Chapter 256

Chen Tianzhen felt at ease immediately after confirming that the skill of contemplating gods could eliminate the weirdness in the aura of this world.

After confirming the thought of splitting and merging into Gu Tianyi's body, the Blood Sea Taoist fell silent, and then returned the control of his body to Gu Tianyi.

Gu Tianyi was so excited that he almost cried!

Just now, watching Taoist Xuehai ruin his body, he could only watch. This feeling made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I didn't expect that after Chen Tianzhen controlled my life and death, the supernatural powers passed down to me would be so powerful!" Gu Tianyi has never used the skills of entering concentration, contemplating gods, leaving the body, and manifesting sages.

Just now I saw Taoist Xuehai borrowing his body to use the two supernatural powers of in-and-out concentration and contemplation of gods, and he was able to refine the inner demon energy hidden in the aura of the mortal world, which surprised Gu Tianyi.

"How many terrifying methods does he have?" He can invite a Dao Realm existence to solve the problem at any time, and he can directly imprint the rune that controls life and death in his soul with the cultivation base of the mortal world, and can mobilize a huge amount of energy.

The supernatural power bestowed at random can solve all the weirdness in the mortal world!
All these incidents made Gu Tianyi feel more and more, "Chen Tianzhen is absolutely impossible to be an ordinary person in the fourth-order mortal realm, he must be just a clone! He must be a super powerful clone!" "

"Let's go, let's go out and have a look, what's going on in this great world!" Amidst Chen Tianzhen's urging voice, Gu Tianyi stepped out of the cave at the first.

"Chen Tianzhen, this is Xuanwu Mountain. Five hundred miles to the south of Xuanwu Mountain is Xuanwu City, the capital of Xuanwu Kingdom!" Walking out of the cave, there is a huge mountain range. The cave is located halfway up the mountain. South on.

Looking forward from here, you can just see a silver-white Milky Way falling from the void above the zenith. This Milky Way looks so vast, even if the location of the cave is tens of thousands of miles away from the Milky Way, you can still see it from here. The Milky Way is shining with silvery white brilliance.

"Is this the Tianhe?" Chen Tianzhen didn't speak, his eyes fixedly looked at the southern sky, the Tianhe was hanging upside down, and its brilliance illuminated the world. The Tianhe, which was like a pillar of heaven, occupied most of Chen Tianzhen's field of vision.

"Yes, this is the Tianhe River in the Great World of Qiankun. This section belongs to the Mortal Realm and is the mother river of everyone in the Mortal Realm! The entire Mortal Realm is covered in strangeness, and all living things rely on the Tianhe River created in the black mist. The Pure Land is alive!" Gu Tianyi's eyes were filled with reminiscence.

The height of Xuanwu Mountain is extremely high. From here, you can see far away to the north!

Gu Tianyi's eyes looked towards the west. Although it was daytime, a layer of black mist shrouded the earth. The area shrouded in black mist was like stagnant water. There was no movement and no life.

In the whole world, only the edge of Tianhe, this piece of pure land opened up by the power of Tianhe, has vitality.

"Go, go to Xuanwu City!" After Chen Tianzhen sensed it, the causal skills directly acted on the Lingshan Mountain. After he felt the aura of Emperor Zun, he used the causal skills again to confirm the divine mind of Emperor Zun. In the mortal world, the distance between him and him is millions of miles!

"Compared with just entering the mortal world, the distance between me and me has become shorter. It seems that Emperor Zun's divine sense can only go back to the fairy world, or even the god world!" After confirming that Emperor Zun is still there After Mortal Realm, Chen Tianzhen smiled.

"As long as I keep the path leading to Tianhe, Emperor Zun can't escape!" Chen Tianzhen looked at Gu Tianyi with memories in his eyes, and the smile on his face was even better!

Because the Xuanwu Kingdom is on the only way to Tianhe!

"Let's go to Xuanwu City!" Chen Tian really thought about it, Emperor Zun still had a million miles to travel, and according to his previous speed, it would take at least five days to reach the border of Xuanwu Kingdom.

It's not bad to come out after a long time and look at the surrounding scenery! ——
Chen Tianzhen and Gu Tianyi walked to the main road talking and laughing. At this moment, they noticed that many people were hurrying towards Xuanwu City, and everyone's eyes were extremely serious.

"Brother, what are you doing?" If there were one or two, Gu Tianyi wouldn't have any more, but everyone he met had such an expression, Gu Tianyi couldn't help asking.

"Who are you? Don't you know that my Xuanwu Kingdom is about to be destroyed!" The middle-aged man had a solemn face and a sad tone in his voice.

"What? The Xuanwu Kingdom is going to destroy it? It's impossible!" Gu Tianyi said in disbelief, and a powerful aura erupted directly, directly pressing the middle-aged man to the ground.

Sensing Gu Tianyi's terrifying aura, the middle-aged man dared to ask other questions, and told everything he knew.

"Last year, a snake demon appeared in Xuanwu, occupied Xuanwu City, beheaded and killed the eight guardian gods and beast kings! Then it began to eat people recklessly!"

"And he also said that he obtained the ancient inheritance from Tianhe, the Sky Demon Art, which can break the curse of the mortal world! Walking on the road of the ancient sky demon, not cultivating the realm, only cultivating the blood of the sky demon!"

"To practice the blood of the sky demon, you need to devour the monks!"

"This snake monster is extremely ferocious and invincible. During this period of time, the strong people in the Xuanwu Kingdom have almost been eaten up by this snake monster!"

"Now, because there are no eighth-level monks in the country, countless monster races have come out and started to make trouble. The Xuanwu Kingdom will soon be extinct!"

"Everyone found that there was no way out in Xuanwu Kingdom, so they all went to take refuge in Tianlong Mountain upstream, and we also went to Tianlong Mountain to take refuge."

"Do you know what's going on with the royal family of Xuanwu Kingdom, the Wu family?" Gu Tian heard the middle-aged man's words, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Like a knife, with the ultimate killing intent.

"I don't know! I'm just an ordinary person. I really don't know what's going on with the Queen!"

"However, I heard from hearsay that the snake demon came to Xuanwu Kingdom a year ago to spy on the queen's beauty, so she was taken in..." The middle-aged man recalled carefully, telling the news that he usually heard and didn't know whether it was true or not.

"Shut up!" Eighty-one star-killing sword qi emerged from Gu Tianyi's body. The terrifying murderous intent almost tore apart time and space. His eyes were bloodshot, and his voice was violent to the extreme.

"Chen Tianzhen, I'll go to Xuanwu City first!" The next moment, Gu Tianyi couldn't bear it any longer, and turned into a blood jade-like sword energy, tearing through the space, and flew towards Xuanwu City.

"Looking at this, there may be some inexplicable relationship between this old guy, Gu Tianyi, and the queen of Xuanwu Kingdom." Only then did I hear someone say that the queen was taken into the room by the snake demon. Gu Tian I can't stand it straight away, this performance is too obvious.

"Mortal creatures cannot break through to the ninth level!"

"Gu Tianyi's cultivation is in the fairyland, and his combat power has increased by a hundred times after the advice of Taoist Xuehai!"

"A mere snake monster, it shouldn't be too difficult for Gu Tianyi!" Thinking of this, Chen Tianzhen was not in a hurry at all, and started to deal with his own affairs.

With a smile on his face, Chen Tianzhen looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, "Brother, don't be afraid, your chance has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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