The Peach Blossom Luck of Rebirth

Chapter 1810 Two Nuwa Stones

Chapter 1810 Two Nuwa Stones

"Daughter! Why are you the one who rescued Gao Shuang?" Nu Wa's mood was very complicated.

"Nuwa Empress! What are you talking about? Who is your daughter?" Bao'er asked with a puzzled expression.

Feeling the gaffe just now, Nuwa hurriedly avoided it and said, "No! No! I just saw that you look a bit like my daughter, so I lost my voice for a while!"

"Nuwa Empress! You are a great god! Without you! There would be no people in the world! Although Bao'er is a fairy from the lower world, Bao'er only wants to let the people of the world live in peace!
Therefore, for the sake of the people of the world, Bao'er implores the empress to borrow the Nuwa stone for use!To save the sages of the ten kingdoms!To comfort the common people! " Bao'er burst into tears as she spoke, and Nuwa couldn't help but shed tears too.

"This is not just love! This is the great love that sustains the people of the world!" Empress Nuwa was deeply moved, and she was fighting in her heart, should she save Gao Shuang?
"There is a person who can save him! But if he is saved! She will lose her precious life!" Empress Nuwa sighed, implying with a heavy heart.

"Empress Nuwa! If that person is me! I am willing! I would rather die! I am willing to save him!" Baoer's voice shocked Empress Nuwa.

Daughter!Why are you so determined!It seems!God is not fair to my Nuwa!Why save a man by sacrificing his daughter?

Nuwa regretted it a bit. At the beginning, she made five-colored stones to mend the sky, and left two Nuwa stones. According to legend, there was only one, but in fact, there were two.

In order to save the beloved daughter, a Nuwa stone was injected into the body of the beloved daughter, and the dead beloved daughter was resurrected. This is the present Bao'er.

And what about the other one?Nu Wa thought it was not very useful, so she just threw it away.

Unexpectedly, this nuwa stone was thrown in Fenghuang Mountain, Baoan County, Jingtian Dynasty.

Coincidentally, when Gao Shuang was looking for Zhao Feixue, he accidentally picked up this Nuwa stone.

Gao Shuang saved Anise and Mu Wanqing with this Nuwa stone...

When the country of Lu was invaded by Suiguo and was facing destruction, the nuwa stone was like a ray of light, illuminating the dark world and saving the country of Lu, thus laying the foundation of the Dalu Empire.

The only regret is that this nuwa stone cannot save herself at a critical moment.

This nuwa stone is therefore invalid.

There is also a magical gemstone with a resurrected body, which is on Baoer's body.

Bao'er doesn't know.

Of course, Nuwa couldn't tell her daughter this shocking secret. She felt that it was necessary to save Gao Shuang, but she wanted to test her daughter. If her daughter really loved this man, she would make it happen.

Nuwa is strong, and she fought against monsters for human beings not to be harassed by monsters.

But this time, if Gao Shuang, the virtuous ruler of the human world, is not reborn, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the unification of the ten kingdoms will soon fall apart, and there will be another melee.

Thinking of this, Nuwa told Bao'er a white lie, saying: "There is another Nuwa stone, I don't know where to throw it!"

"Nuwa Empress! The Nine Immortals Mountain where Xiaoxian is located has recently seen a unique sight! That is the multicolored glow in the mountains! It must be..." Yuanchi Xianweng said.

"Thank you Empress Nuwa! Thank you Yuanchi Xianweng! Bao'er is leaving!" After Bao'er finished speaking, he thanked Nuwa and Yuanchi Xianweng one by one, and then flew to Jiuxian Mountain without stopping.

Nu Wa's heart is very complicated.

Bao'er revisited Jiuxian Mountain and indeed found the multicolored glow, but in the place where the glow radiated, he found that it was the Sansheng Stone next to the Immortal Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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