I can work indefinitely

Chapter 291, combing strength

Chapter 291, combing strength

At this moment, Chen Tianzhen's mind fell into the Kingdom of Dreamland. After more than a year of development, the scale of Godland of Dreamland is naturally not the same.

In addition to the fact that hundreds of billions of souls have been planted with dream attraction, the size of the dream kingdom has almost expanded to an endless and terrifying realm.

Now, the size of the Kingdom of Dreamland is bigger than the entire original world.

Under Chen Tianzhen's adjustment, the original world is divided into four regions: mortal realm, immortal realm, god realm, and ancestral realm. The whole world presents a shape of a pyramid.

The Mortal Realm is the largest, and the Ancestral Realm is the smallest!
However, here in the Dream Kingdom, the world is unique, and there is no distinction between the four worlds of mortals, immortals, gods, and ancestors!

Therefore, the area of ​​the Dream Kingdom is larger than that of the real world.

In addition to the fact that the area has become incomparably vast, there are more mysterious changes in the Kingdom of Dreamland.

In the real world, strange things constantly appear in the process of aura recovery, and there are also beasts that undergo evolutionary mutations under the stimulation of aura and become fierce beasts.

Before rebirth, these changes almost wiped out human beings, but in this life, Chen Tianzhen spread the cultivation methods in advance to guide human beings on the path of cultivation.

The power of Dreamland God Kingdom is unparalleled, making the dissemination of information extremely simple.

Human beings are becoming stronger at a terrifying speed, and the speed of becoming stronger has surpassed the speed of strange appearance and mutation of fierce beasts.

So, now in reality, because of the appearance of the Dream Kingdom, human beings have gained a firm foothold!
"The power of the seven emotions and six desires!" The power of the seven emotions and six desires of the Dreamland God Kingdom almost occupies the entire zenith, vast to the extreme, the power of the same emotion is gathered together, continuously condensed and compressed, and a rune appears in the center, Seven emotions and six desires, there are thirteen kinds of runes in total.

These runes have just been formed, and they have shown extraordinary power. With the help of these runes, Chen Tianzhen can directly attack everyone's hearts. withstand.

At the same level, the power of these newly formed emotional runes is even more invincible, unable to defend, unable to resist, silent, and can only resist hard. Most people only need to look at Chen Tianzhen to die.

In addition to the changes in the Dream Kingdom, the bigger change was in Chen Tianzhen himself.

After obtaining the inheritance of Da Ri, the supreme powerhouse of the human race, Chen Tianzhen truly understood the cultivation method of Hunyuan Tiantu.

From the perspective of other people, although the Hunyuan Tiantu is miraculous, it is only a foundation-building exercise. In terms of building the foundation, the power of the Hunyuan Tiantu is not comparable to any practice method.

But that's all, because everyone feels that the upper limit of the Hunyuan Tiantu is the fairyland, and once the cultivation level breaks through to the fairyland, the Hunyuan Tiantu is useless.

But in fact, Chen Tian, ​​who has obtained the inheritance, knows that the fairyland is just the beginning of the Hunyuan Tiantu, just like a child who just can't learn it.

The real Hunyuan Tiantu has nine levels, and what Chen Tianzhen has completed is only the first level of practice.

One floor corresponds to one realm, the first floor corresponds to the mortal realm, the second floor corresponds to the fairyland, and so on, the fifth floor corresponds to the supreme realm of the heavens and myriad realms.

And in this world, the nine supreme powerhouses who grew up together with the world are only of the fifth rank!

One can imagine how terrifying the Hunyuan Tiantu is!
Speaking of it, the secret element of the Hunyuan Tiantu is not very complicated, because it is written into the original power of the human race. As long as you follow the exercises given by the great sun and stimulate the power of the source, you can get the second layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu. Practice exercises.

After completing the practice of the second level, stimulate it in the same way, you can get the third level of exercises, and so on until the ninth level!

You can ignore the birth and death of the universe, and you can open up a vast world in nothingness at will, immortal, immortal, lifeless, and exist in the ultimate state of the past, present, and future.

The moment Chen Tianzhen broke through to the fairyland, the infinite inauguration panel that had been silent for a long time finally changed!

On the way to the ancient battlefield, after careful study, Chen Tianzhen,

He found that the infinite inauguration panel had also quietly changed, and the spiritual root attributes disappeared!

Best of all, the upgrade restrictions are gone too!

So Chen Tianzhen didn't hesitate, and started to upgrade directly!
All occupations, all upgrades, the highest level that can be achieved by the constructor and killer occupations is lv40. After the level is raised to lv40, the two occupations cannot be upgraded again.

According to the previous experience, as long as the skills of these two professions are all upgraded to the max level, these two professions can become a magical rune and integrate into the body just like a student profession.

"Let me verify it!" Chen Tianzhen's eyes flashed, he put the improvement of other professions behind, and now he raised the corresponding skills of the two professions to the max level.

The two professions turned into a bright brilliance and merged into Chen Tianzhen's sea of ​​consciousness, like arm and finger, all the supernatural powers of the two professions became Chen Tianzhen's instinct!
"As expected!" Chen Tianzhen showed a clear expression on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Tianzhen raised all the remaining fourth-level skills to the max level!

At this time, the information displayed on the infinite inauguration panel has undergone a huge change!

Name: Chen Tianzhen
Realm of practice: the first level of fairyland

职业:梦境主宰lv41(0/1亿),道士lv41 (0/12万),卦师lv41 (0/12万),武者lv41 (0/12万),佛徒lv41 (0/12万),灵药师lv41 (0/12万),铸造师lv41 (0/12万)
Experience Points: 1.87 trillion
Luck: second-class purple (97/97)

Level [-] skills: Dreamland Divine Kingdom, Concentration (max), Breathtaking (max), Gluttony (max), Buddha Light (max), Mastery of Medicine (max), Basic Casting (max)

Second-level skills: dream-inducing soul transfer (max), god-watching (max), blessing (max), solid foundation (max), super-degree (max), elixir cultivation (max), equipment casting (max)

Third-level skills: sacrifice (max), out of body (max), curse (max), cultivation (max), Lingshan (max), rapid growth (max), magic weapon casting (max)

Fourth-level skills: good fortune (max), manifestation (max), cause and effect (max), fighting will (max), attunement (max), medicine extraction (max), magic weapon casting (max)

Cultivation method: Hunyuan Tiantu (True), the Tao of Eternal Stars.

There are seven occupations, all of which have broken through to level 41. At the same time, his luck has also become second-class purple luck.

All Tier [-] skills have been upgraded to Tier [-]!
The biggest change is that in the column of exercises, there is an extra word "true" behind the original Hunyuan Tiantu, and the cosmic star visualization map has disappeared, and it has become the Tao of Creation of Eternal Stars.

The Dao of Eternal Stars is actually a complete version of the visualization map of the universe and stars. The original visualization map of the universe and stars is just an introductory exercise for the Tao of Eternal Stars.

This exercise was originally obtained by Gu Tianyi in the mortal world. After refining the black mist of the mortal world and integrating the mortal world into the original world, Chen Tianzhen obtained greater authority of the Dao of Heaven.

With the authority of the Dao of Heaven, it is not difficult for Chen Tianzhen to find something.

The power of the Eternal Stars Creation Dao is not very good, but the ability to deduce it is incomparably against the sky. Combined with the Kingdom of Dreams, it is simply a seamless existence, like a tiger with wings added.

Compared with the derivation and calculation ability of the universe star visualization map, it has increased by more than ten times!

The cosmic star visualization map practice and visualize 81 stars, and the eternal stars are good fortune, based on these 81 stars, each star evolves into a huge and vast star world like the universe, and each star world has a A stalwart star god exists.

These gods naturally sense the heaven and the earth, and brought Chen Tianzhen the most extreme comprehension ability to the rules of the real world, and the ability to calculate and deduce is just the ability attached to the Tao of Creation of the Eternal Stars.

Therefore, even though he already had the Hunyuan Tiantu, a heaven-defying practice technique, Chen Tianzhen still did not give up the Tao of Eternal Stars.

(End of this chapter)

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