I can work indefinitely

Chapter 275 Sword Qi Crosses the Sky

Chapter 275 Sword Qi Crosses the Sky (Addition for Emperor Yizui)

"2..." The scorching light almost overflowed from Wan Quanzhi's eyes, and his voice trembled because of excitement.

Listening to Wan Quanzhi's voice, the others began to breathe heavily, and all of them stared at Gui Langu.

However, Gui Langu's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the crowd below with extreme coldness, with decisive murderous intent in his eyes.

"It seems that there is no wind without waves. There have been rumors that Gui Langu survived because she was a slave to the snake demon. Now she has no possibility of surviving, and she is still lingering on her last breath, and she will not take the initiative to die!"

"She clearly knew that if she didn't commit suicide, she would be insulted by all of us, yet she chose not to commit suicide!"

"It seems that this bitch Gui Langu has really been a snake demon's licking slave!" Seeing Gui Langu's current performance, many people couldn't help guessing in their hearts. Following the guesses in their hearts, they looked at Gui Langu's gaze became more and more contemptuous.

Even the queen is nothing more than a lowly thing that can do anything to survive.

"1..." Wan Quanzhi twitched his lips and said the last value. After looking up and down Gui Lan Gu, he revealed an extremely evil smile, "Gui Lan Gu, this is your own choice." , no wonder we!"

"Everyone, let's do it!" Wan Quanzhi said suddenly, the eighth-level cultivation base did not hold back at all, it burst out directly, and a terrifying sword energy that destroyed everything floated in front of him, stabbing at Guilangu like lightning.

"Today, return to Langu, I will come first!" A governor with a mustache who came from the west, with an extremely wretched voice, was the first to rush out like a sharp sword.

The person who rushed out was like a signal flare, and everyone started to move.

Trapped magical powers!
Evil has the means to manipulate desires.

There is also a powerful magic weapon, which flew towards Guilan Valley like rain.

At this time, the gate of the Yizheng Hall, which was tightly closed, opened suddenly.

Gu Tianyi's gaze swept across like a sharp sword, and nine star-killing sword energy emerged from him, and the power of the fairyland changed the color of the world.

In the next moment, the nine sword qi circled Gui Langu's side, and fell towards Gui Langu's spells, supernatural powers, and magic weapons. Under the power of the star-killing sword qi, it was like a child's play.

Magical supernatural powers, directly shattered!

The magic weapon that flew out was like paper, and it would be broken by the sword energy.

In the next moment, Gu Tianyi had already appeared beside Gui Lan Gu, and he hugged Gui Lan Gu in his arms, with an unconcealable heartache in his eyes, "Lan Gu, I have wronged you!"

"As long as we can fight against Xuanwu Kingdom for thousands of years, this grievance is nothing. After all, this Xuanwu Kingdom will belong to our children in the future! It is worthwhile to be wronged and pave the way for him in the future!" A trace of tenderness flashed in Lan Gu's eyes, and he gently reached out to stroke his stomach, his movements extremely gentle.

In her stomach, after Gu Tianyi's hard work during this period of time, a seed has matured and is slowly growing.

When Gu Tianyi unreservedly exploded his cultivation in the fairyland, the other people in the hall were scared out of their wits!

When Gu Tianyi's sword energy destroyed all the supernatural powers, spells, and magic weapons they issued, everyone involuntarily received the backlash damage.

"It's really Gu Tianyi!" When they had a clear look at Gu Tianyi, who was holding Gui Langu in his arms, and his face was full of tenderness, everyone's faces turned pale, without a trace of blood.

"The snake demon was killed by Gu Tianyi, Gui Langu didn't lie!" Wan Quanzhi, who was originally very proud, had an extremely ugly expression at this moment.

"Then why Gui Langu has been deliberately guiding me to make me feel that she is bluffing?" Wan Quanzhi's thoughts turned, and then a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, "Oops, Gui Langu's purpose is to catch us all! "

Thinking of this, he quickly used means to get in touch with the eighth-level monks of the Wan family who were ambushing in Xuanwu City, but the message he sent was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response!

Wan Quanzhi's heart suddenly sank to the bottom!

"He is Gu Tianyi from the fairyland, we are not opponents, everyone use the strongest means, run away!" Wan Quanzhi's face turned pale, he can be sure that the eighth-level monk brought from the Wan family has been wiped out by Gu Tianyi Lost!
Following these words, everyone no longer had the slightest intention to use the method of suppressing the bottom of the box without hesitation.

Everyone's speed is as fast as a streamer.

More than 60 people, everyone chooses a different escape direction!
"Gu Tianyi, you still don't make a move! Are they all going to run away?" Gui Langu shouted anxiously.

"No hurry, they can't run away!" Gu Tianyi had a confident smile on his lips. If he was here alone, even with his cultivation base in the fairyland, it would take a lot of money to keep all these 60 people behind. Kung Fu.

Now there are eighth-rank monks arranged by him to guard outside. More than 800 monks have already surrounded the political hall, let alone people, even mosquitoes. Without Gu Tianyi's consent, don't even think about flying from these go out.

Therefore, even if these 60 people have already used the strongest means, they will definitely not be able to escape!
Because after leaving the Yizheng Hall, each of them will face an opponent whose cultivation level is [-] times the same.

It's just that the monks who defended from the outside world all used camouflage skills, the powerful effects of skills, not to mention these eighth-level governors, even Gui Langu, a ninth-level existence, didn't find the slightest clue.

"Just wait and see the good show!"

The governors, represented by Wan Quanzhi, secretly hated their parents for giving him two legs, and everyone rushed out desperately.

Although the Yizheng Hall was reinforced by the monks, it was no different from waste paper in front of the eighth-rank monks. In an instant, it was directly smashed and disappeared by the power of more than 60 monks.

At the moment when the wall of the Yizheng Hall disappeared, it was discovered that Gu Tianyi hadn't chased after him, and boundless hope and joy surged in everyone's hearts.

Looking at the blue sky outside, they had a kind of joy of escaping death.

"Die to me!" At the moment of joy in their hearts, shouts of shouting and cursing broke out like thunder.

Then the controlled monk looked at the familiar person in front of him, and shot without hesitation!
Dead friends don't die poor!No matter who the other party is, it's better to die than to die by yourself!

"What?" Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the densely packed eighth-rank monks outside, especially when they saw that many of these monks were their own monks, their eyes were filled with ecstasy. They felt that these people It's here to meet them.

"What are you doing!" Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying situation happened that made them cold all over, supernatural powers, spells, and magic weapons, in their unbelievable eyes, drowned them and killed them!

Immediately afterwards, 81 sword auras like blood jade flew out from Gu Tianyi's body, carrying a terrifying aura of destruction, the sword aura fell into the crowd, and the souls of the governors were pierced by the sword aura in the next instant and shattered!Immediately, the soul flies away!

"Look, I told you, they can't escape!" Gu Tian had a flash of complacency in his eyes, and smiled at Gui Langu.

(End of this chapter)

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