Chapter 183 Applying Sunscreen

"Xue'er, is it still hurting? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Although a man is very important, as Li Manzi's personal secretary, Xiangxue has been together day and night for almost ten years.

Xiangxue acted so weak, of course she was very worried.

Li Tao's heart skipped a beat when he heard it, he frowned, and pricked up his ears to hear what was going on.

"Mr. Li, you are too serious. You shouldn't go to the hospital. It should be because this hot pot restaurant is too weird. The temperature of the air conditioner is so low that it makes me dizzy. In short, I am just a little tired."

"Woo~ My poor Xue'er, when you called the waiter just now, I should have taken you out first. I was patronizing men and didn't notice you."

Li Manzi felt guilty.

He raised his hands on Xiangxue, for fear that she might have a wound that she would not tell.

"Look, not only is the leg soft, but the skin is hot and sticky."

Li Tao's eyebrows trembled, and Li Manzi's hand of love that he couldn't help exercising when kissing him had the same effect.

But since it was Li Manzi who took advantage of her, Li Tao had nothing to accept.

"It must be sweat." Xiangxue twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Of course it's sweat, otherwise it would be saliva, Xue'er, you may have a fever, and your clever little head is a little silly."

Xiangxue had nothing to say, she could only cast a resentful look at Li Tao, who pricked up her ears to eavesdrop.

Hearing these conversations, Li Tao was able to figure out a rough idea.

It should be that when Li Manzi found Xiangxue in the bathroom, she hadn't calmed down yet.

After all, she was an inexperienced woman, even though it was she who proposed to go to the toilet, but when Li Tao came up, she was like a fish on the cutting board, let him torment her, and finally the girl's body was hollowed out.

Li Tao awkwardly clicked on Jie Shu's sour plum soup, this Xiangxue's body was wet, whether it was sweat or saliva, it was all related to him.

"Why do you have the nerve to sit and drink water?"

Xiangxue was supported by Li Manzi and walked to the sofa, her first sentence was not good.

Li Tao laughed and said, "Sour plum soup, take a sip to relieve the heat?"

"I don't drink what you stinky man has drunk."

"I drink, I drink!"

Li Manzi snatched the sour plum juice that Li Tao drank half, and took a few sips happily, apparently wanting to drink it all up, but she didn't know what idea suddenly came up that made her keep some.

"You haven't stood up yet."

Xiangxue pushed Li Tao's arm angrily, her eyes almost rolled to the sky.

"Cheng Cheng, I'm standing up."

Li Tao shook his head and smiled bitterly, and slowly stood up from the sofa.

Xiangxue, who was just about to sit down, found out that Li Tao wanted to come out, and was so angry that her little nose turned crooked.

She slapped Li Tao's knee with her hand as if venting anger, making him look dumbfounded.

"What do you want to do? I asked you to stand up to block the air conditioner. Are you still blowing on my head after you leave?"

A man will never be able to figure out a woman's mind, Li Tao is deeply touched now.

"Oh, I think you just want to take it out on me."

Li Tao couldn't help but put his hand on Xiangxue's small head and rubbed it. Before Xiangxue could respond, Li Manzi jumped.


She patted Li Tao's hand off, crossed her waist and said, "Husband, what are you doing, Xue'er is a big girl who hasn't even found a date, so she doesn't want to take advantage of it."

After finishing speaking, Li Manzi shyly brought her little head closer, and whispered, "Come and rub my head, my hair is long."

Li Tao and Xiangxue rolled their eyes at the same time, but fortunately this embarrassing situation was ended by Liu Renna.

"You little dog, retract your neck for me, keep your head away from my baby!!!"

Aunt Liu, who was holding a power bank in her hand, was about to throw it at Li Manzi, scaring her back several steps.

Of course, at the last moment, Li Tao grabbed Li Manzi and pulled her back into his arms to prevent her from kissing the ground on the back of the head.

"Give it up!!!"

Liu Renna is going crazy, is she making a wedding dress for Li Manzi again?

After Li Manzi came out of Li Tao's arms, she stuck out her tongue towards Liu Renna, and then dragged Xiangxue to whisper.

Li Tao walked out from the sofa, gently wrapped his arms around Liu Renna's plump water snake waist, hugged her in his arms, and then carefully sat back on the sofa, letting Aunt Liu's dolphin rest on his lap.

Smelling the fragrance of Aunt Liu's hair, Li Tao put his lips against her earlobe and said softly, "Aunt Liu, don't be angry~"

Liu Renna's body froze, her toes couldn't help but hooked up, and as Li Tao gently exhaled into her cochlea, Liu Renna also limp in his arms a little bit.

"Damn child, how did you learn such nasty things..."

Liu Renna whispered softly against Li Tao's side face, as if she was about to melt.

"I figured it out myself." Li Tao raised his eyebrows proudly.

Neither Xiangxue nor Aunt Liu could bear to bite their earlobes and breathe out.

Xiangxue in the bathroom was also very disobedient at the beginning, she wouldn't let him take off her vest, but then her little ears turned red after being blown by him, and she gave in to him halfway.

"I'm going to teach my aunt how to swim later~"

Li Tao nodded with a wry smile, and began to think about how to keep himself safe.

Of course he didn't mind changing to Aunt Liu in the bathroom like He Xiangxue did, but he couldn't help it if he really changed to Aunt Liu.

After touching Aunt Liu's upper body, Li Tao felt that he lost control of his rationality and would invade her soon.

That's why, for Liu Renna, he always has to be more vigilant. Aunt Liu's temptation to him, whether it is physically or psychologically, is out of control.

Liu Renna regained her strength and stood up from Li Tao, hooking his chin to lift him up from the sofa as well.

"Before swimming, I also apply sunscreen essential oil."

"Go and wait for Auntie under that pineapple parasol over there first, Auntie is going to change into her swimsuit, and then lie under that umbrella and be raped by you..."

Liu Renna seemed to have said what was in her heart, she covered her small mouth in embarrassment, glanced at Li Tao, coughed dryly, and continued as if nothing had happened: "Then you will apply sunscreen essential oil."

Li Tao was clearly arranged, but he had to resist.

"Aunt Liu, isn't this sunscreen sprayed on, why use that kind of essential oil?"

"What, do you think it's troublesome?"

Liu Renna frowned, as if she was about to hit Li Tao's arm, and said angrily, "You have been raising you for so many years? Now is the time for you to exert your strength on me!"

Li Tao blinked and pretended to be dumb decisively. If this topic continues, it will only anger Liu Renna, and she will make even more outrageous demands.

"Mr. Li, I'm going outside first, you master and servant can play by yourself, don't go to dangerous places~"

"Why are you going, you have to accompany me!"

Hearing this, Li Manzi let go of Xiangxue's hand and ran towards Li Tao in small steps.

"I'm very busy in the afternoon. Aunt Liu said that I have to apply essential oils to her and teach her how to swim. It's already 02:30 now, and it's going to be dark after finishing with her."

"Essential oil? That old woman is really shameless, bastard!"

Xiangxue nudged Li Manzi with her little elbow and said, "Boss, you can't mention your age. Have you forgotten that you are two years older than Liu Renna?"

Li Manzi's pretty face turned red for a while, and she had nowhere to throw fire but to slap Li Tao with her hands.

"I don't care, now I'm going to change into my swimsuit too, and you have to apply essential oils to me too."

After Li Manzi finished speaking, she ran outside, apparently wanting to change into her swimsuit before Aunt Liu.

Li Tao yelled several times, but failed to stop her.

Sighing, Li Tao didn't dare to think about how troublesome it would be in the future, he squeezed Xiangxue and complained, "Don't you stop her for me~"

"Why should I stop you, you heartless bastard, you ate me up and threw it in the bathroom before leaving, and you didn't even mention that you brought me out, making me make a fool of myself in front of President Li."

"It's impossible for us to come out at the same time." Li Tao also said a little aggrieved.

"I told you all, no, no, don't take off my clothes, don't mess up, you insist... Then I lost my energy, so you left."

The corner of Li Tao's mouth twitched, and he said awkwardly, "I was wrong, okay~"

"Stop talking nonsense, just watch how I treat you today, and I'll change into my swimsuit too, three women, have enough essential oils!"

Pushing Li Tao away vigorously, Xiangxue walked out of the hotpot restaurant twisting her waist.

Li Tao stood on the spot and pressed his temples for a while, searched the Buddhist meditation mantra several times on the Internet, and walked onto the beach while reciting.

The parasol is really big, and the white recliner under Li Tao looks very sleepy.


Li Tao kicked off his slippers, lay on the chair, put on his sunglasses, and the cool sea breeze rushed towards him~
It's so beautiful~
The wind was blowing from the sea, so it still felt moist and moist. Under the care of this sea breeze, Li Tao couldn't help falling asleep.

"Bao'er, get up quickly, let me lie down instead."

After all, it was Aunt Liu who paid it off first.

Li Tao yawned long after he didn't take a nap.

Seeing this, Liu Renna stepped on her feet and wiped the water droplets from the corners of his eyes with her white thumb.

"I forgot to let you go to bed at noon, it's all because of Li Manzi, that bitch."

"It's okay, I'm just a little... sleepy..."

In the middle of Li Tao's speech, his throat suddenly felt itchy. Aunt Liu was dressed very simply, just a three-point Bi-Ki-Ni.

Without those miscellaneous patterns and patterns, it is wine red, wine red just around the corner!

Li Tao sneaked a look at Aunt Liu's figure at night, but when she changed into this three-point style, the shiny white snow porcelain skin matched the wine red.

It is worthy of being a human desire.

Liu Renna lay lazily on the white flat chair, she pointed to the small bottle in the sand and said: "Bring it here, it contains essential oil."

Reflexively, Li Tao lowered his head to take it, and when he looked up, he just saw Aunt Liu turn her back and use her slender fingers to tear off the tie on the back.

The burgundy lace slapped the tip of Li Tao's nose lightly, his half-squatting position just looked good...

Li Tao didn't want to say anything, he was very satisfied with his craft.

At least before Li Manzi came back, Aunt Liu had been confused.

Looking at Liu Renna who was sleeping soundly with a shy smile on the best face, Li Tao fastened her lace, and sat gently on her calf, waiting for Li Manzi's master and servant.


After all, it is Auntie Two-dimensional, Li Manzi actually wears that kind of dead pool water.

The dark blue one-piece swimsuit made her look like the legendary cute girl with a childlike face.

Sister Sa Xiangxue certainly wouldn't wear that kind of clothes. She wore a hollow white shirt on her upper body. As for her lower body, she seemed to have a light blue ribbon wrapped around her waist, hanging down to cover her privacy.

Xiangxue's attire made Li Tao frowned suspiciously. According to what she had sworn to just now, it didn't look like she would dress so conservatively and swim.

"Tao'er, I originally wanted to wear the three-point dress with laces, but I really like this dress."

"Well, it suits you very well, it looks young and energetic." Li Tao flattered.

"young and energetic?"

Li Manzi murmured a few times in her small mouth, and her eyes became empty: "So I'm not young if I don't wear it, and I don't have vitality?"

Li Tao: "..."

"Originally, these clothes are not easy to apply essential oils. I planned to let you go, but you think I'm old, so I can't be exposed to the sun."

Li Tao reminded wittily: "There is no place to paint this one-piece style."

"Why is there no place to paint, from my fingers to my armpits, from my toes to the roots of my thighs, I paint it all!!!"


Liu Renna was made very comfortable by Li Tao just now, enjoying his essential oil spa and fell asleep slowly.

But half asleep, she suddenly heard Li Manzi's cute snort.

The moment he opened his eyes, Li Tao put his hand on her armpit and walked in, until he reached...

"You're so daring! Li Manzi, you're so tired of working!!!"


Xiangxue hurriedly backed up to protect her master, and the sand around Liu Renna's furious surroundings flew up.

"You white-eyed wolf, let me go quickly. Is there a meter here? It's less than a meter. If you green me in front of my eyes, I must kill her!"

"Aunt Liu, you think too much, just apply essential oil."

"Fart, I'm blind, think it's Fengxiong essential oil!"

Liu Renna was very angry this time, and Xiangxue also saw that the humiliation this time was too deep for Liu Renna.

After all, when Li Tao and Li Manzi were having an affair, Liu Renna was lying on a flat chair less than one meter long, sleeping with a smile on her lips.

She was beautiful in her dream, but she was green in reality, thinking about her funny appearance, Liu Renna was naturally furious.

In the end, Xiangxue retreated temporarily with Li Manzi, and Li Tao forcibly jumped into the sea with Aunt Liu in his arms.


Liu Renna thumped and wanted to swim back to the shore to punish Li Manzi, she couldn't swallow this anger.

"Aunt Liu, have you forgotten that you can't swim anymore, or do you want me to teach you?"

Li Tao's words came to Liu Renna's ears lightly, and Liu Renna's body froze, seemingly caught in a tangle.

To pretend or not to pretend?
Li Manzi really couldn't swallow this breath, thinking of her smiling happily and facing Li Tao and Li Manzi's ambiguous scene, Liu Renna wanted to tear her apart.

Especially if that humiliating scene had been filmed?

But after spending so much effort, she finally tricked Li Tao into Haili, and she also felt that it was a failure.

"Yeah, I can't swim, I'm about to drown, Bao'er, save me~"

Yoo In Na chose to pretend!

(End of this chapter)

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