his head dumbfounded, and just about to explain, Liu Renna crossed her hands and touched the corners of her small vest on both sides of her waist.

"If you don't show me your phone, I'll show you your underwear."

As Liu Renna spoke, she had already moved upwards to reveal her snow-white lower abdomen.

"Oh my aunt, go, here, take it!"

Li Tao threw the phone on the sofa cushion next to him, covered his face with a headache and sighed, this woman became more and more shameless.

Liu Renna pursed her lips proudly and kissed Li Tao's side face, making him go epileptic again.

Covering her mouth and laughing for a while, Liu Renna flipped through Li Tao's cell phone.

After a while, she was also a little speechless, why the fuck is Ah Cha again?

Is she in conflict with Ah Cha's five elements? Every time she is about to hit the base, this guy will stop her just right, which is more stable than the anti-pornography brigade.

"I don't have anything to say, little Li Tao, you. How did you make friends here? You are so wicked, cluck~" Liu Renna smashed her phone on Li Tao's belly, dumbfounded.

"You asked me, I don't know, I have to thank him, I almost caught you." Li Tao shook his stiff neck, it was really dangerous just now.

"Thank you, don't let me see that kid. Once or twice, it's a good thing for my old lady. If you don't skin him when you see him, you will be sorry for the pain I have suffered now!"

Liu Renna said as she tugged at her gray camisole. The scene just now made her a little excited, and the whole vest was sticking to her skin with sweat.

"Rough, my clothes are sticking to me, I want to go home and take a shower!"


After finishing speaking, Liu Renna took off her wet little vest and threw it on Li Tao, then slowly climbed off him and put on slippers.

Holding her chest and "humming", Liu Renna turned her hips and walked towards the bedroom, it seemed that she was going to change clothes.

"Did I show you loneliness?" Li Tao threw away the vest in a frenzy. He couldn't believe a word of the woman, and he still took off his clothes after looking at the phone.

Rubbing his nose, Li Tao asked, "Shall I go too?"

Liu Renna turned her head and glared at him: "I'm leaving, can you not leave, I have to set up some house rules for you when I get home at night, don't be strict with you, always make troubles outside and be promiscuous."

After entering the bedroom, her voice came from a slightly ethereal voice: "As for the hospital, I'll just go through the discharge procedures for you when I go to work tomorrow, and I'll make arrangements for you anyway."


In the underground parking lot of the hospital, Li Tao waited for Aunt Liu while breathing heavily.

Finally seeing Qianying trotting over, Li Tao gradually showed embarrassment.

Liu Renna took a short breath, and patted Li Tao's shoulder with some indignation: "You son of a bitch, I reminded you to remember to take the car keys, but you still got to the door of the car, call me and say you forgot to take them."

Li Tao smiled wryly and scratched his head. Just now Aunt Liu said that after changing her clothes, the auntie came and went to the bathroom to take care of it.

Li Tao volunteered and said that he would just let her wait at the front door of the hospital, and he would drive up the car.

As a result, after Liu Renna left the outpatient building, she was full of joy waiting for Li Tao to open the door and invite her in as a gentleman.

Li Tao's call for help came, which made her so angry that she wanted to beat Li Tao's head.

"Then who is driving?" Li Tao pursed his lips and asked.

"Hey, your aunt and my mother are here, and my stomach hurts." Liu Renna gave him an angry look, opened the door and sat in the co-pilot.

"Auntie is here, but you were still thinking about taking off my pants just now, you are also a talent~"

Li Tao shook his head and laughed, took the car key and opened the driver's door and got in.

"Should we go home directly now?" Li Tao asked, looking at Aunt Liu with his head tilted.

"You drive first. Now there are more people and cars outside. Be careful. I will ask you to stop when you pass by the supermarket later." Liu Renna also yawned.

She put her two big white legs under the windshield in a disfigured manner.

"Don't you just go home and take a shower, why go to the supermarket?"

"Buy vegetables, you don't eat."

"Then I'll stop at a small restaurant. Don't do it if you feel sick to your stomach." Li Tao started the car and turned on the air conditioner by the way.

Seeing this, Liu Renna's eyebrows trembled, and she restrained herself from speaking.

Air conditioning also burns money...

When Li Tao drove out of the hospital and really had to drive to a restaurant, Liu Renna still insisted on speaking.

"Bao'er, it's not clean outside, let's go to the supermarket to buy some, I'll make it for you."

"But you're not feeling well."

"It's okay, just take care of yourself."

"It's okay to eat out once in a while." Li Tao comforted.

Liu Renna didn't hold back, and raised her voice a bit: "We have no money!"

After she finished speaking, she froze. Just as this month's salary was about to be paid, it was deducted by the school's finance department to pay for the elevator compensation.

And she wanted to apply to get the next month's points in advance, but was told that her salary for the whole year had been deducted, which almost made Liu Renna so angry that she smashed the hospital.

In the end, she stole thousands of points from Chen Zhongzang, and she had to save a little to live.

Knowing the ins and outs from Aunt Liu, Li Tao didn't know what to say for a while. The school's compensation and deduction of points is really stupid. Wouldn't it be more reasonable for her to pay with outside money?

However, both Li Tao and Liu Renna thought of a deeper reason. The mock battle had completely exposed Liu Renna's identity. The school probably wanted to make things difficult for her and drive Aunt Liu out.

After all, the existence of Liu Renna brought too much uncertainty to the school, and the school always wiped her ass.

Both of them knew it well, but there was no need to say it.

"Then let's go shopping in the supermarket. There should be a discount at this time." Li Tao glanced at the gradually darkening sky.

When shopping in the supermarket, it was obvious that Liu Renna was very happy. She was holding Li Tao's hand while pushing the cart, humming an unknown tune.

In a trance, the two returned to the time when they had only each other.

"Aren't these enough?" Li Tao glanced at the small cart, which was half full.

"It's almost done, pay and go home."

"Aunt Liu, let me tell you something..."

Regarding Baizhi, Li Tao felt guilty. He died in the underground parking lot of the villa, and even slapped Liu Renna in the face, but the murderer should have died in a car accident.

Li Tao didn't hide anything from her, including Antonio's words, he told Aunt Liu as if he was telling his heart.

"That little girl, I, Liu Renna, feel ashamed of her. After all, Bai Zhi has worked hard all these years, but she wants to kill you, so she deserves to die, and she deserves it." Liu Renna said a little coldly.

"She should be lying in the morgue of the school hospital now, Aunt Liu, don't worry about this with a dead person, and bury her in the back mountain, closer to Uncle Bai."

Liu Renna opened the car door and took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat. She was driving without saying a word, which made Li Tao unable to figure out her thoughts for a while.

When she was approaching the neighborhood, she slowed down and looked at Li Tao and said, "Don't worry about the affairs of the Bai family. I hate gang affairs to get involved with you."

She paused and continued: "You really need to pay attention to that child from the mafia, but you have to remember that the background of the mafia is not enough to know the things suppressed by the Luma University Council."

Liu Renna didn't continue the deep chat, and waved to the security guard, and when the railing was raised, she drove straight to the garage.

Li Tao had a lot of thoughts, but Aunt Liu reminded him that even Han Guguan had only a half-knowledge about Li Meiniang's affairs. He only said that Li Meiniang violated the school rules and she was still graded D because of her excellent grades.

But Antonio also shouldn't know, if he knows, it is very likely that there are shadows of top giants behind it.

The matter became more and more confusing. Could it be that Li Tao's D-level inferiority really has something to do with Li Meiniang?
Before he knew it, Li Tao had already walked into the elevator led by Aunt Liu.

She rubbed Li Tao's stiff hands and said softly, "I've been carrying it all the way, let me carry it for you for a while."

"It's okay, things just look too much, not heavy."

"You have just been discharged from the hospital, and your body is not."

While Liu Renna was speaking, the elevator door slowly opened at this moment.

A plump woman in silk pajamas was bending over the door looking for something. Li Tao's eyes were dazed by his stalwart career line.

"Tao'er, are you... awake?"

Li Manzi looked at him bewilderedly, at the same time, the white-legged sister Yu also came out in silk hot pants.

"Mr. Li, do you remember when you lost that thing?" Xiangxue also saw the man in the elevator, her eyes turned red instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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