I can work indefinitely

Chapter 245 World Fusion, Tianxin Realm, Yinghuo

Chapter 245 World Fusion, Tianxin Realm, Yinghuo

Under everyone's puzzled eyes, Chen Tianzhen walked to the space crack.

"The gate of hell!" The gate of hell opened, the huge gate was as high as 40 meters, and the extremely viscous evil spirit flowed out from the blood sea world, and the sword energy was completely absorbed by the killing sword.

Compared with when he was dealing with Gu Tianyi, a more terrifying aura emanated from Chen Tianzhen.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Gu Tianyi couldn't help but shrink his pupils when he sensed this extremely terrifying aura.

In his induction, the peerless murderous intent emerging from the killing sword is like the power to destroy the world, it can easily tear him apart in the next moment, and annihilate him in an instant.

"Star barrier!" With a loud roar, it appeared on the turtle shell above everyone's head, and endless starlight fell, pulling everyone up from the ground, suspended in mid-air, and the turtle shell emitted bright starlight, forming a ball. Everyone is protected in it.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen squeezed the hilt of the sword, and pulled the killing sword out of the scabbard inch by inch.

Everything around, in the process of pulling out the blood-red sword blade, was split by the radiated sword energy, and even the time and space around the killing sword, under the power of the killing sword, appeared one after another like spider webs Horror crack.

On Gu Tianyi's starlight tortoise shell, gaps flashed continuously, as if being cut by countless sword qi.

81 Sitting on the stars blooming bright brilliance, the endless void is opened a mysterious gap, connecting unknown places, the silver-white power of the stars flows down continuously, blending into the starlight turtle shell, which can block the sword energy accidentally leaked by the killing sword .

"It's terrifying! Could this sword be a Dao realm magic weapon, a world-exterminating sword specially refined?" Gu Tian's face changed wildly, the pain shrunk to the size of a needle tip, and his voice was extremely shocking.

This is just the sword energy accidentally leaked from the Killing Sword!

This unintentionally leaked sword energy requires him to go all out, and if he is a little careless, he may die on the spot!
If he faced this sword directly, he would be completely wiped out of the world in an instant by the extremely terrifying sword energy, not even a trace of his true spirit would be left behind.

"Chop!" Sensing that the power in the Killing Sword had almost accumulated, Chen Tianzhen's face was extremely serious, and he swung the Killing Sword towards the crack in space, and the infinite energy concentrated in one point and burst out at this moment.

At the location of the space crack, the power of silver-white space flickered. The space crack, which was only [-] meters high, was torn apart in an instant, and expanded infinitely.

Although the destructive sword qi was very strong, it was impossible to achieve this. The sword qi just now was just an introduction.

It's like two pieces of paper glued together, a hole is opened in the middle with a knife, and only then can the two sides be pulled apart by hand.

The same is true for this sword.

After opening a hole, in Chen Tianzhen's induction, the feeling of being able to open up the space and smooth out the wrinkles became even stronger.

"Give it to me!" Following the feeling in his heart, Chen Tianzhen roared, and activated the skill Lingshan directly!

A mountain that is not high but has the meaning of immortality appears in the crack of space!
The mountain looks ordinary, nothing extraordinary.

"As big as your heart is, Lingshan will be as high as you want! Go up!" Chen Tianzhen roared, and Lingshan grew against the wind, and in an instant it became a huge mountain with a height of [-] meters. The top of the mountain reached the top of the crack in space. The bottom of the mountain was firmly pressed against the other end of the space crack.

The crack in the space that can annihilate any matter and true energy, and the silver-white space power burst out, but it has no effect on the mountain of mind where the power of the mind is condensed!

Amidst Chen Tianzhen's furious roar, Lingshan continued to grow inch by inch!
At this moment, the real world has undergone appalling changes.

Boom boom boom!
A loud bang resounded throughout the world.

Immediately afterwards, the whole world shook at the same time, as if a super earthquake of the level of extinction had erupted, the whole world was shaking, high-rise buildings, as if they were made of flour, were instantly torn apart and collapsed.

The high mountains all over the world are shaking, and the rocks are sliding down. The boulders and ice blocks, which are bigger than the train, roll down from the high mountains with the power of destruction, smashing and destroying everything that is in front of them.

On the big river and the sea, a huge wave of [-] meters high was set off, completely destroying everything on the shore.

The volcano erupted and the earth shook!Countless animals, ferocious beasts, and even weird ones ran out in panic to the extreme.

At this moment, it was like the end of the world.

If one looks from outer space, one can find that the original world was originally a sphere suspended in the void. The moment Chen Tianzhen slashed down with his sword, the planet suspended in the void seemed to be split by this thing. The sphere opened, stretched, and turned into an irregular piece of land suspended in the void!

On the edge of the land, a gray mist filled the air, blocking the situation outside the land.

"Fusion for me!" Just as the real world became a continent floating in the void, Chen Tianzhen also reached the most critical one, guided by his instinctively, he reached out and grabbed a corner of the crack in the space out of thin air. , and then the power of Hunyuan Tiantu broke out completely.

Twelve ancient beasts condensed around him, turning into a terrifying existence with a height of ten feet, like a god who opened up the world.

The gossip runes formed a terrifying gossip pattern with a diameter of [-] meters above his head.

"Come!" With a sudden pull, the twelve ancient beasts and innate gossip runes worked together with Chen Tianzhen, but the space crack did not change at all.

"Not enough! Not enough!" At this moment, Chen Tianzhen didn't have the slightest human emotion in his heart, what he had was only pure to the extreme rationality, like a clone formed by meditation skills, he had no desires or desires!

Moreover, his state at the moment is even more powerful than his body.

The state of the avatar is to have no desires and desires, and to be close to the natural way.

At this moment, in addition to being absolutely rational and wanting nothing, his state also has a sense of omniscience and omnipotence!

In his eyes, there is no meaning between the world and the earth. At a glance, whether it is the original world, the Tianxin world, or the cracks in space, there are no secrets at all to him.

Under the guidance of the soul, Chen Tianzhen slapped casually, and took out the Tianshu, the innate magic weapon obtained from the Tianxin Realm, from the Qiankun Ring.

"Tianshu!" A drop of golden blood dripped from his finger and was absorbed by Tianshu. At this moment, Chen Tianzhen preliminarily obtained the innate magic weapon, the control authority of Tianshu.

The huge heavenly book turned into a normal-sized book in an instant, and it fell into Chen Tianzhen's hands.

The heavenly book Wu Feng moved, the pages flipped open, and a terrifying force belonging to the supreme realm flew out of the heavenly book, blessing Chen Tianzhen.

"Strength!" From the source of time and space, a loud roar came with extreme strength, and then blessed Chen Tianzhen.

"Roar! Open it for me!" Chen Tianzhen only felt that the whole world, in his eyes, was like paper, and could be torn apart with a little force.

With a loud roar, a sudden pull!

The sound of something being torn apart sounded from the depths of the space.

The crack in space was directly torn open in this roar, and the huge Heavenly Sacred Mountain appeared in front of everyone's eyes the next moment.


The terrifying sound resounded through the original world again, and the smoothed space, together with the Tianxin Realm in this space, merged into the original world. The entire original world increased a thousand times in size at this moment!
What's even more frightening is that the space occupied by the Tianxin Realm, in the past, was manifested as the endless void outside the original world.

At this moment, after the Tianxin Realm merged in, the void was filled.

Then, directly connect the original world with the stars that were originally floating in the void, Yinghuo.

After Yinghuoxing was connected to the original world, like the original world, it returned to its origin in an instant. From a star suspended in the void, it was pulled by the original power of the world and turned into a vast continent.

(End of this chapter)

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