Princess Fuyao

Chapter 207 Negotiation

Chapter 207 Negotiation
The second prince doesn't like him, that's why every time he sees him, he has such a scrutinizing expression.He didn't like this feeling very much, and today, he would definitely not let the second prince be proud.

As a human being, the fifth prince would never favor any courtier, and he is not suitable for recommendation.

The Sixth Prince, by the way, the Sixth Prince has always been very special to him. Sun Jiayan didn't make it clear that he went to the past, but the Sixth Prince did some tricks to make money. Even if he knew about it, he didn't realize it. Presumably, the Sixth Prince also knew about this, right?If you add the merit of tonight's recommendation, in the future, hehe.

Seeing that no one was talking, Emperor Jiaming pointed casually: "Master Sun, what do you think?"

"The emperor is in full bloom..."

"Don't talk nonsense, a country cannot be without a king for a day, and the same is true for the prince."

"Yes!" Sun Jiayan rejoiced secretly. He was the first to say that those who followed behind would have no credit for it. "My minister thought that the sixth prince is smart and wise, wise and resourceful, responsible, ambitious, calm in character, capable of advancing and retreating." Speed..." He praised Zhao Bisheng very much.

Someone spoke first, and the rest couldn't help but speak. Of course, the princes were all boasting of their own, and couldn't decide what to do.

Emperor Jiaming was a little annoyed, he asked his courtiers to help him make up his mind, instead of giving them a chance to become a hero in front of his son in the future.

"Your Majesty, I think that if you want the Great Yong Dynasty to prosper and carry forward the Emperor's style of rejuvenation, it must be the second prince." Guo Chenghai spoke. Since he had a stroke, his speech was a little slurred, but these few sentences were not clear. The words are very clear.

"The second child is very sensible, but he, he is more suitable to be a minister, the widow can make him a virtuous king..."

"Your majesty!" Guo Chenghai interrupted the emperor anxiously. Although he has been an official for decades, although he was a little reckless and caused trouble for himself, he had never contradicted the emperor like this.

Emperor Jiaming was very surprised, but he chose to be patient.He had already heard that after Guo Chenghai had a stroke, his temper was very strange, and he immediately turned his face when he disagreed with his wife and son at home.

"Your Majesty, no matter which part the Second Prince works in, he is modest, eager to learn, and conscientious. That's why you think he is a minister, not a Mingjun? If I had known this, he might as well have been thinking hard like the other princes. Count on the prince."

This is a bold statement, including all the princes mentioned just now.Even the emperor was astonished.

"Your Majesty, the second prince is studying with an open mind. He is preparing for the revitalization of the Great Yong Dynasty. He can not only be a good minister, but also a good king of a country. Just imagine, in the future, that minister, Do you dare to try your best and dare to deceive him?"

That's right, the second prince's household department, military department, rite department, official department, clan mansion, and Dali Temple have been to almost all the important departments of the imperial court, and every time he handles things perfectly and beautifully, it proves that he is also He is very courageous and cunning, and his ability is not ordinary. Such a person should be the emperor...

Emperor Jiaming almost said, "It must be better than me".He has always been praised by his courtiers as a wise king, and he is also very proud that he has created a beautiful era of Dayong Zhongxing. If his son is better than himself, wouldn't the Zhao family's country be more stable?

"Your Majesty, I think the second prince is inappropriate!" Sun Jiayan said hurriedly, "I have worked with the second prince for more than half a year, and found that he is very authoritarian. There are too many things in the world. How can a saint do everything himself? When it is time to let go Let go and give your subjects room to play, this is the way to be a king..."

Guo Chenghai's words were interrupted, and someone robbed him of the conversation. His temper came up, and he was used to poking the ground with his cane. He stretched out his hand only to realize that the little eunuch had helped him when he entered the door just now. He didn't take out his cane in the sedan chair. He slapped his thigh and saw that everyone in the room was looking at him, so he said without a doubt: "Your Majesty, this is the way of a king. If you are not a king, how can you understand it? In the days to come, if the emperor appoints him as the crown prince , Naturally, he cultivated it deliberately, even if the second prince didn't understand, he was taught, he is so smart, he can master it as soon as he learns it, so it should be no problem."

No one dared to say that the second prince was not smart, but several courtiers insisted on recommending him to be the smartest, and there was a lot of chatter in the Palace of Qinzheng, and they almost started arguing.

Emperor Jiaming looked at King Cheng, his younger brother kept frowning, he didn't know what he was thinking, saw the emperor waited for him to say a word, and then said carefully: "Your Majesty, I also like the second prince, only he is the one who is wholeheartedly thinking about the court. Yes, smart or not, capable or not, as long as he has the heart, he has it all, otherwise, what do you want your servants to do?"

As expected of being a real brother, King Cheng immediately spoke to Emperor Jiaming's heart, yes, the heart is the most important thing, and he has only devoted himself to state affairs, which has led to the current situation. To say that he is smart, his father , isn't it smart?He can do piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, and even music and poetry, but he can't handle court affairs very well.

"Let's go here tonight. It's getting too late. Don't go back and disturb your family's sleep. There are arrangements outside. Let's all go and have a rest."

In winter, at the duty room at the gate of the palace, the big kang was so hot that several ministers took off their outer court clothes and lay on it in cotton-padded clothes.It's hard to sleep when you're old, not to mention such a thrilling thing just now?All of them had sore eyelids, but they didn't fall asleep. An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and it was time to go up.

A eunuch came to serve him, even on the way to Qianqing Palace, he took good care of him all the way.

They are old, and it is understandable to take good care of them, but everyone understands that the emperor also has the intention of monitoring them. What if someone leaks the news, and a certain prince comes to force the palace like the prince?
The next day, the eldest son was abolished as the crown prince and the second prince was established as the new crown prince. Once the news was announced, the government and the public were shaken, but after everyone was astonished, they quickly accepted this reality.

The Fifth Prince, Sixth Prince and Seventh Prince were all guarded by the guards sent by the emperor, and they had no other plans at all.

The princes didn't expect that after running around for so many years, each of them had recruited a group of civil servants and military generals, but the final result turned out to be like this.

Facing King Xiping, even if they were prepared to use the army to force the palace to rebel, they had to stop thinking about it in the end.The imperial court's garrison in the west is second only to Northern Xinjiang. King Xiping has been operating there for many years, and the intertwined forces have penetrated into every corner. If there is a war, who can stop it?It will definitely end in failure in the end.

These two princes usually pretended to be so low-key that others didn't take precautions. When they suddenly activated, the several princes realized that they were not the second opponent, not to mention fighting alone, even if they were united.

Among civil servants, even if Guo Chenghai has retired for five or six years, the old man's influence is still unparalleled. He supports the second prince. It is estimated that half of the courtiers inside and outside the capital support the second prince.

There is nothing to say about generals.

The second prince's grandfather, King Xiping, was shocked at first when he heard the news. He didn't expect that the things he planned day and night would be so easily realized. Finally, his heart was relieved, and he muttered: "Your Majesty, Shengming, could it be that in the past, my grandson was made to suffer so much that he wanted the heaven to send a great responsibility to his people?"

Seeing that the court situation was stable, Emperor Jiaming let go of half of his heart, but the other half was entangled.

He was most afraid that the second prince's maternal ancestral family would become too powerful and interfere with the government.Throughout the dynasties, the tragedy of foreign relatives meddling in politics is disturbing.

The Xiping Palace was a few old nobles who were crowned kings at the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Later, because of their excessive power, they were deprived of military power during Emperor Gaozong's reign and were reduced to a Marquis. Enabling Xipinghou, at that time, letting Xipinghou's daughter marry Emperor Jiaming, who was still the prince, also meant to win over. After Emperor Jiaming ascended the throne, Xipinghou won consecutive battles in Xijiang and was promoted to King Xiping. At that time, there was no one in the court. Don't dare to underestimate Xiping Palace.

Unfortunately, Concubine Wei Shu died of illness, and King Fu deliberately suppressed King Xiping. The power of the Wei family was greatly weakened. King Xiping was transferred from the Western Frontier Army and had to return to the capital. The nobles in the capital gradually didn't take him seriously.

At this moment, with the second prince becoming the crown prince, the prestige of the Wei family seemed to have returned in one day.

Because of this, Emperor Jiaming was restless day and night.

King Xiping was also restless day and night.

Why was the ancestor of his family deprived of his title?Why was his military power in western Xinjiang deprived?Now, he doesn't want to be a target anymore.

Besides, he also made a lot of preparations for his grandson to ascend to that high position, and now he doesn't need it anymore. He should keep a low profile and try to erase those traces as much as possible.

On the second day of the grand ceremony for the coronation of the second prince, King Xiping wrote to the emperor: I am old, and it is time to send a capable young marshal to Xijiang.

There, although he has been away for many years, the Marshal is still his disciple.

Emperor Jiaming was overjoyed. He didn't want the second prince to be the prince because he was afraid that his family would be too powerful and would affect the government in the future. He didn't expect that he hadn't figured out a way to cut off the power of the Wei family, so he proposed it himself. What a wise father-in-law, he is much better than Fu Wang, Mao Guogong, and Liang Guogong.

The emperor pretended to keep him, but he couldn't help being moved when he saw that King Xiping was determined. In the end, he became sincere instead, and he regretted not being able to keep him.Not only did he bestow several carts to the Xiping Palace, but he also let the son of Prince Xiping take over the position of King Qin as the deputy governor of the yamen.

Your majesty, this is a protective measure for the second prince to ascend the throne smoothly after a hundred years. When King Xiping was thanking the court, he cried so much that he moved all the officials. With his mind, he felt that the second prince could be the king of a country just because he was so polite to his relative.

(End of this chapter)

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