I can work indefinitely

Chapter 237 Welcome

Chapter 237 Welcome
After constantly experimenting and refining for more than ten times, Chen Tianzhen finally determined the refining method of the Qiankun Ring.

A blood refinement formation restriction, plus three innate gossip rune formation restrictions, obtained a huge space with a length, width, and height of a kilometer!
This kind of Qiankun ring refined from prohibition is called the Great Qiankun Ring by Chen Tianzhen!

A blood refinement array restriction, plus two innate gossip rune array restrictions, plus a universe indestructible formula, to obtain a space with a length, width, and height of a hundred meters!But the hardness of the ring itself will be enhanced.

A blood refinement formation restriction, plus two innate gossip rune formation restrictions, plus a non-circular sky-supporting form, a space with a length, width and height of a hundred meters is obtained!The hardness of the ring itself will be enhanced. In the Qiankun space in the ring, there is a phantom of Buzhou Mountain to support it. The space is tough to the extreme. This kind of Qiankun Ring is called the Buzhou Qiankun Ring by Chen Tianzhen!

When Chen Tianzhen added the supernatural rune into the ring as a prohibition, and input aura, anyone can actively open the gate of hell through the ring, and the space inside the ring will transform into the form of Buddha light space, which cannot store substances , but can preserve the soul!
After experimenting with various schemes, Chen Tianzhen refined a Buzhou Qiankun Ring. The space of his ring is very small, only about ten meters long, wide and high, but inside the space, the phantom of Buzhou Mountain is almost Condensed into substance, although the space is not big, it is like a small world. With the support of Buzhou Mountain, the space is very tough.

After training this ring, Chen Tianzhen put the Bronze God Tree, the Book of Heaven, and the Space Stone into it for the first time, and then used the dreamlike characteristics brought about by the God-watching skill to hide the ring. Even if Chen Tianzhen, if If it wasn't for the subtle induction with the refined magic weapon, even he himself would have found it difficult to find a ring on his finger.

"For the time being, let's get better materials in the future! After the skill level of refining the magic weapon is raised again, we can continue to upgrade the Buzhou Qiankun Ring!" Chen Tianzhen nodded in satisfaction, and then used the other hand to The giant Qiankun ring, put away all the ordinary materials around it.

"It's time to refine the magic weapon for Xu Min and Wang Muxue!" Chen Tianzhen thought for a while, and a golden crystal the size of a thumb, chalcedony as round as a pearl, and phoenix iron as crimson as a flame flew out.

Under the refinement of the spiritual flame, Jin Jing and Fenghuang Tie turned into a lifelike, gorgeous and noble phoenix burning with flames.

Under the phoenix's claws, the chalcedony shone brightly, forming a brilliant pearl.

Two pairs of phoenix earrings were formed in Chen Tianzhen's hands. The phoenix is ​​like a living thing, gorgeous, agile, and noble. Under the light of chalcedony, it looks like it is about to soar into the sky.

The first restriction, the blood refinement formation!

This prohibition allows the phoenix earrings to be refined.

The second restriction is: warrior's first-level skill, Taotie!

The restriction formed by the Taotie skill allows the phoenix earrings to store aura!With this restriction, Chen Tianzhen can input his zhenqi into the phoenix earrings to supply other restricted uses. In addition to supplying other restricted uses, the stored aura can supplement his own consumption.

The third restriction: the immortality of the universe!
With this restriction, the phoenix earrings have added an ability. When the owner is attacked, the aura stored in the phoenix earrings will be consumed, and the Qiankun immortality will be activated to resist the attack until the stored aura is exhausted.

The fourth is forbidden, Lingshan!

With this restriction, the phoenix earrings can suppress the owner's mind, ensure that the owner will not think wildly, will not go crazy during the practice process, and the distracting thoughts in the mind will be refined, and there is Lingshan Suppression, anyone who wants to It is impossible to seize the owner of the phoenix earring, or sneak into the consciousness space of the owner of the phoenix earring.

The four restrictions are all refined into the phoenix earrings, and the phoenix earrings seem to be alive, with a noble and gorgeous aura rushing towards them.

"Not bad!" Even Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed a look of amazement. The phoenix earrings, the phoenix in the main body has an incomparably noble aura. It is countless beautiful and graceful.

"With the phoenix earrings, Xu Min and Wang Muxue shouldn't be angry anymore!" He raised his hand, the spiritual flame disappeared, and he put the earrings into the Qiankun ring.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen refined many things as he wished, as if he had acquired a beloved toy.


Flying Sword!

even clothes...

All kinds, everything!
After a full day, looking at the mountain of 'magic weapons' in front of him, Chen Tianzhen waved his hand and put them all into the space ring. He heard the reminder voice from the dream master in his mind, and he remembered that it was time to make an appointment with Xu Min. It's time.

Stretching out his hand, he put the Killing Sword into the Buzhou Qiankun Ring. Chen Tianzhen looked it over carefully, and after finding that there was nothing of value in the Tianshengmen, he walked towards the space crack.


In the Blood Sea Realm!
The moment Chen Tianzhen put away the killing sword, Taoist Xuehai's eyes suddenly opened.

Originally, the eyes of Taoist Xuehai were dark red, but now they are completely red!

The space stone is as big as a room!Taoist Xuehe has never seen such a large space stone.

Especially after the changes in the world, all kinds of precious refining materials were exhausted, let alone a piece as big as a house, or a piece as big as a fist, he had never seen it before!
"Such a big space stone is worth enough to buy a servant of the gods!"

"Also, the Bronze Mother Tree! It turned out to be the trunk of the Bronze Mother Tree! And there are nine branches, and there are flower bones!" Xuehe Taoist thought of the Bronze God Tree, and his whole body couldn't help being shocked, and his heart beat wildly. In the ancient times when innate magic weapons were constantly being born, the Bronze Mother Tree was also the greatest and most powerful treasure in the world.

It's still one of a kind!
But the Bronze Mother Tree was actually obtained by Chen Tianzhen. The Xuehai Taoist gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with disbelief, "How unfair the law of heaven is! Back then, I only wanted a leaf, but I failed for hundreds of millions of years! Now the entire Bronze Mother Tree, unexpectedly Obtained by Chen Tianzhen, a human kid in the mortal realm!"

"There is also an embryo of an innate magic weapon!" Thinking of Chen Tianzhen's Twelve Star Sword Pills, the jealousy in Taoist Xuehai's eyes could not be suppressed.

"There is also an innate magic weapon with 37 restrictions!" From ancient times to the present, Taoist Xuehai has worked desperately with his strength of the ninth-level Taoist realm. The only innate magic weapon is the killing sword!Moreover, the Killing Sword is still an innate magic weapon with 36 to 37 restrictions, compared with the magic weapon with [-] restrictions, there is a huge gap!
If Chen Tianzhen hadn't engraved a rune on the true spirit, and his life and death were under Chen Tianzhen's control, he would definitely kill Chen Tianzhen in an instant, destroy his bones, destroy his soul, and then snatch these treasures from Chen Tianzhen's hands .

"Chen Tianzhen, you saw things you shouldn't see in the Tianxin Realm, and you know things you shouldn't know. There is a terrifying power to find cause and effect, and to kill you across time and space. Wipe your ass! Help you block the fatal calamity!" At this time, Taoist Xuehai looked at Chen Tianzhen's mantis clone not far away, with a gentle smile like an old father on his face.

"If you have difficulties, I will help you fight, and if you have benefits, you should share a little bit. I am not greedy. You can give me all the treasures you get in the Tianxin Realm, okay?" On the face of Taoist Xuehai, the smile is as bright as a chrysanthemum. Open-minded, he couldn't help rubbing his hands together, staring straight at Chen Tianzhen.

"Heh..." Chen Tianzhen sneered, and closed his eyes that had just been opened.

"Don't be like this. I won't go to the original world with you because there is a terrifying power in the original world. As long as creatures beyond the fairyland appear in the original world, they will be killed by the terrifying power. I want to go too, but I really can't go! You really can't rely on me for this matter."

Taoist Xuehai quickly opened his mouth. He felt that Chen Tian was really angry with him. Before Chen Tianzhen invited him to sit in the real world, Taoist Xuehai refused without even thinking about it.

"I can't go to the original world. My only innate magic weapon, the killing sword, has been sent to you to protect you. What else do you want!"

"You misunderstood me. I'm not angry. What I meant was to tell you, don't think too much. Don't think too much about it!" Chen Tianzhen's mantis avatar opened his eyes with a smile Open your mouth.

He wasn't stingy, he hadn't figured out what the use of the treasures he had obtained in the Tianxin Realm, and it was impossible to give them to Taoist Xuehai directly.


In Lizishu Village, Changkong City, the hill in front of the space crack has disappeared. People who know how to use the construction space removed all the surrounding mountains and rocks, and laid flat bluestone slabs on the ground, turning this place into a huge square. .

And the location of the space crack is right in the center of the square.

At this moment, the square is full of secretive crowds.

Xu Min and Wang Muxue, as Chen Tianzhen's women, gained the right to stand in the front row with Ji Xingchen.

In the second row are the senior executives of Longguo and Chen Tianzhen's old father-in-law's family.

Afterwards, there was the helm of the Modu family who got the news, there was Chen Tianzhen's classmate, and there were many spectators.

In the crowd, there was another Gu Tianyi with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking up at the sky, and a natural aura of Taoism.

Beside Gu Tianyi, Madman Wu frowned, his eyes fixed on the space crack.

"This disciple of mine doesn't have a high cultivation base, and he really has a lot of airs!"

"I don't know if his ability is as big as his airs!" Gu Tian glanced at the space crack, looking at the sun that was about to set, with some displeasure in his eyes.

All the people in the square have come here since dawn, and they have been waiting in the square for a whole day.

"Obviously I'm here to make trouble for others, but I still think this and that!" Crazy Wu muttered in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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