Chapter 170 Doubt

Li Manzi squatted on the sofa in front of the TV, the big bag of potato chips on his stomach was empty.

"Xue'er, the women in this drama are all in good shape. This man wakes up every morning very happy, but she is not as good as me, don't you think?"

After Li Manzi finished speaking, she didn't wait for Xiangxue's reply, so she turned her head curiously.

Xiangxue, who was standing in the living room wiping the floor, disappeared.

"Hey, didn't Xue'er say she wanted to watch this episode with me?"


Li Manzi ate another piece of potato chips, stepped on the sofa and slowly stood up, looking towards the second floor of the duplex.

"Xue'er, why are you going? The hostess said that she is going to use the nirvana of teasing men, come and learn~"

A female oligarch who dominated Shang Hai now looks like a dirty, shameless dead house girl. Anyone who knows Li Manzi's identity will be dumbfounded.

There was a sound of "jingling bells and clangs" from the bedroom, and then Xianglian said in a slightly weak tone: "I won't go, just sleep on the bed for a while."

Why does the voice sound so weak?
She was cleaning the floor in the back just now and should have heard the nasty words in the play...

Li Manzi was stunned for a moment, then her pretty face flushed, and she sat back on the sofa, her face flushed and she whispered:
"It looks like I haven't found a boyfriend before. I can't bear to daydream if I watch some romance."

Li Manzi pouted, snorted, and murmured: "It doesn't matter, don't watch it with me, anyway, I have a husband, and I don't need to daydream when I'm in love, it's a loss~"


Li Manzi turned her attention back to the TV, and couldn't keep her mouth still. When she saw the nasty words, she blushed and her heart beat faster, and she swallowed potato chips to relieve her hunger and thirst.

On the second floor, Xiangxue's bedroom.

The half-closed door was shrouded in a strange atmosphere, a very faint smell of blood was hidden in the air, and came out from the crack in the bedroom door.

A woman with a flushed face like a sunburn was lying on the floor, her lips were trembling, and if you looked closely at her face, you could see a horrifying scene.

It's not redness from a sunburn.

It is a layer of very fine blood beads, which ooze out from the pores of the skin like mites, making people think it is congestion below the skin from a distance.

Xiangxue's pupils were slightly dilated, but the whites of her eyes seemed to have been scratched by claws, and countless fine bloodshots infected the entire eyeball.

"T (t) En (eng)"

She bit her lips tremblingly, her teeth were already bleeding, and she still didn't want to make too much noise.

Xiangxue's fingers squirmed slowly on the ground, touching the small white medicine bottle that fell under the bed...


"Here we are, this is the No. 494 bus."

Zhou Minghua patted Li Tao who was in a daze, and signaled that he was going to get in the car.

"Oh, this is the car, can it go to the city?"

"What urban area? This is a school, but it's much more convenient to take a taxi after you get to the hospital. There's the bus terminal over there."

Zhou Minghua shook his head, and got into the car first, followed by Li Tao, who lost his breath and looked sad.

He saw that Zhou Minghua randomly found a seat by the window to sit down, so he walked to the back row of that seat, and sat down facing Zhou Minghua's back.

He didn't talk to Zhou Minghua directly, because he was in a daze while waiting for the car just now, because he suddenly had a bad premonition.

His right eyelid kept twitching.

The left eye jumps for money, and the right eye jumps for disaster. Although there is no scientific basis for this, it is so accurate in predicting Li Tao.


Li Tao's murmur was thought by Zhou Minghua as talking to him, so he sighed and echoed, "No, this name is really unlucky, 494, death is death, I don't know what logic it is, really."

Ha, Li Tao is a little embarrassed, I didn't expect him to have this homonym habit.

"By the way, Doctor Zhou, why do you come to live in this kind of place?"

Although Li Tao heard that he had repaid the loan, he asked formally in order to further the conversation.

Zhou Minghua turned his head and looked out the window with an indescribably complicated expression.

"For personal reasons, I borrowed some points from the usury, and then I couldn't make it through, and I didn't pay it when it was due. Those people are real. So I can only sell things, and then I come to live in Master's Day."

Obviously, Zhou Minghua was not interested in telling Li Tao exactly why he took the loan. Li Tao didn't have the financial resources to help him repay the debt now, so it was really inconvenient to ask further.

However, Li Tao himself was not curious about Zhou Minghua's story. He approached Zhou Minghua more because he wanted to learn about the process of rescuing Qiu Shuyu from him.

"Hey, this loan is killing people, and the Luma Council doesn't intervene."

Li Tao's emotion did not arouse Zhou Minghua's interest in speaking, but Li Tao's words immediately made him initiate the conversation.

"Qiu Shuyu is like this. She is beautiful and has good grades, but she was forced to that point by that debt."

Zhou Minghua frowned slightly, and asked curiously: "Is Qiu Shuyu the girl who was not rescued from the car accident?"

"Yes, you received the doctor at that time."

"Oh, it's so pitiful to die at such a young age, and to suffer so much before dying."

Zhou Minghua rubbed his nose, looked at Li Tao behind him out of the corner of his eye, and continued to ask: "You just said debt, does she owe money too?"

"That's right. To be precise, it's the money owed by her bastard brother. He put all the debt on her, and patted his ass to go abroad for fun."

A debt of 1000 million is enough for Li Tao to hate that man he has never met.

Because of the arrears, Qiu Shuyu's level was above average, but she performed abnormally in the assessment time and time again, and finally even reached the point where she was about to be dismissed soon.

At this time, she met Zhao Lin and began her mistress life that she couldn't bear to live with.

Then, it was Zhao Lin's wife, Bai Shuzhen, who drove the Academy of Art, and almost drove her crazy that night.

Those who are miserable will never get the pity of the heavens, and soon she was hit and killed by three people from Hanguguan on the way to sketch.

Li Tao still can't forget the happiness in Qiu Shuyu's eyes when he kissed him before he died.

"This Zhao Lin is a fucking beast. I have known that shit for three or four years, and I don't think he is a good guy. He is a gentle beast who forces his female students to be his mistresses, I"

Zhou Minghua is also a man of temperament. After listening to some of Qiu Shuyu's stories told by Li Tao, he couldn't help but burst into anger, and the front seat was kicked by him.

Li Tao originally wanted to know if anything strange happened during Zhou Minghua's rescue. After all, in the simulated battle, Zhang Chenxi's strange remarks made him have a lot of speculation about Qiu Shuyu's death.

Her death was not simple, perhaps there is a huge conspiracy hidden behind it.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Minghua knew Zhao Lin this week!
"May I ask, how did Dr. Zhou and Zhao Lin know each other?"

Zhou Minghua reached out and poked the air outlet of the air conditioner. He probably felt uncomfortable from being blown directly, so he adjusted a suitable direction. After pondering for a moment, he began to explain.

This Zhao Lin is a teacher of the medical school, and his name is still very big, otherwise he would not be specially hired as an outstanding talent to the art school as a human body structure consultant.

For the teachers of the medical school, it would be a bit wasteful to simply let them only teach in the school, so occasionally teachers have to come to the school hospital to study some difficult and miscellaneous diseases.

It was at this time that Zhou Minghua met Zhao Lin.

It should be mentioned that the campus hospital of Luma University represents one of the top medical technology teams in the world. Although it is only open to students on campus, it still accepts and treats some complicated cases.

There are some cooperative hospitals in the outside world. When they receive and treat patients, they will come into contact with some special patients, which are very difficult, and even cases that have never appeared before will be sent to the school hospital as files through the network.

The school hospital will also conduct diagnosis, provide them with treatment plans, or use remote operation, robotic arm to perform remote surgery, and when necessary, patients will be taken to the school hospital.

They are not sympathetic, they just use those intractable diseases to improve their own level.

"That's right, do you know what project Zhao Lin is working on recently?"


Zhou Minghua raised his head, looked at the roof of the car and fell into thought, but after thinking for a while, he shook his head.

"I'm not sure, because I've been haunted by a lot of bad things recently, and I really don't pay much attention to the things in the courtyard. I'm afraid that they will arrange work for me again, so I avoid those kind of meetings. I'm more concerned about what projects Zhao Lin does I no longer know."

"Well, that's it."

Li Tao lowered his eyebrows and looked at the ground. He had a flash of inspiration just now and realized that he had a direction to attack.

Zhao Lin disappeared and was suspected of being killed by his wife. Zhao Lin's wife Bai Shuzhen was taken away by the medical school, and Chu Dahao, who had a cooperation project with Zhao Lin, was also taken to the medical school without knowing his life or death.

Since Li Tao can't find these people, then go and find out what is the unfinished project between Zhao Lin and Chu Dahao in the end, maybe you can find clues.

"Well, I'll help you inquire in the hospital. In fact, it's not difficult. If he is working on a school hospital project, the hospital archives will have records."

"Thank you so much, why don't we exchange contact information, and I'll scan you."

Zhou Minghua nodded, and raised his phone, revealing the personal QR code of Smart Campus.

"Okay, I added it, Doctor Zhou, I want to ask you something, when Qiu Shuyu was sent to the emergency room, was there anything... er... worth noting?"

"Something worth noting?" Zhou Minghua pursed his lips, feeling a little confused.

"Uh, that's right. She died a little strangely. I always feel that there is something going on here. It's very troublesome, ah~"

Zhou Minghua nodded in agreement: "That's what you mean. In fact, at Luma University, your feeling may be right."

"The outside world knows it, and even made a list, saying that Luma University is a school with the highest suicide rate in the world."

"But how many of those students and even teachers who were marked as suicides died of conspiracy. In my opinion, personal opinion, at least [-]% or more."

Zhou Minghua shrugged his shoulders, and seemed to feel a chill down his spine when he said this on the midnight bus.

"All of you students who have passed the exam are all monsters in IQ. A bunch of monsters are gathered together, and you are still in a competitive environment. It was okay at first, such as freshman, but gradually when you are in sophomore year, ah, your heart becomes distorted. ,start."

Zhou Minghua sneered, but the meaning he wanted to express was clear.

"And I'm the deputy director of the emergency department. Many people have stayed in front of me before they died. I know something is wrong."

Li Tao nodded. He still agrees with Zhou Minghua's words.

"Wait for me to recall, that Qiu Shuyu, right? I remember that your kid knows how to get needles. I don't have a big impression of her. Let me think about it."

Li Tao didn't bother him, he lowered his head and turned on his phone to read the message Aunt Liu sent him.

Before getting in the car, Li Tao sent a text message to Liu Renna, falsely claiming that he had gone to work. After all, the flower shop needs psychological arrangement, and sooner or later he will ask Aunt Liu for help.

Liu Renna: "Where did you go to work, Xiao Litao, tell me the truth, have you been seduced by some wild vixen, have you forgotten your roots, and gone to be a white-eyed wolf!"

Li Tao: "What a shame!"

Yoo In Na: "Through the screen, I feel that your body is weak, why can't you video with me, why did you hang up on me?"

Li Tao: "I'm taking the bus, why don't you come to the hospital and pick me up."

Liu Renna: "Just now you said you were working part-time, but you came to the hospital a few times. Did you hook up with a female nurse or a female doctor?"

Li Tao: "Really not, don't you have a white coat, I really like that kind, do I need to find someone else?"

Liu Renna: "That's true, but if you're tired of me, do you want to try someone else when you've hugged me enough? It must be like this!"

Li Tao: "Oh, aunt, don't think too much, come and pick me up, get off the bus right away."

Liu Renna: "I'm impatient, I'm impatient now, wait, little Li Tao, I'll clean you up when I get home, and punish you to sleep with me naked at night, don't refuse!!!"

Li Tao's mouth was open, watching the conversation on the screen, he was really powerless to complain.

Zhou Minghua was right here, and said: "Hey, I remembered something. When Qiu Shuyu was delivered, half of his body was almost knocked out. Of course, the vehicle that caused the accident was a truck transporting steel bars. It will make sense soon."

"However, when I was cleaning her wound to stop the bleeding, I found that there were some wounds on her body that were definitely not caused by a car accident..."


On the side of the gate of the school hospital, Li Tao was contemplating with a solemn expression. Directly opposite him was a street lamp emitting dim yellow light.

Luma University at [-] o'clock in the evening, the night fog is very heavy, maybe because it is located on an island, in short, the dark night sky is full of fog, like an unfathomable and impenetrable net that completely covers it cover up.

After getting off the bus, Li Tao remained in this posture in a daze. Zhou Minghua had already returned to the emergency room to work the night shift.

The information he disclosed made Li Tao feel that he had made a wrong judgment before.

"Qiu Shuyu and Bai Shuzhen." Li Tao murmured, and tried his best to recall the details of seeing these two women that night in his mind.

Suddenly, Li Tao's face turned pale, he covered his head, his pupils were filled with bloodshot eyes.

A strange yet familiar picture appeared in his mind.

"The woman in the elevator is her!!!"

 Who is the woman in the elevator?What did he meet when he went back to the third floor?
(End of this chapter)

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