I can work indefinitely

Chapter 239 Gutian 1, attack

Chapter 239 Gu Tianyi, attack

Chen Tianzhen walked out from the crack in the space. Looking from the direction of the square, the golden sunset fell on the back of Chen Tianzhen's head, like a circle of light.

In addition, Chen Tianzhen came out of the space crack, as if appearing out of thin air.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, Chen Tianzhen was reflected like a god, sacred, noble, and majestic!
The brilliance of the setting sun will make ordinary people unable to see things, but those in the square are not ordinary people!

"Priest Chen!" The warriors who had already reached the third level of cultivation had fanaticism in their eyes and extreme respect spontaneously on their faces. Their voices joined together and resounded loudly.

The students of Class 36 in high school, after seeing Chen Tianzhen's appearance, all of them showed joy on their faces. For them, the mere relationship with Chen Tianzhen, a classmate, will bring them great benefits !

After seeing Chen Tianzhen's appearance, the high-level members of Longguo squinted their eyes and carefully looked at Chen Tianzhen's situation. They were relieved at the same time when they found that Chen Tianzhen was strong and strong, and his clothes felt neat.

In the future picture that Chen Tianzhen passed on to them, the cultivators of Tianshengmen are extremely fierce. They will raise humans in captivity in the future, and treat humans as substances for cultivation. Their strength is extremely terrifying!
In Ji Xingchen's heart, there was always a trace of worry hidden. He was worried that after Chen Tianzhen entered the Tianshengmen, he would be killed by the strong men of the Tianshengmen, so he asked Mu Yuantu to keep inquiring about Chen Tianzhen's news. Some time ago, he Restless, he fell asleep after receiving the news that Chen Tianzhen was coming back.

However, before Chen Tianzhen came back, he was still worried. He was worried that Chen Tianzhen would be injured, he was worried that Chen Tianzhen would be hunted down by Tianshengmen, and he was worried that the monks of Tianshengmen would follow Chen Tianzhen to kill him.

Therefore, he brought all the third-tier fighters of Dragon Kingdom just in case.

Seeing Chen Tianzhen's current situation, he obviously didn't look like he was being hunted down. He immediately relaxed, and the seriousness that had been hidden in his eyes disappeared at this moment.

With a smile on his face, he stood in place, looked at Xu Min and Wang Muxue and thought Chen Tianzhen ran over, "It's nice to be young, old!"

"Boss, after practicing, your current body is equivalent to 30 years old. You are not old, but still young." Mu Yuantu also let go of the solemnity in his eyes, and joked with Ji Xingchen with a smile on his face.

"Chen Tianzhen, why didn't you reply to my message? I remember you told me that the panel of the rebels was made by the master of dreams. Even if you cross the world, you can communicate in real time!"

"Do you know how worried I am about you since you haven't responded to my messages!" Xu Min stood in front of Chen Tianzhen with tears in her eyes. The moment she saw Chen Tianzhen, she rushed over and wanted to She hugged Chen Tianzhen, and when she was in front of Chen Tianzhen, she remembered that many people were watching these things.

There was also excitement in Wang Muxue's eyes, but she was able to control her emotions very well, just stood in front of Chen Tianzhen, looked at him, and did not speak.

"I made you worry, blame me! Now I'm back!" The two people's emotions were sincere, without any pretense, Chen Tian was also a little moved in his heart, and then waved his big hand, one left and one right embraced the two of them into his arms.

The faces of the two of them suddenly turned into overripe apples, glowing red.

"What are you doing, so many people are watching!" Xu Min said embarrassingly, but her heart was full of intense happiness, she buried her head deeply in Chen Tianzhen's arms.

"Shameless!" After cursing softly, Wang Muxue buried her head in Chen Tianzhen's arms just like Xu Min.

In the square, seeing Chen Tianzhen hugging from left to right, men were envious and jealous, and women were also envious and jealous.

The man envied Chen Tianzhen's ability to control the two young girls who were as beautiful as angels, and gave them hugs in a large court.

"In my life, as long as I find such a beautiful and sensible woman, I will be satisfied." Many people have extreme envy in their hearts. Their requirements are not high, as long as a beautiful wife is enough.

"If I can have this kind of blessing to be equal to others, I would also like to save my life by 20 years!"

Women, envy Xu Min and Wang Muxue, envy them for finding a young, handsome, powerful, and noble man like Chen Tianzhen.

This kind of high-quality man who is unique in the world, even if they are a little bit more attentive, they think it is understandable. From ancient times to the present, there is no capable man who has three wives and four concubines. There is no capable man, there will only be one woman.

Don't you see the three thousand royal daughters of the Yellow Emperor!Throughout the dynasties, there have been countless beauties in the harem of all emperors.

Although Chen Tianzhen is not an emperor, he is just a priest of a god, but his status has surpassed that of an emperor.

"There are so many people watching, let me go!" After a while, Xu Min and Wang Muxue started to struggle at the same time, breaking free from Chen Tianzhen's arms.

"Okay!" Chen Tianzhen let go of the two of them, and then he said with a little mystery on his face, "I went to Tianxin Realm and prepared a gift for each of you."

A pair of exquisite red rice boxes appeared in Chen Tianzhen's hands. The boxes were carved with dragons and phoenixes, which were extremely exquisite, and the hollowed-out patterns carried a sense of aura.

Putting the two boxes into the hands of Xu Min and Wang Muxue respectively, the smile on Chen Tianzhen's face became brighter, "Come on, open it and see if you like it or not!"

"Wow, what a delicate box!" Xu Min touched the pattern on the box fondly, feeling that the workmanship is excellent, even the box is exquisitely crafted.

Immediately afterwards, she opened the lid of the box, and two phoenix earrings were lying in the box. The phoenix body was extremely gorgeous and lifelike in gold and red, and a little pearl on the phoenix claw was extremely bright.

"It's so beautiful!" Xu Min's eyes were full of intoxication, his eyes were rounded, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wang Muxue's box was not opened, she saw Xu Min open the phoenix earrings in the box, a flash of longing flashed in her eyes, and then opened the box in Chen Tianzhen's encouraging eyes.

The same phoenix earrings are also ingenious, but Xu Min's phoenix earrings give people the feeling that they are flying and jumping away, that they are about to fly.

But Wang Muxue's earrings give people the feeling of being quiet, peaceful and natural.

Wang Muxue couldn't help reaching in, and carefully picked up the phoenix earrings in her palm, with infinite love in her eyes, "It's really beautiful, it's definitely the most beautiful thing in the world."

"They're not just pretty!"

"Come on, I'll bring it for you." Chen Tianzhen finally picked up the earring from Xu Min's wooden box, and while putting it on for Xu Min, he also took out Xu Min's blood to let the earring absorb it.

In the same way, Chen Tianzhen put Wang Muxue's earrings on.

At this time, the people in the square finally saw clearly the gift that Chen Tianzhen sent out.

"Gorgeous, beautiful, and noble!" The men just thought the earrings looked good.

"I really want it, it's so beautiful!" When the women saw the earrings, no matter their age, all eyes glowed green, like hungry wolves, full of greed.

"As long as Priest Chen can give me an earring, I'm willing to do anything." Many women looked at Chen Tianzhen bewilderedly.

From the moment Chen Tianzhen appeared, Gu Tianyi looked at Chen Tianzhen closely, his voice was full of deep doubts, "Is there no cultivation?"

His powerful divine sense swept over Chen Tianzhen's body, and found that Chen Tianzhen was only slightly stronger than ordinary people, and he had no cultivation base at all.

"Wait, the practice progress of the universe and stars visualization map is gone!" Through special induction, he discovered that an even more incredible situation had appeared.

"It's impossible. When I went to his house to look for him, he had already lit up the stars. As long as he practiced the art of cosmic star visualization, there would be no regress."

"Could it be a magic weapon to conceal his cultivation?" The more Gu Tian thought about it, the more he felt that this guess was correct, especially after seeing the phoenix earrings that Chen Tianzhen took out, he was even more sure of it.

"When I first came out, so many people were watching, but I actually started flirting with no one else! Flirtatious, it's too much!" Seeing Chen Tianzhen not in a hurry, acting like no one else, still flirting with Xu Min and Wang Muxue, Gu Tianyi frowned tightly.

"The cosmic star visualization map is related to... the channel! There must be no problems! I must find out what is going on with Chen Tianzhen!" The cosmic star visualization map is a part of the divine calculation scriptures, and it is related to the original world and the mysterious world. Unicom, this is Gu Tianyi's mission, the most important thing he cares about.

There must be no mistakes!Gu Tianyi cannot accept any accidents, because the original world has begun to stretch, and the folds of space have begun to stretch.

Gu Tianyi announced that Chen Tianzhen couldn't finish the work in a short time, and Gu Tianyi didn't have the patience to wait any longer. He had to ask clearly about the universe and stars visualization map first.

As for the people around them, they only have the strength of the third level. To Gu Tianyi, another hundred thousand is just a matter of one whisk. If he wants to, all the people here will be wiped out in an instant.

He didn't really care whether Chen Tianzhen would be unhappy because of this matter. It is true that Chen Tianzhen's aptitude for practicing divine arithmetic is very strong, but Chen Tianzhen's current strength is only at the third level, and he can suppress it with just a look. The presence.

Therefore, with a kind smile on his face and pulsating pace, Gu Tian stepped out of the line and walked towards the front.


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(End of this chapter)

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