I can work indefinitely

Chapter 297 Killing the Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 297 Killing the Heavenly Emperor
"Shameless!" After several people appeared, they looked at the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella left by the Emperor of Heaven, and their faces became extremely ugly. The effect of this innate magic weapon was clear to several people, and its defense was extremely strong. It takes a lot of time to get rid of it.

"Shangqing! Yuqing! Taiqing! Bodhi, reincarnation! Five powerful Taoists who existed before the world collapsed! Even they came out of the closed place." Others didn't know these five He is a super strong man, but he will know it when he arrives.

When she and the Heavenly Emperor broke through, all five veteran Daoists appeared.

"Five seniors, are you here too?" In front of the five veteran powerhouses, Tianhou didn't dare to hold her back, and hurriedly saluted.

"At this time, it is about the original world and the supreme realm, and we will naturally appear!"

"I just didn't expect that the bastard, the Emperor of Heaven, would be so selfish. After knowing the safety of the original world, he would want to monopolize the interests of the original world, and use the Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella to block the space cracks entering the original world." Among the five strong men Bodhi's face was ugly, with a fatal murderous intent.

In fact, they knew that the Emperor of Heaven was extremely selfish a long time ago, but they did not expect that the Emperor of Heaven was so selfish. If they had known earlier, they would have killed him before he became a Taoist.

"When I pass through the space crack, I will kill this selfish and shameless villain!" Bodhi snorted coldly, and then continued, "Queen of Heaven, and fellow Taoists, let's do it together. Although the defense is extremely strong, without the continuous supply of power from the Emperor of Heaven, the six of us can't stop us for long if we attack together."

"it is good!"

"Shooting together, the Heavenly Emperor wants to enjoy the complete and exposed laws of the original world alone, he is dreaming!"

"This shameless villain, when I break the blockade and enter the original world, I must teach him a profound lesson!"

In the words, one by one Dao realm powerhouse made a move, and the terrifying power erupted. The ancestral realm powerhouses in the heavens fled out one by one with pale faces. Death will disappear.

On the barrier formed by the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella, ripples kept flickering, and under the attacks of the six people, the color of the barrier continued to fade.


On the other side, the Emperor of Heaven rushed into the original world of space cracks with Emperor Xuanwu. The Emperor of Heaven, who was originally full of joy, immediately condensed his expression at the moment of entering the original world, becoming extremely difficult to see.

"Xuanwu, you treacherous traitor, you dare to bully me!" The Heavenly Emperor's extremely cold and stern voice was full of extreme murderous intent.

His current situation is the same as Emperor Xuanwu had just entered the original world, and he was locked by the terrifying power of heaven, which was extremely shocking.

The Emperor of Heaven could feel that if he dared to make the slightest movement, under this force, even if his cultivation base had reached the level of Dao Realm, he would be wiped out in the next instant, so although the Emperor of Heaven was cursing, he did not move They didn't dare to move, but stared at Emperor Xuanwu with fiery eyes. If eyes could kill, Emperor Xuanwu would have been cut into pieces by him at this time.

"Suppression by the Dao of Heaven!" Chen Tianzhen repeated his old trick, directly mobilizing the power of the Dao of Heaven in the original world through the Heavenly Book, and suppressed it on the Heavenly Emperor.

"Ants, dare you!" Feeling that under Chen Tianzhen's power, the power in his body was constantly being lost, and the Emperor of Heaven suddenly panicked. After millions of years in the world of immortals, he has become accustomed to pointing out the world, acting arbitrarily, and controlling the lives of all people. Feeling that Chen Tianzhen only had the cultivation base of a fairyland, the Heavenly Emperor habitually spoke, arrogantly instructing him, with endless arrogance in his voice.

Originally, Chen Tianzhen was going to take the method of dealing with Emperor Xuanwu, and use the apprenticeship skill on the Emperor of Heaven. After all, without one more apprentice, his cultivation base would increase a bit faster, especially since the Emperor of Heaven was still at the Dao realm. Then one apprentice helped Chen Tian really a lot.

But after hearing the voice of the Heavenly Emperor, Chen Tianzhen changed his mind immediately!

The last person who dared to be so arrogant in front of him was Emperor Zun, and now his soul has disappeared, even his true spirit has completely dissipated.

"Deprivation of power!" Chen Tianzhen mobilized the power of the Dao to act on the Heavenly Emperor. The aura on the Heavenly Emperor was weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, his cultivation level fell from the Dao Realm to the Ancestral Realm.

This kind of decline in cultivation is not simply the exhaustion of spiritual energy, but the fact that even the perception of Tao has been completely stripped from the true spirit of the Emperor of Heaven.

If it's just that the spiritual energy is exhausted, it only needs to replenish the spiritual energy, and the cultivation base will naturally recover.

Now it is directly stripping the Heavenly Emperor's understanding of Tao. No matter how much aura is given to the Heavenly Emperor, his cultivation cannot be directly restored. Only after the Heavenly Emperor once again comprehends the stripped sentiment can his cultivation be restored.

"Senior, take your time! I was wrong, please spare me!" At this time, the Emperor of Heaven's eyes flashed with extreme horror, and he begged for mercy with endless horror in his voice.

"It's late, if you were obedient at the beginning, I only need you to contribute the origin of the earth fairy world! I think it's not easy for you to practice, and I will give you a chance."

"It's a pity you don't cherish the opportunity!"

"Since that's the case, I can only get the source of the Earth Immortal Realm myself!" Chen Tianzhen didn't have the slightest intention to stop.

Under the action of the power of Heavenly Dao, the power of the Emperor of Heaven was pulled out and condensed in front of Chen Tianzhen.

This group of power contains the original power of the earth fairy world. Once this original power appears, it will cause the natural world of the original world to react instinctively. In the surrounding time, the power of law continues to emerge.

Xuanwu Emperor's deceitful nonsense has become a real scene at this moment.

Chen Tianzhen's goal was originally the origin of the world of the Earth Immortal Realm, how could he allow the world's Heavenly Dao to devour the origin of the Earth Immortal Realm, a mysterious power to the extreme appeared in the heavenly scriptures, and a mysterious power that could isolate the Dao of Heaven enveloped several people in it.

The power of the law of the original world is lingering and surging, because it has lost the sense of the origin of the world, and is unwilling to disappear.

"Senior, spare my life, spare my life! If you want the source of the earth and immortal world, I will give it all to you!" On the face of the Heavenly Emperor, there was no hint of arrogance and arrogance at this time. With extreme horror on his face, he looked at Chen with pleading eyes. Naive, like a humble bug, whose life will be taken away at any time.

At this moment, his cultivation base has dropped to the third level of the fairyland. If he continues, he will be knocked out of the mortal world, and his countless years of cultivation will be in vain.

While begging for mercy, he extracted all the origins of the earth immortal world that had been integrated into his cultivation, and excluded them from his body.

"Senior, this is the origin of all the immortals in me. Please forgive me. Only you forgive me. I am willing to do anything!" The desire to survive flashed in his eyes, he didn't want to die!With the hope of life in the eyes!
As long as he can live, he is willing to do anything.

"Only if I survive, can there be hope! Whether it's breaking through to the Supreme Realm, or taking revenge! Emperor Xuanwu, and him..." These thoughts were deeply hidden in the true spirit of the Emperor of Heaven, and they were captured by him just after appearing for a moment. Directly shattered, unless the cultivation base breaks through to the Dao realm again, these thoughts will be sealed in the deepest part of consciousness forever.

Because he knows that when one's cultivation reaches the Dao realm, one will have incredible supernatural powers, and even when thoughts related to it appear in other people's minds, one's own will respond.

"Senior, even if I serve you like a cow or a horse, I am willing, I just beg you to forgive me." The Emperor of Heaven cried bitterly.

"You'd better die!" When absorbing the Heavenly Emperor's cultivation base, especially when the Heavenly Emperor's cultivation base was lowered to the god level, Chen Tianzhen silently absorbed a dream into the Heavenly Emperor's true spirit.

The thoughts that the Emperor of Heaven thought to be secret appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen like a bright light at night.

How could Chen Tianzhen let this kind of existence with vicious thoughts in his heart survive? Once this kind of person gets a chance to break through in cultivation, the consequences will be disastrous.

Still killed An Xin!
"Death!" Chen Tianzhen didn't even reserve the chance to speak to the Heavenly Emperor, Tianshu exerted all his strength, and with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao, pulled out all the power in the Heavenly Emperor's body.

The spiritual power of the Heavenly Emperor's practice gathered in front of Chen Tianzhen into a large group of bright light, with an extremely domineering, domineering aura.

All the blood in the body of the Heavenly Emperor was drawn out and compressed into a blood-red elixir. This elixir can raise the body of an ordinary person to the level of the Dao realm in one step, and directly refine it into a Dao body.

After all the essence of the Emperor's body was extracted, it was like a decayed mummy, which was directly turned into dust by the breeze.

Chen Tianzhen did not let go of the soul and true spirit of the Emperor of Heaven, and was reduced to soul energy without any impurities.

Under such means, the Heavenly Emperor was completely exterminated and disappeared forever, even the chance of reincarnation was deprived by Chen Tianzhen.

Emperor Xuanwu stood behind Chen Tianzhen, looking at Chen Tianzhen's actions, the expression of fear on his face was even stronger, and at the same time his eyes flashed the color of hissing, what kind of prestige and prestige the Emperor of Heaven has in the world of earth and immortals? It is noble and unruly, and it is powerful and domineering in harmony.

But because of his insulting words to Chen Tianzhen, Chen Tianzhen directly killed him without any effort, and even deprived him of the chance to reincarnate.

Emperor Xuanwu couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness for the death of a rabbit.

What's more, I'm glad that I didn't speak rudely to Chen Tianzhen at that time, and I didn't show any disrespect to Chen Tianzhen.

"Absorb!" After refining the Heavenly Emperor to death, Chen Tianzhen's expression didn't change at all, as if he had done a very ordinary thing, he controlled a volume of the Heavenly Book, and completely absorbed the origin of the Earth Immortal Realm refined from the body of the Heavenly Emperor.

"Not bad!" Sensing the message from the heavenly book, Chen Tianzhen showed a bright smile on his face.

After absorbing one-tenth of the source of the Earth Immortal Realm mastered by the Heavenly Emperor, Chen Tianzhen has already been able to mobilize part of the power of the Heavenly Dao in the Earth Immortal Realm.

Although it was impossible for him to gain the power to kill other monks in the Dao realm, it was already an easy thing to do to protect himself in front of other monks in the Dao realm.

In addition to the cultivation realm of Xuehai Taoist who surpassed other Dao realms in the Earth Immortal Realm, and the help of Emperor Xuanwu who has just broken through to the Dao Realm, as long as he does not face more than half of the Dao realms in the Earth Immortal Realm at the same time, if he meets any Dao realm monks, Chen Tianzhen can control it with absolute certainty.

At the moment when Chen Tianzhen killed the Heavenly Emperor, the innate magical treasure Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella, which originally blocked the passage between the Earth Immortal Realm and the original world, lost the control of its owner, and suddenly lost its power. The gray and solid barrier disappeared in the blink of an eye. Yuan Wuji Umbrella lost its power and fell down in mid-air, like a mortal object without any brilliance.

The six people who were besieging the Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella stopped immediately, Taishang frowned, and said in a puzzled way: "How could this Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella suddenly lose its power? Something is wrong! Something is wrong!"

"The Heavenly Emperor is actually dead?!" The queen's voice trembled, with an inconceivable look, the Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella looked like it had lost control and lost its owner.

The reason why Tianhou is so sure is because the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella is an innate defensive magic weapon, and it is also the only innate magic weapon in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor, and it is also the strongest magic weapon of the Heavenly Emperor. Yuan Wuji Umbrella played a huge role.

The Queen of Heaven is sure that as long as the Emperor of Heaven is still alive, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up control of the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella.

It is even more impossible to scare other people by giving up the Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella, the Emperor of Heaven is reluctant.

This situation can only explain one problem, that is, the Emperor of Heaven is dead!
From the time when the Heavenly Emperor entered the space crack to when the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella lost its effect, the time was shorter than that of Emperor Xuanwu breaking through the Dao Mirror!
In less than a quarter of an hour, the Heavenly Emperor, who was cultivated by Dao Jing, fell, how terrifying it was.

Originally, all Daojing monks thought that the original world was a huge opportunity and the key to their breakthrough to the supreme realm. According to Emperor Xuanwu's description, the laws in the original world were fully revealed, and the information of the laws could be easily understood.

Now it seems not necessarily!

"It's very simple to verify!" At this time, Taoist Bodhi appeared in front of the Hunyuan Promise Umbrella with lightning speed, breaking through the space between his breaths. Yuan Wuji Umbrella was in his hand.

The strong true essence rushes into this innate magic weapon without any hindrance!

"This magic weapon has indeed become a thing without an owner!" Taoist Bodhi's eyes lit up, and with a flip of his hand, the Hunyuan Wuji Umbrella was taken into his body.

Since this magic weapon is already ownerless, it is naturally his if he is the first to get it.

Seeing Taoist Bodhi's actions, everyone couldn't help frowning and cursed shamelessly in their hearts.

"In the heavenly court, there is the soul fire left by the emperor before. If he is killed in the original world and his body is destroyed, then his true spirit will return to the heavenly court and be reborn in the soul fire!" Will be completely exterminated, after thinking about it, she turned into a streamer and returned directly to the heavenly court to check the soul fire of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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