Chapter 196

"Has the student union started recruiting new students?"

"Yes, there will be a preliminary examination. After screening a group of people, they will enter the re-examination, and then screen out a group of people. Those who pass these two layers of screening will directly enter the student union of the undergraduate department."

Li Tao nodded, and murmured with a little hesitation: "The student union..."

Yi Xuan was a little curious. She remembered that not long ago, Li Tao was full of expectations for entering the student union, and she repeatedly asked her to remind him in advance.

"What's the matter, aren't you going?"

"Oh, no, I'm just wondering which department is right for me to join."

Li Tao rubbed his eyes to hide his complicated gaze.

"That's right, you really have to think about it carefully, because the work of the student union is also very heavy, if you don't like it, it will be quite painful to stay there." Yi Xuan agreed with deep approval.

"Then what department do you think I'm suitable for?" Li Tao asked suddenly.


Yi Xuan sneaked a peek at him, pondered for a moment, and said: "Boys usually stay in the study department, the external relations department, and the publicity department. I think you are quite suitable. The most important thing is to see what you like... "

Li Tao raised his hand and said softly: "Or let me ask you this way, which department is the easiest to enter the core affairs of the student union, and the most conducive to entering the presidium?"

Yi Xuan opened her small mouth and looked at Li Tao in surprise.

Because in her eyes, although Li Tao is very independent, he doesn't seem like someone who likes power disputes very much.

"If you want to join the presidium, maybe the Club Department is right for you after all..."

Under the student union of the school, there is a department in charge of various school groups in the school, that is, the club department.

The reason why this department is easy to enter the presidium is actually because this department has a lot of real power. It seems that they can only set rules for the association, while other departments such as the discipline department set rules for all students.

Compared with this, it seems that the club department is weaker, but because the clubs are very functional, the managers of various clubs generally have to establish a good relationship with the club department.

Indirectly formed a hierarchical system in which the club department manages the club organizers, and the club organizers manage the members of the club.

Therefore, when the members of the student union of the club department ran for the presidium, the strength and political achievements behind them were very real.

After listening to Yi Xuan's general explanation, Li Tao also nodded slightly, gaining a lot.

"Well, let's say that, I'll go to the club department for an interview."

Yi Xuan didn't care, she took out her phone, swiped it a few times, and found a few pictures, which were Naxin's electronic poster.

As a result, Li Tao looked at Yi Xuan's cell phone seriously.

The venue is Multimedia Room 266, Mingzhi Building. The initial test lasts for three days, starting from Monday and ending on Wednesday.

If the initial test is successful, the other party will notify through the campus smart communication platform, and will also explain the assessment mode, location and time of the re-examination at that time.

"By the way, where are you going now?"

Yi Xuan was stunned for a moment and said: "On Saturdays and Sundays, I will work as a waiter in a free fighting club from afternoon to night."

"Is free combat the same as boxing confrontation?"

"Uh, how should I put it, almost."

Li Tao took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Aunt Liu, saying that he would go back later and eat first if he was hungry, so don't wait for him.

"Shall I go with you?"

Yi Xuan was a little confused by Li Tao's sudden request, and she reacted after she blankly agreed.

"What are you doing at the clubhouse with me? Do you want to go on stage?"

Li Tao smiled and looked at Yi Xuan without saying anything, but it was because of the indifference in his eyes that Yi Xuan was even more frightened.

She said nervously: "The rules in the arena are very cruel, similar to the... black... boxing outside..."

When she said that, how could Li Tao not understand, it's not like he had never seen it in the Blood Slaughter Gang, and even the Blood Slaughter Gang had that kind of arena where life and death certificates were signed.

"Why does Luma University allow this kind of thing to exist?" Li Tao asked.

Yi Xuan looked around cautiously, and finally lowered her voice: "I heard that there is a director of Luma University standing behind this store, to be precise, it is his daughter, with this relationship..."

Yi Xuan didn't say much, after all, Luma University also has loan sharks, and it has been attacked by people from the student union, but it has not been eradicated.

The reason is that there is a huge force behind it, which involves the transfer of benefits.

Li Tao nodded with a smile, and when the word "black-fist" came out of Yi Xuan's mouth, Li Tao felt that he had something to do with Antonio's group.

Bai Muzhen is not only responsible for the reef organization, but also a large part of the responsibility lies on this foreign devil.

"You take me to see the world, I won't cause trouble."

Yi Xuan looked at Li Tao in disbelief, she felt that Li Tao was going to make trouble.

"Really, otherwise, after I go in, I will be your follower and stay behind your ass all the time, and my eyes will only be on you..."


Yi Xuan patted Li Tao's shoulder with a blushing face, and spat: "Rogue, don't stare at my ass."


An introverted girl like Yixuan can't stand being teased. She couldn't stand to ask: "Don't forget that you still owe me a favor. When will Ms. Liu and I become friends?"

"I seem to only say that if I let you have a meal with her, it is definitely not up to me to decide whether a girlfriend friendship can be born."

"How long have you been delaying the dinner?"

Li Tao tilted his head and thought for a while. It has been a long time since he woke up, and he has indeed been procrastinating on this matter and not fulfilling the contract.

"How about tonight? I'll call Aunt Liu at seven or eight o'clock in the afternoon. Let's have dinner outside?"

"No regrets!"

"of course."

"Current arrival, Qufu Road."

Hearing the sound, Yi Xuan hurriedly stood up, took Li Tao's arm and ran out of the car.

"It's over, I'm just talking to you, we've stopped sitting!"

Getting off the bus, Yi Xuan looked at the stop sign and wanted to cry.

"Have you sat and stood?"

"I should get off at the last stop, and it will take 10 minutes to run back now."

"Then let's go across the road and wait for the bus."

Li Tao made a gesture to walk over, but was held back by Yi Xuan's hand.

"No, this place is remote, and the bus cycle time is half an hour. If I wait there, I will be late for my part-time job." Yi Xuan's little nose was red with grievance.

"How long is your part-time job?"

"It starts at three o'clock, and there are still two and ten minutes."

Li Tao originally wanted to carry her there, but it seemed that he would not be late and avoid embarrassment, so he didn't mention it.

"Then let's go quickly."

Yixuan should be a very responsible and well-behaved girl. She was jogging all the way. It was the end of summer and the sun was very strong.

When the two of them arrived outside the free fighting club, Yi Xuan's white quicksand skirt was already wet with sweat, sticking to her tender skin.

"Find a place to sit first. I'll change into my overalls and be back soon."

Yi Xuan hurriedly arranged Li Tao in a corner, and trotted towards the locker room.

The clubhouse was very air-conditioned, and Li Tao, who was slightly sweating, felt quite comfortable under the low temperature.

However, before he could stretch his brows, he frowned again because of a familiar voice.

"Xiao Zhang, you've been lying on the hospital bed for almost a month. As soon as you got off the ground, you went straight to extreme sports. Isn't it a bit extreme?"

"And your eyes..." A bearded man glanced at the young man who was walking behind him one step behind.

His eyes were surrounded by a black belt, making it impossible to see what was going on underneath.

Zhang Chenxi shook her head, and said flatly: "I've been lying on it for a month, my body is rusty, and I can move around pretty well."

After a pause, Zhang Chenxi said in a sullen voice, "Although I'm blind, I should challenge myself. If I don't force myself to take a few steps, how can I get back the place with this crippled body?"

The bearded man rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Can't you just tell Professor Zhang directly, he is such a protective person, it's impossible for him not to ask you who did it?"

"The old man asked, but I didn't tell him. What's there to say about embarrassing things, let alone I asked him to avenge me. How can I take revenge with my own hands?"

Li Tao in the corner frowned and watched the two gradually leave. He really didn't expect to meet Zhang Chenxi in this kind of place.

During the simulated battle, Li Tao caught Zhang Chenxi's eyes out by surprise and reversed the situation with a whip.

Judging from their conversation, Zhang Chenxi should have just been discharged from the hospital not long ago.


In the locker room, Yi Xuan spent a long time in it shyly. In fact, in the clubhouse, if you want a waitress, you must dress very eagerly.

Her work clothes are the kind without a white shirt, and she wears a black suit directly next to her skin, revealing her white career line.

She was a little embarrassed to use this image to meet Li Tao, and after a long time of mental construction, she finally walked out holding the hem of her clothes.

As a result, Li Tao was arranged to stay in the corner of the wall, so there was another person?


Zhang Chenxi stopped when passing the bathroom, he let the bearded man go first, and he quickly followed.

The other party also knew that although Zhang Chenxi was blind, she still had a strong self-esteem and wanted to save face, so she just sighed and left.

Although Zhang Chenxi was blindfolded, he didn't know how to identify the direction, so he walked into the bathroom like a normal person.

He came to the bathroom where he washed his hands, and stopped slowly facing the mirror.

I saw him raise his hands and gently untie the black leather belt. The circle around the eyes full of polyps and hyperplasia was simply creepy.

This position is obviously not good, there are still yellow pustules accumulated, his eye sockets are also sunken, and there are no fake beads inside, so it looks even more scary.

Zhang Chenxi took out an anti-inflammatory spray from his pocket, sprayed it gently around his eyes, and murmured: "Li Tao, I will fight an eye for an eye, and make you and everyone around you look like me." become blind."

"Is it up to you?"


Zhang Chenxi turned his head suddenly. Although he couldn't see it, he knew that standing in front of him was the man he hated so much——Li Tao.

Li Tao went to the back of the door, lifted the yellow inspection stand and blocked it at the bathroom door.

After making sure that no one else would suddenly come in to disturb him, Li Tao walked up to Zhang Chenxi and gently picked up the belt he put on the sink.

"I can slash your eyes out with one whip, and I can also cut your throat with one whip. Do you think it will save me a lot of trouble now that I let you stop forever in this bathroom?"

"Yes, you are right. If you don't kill me now, I will definitely make you pay the price, and I will hurt everyone you care about." Zhang Chenxi said through gritted teeth.

"It's very ruthless, and the face is quite hideous, but I don't think you can do it because you are too weak."

"You!" Zhang Chenxi was so angry that his chest heaved and it seemed that he almost lost his breath.

But as if he suddenly realized something, Zhang Chenxi suddenly calmed down, and said coldly: "No, if you wanted to kill me, you would have done it long ago. It is obviously impossible to drag and simply satirize a dead person like this."

"You want to ask me something, right?" Zhang Chenxi grinned to the back of his ears, making an indescribably strange laugh.

Li Tao nodded incredulously, but Zhang Chenxi couldn't see it either.

"During military training, a girl was killed in a car accident, did you play tricks?"

Zhang Chenxi tilted her head and thought for a while: "Oh, so you care about her, then she is dead, half of her body was blown into blood mist~"

He leaned into Li Tao's ear and paused, "It was I who misled the stupid dog driving with the light at the critical moment, but I really didn't expect to kill the person you care about."

"I' excited~"

Li Tao pinched Zhang Chenxi's neck expressionlessly, and with his strength, Zhang Chenxi's neck made a dislocation sound of "click".

"Why did you kill her, who ordered you?"

"Do you want to know?" The voice of Zhang Chenxi who was strangled was very hoarse, but there was a hint of madness.

The moment Li Tao let go of his hand, he smiled and said, "I won't tell you to death."

Li Tao was not angry, which was expected. He pushed Zhang Chenxi away, took a breath for a while to stabilize his emotions.

"It's better to take a gamble. You decide what you bet on. I win. You tell me who is behind the scenes. I lose. You can do whatever you want."

Zhang Chenxi was a little surprised by what Li Tao said, and he repeated uncertainly: "I decide what to bet on?"

"Yes, you decide."

"Hahaha, hahaha! It looks like you really care about that woman who was killed!"

"Then should I fulfill your wish or not~" Zhang Chenxi tapped the sink lightly with her fingertips, her voice sounded like a eunuch's.

After thinking for a long time, a bearded voice suddenly came from outside the bathroom: "Xiao Zhang, are you in the bathroom?"

Li Tao looked at Zhang Chenxi unchanged, and had no intention of blocking the door.

Zhang Chenxi finally spoke, and he pulled the belt back from Li Tao's hand to tie his eyes.

"Okay, I'll bet you, you go to the ring, don't say I bully you, win three games in a row, I'll tell you the truth, if you lose... Hehe, go sign the life and death certificate first."

Zhang Chenxi walked directly towards the door of the bathroom. His meaning was also very simple. If you sign a life-and-death ring, you will naturally die if you lose.

(End of this chapter)

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