Princess Fuyao

Chapter 205 Escort

Chapter 205 Escort
"The decree we received is to obey the orders of King Zhongren who is holding the talisman!" The old guard shouted again.

"All the guards listen to the order! The King of Qin deceived people with a fake talisman and plotted against him. Take it immediately!"

The King of Qin still wanted to argue, but the guards had a look of anger on their faces, and surrounded him, three floors inside and three floors outside, obviously expressing their firm obedience to King Zhongren's words.

He has been in the guard's office for more than four years, but he didn't know that the guards had received such a secret decree.He thought he was doing well, gained a firm foothold, and pushed Liang Mingrui down, but in fact, it was just that he was not as knowledgeable as him and kept a low profile on purpose!

In this guard yamen, King Cheng is the boss, and Liang Mingrui is the second. The situation has never been changed because of his intervention.When King Qin thought of this, cold sweat drenched his back instantly.

On weekdays, I brought these bastards to play cards, gamble and drink flowers and wine, and I didn't lose money, but at critical times, people still only recognize the emperor's order and not people!

King Qin didn't have Liang Mingrui's ability to escape from the encirclement. He couldn't even beat most of the guards.He suddenly pulled out a chain hammer, shook it away with a huff, and flew up and down to protect his whole body. This move was so sudden that the two guards who were approaching couldn't dodge it in time, and they were both injured.

Liang Mingrui took the spear of a guard beside him, and stretched it steadily. The chain clattered and clattered, and it was wrapped around the barrel of the gun. With all his strength, he pulled the chain hammer over.

King Qin's hand was torn and bloody.The guards rushed forward and wrapped him into a rice dumpling with a kind of strong linen.Only then did he turn around: "Vice Dutong Liang, do you want to hand it over to Dali Temple?"

"I have sent someone to ask Mr. Du Tong to take good care of him, just wait a moment!"

When Cao Cao arrived, King Cheng actually arrived on horseback. He usually saw a pampered, leisurely and wealthy appearance, but he did not expect to be majestic and heroic while riding on a horse.

"Temporarily detain King Qin in the secret prison behind the main courtyard, and the guards of the second class will be in charge of guarding him!"

"Yes!" The old guard led a dozen guards out, saluted respectfully, and dragged King Qin away.

"The guards of the Chen class stay at the yamen in case of unexpected events, and the rest follow King Zhongren and enter the palace to escort them!"


King Cheng commanded people to open the gate of the yamen compound leading to the Kuayuan. It turned out that this was a secret passage leading to the imperial palace. of the road.

King Cheng turned his horse's head, took the lead, and galloped towards the palace.

Riding a horse in the Forbidden City, only the emperor's own brother would dare.

A group of people went straight to Qinzheng Hall. The third son of the former eunuch, now an adult in his 20s, stood at the window of the side building of Qinzheng Hall. Seeing all this, he was so happy that he almost cheered: " The emperor is in Baoyun Palace—" Before he finished speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, Liang Mingrui saw a scene of red mist, sprinkled with white window paper, and cursed angrily: "Desperate!"

The guards patrol the palace every day, and they don't know where the Baoyun Palace is. Their first thought is that it must be the inner palace, but they don't expect King Cheng to ride his horse to the servant's courtyard where the eunuch lives. A back-shaped low room, the one facing south, the door was locked tightly, King Cheng threw the key to Liang Mingrui, he also got off his horse, handed the reins to the guards beside him, motioned them to wait outside, and called Liang Mingrui walked in.

Pass through the dark room, enter through the wooden door on the back wall, and there is a spacious wooden palace in front of you!

Liang Mingrui suspects that there is a secret passage leading to Qinzheng Hall.

"My minister was late in saving me, and deserves death!" King Cheng knelt at the door of the carpeted pavilion, and Liang Mingrui hurriedly knelt down behind him.

An old eunuch with white beard and hair came out. Although he looked old, he moved quickly, obviously he had practiced martial arts.

"His Majesty is well, King Cheng, please come in!"

Seeing that Liang Mingrui didn't talk about himself, he knelt down obediently. After a while, the old eunuch came out and said, "King Xuanzhong Ren entered the palace!"

Emperor Jiaming seemed a little tired, half leaning on the exquisitely carved and gem-inlaid couch, King Cheng sat on an armchair beside him, the two brothers were discussing important matters just like ordinary people's homes.

Liang Mingrui bowed on his knees.

"Stay flat and sit down!"

The old eunuch moved a low stool, and Liang Mingrui sat on it.

"Tell me what you found!"

"Yes!" Liang Mingrui bowed slightly and replied in a low voice.

Originally, King Qin just liked to seize power, and didn't intend to take refuge in any prince.

There was more than one prince who had wooed the King of Qin and Liang Mingrui. Seeing that they were avoiding them, they gradually gave up.

A while ago, Liang Mingrui discovered that there was an extra woman beside the King of Qin. Judging from her expression, she should be a young girl. , is different.

Ever since he married Chang Yajun, the King of Qin never took concubines again, and rarely went to that kind of place, except for socializing at the guard's yamen as a last resort.

Chang Yajun has been married for more than ten years and has no heirs. It is said that the former Qin Wangfei was afraid that men would spoil the newcomer, and her two sons were wronged. When they were seriously ill, they gave the man the medicine to kill offspring. However, it is true that King Qin did not have a man and a half woman behind him.

Qin Wang therefore felt sorry for Chang Yajun, he was very pampered to this little wife, it can be said that he was obedient, and he put away all his previous fancy thoughts.But by nature, he is not a person with single-minded feelings. After more than ten years, he has long been tired of seeing his beautiful wife.

What if someone sent the peerless beauty to the bed right now?Liang Mingrui's first thought was that he had fallen into someone's tender trap.

King Cheng seemed to be indifferent, but Liang Mingrui still reported this seriously.

Every move of him and the King of Qin is related to the safety of the imperial palace and whether the Great Yong Dynasty can be peaceful and peaceful, so how dare he relax in the slightest?It was because he was very cautious that the emperor dared to entrust him with such an important matter here, so that Marshal He could go to the Ministry of War with peace of mind.

Although King Cheng usually doesn't care about things, it's not that he doesn't understand the importance. Liang Mingrui's words made him suddenly startled, and he immediately went to the palace and told the emperor.

Emperor Jiaming's first reaction was to decree to transfer King Qin away, but what about the people behind King Qin?If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. Therefore, it is necessary to find out this "thief".

Cheng Wang tactfully reminded the emperor brother: "Well, the one who instigated the king of Qin, you can know who it is after thinking about it." The princes, if they are found out, the emperor and his son will have a quarrel. This is not an ordinary person's housework. A shocking event will cause shocks in the government and the public.

It's okay not to say, Emperor Jiaming was even more angry when he heard that he was still alive and well, so his son began to calculate his family fortune.Especially the crown prince, the rightful successor, actually imitated his younger brothers, raising counselors and playing tricks in private, who is he trying to plot against?

Liang Mingrui was recruited into the palace, and the emperor instructed him to investigate the matter.

His position is the emperor's protective weapon. Now, the emperor is arguing with the princes about housework, and he really can't help it.

Liang Mingrui adopted the method of passive defense, making people stare at King Qin to death, but he didn't expect that the sixth prince was behind him.

The noble concubine voted for the queen, Yan Fengying returned to Beijing, she was naturally the prince's horse boy, the prince concubine tried to win over Chang Yajun, but failed again and again, when she was exhausted and almost gave up, the spies reported that the king of Qin had raised a concubine.

The Crown Princess confirmed the news, overjoyed, and told Chang Yajun through Yan Fengying.

From then on, Chang Yajun regarded Yan Fengying as irresistible, and was soon coaxed to meet the princess.

What Chang Yajun cares most about is her husband's favor and her own noble status.

"The first-class noble listens to the scenery. When the King of Qin was not serving as the deputy governor of the yamen, how many people took this first-class noble seriously?" Seeing Chang Yajun's face turned down, Yan Fengying quickly added, "Isn't it Relying on my sister's ability, the King of Qin has a real lack, and has become a truly important figure in the court, and this first-class noble is famous and real?"

Chang Yajun immediately said angrily: "Hate him, he dared to do such a despicable thing behind my back, would he take him home if he liked it? Don't you know that it makes me ugly? I Are you so jealous of narrow people?"

"Sister, don't be angry. Men, aren't they all like that? After a while, he'll leave it alone. His official career depends on you. If a man has come to this point, Madam will definitely not dare to offend him."

"Then what can I do? Go to the door? I can't afford to lose this person!"

"Why is my sister so confused? You just need to tell him what the princess wants. If you have meritorious service, what kind of deputy will be in charge? Even the righteous ones will feel that he has been wronged."

Yan Fengying came up with the idea to let Chang Yajun act in a scene of catching rape, and wanted to take that woman home. King Qin was not as scared as expected, but took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey, praising Chang Yajun as worthy of being a lady, capable and virtuous .

Yan Fengying didn't expect King Qin to be so thick-skinned, nor did she think that Chang Yajun didn't hold so much weight in King Qin's eyes. She was dumbfounded for a moment, not knowing what to do next.

Chang Yajun scolded Yan Fengying so badly that she not only ignored her, but also alienated the princess.

The Crown Princess hated Yan Fengying very much, she felt that she was stupid as hell, and she liked to show off, it was more than enough to succeed than to reveal, but right now it was the time for employing people, and there were still three thousand nails on the broken ship, let alone a noble girl like Yan Fengying?After discussing with the prince again and again, the concubine found Chang Yajun herself and kept getting close to her. When the two talked about the tacit understanding, she pretended to be moved and pulled Chang Yajun to recognize her righteous sister.

Chang Yajun was shocked, if the crown prince became the emperor, she would be the queen's righteous sister, how great would this honor be?She reminded the princess that this matter should not be taken carelessly, but the princess was moved to tears and praised Chang Yajun's benevolence again and again: "I have never seen my younger sister who is so polite and righteous, and many people are just thinking about it and trying to get along with me. I almost fell into someone else's shell a few times. It would be great if everyone in the world was as open and upright as you."

Chang Yajun loves to hear people's compliments the most. After the concubine's performance of singing, reciting and fighting, all her resistance was thrown to Java.

(End of this chapter)

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