Chapter 185 Sleepwalking

Gao Yuying died.

Died on a desert island.

But for Li Tao to say, this is too coincidental, right?

"But after the waves hit, no one should be able to determine where the destination will lead..."

Li Tao squatted on the ground, looking at the woman who had been turned over by him, her face was covered in mud, feeling deeply confused.

If there is someone behind the scenes manipulating him to come to this island, inducing him to discover Gao Yuying's body, in order to connect the conspiracy...

But this is a bit too far-fetched.

Because even if that person knew Li Tao well, the other party still needed to know his whereabouts before Gao Yuying died.

Li Tao came to this island today, theoretically only Liu Renna knew about it, of course it was impossible for Aunt Liu to plan things with outsiders.

In this way, everyone I met today is suspicious, even everyone on the beach can be counted.

Li Tao couldn't think of a clue, although there was no clue that all this was planned, but Li Tao still took it as a prerequisite for human factors.

"Did people die here during the heavy rain at twelve o'clock at noon?"

The rain caused the volleyball match to be terminated early, and at the same time, the three women, Li Tao and Aunt Liu, also solved the problem of lunch in the hot pot restaurant.

But no one knew that he and Yoo In Na came to learn swimming.

What's more, the most important point is that even if someone is watching Li Tao all the time and knowing his real-time whereabouts, even Liu Renna can't imagine that after her swimsuit is taken away by the waves, her baby will bite her...

So even if the other party knew about this, they should think that there was Liu Renna, and that Li Tao and Li Tao would not move an inch under the beating of the huge waves, let alone appear on this deserted island.

All kinds of reasoning came to nothing, this damn feeling was like being imprisoned and playing.

Li Tao pulled up the slender grass from the ground, wrapped it around each of the ten fingers, and used it as a simple anti-fingerprint glove.

He gently brushed away the mud from Gao Yuying's face, the woman's carefree and fair face was already covered with dead skin, and the mud also took advantage of the gap and got stuck in the skin.

The mud was wet, and of course the whole piece of mud was also wet, but there was one thing worth noting, Gao Yuying's nostrils were full of mud.

Li Tao frowned, and generally checked Gao Yuying's body, there were no wounds or even bruises.

But her heart stopped beating, and her breathing even more so, since her nostrils were blocked.

Although Li Tao is not a forensic doctor, based on common sense, this seems to mean that Gao Yuying was not dead when she got down on the ground. Her breathing in the mud quickly blocked her nostrils, and she suffocated to death.

Whether it was suffocation or not, the follow-up still needs to be judged by professionals. This is a murder case, and Li Tao will not rot in his stomach.

Li Tao stood up and paced around Gao Yuying, carefully observing whether there were any clues around him.

Wait, the layered patterns on the soil seem to be very regular. At first Li Tao thought it was caused by the wind or other natural weather.

But as he examined it with his heart, he suddenly felt that the muddy ground he was stepping on, centered on the position where Gao Yuying first lay on her stomach, within a radius of two meters, seemed to be artificially drawn, similar to a sacrificial totem.

Li Tao gradually narrowed his eyes and stood on tiptoe, raising his vision to observe the whole pattern completely.


Aunt Liu's scream made her concentrate on Li Tao in fright, her soul almost came out.

Looking back, Aunt Liu's small chin was pressing on her shoulders, and those big foxy eyes were filled with curiosity-seeking excitement.

"Well, scare me."

Li Tao flicked her head, then went to rub his ears, the sound made his ears ring.

"I'm sorry, it's not like I can't recover. I found out that you're not by my side, and my aunt is still naked, I'm afraid~"

Liu Renna didn't mention it, but Li Tao forgot about it. He suddenly realized that behind him, the beautiful woman with her little feet on her shoulders, was naked.

"Uh, no... isn't it cold?"

Li Tao couldn't help casting a glance from the corner of his eye. Although he quickly looked away, his heart was still beating wildly.

"It's cold, hug~"

Aunt Liu slipped her arms through Li Tao's arms and hugged him tightly from behind.

"That's about it."

"Just don't catch a cold."

Li Tao originally wanted to pat her little pout, but thought that there was no cloth covering it, so he could only withdraw his hand regretfully.

"Aunt Liu, do you think this girl died a little strangely?"


Liu Renna was far less tall than Li Tao, standing behind him, she couldn't see the front at all, so she didn't even think about it, she went straight to Li Tao, but fortunately Li Tao, who knew his lack of character, stopped him in time.

"No, don't come in front of me until I find you clothes."

"Woooo, you don't want to see me, White-eyed Wolf, hit you."


The slap hit the voice, but the behavior happened on his back.

Li Tao's eyeballs almost popped out, and he said hoarsely, "Which did you use just now?"

so crisp...

"Use your body~"

"Be honest with me, I'll look behind your back."

After Li Tao finished speaking, he squatted down involuntarily, hooked Liu Renna's legs with both hands, and carried her on his back.

Aunt Liu poked her little head from the back to the front, and made a sideways look at Li Tao affectionately.

"Look at the ground, I think this pattern looks like something for a sacrifice..."


Li Tao spoke so seriously, Liu Renna had no choice but to be serious, she pressed her chin on Li Tao's collarbone, and quietly looked at the strange figures outlined in mud around Gao Yuying's body.

After a long silence, Liu Renna said softly, "It's a plum blossom."

"plum bossom?"

Li Tao murmured and savored the word, and then her pupils shrank into needles.

"It's one of the four patterns in playing cards, clubs!"

Liu Renna didn't speak, but pressed her chin hard, affirming Li Tao's question.

"She was killed by the Reef Organization?"

Ever since he came into contact with the reef, when he mentioned poker, Li Tao could think of this insane organization.

"This little girl committed suicide."

"That's what I speculated just now." Li Tao echoed.

Aunt Liu tapped Li Tao's shoulder with her chin, motioning him to squat down for her to observe further.

Li Tao squatted down slowly, broke off a branch, and handed it to Liu Renna.

"Aunt Liu, this girl's name is Gao Yuying, I know her..."


The painful sound was naturally made by Li Tao.

Halfway through Li Tao's speech, Liu Renna's small silver teeth bit her shoulder, and she said indistinctly: "Smelly child, cheating outside behind my back, you give me a cuckold~"

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't even sleep with you, who did I sleep with, don't I want to stay in this school?"

"Then you're cheating if you hook up~"

Yoo In Na started grinding her teeth with the skin of his shoulder.

"No, you shut up first."

"Well (I) make up (no)!"

Li Tao sighed, he could only meet Gao Yuying from the coffee shop, heard the conversation between the three girlfriends, and told Liu Renna the whole story.

"Hiss—I told you everything, why did you take such a hard bite?"

Li Tao grabbed Aunt Liu's little Qiong's nose, twitching in pain.

"In order to get her contact information, you started to play tricks. When did you play tricks on me? Auntie is jealous!"

With a small face, Liu Renna reprimanded Li Tao.

"Oh, don't go astray again, Aunt Liu~" Li Tao couldn't help but start acting coquettishly, all the information on the reef is very important to him.

"Tell me quickly, how do you know that she committed suicide, and what does this plum blossom pattern represent?"

"It's getting dark, the sea breeze is getting stronger, and the little ass is cold~"

Li Tao: "..."

Seeing that Li Tao didn't respond, Liu Renna repeated it again.

With a blushing face, Li Tao covered her up, and pretended to be nonchalant, saying: "So what does that mean?"

"Big hands are so warm~"

Li Tao: "!!!"

"Okay, let me tell you. You know, you, Aunt Liu, I belong to the profession of doing, the profession of love, and the profession of finesse. Although I was pretending to be a psychologist at the beginning."

Li Tao curled his lips, since he was a child, he never saw her able to do things for a week except for housework and cooking.

"But now, I have read a lot of books and analyzed countless psychological cases during this time, and I can finally be regarded as a giant in psychology."

Seeing that Li Tao didn't respond, she bit Li Tao's neck and said vaguely, "There should be applause here."


Li Tao dealt with her after patting her ass.

Aunt Liu blushed and continued: "According to the micro-expression analysis of psychology, the deceased's expression was still numb at the last moment before his death, that is to say, the whole process from burying his face in the soil until he died of suffocation , she is all expressionless and dull."

"Although I haven't had any in-depth communication with her, but when I eavesdropped on the three of their best friends chatting at the coffee shop that day, I felt that Gao Yuying should be a lively girl, and she committed suicide suddenly, and she was still on this deserted island. Isn't it too strange? "

"Could she have been brainwashed?" Li Tao suddenly recalled Antonio's strange behavior.

Liu Renna tried to open Gao Yuying's eyelids with the twig, but Li Tao hurriedly stopped her.

"Don't do that, it's too impolite, I'll kick it for you."

Li Tao lifted Gao Yuying's eyelids with her index finger that circled the grass, her pupils were already dilated.

"It's almost like brainwashing. To be more precise, it should be sleepwalking. A book I started to read recently, Fang Yang's investigation notes on sleepwalking, contains a detailed description of this state."

Li Tao did have an impression, he was sitting on the boss chair in Aunt Liu's office and saw the book on her desk.

"Wait... you said she was sleepwalking?"

Li Tao's pupils trembled. Even though Aunt Liu's warm little body was sticking against him, his back still felt cold...

"Yes, she was sleepwalking, she died in her own dream."


Aunt Liu's affirmative answer is a subversive answer for Li Tao.

"I just said..."

"I know, you want to say that she and those two best friends are sleepwalking with her roommate Bai Muzhen."

"Yes, she said that it was Bai Muzhen who was sleepwalking. In the early days, Bai Muzhen seemed to be in contact with a relative who was a teacher. Later, Gao Yuying said that she overheard Bai Muzhen having a quarrel with the teacher's relative on the other end of the phone..."

Then, Gao Yuying said that Bai Muzhen often sleepwalked and would go to the beach, but she didn't dare to approach her, and she didn't know what Bai Muzhen was going to do.


Aunt Liu suddenly chuckled, which made Li Tao's mouth crooked in fright.

"I'm scared to death, why are you laughing all of a sudden, I'll hit you." Li Tao said angrily.

It was already dark, and the sea breeze on this deserted island became a bit gloomy because it engulfed the blood of Gao Yuying's corpse.

"Coward, what are you afraid of with Aunt Liu here?"

Poking Li Tao's temple, Liu Renna said meaningfully: "I just think that things have become more interesting. People who say that others sleepwalk, sleepwalk and commit suicide themselves, and those who are said to be sleepwalking have long since died. Bao'er, Do you feel like this..."

Li Tao swallowed his saliva, and asked lately, "What does this look like?"

"Like an infectious disease."

At this moment, Haifeng became frenzied, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, it flicked its paws towards the skin of Li Tao and the others.

"Gao Yuying killed Bai Muzhen?"

Liu Renna shook her head slowly: "I don't know, I just listened to your few words, I'll investigate when I go back to shore."

"Then this plum blossom?"

"It's hard to say now, let me call Qin Keqing and ask her to find out."

Li Tao could only sigh, the death rate in this school was ridiculously high.

"Then shall we spend the night on the island?"

Liu Renna immediately refused: "Of course not, I came here specially to soak in the hot springs, and we are taking a bath~"


Li Tao looked at the corpse on the ground, and was a little uncertain for a while.

"Don't worry, the corpse has been dead for no more than 24 hours, and the autopsy will not be affected if it is delayed for a while."

After all, Liu Renna is the leader of the Blood Slaughter Gang. With so many enemies killed by her, experience has naturally accumulated. It is easy to see Gao Yuying's state after death.

"Then let's go back first and report to the school so they can find someone to transport it away?"

"That's right, let's go to the mandarin duck bath first, Bao'er, I'll wash your body, there are soap bubbles and sticky body wash, are you happy?"

"Then you didn't ruin the hot spring?"

"Whatever it is~"

Back to the beach with Liu Renna on his back, Li Tao couldn't tell the direction during the day, not to mention it was dark now, the vast sea was gloomy in the dark.

"Aunt Liu, how do we go back?"

This time it was Liu Renna who froze his head, and said softly, "How did you come here, how did you go, I swam here with you on my back, of course I swam back with you on my back."

"This direction..."

"So it's better for you to leave Aunt Liu, because Aunt Liu needs to protect you all the time."

Liu Renna felt that she had a strong sense of conviction. She poked Li Tao's ear and said, "I'm here. As long as I want to hear it, I can hear all the sounds in a radius of ten thousand miles, including... the heartbeat of human beings."

Yoo In Na can use this to determine the direction of the west coast.

"We haven't been photographed too far by the waves. This island is only about 9000 meters away from the west coast."

Yoo Inna said that she had already slipped into the sea like a mermaid.

Li Tao couldn't help sighing for a while, he had been trained by those members of the Blood Slaughter Gang, and he never dared to neglect, but compared to Aunt Liu, he was far behind.

He had to sigh, this is God rewarding food, Liu Renna is the only one favored by God, she can't help but have the most beautiful face in the world, and even her talent in martial arts is so terrifying that it makes people sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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