Chapter 168 Temporary Chapter
Xiang Lian drank while crying, and the alcohol also opened up her chatter box, allowing her to tell all the things that had been accumulated in her heart.

It turned out that she and Xiangxue lived in this Master's Day for nearly a year.

She was two years older than Xiangxue. When she was in her junior year, Xiangxue had just entered school.

Since childhood, Xianglian has been Xiangxue's role model, and Xiangxue also said that her sister is her idol, so when Xiangxue was also admitted to Luma, Xianglian, who had only inferior qualifications, had the idea of ​​getting a job.

There is a kind of hope that when my sister sees her forever, her eyes will be full of admiration and steadfastness.

Xianglian borrowed a large sum of money from a loan institution established by graduate students.

Obviously, she lost everything, but how could she hide it from her own sister Xiangxue.

In the first semester of college, Xiangxue found out about her sister's situation, and started to repay the loan with her, otherwise Xianglian wouldn't even be able to graduate from her undergraduate degree.

At that time, the two sisters were deceived by the advertisement of a "Tongtianyuan" community called by the master, and lived in this slum.

She is still renting this house, because it is Xiangxue's last memory before she broke off with her.

Of course, she would only come here to hide for a while when she was in a bad mood, and she didn't live there often.

When Xianglian talked about Xiangxue, she always smiled happily, but she really drank too much wine.

Li Tao glanced at the table, and unknowingly, he noticed a small detail.

In order to prevent Xiang Lian from drinking, he also kept drinking, but he drank the whole bottle, which is quite good.

But there were three or four bottles on the table, he only drank a small part, but Xiang Lian didn't touch it again.

This reminded him that since Xiang Lian didn't want to drink what he had drunk, there was no need for him to drink the whole bottle just to stop Xiang Lian from drinking.

Li Tao quickly opened a few bottles of wine that he could touch on the table, and took a sip from each bottle.

Xiang Lian glanced at them, but she didn't touch them, but she still had half a bottle in her hand.

It should be that the wine wet her clothes, coupled with the air conditioner, her body could no longer bear it, and she might even have caught a cold and had a fever.

Li Tao obviously felt her body twitching slightly.

She can't drink the half bottle.

Taking advantage of her inattention, Li Tao took a mouthful of the beer bottle with his head, slurped a few mouthfuls, and his voice was quite refreshing.

Xiang Lian looked at him a little dumbfounded, her eyes fell on Li Tao's lips stuck to the mouth of the bottle, thinking in her mind that just a moment ago, her lips were still pressed there.

this is not indirect
Damn, Xianglian felt that her brain was congested.

She gouged out Li Tao's eyes in embarrassment, she was really embarrassed to drink what he had drunk, but if she didn't drink, she would really go crazy and die of embarrassment now.

"Stop drinking, your eyes are turning red."

There was only the last bottle of beer left on the table that Li Tao couldn't reach just now. Seeing that Xiang Lian still wanted to drink it, he could only stop it.

"I'll drink it, why do you care about me, don't forget what I am yours, and distinguish your own identity!"

"Who are you,'s my sister-in-law, so I'll take care of you for Xiangxue, okay?"

"How old are you~" Li Tao added.

Xiang Lian's hand that was stretching towards the wine bottle froze in mid-air, which had nothing to do with what she wanted to express in her heart, and her face, which was already flushed by the alcohol, became even more blushing now.

" shut up, you still dare to discipline me, I am your counselor!"

This was the answer she wanted, but she never admitted that Li Tao was her brother-in-law.

After Xianglian yelled out of embarrassment, it seemed that her brain was temporarily awake.

She slowly lowered her head to look at the posture of herself sitting on Li Tao's lap, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

"Say I'm your sister-in-law and still hug me like this, you bastard and scum are not worthy of being my brother-in-law!"

"Hey, I..."

Li Tao stared dumbfounded at Xiang Lian who stared at him stubbornly, he felt that he was wronged more than anyone else.

Not to mention that this posture is not ambiguous, it is obvious that Li Tao sat down first, and this woman sat up again.

"Stay away from me, shameless beast, woo~"

The position where Li Tao's chin touched her shoulder.

Li Tao nodded, pulled his head back, and said, "You are really there, Xiang Lian. I can only say that you are really there. I admire you. I don't vote for good women without you."

It is true that the space is narrow, so he tilted his head back, and at most he was sticking to the backrest.

The only way is for Xianglian to stand up.

"Li Tao, show some face!" Xiang Lian said angrily.

Li Tao said irritably, "No, can't you see that there is a backrest here? My head is covered, so I can move it any further. If you get down by yourself, it's over."

Obviously she was relying on her to stay, what scene did Li Tao never experience, just here?He really didn't need to take advantage of a drunk woman.

He is usually at home, but he has to guard against Liu Renna taking advantage of him like this.

"I want to get down too. My legs are weak from drinking, and I can't feel it from the neck down. If you don't move your head, you want to take advantage of my inattention..."

Xiang Lian's voice became smaller and smaller, and in the end she didn't dare to look at him anymore.

Looking at the position where Xiang Lian's downcast eyes fell, Li Tao felt a little ridiculous. He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh my God, you really think you have a good figure, only 36c."

"How did you know?"

Xiang Lian was stunned for a moment, could it be that Li Tao just took advantage of her body being paralyzed by alcohol to get involved?
Xiang Lian stared at Li Tao with red eyes, her overwhelming killing intent was no different from that peerless powerhouse.

Looking at Xiang Lian's old-fashioned appearance, one can tell how conservative she is.

Li Tao's eyes shifted to the ground guiltily, and he didn't answer her question. In fact, the reason why he knew it was because Aunt Liu and her figure were very close, even basically the same.

He hasn't counted Yoo In Na's place~
Li Tao didn't speak, Xiang Lian naturally took him as his acquiescence, his eyes dimmed a bit, and his heart was completely dead.

The yellow flower land that has been kept for 31 years has been... and she still doesn't know what it feels like.

Xiang Lian was in a complicated mood, and stretched out her hand again to take the last bottle of wine on the table, but of course Li Tao quickly stopped her.

"Stop drinking, don't you listen to advice?" Li Tao was really repulsed by the attitude of a woman who wanted to die.

"Believe it or not, if I leave you behind, you are so beautiful, and you drink like this, in this slum where fish and dragons are mixed, what is waiting for you."

"Don't think that this is a school. Since Luma University allows usury and this kind of slum to appear, you know some things in your own mind."

Li Tao's tone was very flat, but it sounded like a bell to Xiang Lian's ears.

She looked around timidly, because she drenched her white shirt with alcohol, and the outline of the obscene clothes inside had attracted many men to peep secretly.

And Li Tao's voice whispering like a demon rang in her ears at this moment: "I'm leaving, what's waiting for you is a disgusting and powerless hell."

"no, do not want!"

Xiang Lian was successfully frightened by Li Tao, she hugged Li Tao tightly, pressed her chin on his shoulder, and let Li Tao's body block her leaking spring.

The corner of Li Tao's mouth curled up, and he pretended to be calm and said: "Then you don't drink, otherwise I don't care what happens to you."

After speaking, Li Tao reached out to snatch the wine bottle from Xianglian's hand.


The beer bottle fell to the ground, and turquoise glass shards scattered all over the floor.

Li Tao thought that Xianglian would struggle a bit, but he didn't expect her to be so submissive, so she overdid it, and the beer bottle fell to the ground.


Li Tao sighed helplessly, now he feels that the whole world smells like beer, and Xianglian's soft body also smells like that.

Xianglian promised that she would never disappoint her sister's good intentions, or she would commit suicide.

The pen was lost, and in her opinion, she had committed a serious crime.

Glancing at the shards of glass on the ground from the corner of the eye, Xianglian imagined the scene of using it to cut her throat and commit suicide.

"It's God's will."

Li Tao didn't hear what she said clearly, and asked a little puzzled, "What?"

"It's nothing, you are such a beast, I really can't leave you to harm the world."

"Oh, you are so merciful~"

Xiang Lian heard Li Tao's strange yin and yang, directly opened her small mouth and bit his neck, and said vaguely: "Hurry up and pick up a piece of glass and kill yourself!"

"I have a lot of worries. You said that I cut my own neck. Does Xiangxue feel distressed? I mainly think about these."

"Beast, talk about my sister, but still take advantage of me"

"Tell me clearly, where!"

Li Tao has already been blamed enough, he opened his hands now, he did not hug Xiang Lian's body at all to prove his innocence, on the other hand, Xiang Lian almost rubbed him into his own body.

"Everything is taken." Xiang Lian whispered.

Li Tao rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, women's hard-talking habits are really a common problem.

Xiang Lian hugged Li Tao in silence for a long time, her chin was on Li Tao's shoulder, and she didn't move at all, which made Li Tao think for a while that the girl was asleep.

But then Xianglian's soft voice suddenly sounded: "Die with me, you are not worthy of Xiangxue."

Li Tao was so angry that he couldn't help but smile, he couldn't see Xiang Lian's face now, otherwise he would definitely keep her eyes open.

"Unfortunately, I didn't have a boyfriend until I died, let alone gave birth to a baby. My father will blame me when I get down here."

Suddenly, Xianglian didn't dare to die, or she was ashamed to die.

Before her father died, what she often said to Xianglian was to ask her to find a boyfriend in Luma, a top university before graduation, so that she could start a family after graduation.

While he is not old, he can still support his children.

She hadn't been able to see her father off on the day her father died before, but now, she has been alone for so many years, a 31-year-old girl, how can she have the face to meet her father?

"No. You beast is also a man"

An incredible idea suddenly appeared in Xianglian's mind.

"Hey, hey, stop it, I. I. I seem to be hallucinating something extraordinary just now, you can stop it for me."

Li Tao has already stuttered. Once this conservative woman is lifted, she will be like a scourge.

"Did you hear that?"

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, he didn't know what was going on, and suddenly he said in ecstasy: "Yeah~"

"I heard it, then do it, finish it, and we will die together."

"Sister, you drank too much, this is outrageous, this is no longer a matter of appearance, this is a crime caused by the lightning strike." Li Tao's lips turned white in fright.

"You're thinking about going to Xiangxue, isn't she?" Li Tao added this sentence in order to wake up Xianglian.

"I killed you just for her future happiness."

Li Tao wailed in his heart: Then you tried to ride me?
Xiang Lian took a deep breath, put her hands on Li Tao's shoulders, and slowly leaned back, letting her perfect and alluring figure be displayed in front of his eyes.

"You should have touched everything just now, otherwise how would you know me?"

"That's visual inspection. I really have this ability. I have seen a lot." Li Tao cried out.

"Besides, I've already kissed her just now, and I'm already sorry for her. What's wrong with letting me use you before you die?"


Li Tao frowned, thinking with some puzzlement, and soon absurdity appeared in his eyes:
"Sister! What era is this? You are too old-fashioned. I'll take a sip of the bottle you used to drink and just kiss?"

"It's just that the lips touched directly." The blush on Xiang Lian's face could not be rubbed off.

Li Tao felt that Aunt Liu couldn't compare with Xiang Lian, an old-fashioned person, and her thinking was too conservative.

"Then you haven't swum before, your lips touched in the water, right? Can that be called kissing?"

"Then you haven't breathed, has the air touched your lips, can that be called kissing?"

"That's different. If you don't think that's barking, then talk to your mouth."

There is no new wine on the table, but the bottles of wine that Li Tao drank a few sips from before are still there, now Xiang Lian doesn't dislike him and sticks to his mouth, directly takes a bottle, gulps it into his mouth, and then... kissed

In an unknown space, Li Tao is now squatting in a cool place under a big tree. The place is full of immortality, and the place where his eyes are fixed is the wine jar that is close at hand.

Although it is sealed, the flavor of the old wine is still floating in the air.

But why there is a wine jar in front of him, he doesn't know, anyway, this wine jar, no, it should be a wine jar, it is 1.6 meters high, and the seal is the common red cloth.

Li Tao preliminarily judged that there was a high probability that he was drinking with Xianglian today, which lifted Li Tao's awareness of alcohol, and directly drunk himself into the world of Dionysus that those alcoholics said.

If it weren't for Aunt Liu's strict supervision, he must also be a drunkard.

Just smelling the wine, Li Tao couldn't take it anymore, he was so greedy, he looked left and right, there was no one here, and he couldn't find the owner of the wine vat at all.

"This must be a bar brewed by the gods. A tank of such fragrant wine must be brewed for at least 30 years... It would be a pity not to take a sip."

"But what's the difference between drinking directly and being a thief? At least I have to look for its owner."

He simply climbed up the big tree and stood on the fork, watching and shouting.

"Is there anyone, I'm dying of thirst, help me, let me have a sip of wine to renew my life..."

Li Tao played a little smart, if someone really was there, he would not refuse to save him.

Shouted for a while, but no one responded.

There is a lot of smoke here, and the white world is like a fairyland.

Just when Li Tao was about to give up, there was a faint voice from a goddess outside Jiuchongtian: "It's all come to this point, you can do whatever you want, don't ask me..."

Li Tao always felt that the fairy's voice was ethereal and hurried, and she seemed a little ashamed and angry.

Li Tao tore off the red cloth that sealed the wine tank, and the rich and pure aroma crazily penetrated into his nostrils.

In this fairyland, it is a pity not to drink the wine brewed by the gods. Li Tao naturally turned into a drunkard and drank like a glutton.


"Ring Ling Ling ~"


"What the hell, hiss~It hurts~"

Li Tao was woken up by the rapid ringing of his mobile phone, his dream was gone, he accidentally fell out of bed, and his head hit the bedside table directly.

The room was dark, and the lights were not turned on. Although the windows were not closed, the dark night sky outside had no stars or moon, so naturally there was no light coming in.

"Damn, Aunt Liu! Sixteen missed calls! This is so cool..."

"Oh my god, it's already eight o'clock in the evening, Aunt Liu gets off work at six o'clock, and she has been looking for me for two hours!"

Li Tao's brain blanked out by the shocks of reality one after another, what happened?
Li Tao hung up the phone, and now his head is full of pain from alcoholism, and he can't think of a way to deal with Aunt Liu.

He scratched his head and began to recall, he went to a food stall in Fuziyue, found Xianglian, persuaded her not to drink, persuaded her...

and then?
And then he's an alcohol-fuelled, walking corpse, and he doesn't know what he's done.

Li Tao suddenly realized something, he looked around in fear, this should be the bedroom.

At first, he seemed to have heard from Xianglian that he and his younger sister rented a house in Tongtianyuan, and she still rents it.


The cute and lazy nasal sound of a woman when she woke up suddenly came out on the bed.

Li Tao shivered, "It's too bad, something bad is going on, 36 tricks, go ahead!"
He only had a pair of underpants on him, and he had to have clothes when he went out, so he searched the house in the dark.

The pants are found, the shoes are found, the belt is also found, where is the jacket?

Where is the coat? Li Tao anxiously searched for it, and even got down to see if there was one under the bed.

Still not, he raised his head and was about to change direction when suddenly, a T-shirt was suspended in mid-air.

"This is yours."

In the darkness, the lingering charm of the woman's beautiful eyes has not disappeared...

(End of this chapter)

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