Chapter 208

To the west of Lizishu Village is a small hill. On the hillside, Chen Tianzhen looked solemnly at the space crack in front of him.

According to Li Qingquan's memory, this space crack is connected to a hidden cave in the mountain behind Tiansheng Gate.

"Li Qingquan's cultivation is at the foundation-building stage, which corresponds to the third level of Mortal Realm!" Through Li Qingquan's memory, Chen Tianzhen gained a lot of basic knowledge of cultivation.

Mortal realm has 9 levels in total! Level 9 is extraordinary, break through level 9 and enter the wonderland!

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen's cultivation base is level 2, which corresponds to the realm of a cultivator, which is the Qi refining stage!
"Go!" In Chen Tianzhen's hand, the hummingbird that has been fused into the dream all the time, under his control, flew into the space crack like a bolt of lightning.

Immediately, Chen Tianzhen's vision switched to the hummingbird.

The surroundings instantly turned black, and the next instant, the hummingbird passed through the space crack and fell into the cave.

At this moment, through the hummingbird's eyes, Chen Tianzhen saw a person with an extremely excited face, striding out of the cave, and through the hummingbird's ears, he heard the extremely excited voice of that person.

"This is a space rift leading to other worlds!"

"Li Qingquan passed here!"

"If I report this news to the elders of the master, I will break through the foundation building stage and enter the cultivation resources of the Golden Core realm, so I don't have to worry about it!"

On the hill, Chen Tianzhen's eyes froze!Heart beating wildly!Secretly said, it broke, and the space crack was discovered.

"This person is Li Qingquan's senior brother, Zhang Shihao! He must have found the location of the space crack through the curse on Li Qingquan's body!"

"Zhang Shihao must not be allowed to spread the news of the space crack!" Chen Tianzhen already knew the general situation of Tianshengmen through Li Qingquan's memory!
In Tianshengmen, there are five major schools, and the helm of each school has a minimum cultivation level of eighth rank!
Each school has three elders, and the strength of these elders will not be lower than the seventh rank!
Each school has a large number of disciples, and they also possess great strength.

The head of the Heavenly Sacred Sect is a fan of cultivation base, so powerful that it is outrageous. The leaders of the five sects, in front of the head, are like seeing cats and mice, and no one dares to act presumptuously.

If Zhang Shihao is allowed to pass on the information of the space crack and let the high-level officials of Tianshengmen know, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Without even thinking about it, the hummingbird that just landed on the ground, like an arrow, suddenly flew past Zhang Shihao!
A small hummingbird would naturally not be Zhang Shihao's opponent, and Chen Tianzhen had no hope that this hummingbird could hurt Zhang Shihao.

"A little animal from another world dares to act presumptuously in front of me, so die to me!" Zhang Shihao's cold and stern voice sounded, and the ferocious Blood River True Qi smelled foul, and it was faster than a hummingbird. A distance of more than five meters fell on the hummingbird.

The incomparably evil ability of Blood River True Qi was fully manifested, and it turned into a puddle of blood in an instant!
In a hidden cave, a bird that had never been seen before appeared, Zhang Shihao was naturally extremely vigilant, and without hesitation, he directly killed it.

"It's a pity!" On the hill in the real world, Chen Tianzhen secretly sighed, if the hummingbird could get in touch with Zhang Shihao, it would be able to integrate the dream into Zhang Shihao's soul.

But Zhang Shihao's vigilance was too strong, and he killed the hummingbird five meters away!
"Camouflage!" As the killer's first-level skill fell on Chen Tianzhen, his aura suddenly decreased, and he became exactly like an ordinary person.

Immediately afterwards, with murderous intent in his eyes, he stepped into the space crack without hesitation. The surroundings were pitch black, and there was a glimmer of light on the opposite side. Chen Tianzhen strode forward, and within a few steps, he passed through the space crack and walked to the opposite side. in the cave.

In the Tianxin Realm, the aura is rich, hundreds of times higher than the real world!
Chen Tianzhen is like a dry sponge, his body instinctively emits a huge suction force, constantly absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy into his body.

"What a vicious breath! Such a rich aura!" After the aura entered Chen Tianzhen's body, it was completely different from the aura absorbed in the real world. These auras seemed to be conscious, extremely violent, and crazily destroyed Chen Tianzhen's body.

With a heartbeat, twelve divine beast runes emerged from the meridians, and a more ferocious and violent aura came out from Chen Tianzhen's meridians. The aura that crazily broke through his body was immediately suppressed by the divine beast runes, and became extremely docile , fell into the meridians.

However, from the suppressed spiritual energy, traces of black energy were stripped out by themselves, and entered Chen Tianzhen's dantian.

"I knew that today would be a big harvest." Zhang Shihao stood at the entrance of the cave, with an evil smile on his lips, looking at Chen Tianzhen who stepped out of the crack in space.

"There are also human races in the opposite world! That's great! Capture this person first, and ask about the situation in the opposite world. If there are many ordinary people in the opposite world, my credit is greater than the sky. Because of my ability, I He will even be accepted as a disciple by the head." Looking carefully at Chen Tianzhen's appearance, he was trembling with excitement!

The exercises practiced by Tianshengmen do not have much requirements on the quality of the practice materials, but they require a lot on the quantity!

The body and soul of ordinary people are the material for their practice.

In Tianxin Realm, cultivation materials are resources, which are controlled by this sect, so it is impossible to use them privately!

"Ants, come here!" Chen Tianzhen didn't have any aura of cultivation, he was no different from ordinary people, Zhang Shihao didn't care, he stretched his hand towards Chen Tianzhen, and the magic rope around his waist flew away like a long snake go out.

Then, what happened made Zhang Shihao extremely horrified.

I saw Chen Tianzhen raised his hand slightly, and clenched his palm tightly, and the Immortal Rope was pinched into two pieces by him.

"Extreme speed!"

"Critical attack!"

Immediately afterwards, the killer class acquired two skills, which he used without hesitation.

"Zhang Shihao, you can go to hell!" With the blessing of extreme speed skills, Chen Tianzhen's speed was faster than lightning, and the traces of flint and lightning appeared beside Zhang Shihao in an instant.

"Ants, you are looking for death!" Zhang Shihao snorted coldly, the blood river was filled with true energy outside his body, and he used the powerful spell of the Foundation Establishment Realm without hesitation at Chen Tianzhen, "Burning blood!"

This move, even if it is the same level of foundation-building cultivation, will suffer a big loss if it is not prepared. For monks below the foundation-building stage, as long as they use the burning blood technique, there is no possibility of surviving!
Under the blessing of extreme speed, Chen Tianzhen swayed slightly, dodging the blood flames formed by the burning blood spell, raised his hand, and the Five Elements True Qi surged wildly, "Dao Tribulation!"

"Do you think you can avoid it like this? Childish!" Zhang Shihao sneered, and with a thought, the blood flame flew back again, towards Chen Tianzhen.

"Ant, when you are about to capture me, I will take your soul and torture you with blood and fire for a hundred years!"

At this moment, gleaming runes appeared on Chen Tianzhen's body, instantly arranged in a circle and appeared above Zhang Shihao's head.

With the blessing of the crit skill, the power of the rune formation is more condensed at this moment.

"It's just a small technique, how dare you show your shame?" Zhang Shihao sneered, his hands were wrapped in blood river zhenqi, and he lifted them at night, trying to wipe out the runes.

The power of Dao Jie burst out naturally, Zhang Shihao's hand that penetrated into the rune formation suddenly disappeared, and was wiped out of the world directly by the power of Dao Jie!
That terrifying aura that destroyed everything and erased everything was only felt by Zhang Shihao at this time!
Zhang Shihao yelled in extreme horror, with extreme horror in his eyes, extremely terrified, and wanted to run away.

"Death!" Chen Tianzhen's indifferent voice came out at this time, the rune formation formed by Dao Jie, from top to bottom, instantly wiped out Zhang Shihao's existence, leaving no ashes behind.

What also disappeared was the blood flames emitted by Zhang Shihao's burning blood spell!
"The crisis is finally resolved!" At this time, Chen Tianzhen breathed a sigh of relief and killed Zhang Shihao. The information of the space channel will not be spread for the time being. This is too important to Chen Tianzhen and to the real world. up!
"This place must be properly handled, so that no one accidentally discovers it in the future." Chen Tianzhen swept his eyes across the cave, and the location of the space crack is right on the edge of the cave. As long as part of the cave is collapsed, this place will be perfectly restored. Cover up.

Just as he was about to make a move, a domineering and overbearing voice came in from outside the cave, "Who's in there? Get out!"

"Disguise!" Chen Tianzhen's complexion changed suddenly, and he used the disguise skill again. His appearance and aura suddenly changed dramatically. In the next moment, he became a person who had been killed by him, and his soul was all killed by him. Refining Li Qingquan.

Except for their cultivation, their appearance and aura are exactly the same!
(End of this chapter)

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