Chapter 159 The Rainstorm Lotus Pond

After coming to a square paved with marble, Qiu Lan slowly stopped the car.

From the corner of his eyes, Li Tao noticed that she not only pulled the handbrake, but also turned off the engine.

Is she getting off here too?

"What are you doing here?" Li Tao asked curiously.

Looking at the fountain at the entrance of the square, Qiu Lan was stunned and said: "No one stops by the pool to look, it's a bit of a waste."

Qiu Lan's answer was irrelevant. Of course, Li Tao never thought that this woman would answer his question seriously.

However, as a gentleman, Li Tao continued politely: "It's too hot, and I'm still in class at this time, although the design of this fountain is really beautiful..."

Li Tao said as he opened the car door and got down.

The weather was really hot, and the scalding ground lifted his spirits.

"I don't need to go to the flower shop at four o'clock this afternoon. After all, the decoration is definitely not finished. I went to make trouble." Li Tao turned and bent down, hooking the car door with one hand and supporting the car frame with the other.

Qiu Lan glanced at him absent-mindedly, and said slowly: "You have to go today, I'm very busy for the next week, and I don't have time to go to the flower shop to keep an eye on it, in order to prevent those decorators from messing up the style of the flower shop , you have to supervise."

Li Tao's face immediately collapsed, he still has a lot of troublesome things to deal with, Qiu Lan is more exploitative than capitalists.

"Later, I will send you the design drawing of the flower shop. When I am free to inspect the flower shop, if you don't satisfy me, you will be beaten." Qiu Lan urged like a parent educating a child .

"Okay, I know."

Li Tao closed the car door, turned around and walked down the stairs depressed.

Qiu Lan's eyes fell on the fountain again. The water pool was surrounded by a circle of water spouts. The arm-thick water began to climb from the ground at a 45-degree angle. They finally touched the center of the pool and then fell together.

"Water builds a cage and locks people's emotions, so is it really beautiful..."

This park covers a huge artificial lake, and the lotus pond is on the south bank of the artificial lake.

When Li Tao walked over, he saw a familiar figure standing by the pond.

"Ah Cha, have you eaten? When I first came down, I saw a vegetarian self-service restaurant. The price should not be very expensive."

It was past 12:30, and it was time for lunch. Although Li Tao didn't know what Ah Cha wanted from him, he felt that talking while eating would not affect anything.

Ah Cha, who was facing away from him, felt very strange indeed.

Hearing Li Tao's words, Ah Cha clenched his fists and then loosened them, and said with a sense of alienation: "You are late."

"I didn't eat much, and I didn't eat lunch at all?" Li Tao criticized in a daze.

Ah Cha's back was twitching visibly with the naked eye. After a moment of silence, he turned his head to face Li Tao, and repeated coldly: "You are late."

Li Tao was stunned for a moment and realized that he had misheard just now, because of his conditioned reflex, he would not think that Ah Cha would say this to him.

"I got entangled by a troublesome woman on the road, so I wasted a little time." Li Tao rubbed his nose and explained.

Taking a deep breath, Ah Cha's eyes were still reddened uncontrollably: "Where did you go during the few days you simulated the war?"


Li Tao pointed at himself, and suddenly realized that he thought Ah Cha was jealous because he was worried about him, so he walked into Ah Cha a little touched, wanting to put his shoulder on his shoulder to comfort him.


Just as Li Tao raised his hand and froze in the air, the back of his hand was gradually congested and red under the sun, and the mark on half of the palm slowly emerged.

"It's all gone, now you remember to show up?!!!"

Ah Cha yelled hysterically, he was facing Li Tao's ears less than two fingers away, Li Tao's head went blank, and the buzzing sound swelled in his ears.

"I..." Li Tao looked at him in confusion.

Ah Cha clenched her fists tightly and tried her best not to let her voice tremble, but her voice was still trembling.

"Marcy is dead"

Li Tao's brain was stunned, his pupils shrank into needles, and his hands, which were frozen in midair, trembled.

"How could she?"

"Where are you! Where have you been hiding!!!" Ah Cha ruthlessly pushed away Li Tao who was in a daze.

The marble floor was obviously very flat, but Li Tao was pushed by Ah Cha, and after staggering, his forehead was heavily covered on the ground.

The forehead that was broken when the car rolled over opened wide in an instant, and thick blood gurgled all over the scalp.

"She begged you for help, she begged you, woo~"

Ah Cha covered her face and wept bitterly, the originally dazzling sun gradually dimmed.

The resulting dark clouds are like dark spots gradually growing in the blue sky, and the light is infected and rotted in a moment, so black and sticky, the sky is like an abyss.

"I don't know why she would..."


Ah Cha's voice was like a night owl's. He looked at Li Tao who had fallen to the ground, as if he wanted to rush over and beat him up.

"She begged you for help from the beginning, someone was torturing her, and you yourself said at the time that you saw something was wrong with her, but you pushed her to me, and you asked her to come to me for help, but she still begged me to come to you , I told you too, I beg you to help her..."


Ah Cha stared at Li Tao, he raised his hands to dig around his neck, the gaps between his fingers were constantly filled with his own flesh and blood.

"But when the mock battle started, you took Li Manzi and ran away, and you never showed up again!!!" Ah Cha stomped hysterically, frantically.

Pale arcs of lightning flickered across the overcast sky, cutting the darkness apart like a spider's web.

"Don't do this, it's me...I shouldn't..."

Li Tao looked at the bloodstains scratched on Ah Cha's neck and felt indescribably uncomfortable. He only knew that Fang Yueji and Duan Murong were dead, but no one had ever told him that Ma Qian was also dead.


The first thunderous sound rang out.

Ah Cha looked at Li Tao and kept shaking his head, as if expressing his disappointment.

Ah Cha turned around and jumped into the shallow bank of the lotus pond. The place was full of mud, and he was buried below his knees.

"This school, to her, is a quagmire, a swamp that eats people!"

"That's what I feel now. I'm getting deeper and deeper, and I can't pull it out, but there is no one around her, just like these lotus leaves and plants. They are ruthless and can only watch indifferently."

"Ma Xi was tortured to pieces by those three beasts! She couldn't even commit suicide!!!"

Li Tao's forehead bled very quickly, and the glass of the car made a big cut across the hairline, as if his scalp had been ripped open.

The blood loss had already made his lips turn white and his vision blurred, but he still twisted his thigh violently to let the pain regain control of his body.

Ah Cha in the quagmire looked like a ghost, and the place where his neck was scratched was bleeding continuously.

The dark sky was once again split by lightning.


The muffled thunder finally brought heavy rain, and raindrops the size of fingernails fell from the dark clouds.

Li Tao staggered towards the quagmire, he wanted to bring Ah Cha out.

Ah Cha's terrified expression suddenly disappeared, and he raised his head expressionlessly, closed his eyes and caught the rain with his face.

"I saw her throat pierced by Fang Yueji's shuttle-shaped drone with my own eyes. She was already too tired, but if she could wait for me a little longer, maybe she wouldn't choose to commit suicide?"

Ah Cha suddenly lowered her head, her expression ferocious again: "No! She will still commit suicide, because the person who appeared was me, not you, and she doesn't believe me, what she needs is you, who has been flirting with other women all the time Scum!!!"

Ah Cha covered his face with one hand, and laughed strangely. His half body stuck in the quagmire made the scene even more horrifying.

"No, Ah Cha, you come up, you... Huh... come up first." Li Tao already felt suffocated, and his breathing was very painful.

"But I will still avenge her."

Ah Cha pointed at the sky and snapped three fingers: "Fang Yueji is dead, she has rotted into a puddle of meat, but it's not enough, because there are two beasts, Masako Busushima and Akina Nakamori!"

"I will kill them, use a paring knife like scraping apple skin, scrape off the rolls, let them eat themselves, starve to death!!!"

"Ah Cha..." Li Tao couldn't hold on any longer, the wound where the rain poured into his mouth had become inflamed and festered, so he just fell into the rain on the bank and passed out.

Ah Cha's voice was very loud before, and it had already attracted a girl from a canteen in the square.

She held an umbrella and slowly approached Li Tao on the shore in the rain. Just now she saw Li Tao a big boy drenched in the rain with her own eyes. In fact, she dared not come out because this scene was too weird.

But Li Tao passed out, so she naturally had no worries and came to rescue him.

Seeing that the rain had turned into a pool of blood, the girl was also taken aback. This bloody scene made her lose her mind immediately, so she didn't notice that there was still a person standing in the mud.

The girl bravely dragged Li Tao into the canteen, and Ah Cha in the quagmire stared at them with miserable eyes the whole time.

"Heh, the worse, the more ruthless, the more scumbag, the better the life?"

"Ma Xi, you and I are the same kind of people, haha~"

Ah Cha raised her head, covered her face with the heavy rain on the back of her hands, and smiled creepily.


The sound of high heels stepping in the rain is so harsh in this scene.

Ah Cha opened his eyes, and looked at a strange woman who appeared on the shore at some point, showing a puzzled expression.

She was wearing a white coat, holding a black umbrella in one hand, and a silver suitcase in the other, and with her ascetic face, she looked especially glamorous in this rainy day.

Ah Cha wiped the rain from his eye sockets and asked, "Who are you?"

"During the simulated battle of the freshman year, the cause of the death of the little girl of the Red Army Commander was wrong, and you are the suspect." Qiu Lan said casually.

"Isn't there a surveillance camera? It's very clear there. Fang Yueji tripped over a chair and fell into a military lime mixer. It was God's arrangement for her to rot into a puddle of meat. If you insist on complaining..."

Ah Cha stuck his bloody finger into his mouth and sucked it, and said hoarsely, "Then you should blame the school and the Blackwater Security Group for preparing so many military equipment."

Qiu Lan always maintained a plain appearance, she explained quietly: "The video has been altered and forged, but it really cannot be restored with the current technology."

"So?" Ah Cha grinned.

He raised his hands in the air, and two pincer drones flew over him.

"So don't waste my time."

After Ah Cha finished speaking, the drone had clamped his shoulders and slowly pulled him out of the quagmire.

"I forgot to go through the process." Qiu Lan suddenly slapped her head, still a little cute.

She looked at Ah Cha floating in mid-air, and said slowly: "I, Qiu Lan, the head of the interrogation department of the school's student union, you, as a suspect, will be taken away by me for interrogation until the results come out."

"Can you keep me?" Ah Cha sniffed and asked with narrowed eyes.

But when he finished asking this sentence, his pupils shrank into needles, the black umbrella was still in the air, but the person under the umbrella had disappeared.

The air was split and screamed, Ah Cha only felt his neck tighten, and the next moment, he appeared under the black umbrella.

The umbrella seemed to drop a millimeter in the air, and Qiu Lan came back.

Holding Ah Cha's neck, she stared at him with eyes sewn with red thread.

"It's not enough to keep me..."


A shuttle-shaped drone rose from the quagmire like a spear, and directly pierced Qiu Lan's chest.

"That's how you killed her." Qiu Lan looked at the flying drone, calmly and frighteningly.

Ah Cha was thrown on the ground when Qiu Lan received the umbrella. Her high-heeled shoes stepped on his throat, so Ah Cha could only lie on the ground and look up at her.

Because Qiu Lan was too calm, a strange light flashed in Ah Cha's eyes, and he touched his pocket, which was a chip carrier.

Whatever Fang Yueji wanted no matter what!
After Ah Cha pressed it, the spear-shaped drone was instantly covered with golden arcs, and its speed was countless times faster.

The cone-shaped cyclone was pushed towards Qiu Lan's heart by the sharp part, and the scene was almost frozen at this moment.


The silver suitcase was open.

The ferocious drone with electric arcs was tightly clamped by a tooth extraction forceps.

Qiu Lan looked at Ah Cha indifferently, and her high heels stepped into his collarbone without hesitation.


Ah Cha's voice was horrible, but it was just the beginning.

Qiu Lan took out the dental drill from the silver suitcase, which was originally used to punch holes in human teeth, but now she pressed it directly into Ah Cha's nasal cartilage.


Qiu Lan looked at Ah Cha twitching and screaming blankly, even saying that she was a little bored.

"Seeing that he cares so much about you, I was going to turn a blind eye and let you go, you little bastard, but you dare not accept his favor and make him suffer so much. I don't know why, I It's just uncomfortable."

"So I will give you a severe punishment until I find out how Fang Yueji died."

Pulling out the drilling machine, Qiu Lan squeezed Ah Cha and walked towards the parking spot.

Her flat voice was like a devil whispering: "Believe me, this is just the beginning. After you enter the small dark room where I interrogate people, you will know that you will end up ignoring him. What did you miss..."

(End of this chapter)

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