Princess Fuyao

Chapter 212 Someone Came to Help

Chapter 212 Someone Came to Help

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, dozens of wives from outside the palace wore imperial clothes and solemnly entered the palace to pay New Year's greetings. The colors of the imperial clothes were also different for different ages and grades. There are all kinds of colorful and luxurious hair accessories on it, so huge and colorful, it can dazzle people's eyes.

A gentleman walked up to Fuyao, and spit on her inexplicably.

Fuyao frowned slightly, raised her head and ignored her, many people around her were looking here, but fortunately Madam Da Guo extended a helping hand: "Come, give me a hand."

The two Mrs. Guo walked side by side, and Mrs. Guo was beside her, accompanied by the princess's daughter-in-law. Among the group of ladies, she was considered the most honorable family.In other families, how could his family be both Qinggui and Xungui as one, and civil servants and military generals are all national humerus?
Fuyao remembered that it was Sun Jiayan's wife who spat on her just now, and the person next to her who seemed to be slandering her was unfamiliar.

How could Fuyao be in the mood to compete with them at this moment?The crown prince fell, but the empress did not. The empress dowager passed away again, and Fuyao lost her protection in the palace. When she enters the palace today, she doesn't know what dangers she will encounter.

Mrs. Sun saw that Fuyao looked at her but didn't speak, she felt she had the upper hand, and looked at Fuyao several times with disdainful eyes, but the other party ignored her. The contempt of women, this restrains a lot.

Originally, Fuyao's rank was not high, so he followed the crowd to salute, and then left the palace when the time came. Today, not long after arriving, a court lady came over: "Princess Zhongren, the empress is here to invite you!"

Fuyao followed her out of the Zhaoyi Hall, and couldn't help but stop: "The empress is about to summon a married woman in the front hall, where are you taking me?"

"Do you doubt me? The empress is waiting in front of you. If you don't go, don't blame the empress."

"Your Majesty sent you to inform me, do you have a sign or something?"

"Yes!" The woman took out a wooden box from her bosom, opened it to Fuyao with its mouth facing outward, a golden light flashed suddenly, Fuyao was already on guard, and while shaking the handkerchief in her hand to block the front, stepped back quickly, One jump, and you will be back under the eaves of Zhaoyi Hall.

It was the little golden snake again. The snake fell on the cold ground and froze after a few moves. At the same time, a rope net fell from the sky and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

Fuyao glanced coldly, then turned around and left.

Isn't that the trick?It's not so easy to want her life.

Not long after she returned to the main hall, the Empress Empress came in. The Empress Empress still had a dignified appearance, and she sat smilingly on the jewel-encrusted couch in the center of the hall. Greeting her, Fuyao saw the noble concubine leading the way, followed by a large group of pink, willow and green, kowtowed to the queen, and after shouting, spread out and sat on the seat next to the queen.

When it was the turn of the maiden, the queen glanced at everyone with a smile.When she reached Fuyao's face, she paused for a while, her disgust and hatred were not concealed in her eyes.

But in front of everyone, the queen can't do anything to her?Eyes can't kill!
Because the prince was abolished, the queen lost a lot of weight, and her delicate makeup could not conceal the aging and fatigue on her face.

"The emperor is grateful for the hard work of all the ministers and workers, especially giving banquets outside, and I will follow suit. Let's keep a few people, and let the emperor and ministers have fun together." After the queen finished speaking, many foreign wives cheered up. Only Fuyao secretly yelled that it was not good, among the people left today, there must be someone of his own.

But the queen didn't dare to kill herself so openly, did she?

No, wasn't that a blatant murder just now?The son can't inherit the throne, the queen is crazy.

The little father-in-law was notifying all the wives left behind that they had to leave if they were not called. The scene was a bit chaotic for a while, an old eunuch came over in a hurry, and after saluting the queen, he whispered something, and the queen's face sank. .

Even though he was far away, Fuyao still heard himself mentioned in the words, just for no reason, the old eunuch came over: "Princess Xuan Zhongren!"

Everyone was stunned, what did the emperor call a woman outside?
Fuyao was also at a loss, followed the old eunuch to change clothes first, put on a suit of warrior armor, and then came to the front hall.

It turns out that there is a small country in the south of Hull, where a woman is the king. She once presented herself as a minister, and Emperor Jiaming sent an envoy. Now, the queen has come all the way here after hearing what the envoy said about how prosperous and prosperous this place is.

Ordinarily, she is a woman, and should be received by the queen, but her pilgrimage cannot be performed in the harem, right?
Wanting to surrender to foreign countries, Emperor Jiaming showed his national prestige, no matter what competitions, Hull failed to gain the upper hand, Queen Hull was angry, and prepared to end in person and compete with others.

She's a pretty woman, so there can't be a man who's big and thick, right?Then the emperor thought of Fuyao.

There is such a thing?Fuyao remembered that when the old eunuch entered the palace just now, the princess's eyes flashed suddenly, and her heart moved, could it be that this was arranged by the prince?Just to protect her?
If this is the case, I'm afraid she will have to devote herself to the prince in the future.

However, having an umbrella is better than nothing.The new crown prince used her as a gun, and he still protected him well, so she was worth it.

Unexpectedly, Queen Hell was really clever. Fuyao barely won the victory after a lot of hard work. Emperor Jiaming was very happy and gave a lot of rewards, and asked the eunuchs around him to escort them back with things.

In the silence of the night, Fuyao told her husband her guess.

Liang Mingrui lay beside Fuyao with his head on his hands, thought for a while, and agreed: "Maybe it was arranged by the prince, otherwise it's too coincidental that we just came here during the Chinese New Year."

"However, our retreat plan is not so easy to realize."

"We're still young, so we won't say anything about retiring for the time being. Maybe it's still possible when the crown prince becomes a great treasure and everything is safe in court."

"Alright, in another ten or eight years, the children will grow up too, so let them work hard, and we will ride horses and travel around the world."

"What a big ambition, it's harder than letting me be the chief assistant." Liang Mingrui said exaggeratedly.

"Don't laugh at me!" Fuyao hit him angrily, "I'll tell you the truth."

"Okay, serious talk, this serious talk, can you say it after you're 40?"

Fuyao didn't say a word, she blinked her eyes wide and thought about something, hoping her judgment was right.

But if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. The queen is so vengeful, and her passive defense is not the answer.

Liang Mingrui didn't know what his wife was thinking. This time, the prince rescued him, but not every time. The prince had too many things to do. If one didn't expect it, Fuyao would be in danger.

"In a few days, I'll find an excuse to meet the Crown Princess." Fu Yao made up his mind.

The Crown Princess will definitely arrange an eyeliner in the palace. If she asks her for protection, and Liang Mingrui has some hidden clues to provide information, the situation will be much better. No matter how powerful the empress is, it is limited to the inner palace. If she finds a way not to enter the palace, she has no choice.

Back then, King Xiping must have planned to marry his daughter to the prince. Although his daughter died before entering the palace and leaving the teacher, he was very sad when he was sent by a white-haired man to a black-haired man. Patience, even the second prince is very low-key, like the prince's pawn for a day, and is unknown among the princes.It's understandable for an old man to become a spirit. This kind of endurance is understandable. What's rare is that the second prince and his wife, the current prince and princess, can endure what others can't do.

Forget about Fuyao, the second prince is slightly older than himself, when the other princes started to fight, he had already left the palace to build the government, and had the opportunity to cultivate his own strength, but he has been hiding tightly, just waiting At the critical moment, wait for the opportunity.

If you fight against such a person, you are courting death!But being a teammate with him is not easy.

But Fuyao has been tied to this big carriage now, why doesn't she seek a comfortable and safe position?
The next day, Fuyao asked Liang Mingrui to help write a greeting card and sent it to Chengming Palace.

By the way, the deposed prince was imprisoned in the East Palace, and was supposed to move out. The second prince said that he had lived in his mansion for a long time and was reluctant to leave, so the emperor named his mansion, which can be regarded as the second East Palace.

Chengming Palace quickly replied that the Crown Princess said that she had a banquet for guests on the eighth day of the first lunar month, and that Fuyao should go on that day.

In fact, Fuyao didn't need to talk to the princess, it was just a matter of attitude.Now, when she sends a post, it means that she wants to join her, and when she replies to the invitation, she nods in agreement.

But Liang Mingrui didn't dare to go. He shouldered the task of defending the palace, and he would make the emperor uneasy if he had a close relationship with anyone.

The queen also has eyes and ears outside, she soon found out that the Chengming Palace had guests and Ji Fuyao had also gone, and angrily smashed the teacup in her hand to the ground: "Hmph! Don't think that you can rely on a big tree, sit back and relax."

Soon after the twentieth of the first lunar month, the imperial court opened its seal and officials began to go to court.

Fuyao still went to the household department to check in. On the first day, colleagues only met to talk and say hello. There was almost no official business. In the next few days, everyone gradually entered the actual state.

The emperor has been aging very fast during this period, age spots have grown on his face and hands, and, sitting and listening to the courtiers, he will doze off when he listens. Fortunately, the prince assisted and helped to deal with state affairs. The government affairs of the Yong Dynasty were still clear and smooth.

The account book in Fuyao's hand was cleared out, but Sun Jiayan had no chance to see it. The prince sent someone to take it away, which made the people in the household department feel a sense of crisis.

Soon, there was movement in the imperial court, a group of officials were promoted, and correspondingly, some people were dismissed.

The people in the household department quickly discovered the clues. All the accounts that were correct in the tax and bank reports were raised, and those with the most mistakes were all reduced.

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(End of this chapter)

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