Princess Fuyao

Chapter 28 Silver Tiger

Chapter 28 Silver Tiger
General Guo really supported Fuyao's idea, and asked her to go through Lu's, begging Juan for help, and introduce Fuyao to his son's bodyguard agency.That kind of small escort agency is easier to hide if it doesn't attract attention.

Juan's son was named Hu Da, and he quickly agreed with the shopkeeper to let Fuyao go to work.

The bodyguard agencies in the capital often escort officials to their posts, and female bodyguards are very popular.Sure enough, after Fuyao had only been there for two days, he was arranged to take a escort to escort a fifth-rank official to his post.

The official only brought a concubine, a master, and not much luggage, while the bodyguard bureau sent Fuyao and a young man wearing a mask to escort them. They traveled all the way and stayed overnight, which was very smooth.

His companion's silver mask has the head of a tiger, so everyone calls him Silver Tiger.

The tiger head mask is very delicate. From the forehead to the nose, through the mask, Fuyao can see that his eyes are very dark and bright. The exposed part of his face has fair skin and a well-shaped mouth. He should be a very handsome young man. I don't know why he made himself so mysterious.

A small bodyguard agency, if it wants to rise rapidly, it must attract people's attention. He has high martial arts skills, and he wears a mask to pretend to be mysterious. Escort, maybe Shaodong or something like that.

Yinhu was unusually silent, walking all the way without saying a few words to anyone.

It took about twenty days to arrive at the place, the official paid all the escort fees, and Fuyao and Yinhu returned together.

I can no longer live in a free station, and I have to pay for my own meals. Yinhu eats generously, and the dishes are very good, but when I stay at the hotel at night, I only open one room in order to save money.

The two quarreled in the house.

"you can not do that!"

"It's just for sleeping. If you open two rooms at night, you can only eat pickles during the day."

"Eat pickles, eat pickles."

"How can I do that? It's a month younger. How about this, you sleep on the bed, put down the curtains, and I'll make do on the table."

Seeing that Fuyao still didn't agree, Yinhu changed his face: "It's just you, wrapped up like a noodle jar, I don't think it's too much effort to take a second look, anyway, you want to show your face, what's your reputation?"

Seeing that Fuyao's eyes were red with anger, Yinhu had no choice but to make a concession: "Okay, okay, this house is for you to live in, I'll go to the cabinet and ask for another one."

At night, Fuyao was sleeping soundly, and suddenly felt a chill on his scalp, the windows were clearly closed, why was there such a strong wind?She jumped up as soon as she threw herself.

"Don't be afraid, it's me!" Yinhu's voice said, "You sleep on your bed, I'll make do on the table, it's too cold outside."

Who the hell is this!Fuyao was very angry, but in the middle of the night, he couldn't make a fuss with him, waking up the whole inn, right?Seeing him neatly facing away from him, sitting cross-legged in meditation, and practicing Qigong, Fuyao had no choice but to endure this, put down the tent and fell asleep.

If there is one, there are two. After that day, Yinhu opened a room every time, and Fuyao saw that he obeyed the rules, so he let him mess around.

There was nothing to say all the way, and it was about to return to the capital. That night, Fuyao slept until midnight when she suddenly felt someone approaching. She quietly took out the dagger and lay there calmly, feeling that very light breath approaching her. While sitting up suddenly, the dagger was already pressed against the opponent's neck.

"I am Silver Tiger!"

"What do you want to do?" Fuyao's voice was stern.

"Put the knife away!"

Yinhu's tone was extremely cold, with an irresistible majesty, but it was a pity that Fuyao was not moved at all.

Yinhu moved slightly, and the knife followed him like a shadow, his heart trembled, he didn't expect a little girl in Fuyao to be so good at kung fu.

"Don't try to play tricks!" Fuyao warned him, "Say, what do you want to do?" Along the way, Yinhu didn't pay much attention to Fuyao, and the official's concubine, who was so charming and charming, Yinhu's eyes didn't pay much attention either. However, Fuyao felt that he didn't want to rob sex.

"Who taught you Kung Fu?" Yinhu said.

"What do you mean? You don't care about this, do you?"

"Your method of practicing Qi is very similar to the one passed down by my family. I want to know if you know my family." Yinhu said later, his voice was not so cold, revealing a deep nostalgia.

Fuyao's mind was spinning quickly, wondering if Yinhu was trying to trick her: "There are so many people practicing martial arts in this world, maybe our ancestors came from the same school when they practiced martial arts."

"Maybe I was thinking too much." There was a sense of disappointment in Yinhu's voice, just when Fuyao was in a daze, he suddenly moved slightly, dodged the blade, wrapped one hand around Fuyao's wrist, and snatched the knife away past.

Fuyao missed a move, and the other hand quickly locked towards the opponent's throat. She already felt the opponent's Adam's apple slipped under her palm, but she couldn't hold it.

"Stop!" Yinhu's voice sounded again, "This is my family's kung fu!" The sound was so loud that Fuyao was immediately restrained.

Yinhu tied Fuyao with his belt, carried her and jumped out of the window, and soon came to a small temple of the God of Wealth outside the town.There was no one here, he lit the oil lamp in front of the statue with a fire medium, pointed the gleaming knife at Fuyao's face: "Tell me, where did you steal the kung fu?"

Locking the throat was taught by Guo Bin, and Fuyao really wanted to ask Yinhu if he was a child of the Guo family, but immediately thought it was impossible.Reminiscent of his qi training, which was taught by Chen Qiangrui, but improved and refined by Guo Bin, Fuyao became even more puzzled.Yinhu said that this kung fu was passed down from his family, why did Guo Bin and Chen Qiangrui know it?These two are from the capital city and the other from Sishui, with a distance of seven or eight hundred miles.

"Hmph! Who said that this is your exclusive kung fu? I know at least two people who know this kung fu! They are not from the same family at all, one east and one west, with a difference of eight hundred miles."

Yinhu stared at Fuyao, seeing that she was not lying, he was stunned for a moment, staring at Fuyao, not knowing what to say.Although he heard his elders proudly say that his family's kung fu is a peerless skill, how can so many people know it now?
But once his family locks the throat, he is invincible, how can Fuyao lose his hand like Fuyao?Yinhu thought for a moment, suspecting that Fuyao's kung fu was stolen, he only learned a similar shape, but he didn't master the charm.He also thought that Fuyao said that there were two more people who would also do it, and he was more determined that his ancestral martial arts would definitely be stolen.

Seeing Yinhu's bright and dark eyes, Fuyao saw how many turns he had made in his mind for a while, and realized that firstly, he had no malicious intentions, and secondly, he would not be a member of any organization, obviously he was still inexperienced. Many young people.

As far as this superb kung fu is concerned, can you find a way to subdue it and return it to General Guo?

The two were planning in their own minds, and the small temple was very quiet for a while.

"It cannot be said that there is one family of kung fu in the world. No matter which school it is, it is all inclusive and learns from others' strengths, and finally it can be spread and promoted. Your family's unique kung fu must also incorporate kung fu from other schools. Maybe it was sublimated from my master's kung fu." It came out." Fuyao argued, "Why do you say that my kung fu belongs to your family? Could it be that the kung fu of my two friends belongs to your family?"

Yinhu didn't speak, he was still very young when his grandfather passed away, but unfortunately his father also left suddenly, he didn't know about it at all, facing Fuyao's accusation, Yinhu still felt a little bit ashamed in his heart.

However, ever since the big change happened in his family, he has already been cold-hearted. He only adheres to the most basic concept of right and wrong, and he will not easily kill others. Otherwise, even if he kills the little girl in front of him, he will not feel any guilt in his heart.

As the sky gradually brightened, Yinhu picked up Fuyao and carried her into the inn room like the wind. He untied his belt and was about to return the dagger to her.

"Where did the knife come from?"

"I rescued a woman some time ago. Her father is from the Northern Xinjiang Army Camp. Give me this as a thank you gift."

Yinhu didn't ask any more questions, and let go of Fuyao.

There are too many doubts about this man.Fuyao felt that this small bodyguard agency really came to the right place.

For the next few days, Fuyao will definitely live in a room alone no matter if he saves money or not.

"Even if you live in a room where the doors and windows are not even open, it's not easy for me to get in?" Yinhu sneered sarcastically.

Fuyao sullenly said nothing.

"Living in the same room with you is to protect you. A big girl, don't others recognize her when she wears men's clothes?"

Fuyao gave him a hard look.Since that night, Yinhu no longer keeps his mouth shut and doesn't speak like before.He usually doesn't talk much, but as long as he is with Fuyao, his mouth is like a funnel, talking endlessly.Perhaps, when an adolescent boy sees a girl as charming as Fuyao, he can't help the attraction.

During Fuyao's time, her body moved again, and her feminine characteristics were already obvious, which made her very fortunate to confess to General Guo in time, otherwise, it would be too much trouble for others to see it.

In order to pretend to be a man, Fuyao had to wrap her breasts tightly with cloth strips, and also wrapped a cotton cover around her waist, so that the S-shaped curves on her body were not so obvious, but between her movements, the charm of women was still exuded inadvertently. Fortunately, the people in the bodyguard bureau knew that she was a woman, and the official who asked for the bodyguard also saw that she was a woman so that she could take care of her family, so he happily handed over the money, and let their bodyguard bureau complete the business.

Fuyao returned to the Escort Bureau, received a tael of silver as a reward, and took a two-day vacation, and happily returned to Hu's house.After wandering around there, I saw her reply asking to see General Guo in person: Agreed, old place.

Fuyao pretended to go shopping, carrying a round basket made of thin bamboo, and squeezed back and forth among the bustling crowd on the street.She felt that the ancient market, even in the capital city, was a bit like a rural bazaar, which was not worth seeing. She pretended to look left and right to make sure no one was paying attention. She walked into a small alley and turned a corner. , knocked three times on a small door under a high wall, and heard two echoes from inside, before she pushed the door open and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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