I can work indefinitely

Chapter 272 Hunting Level 8

Chapter 272 The Eighth Level of Hunting
After Gu Tianyi walked out of the palace, he immediately used the supernatural powers he inherited from Chen Tianzhen to pretend!

Under the camouflage effect of supernatural powers, his appearance changed, his aura changed, and even the otherworldly fairyland aura on his body was covered up by the supernatural powers.

"I'm so stupid! To doubt Chen Tianzhen's methods, to doubt Chen Tianzhen's supernatural powers!" After Chen Tianzhen killed the snake demon, the first thing Gu Tian did when he recovered was to hide quietly and put Chen Tianzhen to death. All the supernatural powers passed down to him by innocence have been tried one by one.

The result of the experiment shocked him to the extreme!
No matter what kind of supernatural powers Chen Tianzhen passed on to him, they are all unbelievably powerful.

At that time, when he was tied up with ropes by the snake demon, if Gu Tianyi had used the supernatural powers passed down to him by Chen Tianzhen, he would never have fallen into such a miserable state, and he would definitely have easily killed the snake demon.

At this moment, after Gu Tianyi used his camouflage skills, he had become a nondescript passerby. The spirit of the fairyland emerged from Gu Tianyi's body, covering the entire Xuanwu City almost instantly.

Under the effect of camouflage skills, Gu Tianyi's divine sense was well hidden, let alone an eighth-rank monk, even if Gu Tianyi came by himself, he would definitely not be able to discover any clues.

"There are really some tricks!" The divine sense swept across Xuanwu City, and finally settled on the street outside the imperial city. This street is extremely bustling, with countless small vendors selling goods on both sides of the road, and more people wandering on the street.

The bustling streets look the same as usual, but no matter if they are street vendors or passers-by, they all look very normal.

"You're really smart!" Although these people hid it well, they couldn't hide it from Gu Tianyi. In Gu Tianyi's eyes, these passers-by and street vendors, who looked like nothing unusual, were dazzling like lighthouses in the dark. to the extreme.

The next moment, Gu Tianyi disappeared from the palace, and appeared on the street without a sound. It should have been an abrupt movement, but the others seemed to have not seen it, just like Gu Tianyi should have been in this place in the first place. nature.

"Brother, it's the first time I've come to Xuanwu City, and I want to ask you something..." Gu Tianyi lightly patted the 'rich man' who was really wandering in front of him, with the timidity unique to other provinces in his voice .

A gleam of coldness flashed in the rich young man's eyes. Gu Tianyi looked like an ordinary person who would be forgotten in a second if he was thrown in the crowd.

This kind of person is not qualified to talk to him in normal times!If he dared to be so bold in normal times, the rich man would definitely explode and kill him, but now they have a major mission, and they must not show any flaws according to the requirements.

Therefore, the rich young man resisted the urge to tear Gu Tianyi apart, with a stern expression on his face, "Idiot with no eyesight! Ask for directions to find someone else..."

Before he could finish his words, an extremely terrifying aura fell directly on him. The power contained in this aura was like the whole world was pressing on him, making him unable to utter a single word.

"I agree silently in my heart. If I disagree, I will kill you immediately and make your soul fly away!" At this moment, a star-killing sword energy that can easily kill the rich man emerged from Gu Tianyi's hand and entered the rich man. in the body.

Afterwards, the apprenticeship skills were directly displayed on the rich man by the master of the dream through Gu Tianyi's body.

"Agree right away, or I'll kill you!" Gu Tianyi's voice was filled with extreme murderous intent, and released a trace of strength from the star-killing sword energy that had suppressed the unexploded power.

The terrifying power that can easily kill all creatures in the mortal realm, just leaking a trace of breath, makes the rich man extremely horrified and frightened out of his wits!
"Agreed!" At this moment, how dare he go against Gu Tianyi's will and agree directly!

After the rich young man agreed, that rune, like the power of the great power, directly carved the rune on the rich young man's true spirit, directly controlling the rich young man's life and death.

After the rune was engraved on the rich young man's face, his face turned pale. He thought he knew the consequences of being engraved with the rune!
Under the control of runes, even if you want to die, you will not be free!

"What a vicious method!"

The task of controlling the eighth-level monks was directly handed over to Gu Tianyi by Chen Tianzhen. When handing over the task to Gu Tianyi, Chen Tianzhen also delegated the authority to control the life and death of his disciples to Gu Tianyi.

"Cooperate with me and control all the eighth-level monks of your Wan family! If you are disobedient and dare to reveal the slightest information to let others notice, I will not only kill you, but also control you and let you personally control your family blood. , your relatives and friends, brutally kill them!" Gu Tianyi's tone was extremely cold.

The rich man couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Gu Tianyi with extreme fear, "Who is this man? His power is stronger and weirder than the snake monster, and his methods are more vicious than the snake monster!"

Moreover, this rich man can be sure that what Gu Tianyi said was definitely not to scare him, he would really do that, and Gu Tianyi was really capable of doing it.

The rune that was integrated into the true spirit just now can not only control his life and death, but also control everything about him, making him like a puppet.

Thinking of this, the rich young man was drenched in cold sweat and terrified to the extreme. He nodded and sent a voice transmission to Gu Tianyi, "Senior, don't worry, I will definitely cooperate with you! I will never leak any news."

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Gu Tianyi's face, and then Gu Tianyi joined hands with this rich man to engrave the marks of controlling life and death into the true spirits of the eighth-rank monks one by one. As the team continued to grow, hunting The speed of the eighth-level monks is getting faster and faster. In just one stick of incense, all the eighth-level monks of the Wan family are finished.

Immediately afterwards, under Gu Tianyi's organization, they began to attack the monks brought by the Northern Provincial Alliance...


"Not bad, not bad!" Sensing the increase in the number of disciples, Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes with a smile. He had already deduced all the five-level Hunyuan Tiantu cultivation techniques. After deriving the exercises, he discovered that , the aura needed for Hunyuan Tiantu practice is simply terrifying.

Even the spiritual energy from Taoist Blood Sea can no longer satisfy Chen Tianzhen's fifth-level cultivation needs!
Chen Tianzhen needed a new source of aura growth, relying on himself to absorb the aura from the outside world would not be able to meet Chen Tianzhen's requirements, it was too slow!

Therefore, when he heard that Gu Tianyi and Gui Langu came to report the situation of Xuanwu Kingdom to him, Chen Tianzhen came up with an idea, that is to control all the eighth-level monks in other provinces of Xuanwu Kingdom, and collect them all as Disciples, give them the supernatural powers of contemplating gods and manifesting holiness!
Let them cultivate and provide Chen Tianzhen with abundant aura!
(End of this chapter)

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