I can work indefinitely

Chapter 242 Sword Qi Suppression

Chapter 242 Sword Qi Suppression
The killing sword appeared in Chen Tianzhen's hands in the next moment!
The ultimate murderous aura of slaughtering the world and annihilating everything was transmitted from the sword body, and the surrounding time and space seemed to be frozen the moment the killing sword appeared, and the extreme chill emerged from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Everyone looked at Chen Tianzhen with extreme horror!
At this moment, in everyone's perception, Chen Tianzhen has become a terrifying monster who slaughters the world. Just the leaked killing aura makes people stiffen all over and stop thinking.

"What is that?" This change happened after Chen Tianzhen took out the killing sword. Everyone saw it. No one present was a fool. They all guessed that Chen Tianzhen's change and this taking him out The sword has a great relationship.

Gu Tianyi, who was in front of Chen Tianzhen, sensed the ultimate murderous intent on the sword in Chen Tianzhen's hand, his eyes froze dreamily, his pupils suddenly shrank, and a gossip-like rune formation flashed in his eyes.

Even Gu Tianyi, when Chen Tianzhen took out the sword, he felt a horrible feeling of doom in his heart. He could feel that if Chen Tianzhen swung the sword at him, he would definitely be injured. .

"What a powerful magic weapon this is!" Gu Tianyi was amazed in his heart, the aura on the sword had nothing to do with Chen Tianzhen in his opinion, it was the power of the sword itself.

"If the power of the fairyland is used to arouse the power in the sword, it is also possible for the cultivation base that I thought to attack the godland!" In Gu Tianyi's eyes, he couldn't help but show greed at this moment.

After living for such a long time, the sword in Chen Tianzhen's hand is the strongest magic weapon he has ever seen.

Chen Tianzhen is a mere ant with a mere mortal realm, holding this powerful magic weapon is like a child carrying gold through a downtown!It's simply courting death.

Although the magic weapon is powerful, Chen Tian is really too weak!

"Good apprentice, for your safety, I will keep this magic weapon for you for a period of time, and I will return it to you after your cultivation level is reached." Gu Tianyi's voice carried The meaning of the mother is beyond doubt.

The hand he was pressing on top of Chen Tianzhen's head was pressed down suddenly, and the other hand, which was behind his back, suddenly stretched out at this moment, with a terrifying power to break open the space, without any cover, directly I thought Chen Tianzhen took out the killing sword and grabbed it.

"Why bother!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen's voice became extremely cold and severe, and after a sigh, two blood-red sword qi emerged from the Killing Sword.

Everyone in the square trembled as if they were being stared at by a fierce beast when the sword energy emerged, and their bodies were instantly covered in cold sweat.

Gu Tianyi's eyes flickered with panic at the moment when the two sword qi came out, and then he let out a strange cry, and the two hands that were stretched out retracted faster than when they were stretched out.

The white fairy light with immortal and eternal power wrapped Gu Tianyi's palm, trying to block the sword energy shot out from the killing sword.

Gu Tianyi's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, and his voice was sharp, "Teacher, I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

Unfortunately, even Gu Tianyi himself didn't believe this, let alone Chen Tianzhen.

The blood-red sword energy retracted faster than Gu Tianyi!

In the blink of an eye, Gu Tianyi pressed Chen Tianzhen's palm domineeringly, and the fairy light seemed to not exist. Under the blood-red sword energy, it instantly melted and disappeared.

Gu Tianyi's face changed wildly, and the fright in his eyes completely turned into fear.

"Good disciple, stop!" His voice was extremely panicked, and there was no trace of the previous arrogance.

It's a pity that Chen Tian really didn't seem to hear it. Holding the killing sword, he looked at Gu Tianyi coldly, and quickly communicated with Taoist Xuehai with his spiritual thoughts, "Taoist Xuehai, your killing sword energy is sure to kill Gu Tianyi. Is your body forced to be revealed?"

"Any living being, in front of the killing sword, will reveal its true body!" The voice of Taoist Xuehai came from the killing sword. Haidao people can communicate with Chen Tianzhen.

"That's good!" Chen Tianzhen had a smile on his face.

At this time, the two sword qi suddenly accelerated, and the ultimate murderous intent suddenly erupted, enveloping Gu Tianyi with the aura of extinction.

Gu Tianyi trembled all over, feeling extremely desperate and regretful.

With a sharp stab of sword energy, Gu Tianyi's two hands were directly pierced by the extremely terrifying sword energy, like a layer of paper, and the immortal power defense outside the palm seemed to not exist.

After the two sword qi pierced Gu Tianyi's palm, he turned around instantly like a blood dragon, and pierced through the wound on Gu Tianyi's hand before Gu Tianyi could react.

"This is it!" Gu Tian's face changed wildly, and he quickly circulated all the immortal power in his body, trying to block this sword energy!
Immediately afterwards, the sword qi rushed directly into Gu Tianyi's meridians without any hindrance, and the powerful immortal power in Gu Tianyi's meridians was instantly destroyed in front of the sword qi.

The sword energy is like destroying the dead, destroying all the blocking immortal powers!

"Is this sword energy trying to kill my soul?" Gu Tian felt an uncontrollable chill in his heart. After this idea appeared, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. Jumping to the ground, wanting to abandon the body, run out of the body, you can still practice without the fairy body, if the fairy soul is gone, it will be lost, and you will never be reborn forever!
"What a vicious heart, my fairy soul is locked in my body, and I can't escape at all." Gu Tianyi's rosy face turned extremely pale the next moment, and he found that, at some point, His immortal soul has been firmly bound to his body by the blood-red sword energy.

"Wait, this is not to kill me, but to reveal my body?" Immediately afterwards, Gu Tianyi discovered that the terrifying sword energy did not kill him, but easily removed the human body in his body. Rune, cleaning bit by bit.

Outside, after two streams of sword energy entered Gu Tianyi's body, Gu Tianyi trembled all over, unable to stand at all, and fell down in front of everyone.

Ji Xingchen and the others, whose mouths were so big that they could almost stuff a goose egg in, had disbelief and disbelief in their eyes.

Everyone has personally experienced Gu Tianyi's strength and fear. With that invincible power, even the entire Dragon Kingdom is like ants in front of Gu Tianyi.

However, Chen Tianzhen, who was about to be defeated by Gu Tian, ​​raised his hand, and two sword qi flew out!

Gu Tianyi, who showed invincible strength, flew backwards in front of the sword qi, and was stabbed into the body by the sword qi the next moment, lying on the ground. Immediately afterwards, Gu Tianyi twitched crazily like an epileptic seizure.

"Priest Chen's methods are too terrifying!" Long Guo's senior executives were extremely shocked.

Wang Muxue and Xu Min saw Chen Tianzhen take out a blood-red long sword, and when he raised his hand, the sword energy flew out. Gu Tianyi, who showed invincible strength, immediately lay down and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"You bastard old Taoist priest, weren't you extremely arrogant and domineering just now? Didn't you rely on some means of your own to be extremely arrogant and domineering just now?" Seeing Gu Tian laying on the ground twitching, with a painful expression on his face, Gu Tian A look of joy flashed in the eyes of the warrior who was swept away with the whisk.

"Priest Chen deserves to be Priest Chen, amazing! It's amazing!" The soldiers who were a little disappointed in Chen Tianzhen before now had extremely bright eyes and reverence in their voices.

"A mere old Taoist priest, how could he be our classmate's opponent? Our classmate Chen Tianzhen, that's a god reserve!" Chen Tianzhen's classmates also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. As soon as Tianyi lay down directly, everyone felt extremely happy.

Crazy Wu, who was standing in the crowd, saw this scene with complicated eyes, filled with joy, worry and unbearable!

(End of this chapter)

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