I can work indefinitely

Chapter 269 Layout

Chapter 269 Layout
"Gu Tianyi, help me do things!" Seeing that Gu Tian's face turned red like a monkey's butt, Chen Tianzhen said with a half-smile.

What kind of existence is the Blood Sea Taoist?Ninth-order Daoist Mirror!Only the last step is needed to cultivate to the supreme state of the heavens and the world.

Even if it is a thought, the power possessed by it is beyond Gu Tianyi's imagination.

It can even be said that even the existence of a newcomer to Daojing is not worth mentioning before the thought of Taoist Xuehai!
It wasn't because he was entrusted with the tricks of Chen Tianzhen's ability to recruit apprentices. An existence of Chen Tianzhen's level would never come into his eyes.

Now that he has been tricked by Chen Tianzhen, if Chen Tianzhen had any mishaps, he would follow him to death, if it wasn't for this, he wouldn't even separate his thoughts to follow Chen Tianzhen.

"Tell me!" After this incident, Gu Tian was convinced of Chen Tian's sincerity. In Chen Tianzhen's hands, the snake demon was like a little chicken. It had no power to fight back and was instantly killed and refined. If this kind of method is used on him, Gu Tianyi can only become a medicine pill.

In the next moment, Chen Tianzhen directly poured his plan into Gu Tianyi's mind through the succession of Meng Yin.

"You follow my plan, distribute Mengyin, harvest natural materials and earthly treasures, supernatural powers, exercises, and verify the information provided by others." Chen Tianzhen said in a deep voice. He has already collected all the materials needed for the fourth-level cultivation and needs time to retreat .

During this period of retreat, it is most appropriate for Gu Tianyi to complete the task of distributing dream guides and collecting heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and supernatural powers from the hands of mortals.

"No problem!" Gu Tianyi recalled, and the plan Chen Tianzhen made appeared in his mind clearly, and he agreed.

After Gu Tian left, Chen Tianzhen sat down cross-legged, and took out the relevant materials collected at the foot of Xuanwu Mountain in the space ring. The whole hall was filled with spiritual energy in an instant. Chen Tianzhen picked and picked, and put the spiritual materials needed to break through to the fourth level in his hands , other materials were collected by him again.

"After I practice for a while, Emperor Zun will probably come to the territory of Xuanwu Kingdom!" The first purpose of coming to the Great World of Qiankun is to kill Emperor Zun, which Chen Tianzhen did not forget.

Before Emperor Zun comes to Xuanwu Kingdom, it is necessary to integrate all the creatures of Xuanwu Kingdom into Mengyin, let everyone become Chen Tianzhen's eyes, and completely seal the way for Emperor Zun to return to the upper realm. Only in this way can the infinite inauguration panel be exposed risk is minimized.

For Chen Tianzhen, as long as he has the spiritual energy needed for practice, he will not have any difficulty in completing the fourth-level practice. He only needs to increase the practice level of the exercise through the infinite inauguration panel, and then he can comprehend all the mysteries of the exercise. No difficulty.


When Chen Tianzhen was practicing, Queen Guilangu released the news that the snake demon was killed by a strong man.

Then, she summoned the 81 provinces under the jurisdiction of the Xuanwu Kingdom to the Xuanwu City to discuss matters related to the Xuanwu Kingdom.

In Xuanwu Kingdom, the governor of each province represents a super family of Xuanwu Kingdom. Only when there are at least ten or more eighth-level powerhouses in the family can they be qualified to take the position of governor. If they have no strength, they can sit in this position , will soon be killed.

In the past, in the hands of Gui Langu, he had a large number of powerhouses of the eighth rank, who could suppress these ambitious families. Unfortunately, all these powerhouses were eaten and refined by the vicious snake demon.

On the contrary, these super families of Xuanwu Kingdom, after discovering the power of the snake demon, withdrew their strength and organized the core force of the family to leave Xuanwu Kingdom temporarily.

The strength of these families has hardly been lost.

The imbalance of power will naturally lead to the re-division of spheres of influence.

After five days.

Among the 81 families, the most powerful Wan family, after receiving the news from the palace, the head of the Wan family, Wan Quanzhi, made a decisive decision and led [-] eighth-level monks from the family to Xuanwu in a mighty manner. City came.

"This imperial throne has been home for too long, and it's time for someone else to do it!" Wan Quanzhi is bound to win.

He is very clear about the situation in the palace. Except for the queen herself, all other eighth-rank monks in the palace are dead.

As for the strength of the Wan family, before the snake demon came to the Xuanwu Kingdom, it was the second largest power, and the Zhu family, the third most powerful, now only has 130 eighth-level monks. Compared with the Wan family, it is not that bad. 01:30 o'clock.

The Wan family now has overwhelming power in the Xuanwu Kingdom.

"Our Empress Guilangu said in a secretive way that this snake demon was killed by Gu Tianyi, the guardian beast 3000 years ago. She simply regarded us all as fools." Gu Tianyi has disappeared for more than 2000 years, According to Wan Quanzhi's guess, he either died or returned to the fairyland.

After finally returning to the fairyland, Gu Tianyi will come down to this weird place?This is impossible!
If Wan Quanzhi had the opportunity to escape from the mortal world, he would never come back.

Therefore, Wanquanzhi concludes that what the Queen Guilangu said is a lie!
Why do you tell lies?That is naturally because of fear!Naturally because of a guilty conscience!
Before the snake demon came, there was already an undercurrent in Xuanwu Kingdom. After all, Guijia had occupied the throne of Xuanwu Kingdom for 5 years, and many people were already very dissatisfied with Guijia occupying such a high position.

If it wasn't for the appearance of the Snake Demon, perhaps the Xuanwu Kingdom would have been completely changed now!
Now the basilisk is gone!

Yes, Wan Quanzhi felt that the snake demon left by himself, and the empress lied!

He arranged a lot of spies in Xuanwu City, saying that some people said that the snake demon suddenly went berserk, revealed itself, captured a young Taoist priest, and disappeared!
Therefore, Wan Quanzhi guessed that the snake demon might have gone to break through his cultivation.

"This throne, it's up to Wanjie to do it!" Wan Quanzhi was extremely confident. He was already thinking about who to arrange for the throne after winning the throne. "This snake demon is always a hidden danger. There must be a way to send him away."

Wan Quanzhi's mind turned, thinking about the overall situation of Xuanwu Kingdom after winning the throne, how to divide the interests, and how to appease other families.

How to obtain the inheritance of the Heavenly Demon Jue from the Snake Demon, and...how to give the Snake Demon the eighth-level monks from other families to devour, to help the Snake Demon, and let him naturally enter the heaven through the Tianhe River.

Five days is enough time for all the families to verify the snake demon's information through their own channels and understand the current information of Xuanwu City.

Many families ignored and dismissed the orders issued by the Queen.

Ambitious families began to connect with each other, trying to strengthen their own strength through alliances.

According to the current performance of the empress, the Xuanwu Kingdom will definitely be precarious in the next period of time. Whether it is for self-protection or for more interests, it will be beneficial.

At this moment, in the Phoenix Nest of the Queen's bedroom, Gu Tianyi and Gui Langu finished their clothes and stood up from the soft bed.

"Tianyi, at night, all the princes of Xuanwu Kingdom will come to the palace to participate in the grand court meeting!"

"According to what I know, they will first unite and force me to abdicate!"

"Then let's divide the interests of the Xuanwu Kingdom." Gui Langu's face was flushed, his eyes were like Wang Chunshui, but his voice carried the ultimate murderous intent.

"They would never have thought that you really came back!" A trace of tenderness flashed in Gui Langu's eyes.

"Since they dare to do the first day of junior high school, then I will do it for the fifteenth day! At night, you hide first, and wait until all these wolfish and ambitious people show their true eyes, then you can take action!"

"This time, I will catch them all when they are at their best! Let them taste what it feels like to fall directly from heaven to the abyss." Gui Langu's voice was extremely indifferent, and the fiery murderous intent made even Gu Tian a All moved by it.

"Lan Gu, don't worry, with me here, Xuanwu Kingdom is yours, no one can threaten your status, no force can threaten the status of Guijia!" Gu Tianyi was extremely confident.

"Be careful, about the snake demon... Can you please get Senior Chen out? With him around, everything will be fine." Gui Langu reminded softly, his eyes were extremely deep.

(End of this chapter)

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