Chapter 280
Mortal world, one year later!

A vast aura of contempt for the world came from the Xuanwu Kingdom. On the top of the sky, an extremely noble purple aura came from the east, spanning thirty thousand miles, and the entire world turned purple at this moment.

When Chen Tianzhen broke through from the mortal realm to the fairyland, the whole world was flattered, and the whole world was shaken!
This kind of abnormality, not to mention breaking through the fairyland, even if breaking through the godland, there is no such terrifying vision.

Gu Tianyi, who was exploring the mysteries of life with the Queen Guilangu, stood up abruptly, with an uncontrollable look of horror in his eyes.

In one year, Chen Tianzhen practiced from the fifth level to the fairyland!
To Gu Tianyi, this kind of cultivation speed was simply a myth.

"Cultivation breakthrough, congratulations from heaven and earth, even the ancient sages don't have this kind of treatment!" Gu Tian took a look at it, except for shock, it was shock.

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen stood up from the ground, the aura on his body was extremely terrifying, he looked up at the noble purple aura in the sky, "Come!"

Opening his mouth, he inhaled suddenly, and a great power that devoured the sky and the earth came out of his mouth. The purple air floating in the sky, under this power, drank water like a cow, and was swallowed by him in the next instant. All are absorbed into the body.

The perception of countless laws emerged from Chen Tianzhen's head.

"It took a year to break through to the fairyland!"

"However, for me, the current cultivation in the fairyland is enough!" Chen Tianzhen smiled, looking at Yu Ji who was smiling coquettishly in front of him, the smile on his face was even bigger.

Yu Ji came down from Tianhe in the third month of her retreat. When she came down, she had a ninth-level cultivation in the fairyland, and she was powerful and unparalleled. In addition, Yu Ji was a native creature of the God Realm. She was proud and arrogant, and her cultivation was directly absorbed by the emperor. Leaving the mortal world behind, a terrifying resentment accumulated in her heart.

Naturally, she didn't dare to express this resentment to Emperor Zun, so when she came to Mortal Realm, she began to vent her resentment.

Without concealment, he directly revealed his identity, and wanted to capture Chen Tianzhen alive and return to the God Realm!

Then, she was tragic!

One month is enough for Mengyin to spread in a large area in the mortal world. Even if the real mortal world is not covered, the upper reaches of the Xuanwu Kingdom are all covered.

So when Yu Ji said that she wanted to capture Chen Tianzhen alive, Chen Tianzhen already knew about it.

The next thing is easy!

Chen Tianzhen didn't even make a move, a killing sword energy traveled across time and space, directly suppressed Yu Ji, and then brought him to his retreat.

After Yu Ji was suppressed during this period, especially after feeling the power of the killing sword at close range, driven by her survival instinct, Yu Ji told Chen Tianzhen everything she knew.

Moreover, he also used the strongest method of the Tianyu clan on Chen Tianzhen, the technique of fish therapy!

The technique of fish therapy is the reliance for Tianyu to survive in the God Realm and enter the dorms of the powerful.

The technique of fish therapy is not only a technique of yin and yang, but also a technique of cultivation. With the technique of fish therapy, the Tianyu family can help the strong to practice, help the strong to comprehend the way of heaven, and even through this technique of fish therapy, The harmful things in the body of the strong are directly sucked out.

At this moment, seeing the terrifying vision of Chen Tianzhen breaking through the fairyland, she was terrified to the extreme.

The purple air has come thirty thousand li from the east, congratulations from all things in the world!
"What a terrifying person, not only is the magic weapon powerful, but also has the potential to practice. I have lived for 80 years, and he is the number one!" Yu Ji made up her mind and must assist Chen Tianzhen in cultivation. for.

Where is Emperor Zun now, there is no way to go back, because Yu Ji was only paid by Emperor Zun, but she has not had time to enjoy it. In front of the god, I am afraid that he will not kill him in an instant.

"Emperor, heh...!" A sneer flashed across Chen Tianzhen's face, and Yu Ji had already informed Chen Tianzhen of the situation in the God Realm.

"When I handle the affairs of the mortal world well, it will be your death date soon!" Although the mortal world of the Qiankun Great World has a big gap in cultivation level compared with the fairy world and the god world, the heavenly book feedback that this mortal world is the universe The root of the great world.

As long as the control authority of the mortal world is obtained, Chen Tianzhen will directly obtain the control rights of the fairy world, the god world, and all the small worlds that are attached to the great world of the universe.

"Now I have a cultivation level in the fairyland, which can accommodate endless souls, manifest gods in the mortal world, and refine all the strange auras in this world!" The noble purple air flashed, and a purple cloud came out of Chen Tianzhen. feet.

The purple clouds lifted him up and flew into the sky, "Mortal Realm, it's really difficult! Millions of eighth-level monks, if it weren't for my skills, would have died of old age!"

In this year, Mengyin has spread thousands of miles, and Chen Tianzhen has obtained a million ninth-level monks!
However, it was precisely because of the weirdness of the mortal world that made all the monks feel desperate. After Chen Tianzhen appeared, they would not hesitate to fall into Chen Tianzhen's arms.

"Master, you're out!" At this time, Gu Tianyi brought Gui Langu together, stepped on white clouds, and appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen, with an extremely respectful face.

"Yeah!" Chen Tianzhen nodded, looking around in all directions.

In the mortal world, everything depends on the Tianhe River to survive. On the banks of the Tianhe River, there are survivable defenses of varying widths. Outside this survivable area, there is a strange black mist.

The black mist is so weird that even if an eighth-rank monk enters it, he may not be able to come back.

It is also because of the existence of this black mist that the creatures in the mortal world seem to be cursed. No one can break through the eighth level of cultivation. The eighth level of cultivation is the ceiling for everyone in the mortal world. Once they want to break through When you reach the ninth level of extraordinary, you will be found by weirdness, and your body will die and your soul will disappear.

After a long time, Chen Tianzhen looked away, and said in a leisurely voice, "It's time to change the rules of this world!"

"What does Master mean?" As if thinking of something, Gu Tianyi's eyes widened. He already understood what Chen Tianzhen meant. Refining!

"Master, your supernatural powers of observing gods, leaving the body, and manifesting holiness! All of them are extremely lethal to the heavenly devil energy in the mortal world, but the mortal world is extremely vast. If you want to refine all the heavenly devil energy in the entire world, I'm afraid..." Gu Tianyi is very clear about Chen Tianzhen's supernatural powers, but what he knows even more is that the mortal world is too big, even if it is cultivated in the divine realm, it may not be able to measure the width of the mortal world for thousands of years.

Refining the heavenly devil energy in the mortal world with one move, Gu Tian felt that this was a mayfly shaking a big tree, it was too pitiful!

This is impossible!

Even if Chen Tianzhen already has the cultivation base in the fairyland, he doesn't have such a long lifespan to refine the boundless heavenly demon aura of the mortal world!
"What?" Gui Langu didn't understand just now, after Gu Tian said the reason, a look of disbelief flashed in her eyes, refining the weirdness of the world?This is simply a joke!

This is like an ant trying to dominate the sky, ridiculous!

Even Yu Ji, who is in the God Realm, has heard of the weirdness of the mortal world. Even if the God Realm exists, she will feel the horror of the weirdness.

Chen Tianzhen has mastered the supernatural powers that can fight against the weirdness. This fact has shocked Yu Ji enough. Now Chen Tianzhen actually said that he wants to refine all the weirdness in the whole world and change the rules of the real world. This...

No one replied, not even Yu Ji!
Chen Tianzhen had no expression on his face, and after looking at Gu Tianyi indifferently, he said in a calm tone, "When you were in the original world, you thought you could eat me to death, and then what?"

"I accepted you as my disciple and passed on your supernatural powers. You agreed with your mouth, but you disdain it in your heart. You thought you were cultivated in the fairyland and could be invincible in the mortal world, and then you were almost drained of blood by the snake demon and died!"

"I'm telling you this, not to expose your shortcoming, but just to tell you, watch more and talk less!" Chen Tianzhen said indifferently, after glancing at Gu Tianyi, he closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the purple cloud above.

Gu Tianyi's face suddenly became embarrassing, and his face immediately turned red!

In Gui Langu's eyes, there is still disbelief!

Yu Ji didn't speak, and stood quietly behind Chen Tianzhen, no matter whether Chen Tianzhen was successful or not, it was all the same to her, she had to rely on Chen Tianzhen to live!
"Everyone, find a safe place to sit cross-legged and prepare to use supernatural powers!" At this time, through the connection of Mengyin, Chen Tianzhen's indifferent voice sounded in the minds of countless monks above the sixth rank in the mortal world.

"It's Master!" In the mortal world, as long as the cultivator reaches the eighth level, Chen Tianzhen will use the apprenticeship skill. After using this skill, although these monks have never met Chen Tianzhen, as long as Chen Tianzhen appears, they will recognize it immediately.

Chen Tianzhen delivered the voice to every soul through dream induction, and they naturally knew that it was the voice of their master that they had never seen before.


"Quickly, according to the requirements of the holy master, find a safe place to use supernatural powers!" The monks below the eighth level use their skills through the panel of the rebels. A memory manifests, teaching every mortal creature who enters the dream kingdom of God.

After a while, Chen Tianzhen was called a holy master by everyone!

Gu Tianyi, Gui Langu, and Yu Ji, after hearing the voice from the soul, no matter whether they had confidence in Chen Tianzhen's approach or not, at this moment they instinctively followed Chen Tianzhen's arrangement and sat cross-legged on the void.

In the past sixty breaths, through Meng Yin's feedback, Chen Tianzhen knew that, except for a few monks, everyone else was ready to use supernatural powers!

"Listen to my order! Use magical powers to contemplate the gods!" After giving the order, Chen Tianzhen used the contemplation skills himself, and the indifferent, dreamy and mysterious master of the gods and dreams appeared in Chen Tianzhen's sea of ​​consciousness, the gods Great power ripples out from the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, and after being refined into a fairyland, the gods become more mysterious, just like the ancient gods who unite the world and exercise the authority of the world.

"Watch God!"

"Watch God!"

Everyone, according to Chen Tianzhen's request, use their supernatural powers to observe the gods!
In everyone's sea of ​​consciousness, a dream master emerged!The master of the dream is all condensed from his own soul, consciousness and true spirit.

It's just because of different cultivation bases and different consciousnesses that the strength and consciousness of the dream master visualized by each person are inconsistent.

But its essence is the same!

"Everyone, listen to my order, supernatural powers come out of the body!" Chen Tianzhen's voice came to mind in everyone's souls.

"Out of body!" When giving the order, Chen Tianzhen himself also used the skill out of body. Standing in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, indifferent and dreamy, with a spirit that suppresses all auras, in a blink of an eye, he has already emerged from the consciousness space. Disappeared, standing on the void above the head, the great power like ripples on the god's body continued to spread.

When Chen Tianzhen used the out-of-body skill, Gu Tianyi, Gui Langu and Yu Ji also involuntarily used the out-of-body skill.

Yu Ji's soul is the strongest, and the gods revealed are also the most powerful!Once in ancient days, Guilangu is the worst!
After the gods they visualized were revealed, a special connection appeared. The gods Gu Tianyi, Gui Langu, and Yu Ji visualized seemed to sense the breath of the mother.

After getting out of the body, he naturally floated away to Chen Tianzhen, who revealed the emptiness of the dream master!Then merge into one without the slightest hindrance.

Originally, the height of Chen Tianzhen's dream master was about the same as that of an ordinary person. Now, after merging the three of them, the dream master stood on top of Chen Tianzhen's head, and the height suddenly grew to a height of thirty-six. , just stopped.

Within thousands of miles of Xuanwu City, countless dream masters flew over, frantically blending into Chen Tianzhen's dream master.

The Dream Lord, who had stopped growing, grew crazily.

While the Lord of Dreamland grows, circles of ripple-like power are transmitted from the Lord of Dreamland. For Weird, this ripple is like a nemesis. Under the sweep of the ripples, it is hidden in the void. The demonic energy in the body and in the aura is revealed, and then it is crushed and returned to its original state, becoming pure soul energy!
When the gods of all those who meet the conditions within one kilometer of the surrounding area merge into Chen Tianzhen, the master of the dream.

This dream lord has reached a terrifying height of nine hundred feet. The ripples on his body, with the dream lord as the core, are expanding crazily outwards, and the distance is a thousand meters in the blink of an eye. Chen Tianzhen's voice resounded through the void, "Suppress, refine change!"

All the areas shaken by the ripples, the strange atmosphere, was swept away!

The power of the ripples has not weakened at all!The speed is faster than light, and this ripple is like a broom directly acting on the space, and there is no trace of the strange breath in the surrounding space and time.

In the blink of an eye, the land of thousands of miles was completely emptied!

The pure soul energy obtained by clearing the sky was fed back, and this deity, which reached a height of [-] feet, directly soared to a terrifying height of [-] feet, like a giant who created the world.


In the entire mortal world, when Chen Tianzhen gave the order, everyone used their out-of-body skills according to Chen Tianzhen's request!
Then, the monks who are close to each other, their gods will naturally start to merge under the special connection.

A thousand miles is an area, and all the out-of-body dream masters in an area are merged into one!

Integrating the power of all the monks thousands of miles away, the suppressing and refining abilities of the Lord of Dreams have been terribly improved.

When Chen Tianzhen gave the order to suppress and refine, everyone took action.

If someone can see through the whole picture of the mortal world at a glance, he will find that most of the areas of the mortal world are shrouded in black mist, only the area where the Tianhe River flows, there is a trace of white line, this is the life of the mortal world area to survive.

At this moment, spheres with a diameter of thousands of miles appeared from the white line. The area originally covered by the black mist quickly receded and white gradually appeared. The range of the white line expanded a thousand times in an instant!
Originally, 99% of the Mortal Realm was covered by strange black air. After a moment, the area covered by black air has become 98%!

(End of this chapter)

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