Chapter 48
Master Hong arrested all the jailers and guards who were on duty that night, none of them could get into the tree hole.These people were forced to confess, and they even talked about who stole the woman and who liked to talk in their sleep at night, but they failed to find any useful information.

The jailer, Yang Xiaoshan, was the most ungrateful, crying and saying, "How could someone get through such a small tree hole? Unless Chen Changwang's dog can kill people."

"Chen Changwang is on duty in the prison, and he will bring a dog?" Fuyao thought it was funny.

"Well, this guy loves dogs very much, but he has no money to raise them. He brought them here just to get some leftovers. You don't know, his dog is getting big."

"Did he take the dog with him that night?"

"Bring it."

"Has the dog eaten any leftovers?"

"No, I brought it over. It doesn't even smell it. It just hangs down and sleeps on the ground." Yang Xiaoshan was very serious about lying on the ground like a dog.As others said, he was not smart enough, because some relative in the family became a small official in Dali Temple, and he was sent here and there to make a living.

Lord Hong didn't know why Fuyao was so interested in dogs. He felt that General Guo was really messing around. He sent a little kid to handle such a big matter. She was clever and sometimes she could think of problems that ordinary people couldn't think of. After all, she is a child, no, when interrogating the prisoner, she went astray and talked about dogs.

Asking Yang Xiaoshan to retreat, Fuyao said seriously to Mr. Hong: "Chen Changwang's dog is probably a fake. If you interrogate him severely, maybe the case will be clear."

Hong Minghua was also a human being. As soon as Fuyao's expression became serious, he guessed what was going to be said later. Although it was a bit unbelievable for a person to pretend to be a dog, it was not impossible, not to mention that Chen Changwang's dog was very tall, which was indeed doubtful.

"You brought the dog to the prison for nothing but food. Let me ask you, on the day of the accident, the dog refused to eat anything. It was obviously full. Why did you take it?"

Chen Changwang never thought Master Hong would ask about the dog, and a trace of panic flashed across his face. He pulled himself together and replied in a low voice: "The dog is old, and I didn't eat for a few days. I was worried, so I took it with me. "

"Aren't you old these days? Why don't you take it with you again?"

"Dog, recover from illness."

"Chen Changwang, where did you get this dog? When did you start raising it? Your family's life is not easy. Why did you raise such a dog that eats more than people?"

"..." Chen Changwang didn't know what to say for a while, did he love dogs very much?Would you rather feed the dog when you are hungry?In prison, he was never willing to do this, but why do poor families keep dogs?Still this big?
"It was raised by my father. His old man has passed away. I couldn't bear it, so I continued to raise the dog."

After finding out the life experiences of these people, she thought about it carefully. Chen Changwang's father, Chen Danian, used to be a prison guard here. Not long after Liang Bingzheng's death, he also died suddenly. It is said that he accidentally fell and suffered a stroke. And died, a coincidence of time, Fuyao had no choice but to think of killing people to silence her.

"Chen Changwang, I have never seen such an unfilial descendant like you. Your father was dragged down by this dog and died of murder. You continue to raise a dog for the murder of your father and enemy, and even serve as an accomplice to cover it up. You really deserve death!"

"My dad, my dad fell on the way home from the prison, no one hurt him."

"You are confused, your father passed away, do you always look at the dog, have something to say, but can't say it?"

The expression on Chen Changwang's face was asking Fuyao: How did you know?
"Your family is having a hard time. Your father just came to be a jailer, but at the same time he raised such a big dog. Didn't your mother make a fuss? Why did you object fiercely at the beginning, but then you didn't say anything? After your father died, you Is the mother in a trance, and soon died of illness?"

Chen Changwang's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide enough to stuff eggs into it.

"The catastrophe in your family is caused by the dog. Am I right? Even you have doubts about the dog now. Why don't you tell the truth and let the adults give you an answer?"

"That night, I drank some wine with my neighbor Hu Changkui. I can't remember exactly what happened. I didn't bring the dog, but everyone said I did. I really can't remember. I know it's worth the night. He obviously only drank a few cups, but he didn't expect to be drunk."

Lord Hong immediately sent someone to arrest Hu Changkui.

But Fuyao had a faint feeling in his heart that this Hu Changkui might be dead already.

Sure enough, two hours later, the yamen servant came back and reported this.They also said that Hu Changkui was a bachelor, and his house stinks after he died for several days.

Like Li San who poisoned the kitchen, they were just bought with money temporarily, and they were silenced immediately after they were done. Seeing the money-minded guy, he had the life to take the money, and he didn't even think about whether he had the life to spend the money.

The wall of Dali Temple was just a plot set up to assassinate Liang Bingzheng at that time. Unexpectedly, more than ten years later, General Guo deliberately released the news that he wanted to imprison the middle-aged literati killer here.The person who killed Liang Bingwang back then remembered the previous arrangement.

Although all the clues have been broken up to this point, one thing has been figured out|: Liang Bingzheng, Generalissimo of Northern Xinjiang and King of Zhenbei, was killed by someone. As far as is known, he and Tatar Ziwojin has something to do with it.

The people from Wojin only killed Liang Bingzheng, but hid by the emperor's side for more than ten years, but did not do any harm to the monarch. Serve yourself.

Even the emperor must have thought so, he has repeatedly urged General Guo these days to find that scourge lurking in the capital as soon as possible.

Liang Bingzheng died, and the biggest beneficiaries were Liang Bingwang and King Fu, who immediately became the primary suspects.

But more than ten years have passed, and many evidences have long since disappeared naturally. It is simply impossible to investigate this matter now.

Liang Bingzheng was imprisoned in Dali Temple Prison, and Liang Bingwang was also imprisoned at that time. How could he be sure that the emperor would pardon the family and give him the title?Now it is a bit far-fetched to say that he framed his half-brother.

Yes, he is the ultimate beneficiary, so it makes no sense to say that he is the victim.

At that time, Fu Wang was still busy running around, trying to make Jin Shang the leader. How could he be distracted from such a trivial matter as framing Liang Bingzheng in the face of a major event?What's more, although Liang Bingzheng guards the northern border and has a prominent position in the court, he is still the nephew of King Fu, and he is also very respectful to King Fu on weekdays. There is no need for King Fu to cause such a disturbance at such a critical time. To weaken one's own faction's strength for no reason, you must know that the day when the Zhenbei Prince's Mansion was killed happened to be the critical moment of the transition from the old to the new.

Even if General Guo's suspicion of King Fu was somewhat contradictory in his motives, the emperor would never let anyone investigate him before.But the confidant eunuch who had been serving him for more than ten years turned out to be a nail planted by others, which had a great influence on him. For a while, Emperor Jiaming could say that grass and trees are like soldiers, and he couldn't relax his mind towards anyone. He immediately agreed to General Guo's request Yes, I just ask him to be cautious and have to check the facts.

The Guo family and the Wang family are still political enemies, and the emperor is willing to let General Guo do these things, which shows how much influence Liang Guang has on the emperor.

General Guo guessed that the emperor would definitely arrange someone to spy on him. The Holy Majesty was very generous in the past, but Liang Guang broke his bottom line all of a sudden, making him suspicious.When the emperor asked to investigate Wang's family, he had to have evidence to prove that he still said that he could not forget the support of King Fu back then.

With so many princes, if there is no King Fu, there will never be Emperor Jiaming. If it is not proved that there are people from Wojin involved, the emperor will probably never allow General Guo to target King Fu.

The emperor may feel that he has tried his best to protect King Fu, but if King Fu knew that the emperor allowed General Guo to investigate him, would he feel wronged or even feel cold?

Emperor Jiaming's selfishness and cold-bloodedness have been clearly revealed at this moment: so what if King Fu is a benefactor?If you dare to threaten yourself, you must also investigate.

General Guo started to arrange for people to investigate Yan Wenbin, the former minister of Dali Temple, and news soon came that Yan Wenbin's eldest son, Yan Yaozu, had died.

Yan Wenbin is a third-rank official, so he can be an official with Enyin alone. Yan Yaozu has no skills, but he became a seventh-rank county magistrate relying on his father. Die in office.

Although the investigators came back and said that there was no sign of murder in Yan Yaozu's death, he had been ill for the past two years, and a sore developed on his back a few months ago, the pain made him sleepless all night, and he did not know how much medicine he had taken , I haven't seen any improvement, and it's normal to die now.

If you are above the fifth rank, you can be kind, and Fu Yaojing will get an official when he waits for Yan Yaozu's son.There are people in the imperial court who are good officials. Yan Wenbin would never do risky things if there was no benefit. Yan Yaozu was extremely mediocre, but he was able to rise to the fifth rank, which proved that someone was helping him.

Think about He Ying, a senior official of the second rank, his eldest son was only given a seventh rank when he was unemployed, but he was sent to Lingnan.Knowing that someone is doing the right thing on purpose, instead of giving someone a blame, it is better to give up some extravagant hopes, go back to your hometown and be a rich man, and try to live in peace.

The topic is off topic.Fuyao compared Yan Wenbin's son and He Ying's son, after the old man lost his power, he clearly felt that someone in the court was playing tricks.Yan Wenbin is not as popular as He Ying.

Yan Wenbin benefited one person, and He Ying just made this person lose control of Beijiang.

General Guo is deeply impressed by Fuyao's analysis.

Liang Mingrui once said that his father was killed by Liang Bingwang, and this is indeed the case now, but unfortunately there is no conclusive evidence.

In this era, there is no evidence, and a confession is fine. At this time, there was a problem with the Northern Xinjiang Camp, and the emperor had to stop General Guo temporarily, instead of arresting Liang Bingwang.

It happened that Ji Yaoqian came to the capital with her husband Zhang Chengyi. Fuyao rented a three-room courtyard for her sister, and then took her fourth sister Yaofang over to let them live together. Yaoqian is kind, Zhang Chengyi is kind, Yaofang is content, and they are together. , will be able to live well.

A steward of the Guo family helped out, and Zhang Chengyi began to learn his skills from a roast duck master with two knives.The business of opening a roast duck restaurant did not stop because of Fuyao's busy schedule.

The dense prison of Dali Temple exposed many problems. Fuyao gave a whole set of plans and methods for cultivating hidden piles. General Guo appreciated it very much and arranged for her to start implementing it. By then, this roast duck restaurant will become a big stronghold.

(End of this chapter)

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