I can work indefinitely

Chapter 305 Immortal Realm Practice

Chapter 305 Immortal Realm Practice
Transmitting matter and life seems to have no effect!
But with the characteristics of the dream kingdom of God, this effect can be great!
The location of the Kingdom of Dreamland is not in the real world. The distance between the Kingdom of Dreamland and anyone is infinitely far away, but also infinitely close.

After obtaining the foundation of space and having the power to transmit matter and life, through the Kingdom of Dreams, everyone can carry out space transmission in the mortal world, regardless of the distance in space, the vast distance of the mortal world, under the function of the Kingdom of Dreams, becomes insignificant again.

Even, if Chen Tianzhen is willing, even if it is a life transfer across the century, Chen Tianzhen can also use the Dream Kingdom to realize it.

At that time, even the distance between the heavens and the worlds will be equivalent to non-existence, thus making the direct communication between the heavens and the worlds easier.

However, Chen Tian really does not intend to use the inter-world space material and life transmission on a large scale. Once it is used, it will inevitably cause direct chaos in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Unless the user can pay a huge price, otherwise, Chen Tianzhen intends to make this ability his exclusive ability.

The changes in Dream Soul Kingdom are huge, and the changes in other skills are also not small!
The second skill of the Master of Dreamland is Dream Attraction. The function of this skill is actually very simple. It is to form Dream Attraction and integrate into other people's souls, so that other people can gain the ability to enter the Dreamland Divine Kingdom, and let others The life and death of those who are attracted by the dream are controlled by Chen Tianzhen.

After merging the killer class, the effect of this skill has also undergone some changes. In addition to the original ability, this skill has integrated some effects of the killer skill.

Dream lure and soul pull: Dream lure is produced under the control of the dream master, as long as the cultivation base does not exceed a major level of the dream master, in the process of merging dream lure, the other party will not be able to find that the dream lure has been integrated into the soul.

In the past, if Chen Tianzhen used this skill on others, if his cultivation base was not as high as Chen Tianzhen's, others would not be able to discover the process of being merged into the dream.

If the cultivation base is higher than Chen Tianzhen, the process of integrating into Mengyin will be discovered, and they can also be expelled from Mengyin before Mengyin has merged into their souls.

After taking a look at the mutated skill of Meng Yinhun, Chen Tianzhen didn't pay too much attention to it. The effect of Meng Yin is indeed very strong now, but this is not the time when he has just acquired the dream master profession.

At that time, in order to collect the power of soul, emotions, etc., he urgently needed more people to integrate Mengyin and contribute experience points to himself.

It is different now, now Mengyin has been accepted by everyone, and many people even regard Mengyin as their only reliance and way to become strong, that is to say, as long as someone uses Mengyin, basically there will be no Situations of being rejected.

"That's right, but the effect of this skill is not very useful. I will only use this ability when I promote the Kingdom of Dreams in the new world." Chen Tianzhen nodded, not paying too much attention to the change of this skill .

His eyes were attracted by the next skill, Sacrifice!
The sacrificial skill is to select some priests of the Dream Kingdom from among all the people who have merged with Mengyin.

These priests can use the power of the dream master to master stronger power at a low level.

For example, when a priest is at the first level of the Mortal Realm, borrowing the power of the Dream Lord, after paying a certain price, he can at least exert the power of the third level of the Mortal Realm.

This powerful skill has been obtained for more than a year.

But not everyone has the qualifications to become a priest. In more than a year, the Dream Lord has only found three people with such qualifications in the Dream Kingdom.

After merging the killer skills, the priest has also undergone a little change. The Dream Kingdom, which initially has a spatial structure, has endowed the priest with a special ability, that is, material transmission.

The priests of the dream kingdom can use the dream kingdom to transfer matter between each other. Of course, the effect of this skill is not too powerful at this stage, and it can only transfer matter in the same world, and the teleportation There are restrictions on the weight and volume of substances.

The last skill of the Dream Lord, good luck!

This skill allows Chen Tianzhen to create dream creatures in the Dream Kingdom. This skill has basically not changed after incorporating the killer skill.

It's just an extra sentence in the description, the dream creature you created already has the property of space material. After having enough material property, the dream creature you created can appear in the real world.

After looking at these mutated skills, Chen Tianzhen's eyes fell on the last skill, which was a skill that appeared after the killer skill was integrated and the professional level was raised.

Dreamwalker: You have gained the ability to enter the dreams of other living things (non-living things). In the dreams of others, you can kill and deal with damage. The killing and damage in the dream will be reflected in reality. You can also get all the secrets and knowledge of the other party in the dream. (Note: When the cultivation level of other creatures (non-living creatures) surpasses yours, you may be killed if you go into his dream. Please use this skill with caution.)
"Through the Kingdom of Dreams, I have gained the ability to enter the dreams of other creatures, and everything I do in the dreams will be reflected in reality." Chen Tianzhen understood the information word by word.

In the past, when he passed the power of the kingdom of God in the dream, it was equivalent to pulling others into his own dream.

And the role of the dream walker is just the opposite, allowing Chen Tianzhen to gain the power to enter other people's dreams.

It seems that there is not much effect, but the actual effect is beyond anyone's imagination, because Chen Tianzhen enters the dreams of other people's dreams, not only can kill the opponent silently, but also through the dream, obtain the life of the other party. experience, all information.

Chen Tianzhen doesn't care so much about the abilities of creatures anymore!

What really caught his attention was that this skill could also work against non-living creatures!
What are non-living things?Everything other than living things can be regarded as non-living things, a stone, a weapon, a world, and even the way of heaven that controls this world.

These are non-living things!
This is the real way to use the dreamwalker skill.

"Unfortunately, my current cultivation base is too low. I don't even dare to enter the dream of a fragmented world." Even if it is the smallest world, Chen Tianzhen dare not venture into its dream. The introduction made it very clear that Chen Tian really didn't dare to take the risk, if he was killed by Heavenly Dao, he would really die.

Chen Tianzhen has tried it just now, as long as he uses the dream walker skill, even a stone will be stimulated to the point of dreaming.

Stone's dreams are very simple, with only imprints of time and space, and the dreams are also very boring, without any useful information.

In the dream of the stone, it is what happened around the stone. The stone that Chen Tianzhen used as the experimental object was mined from the mountain thousands of years ago, and it has been here since then, with little change in the wind and rain for thousands of years.

After testing the mutated skills and new skills one by one, Chen Tianzhen turned his attention to the dream master profession.

A piece of information was transmitted to Chen Tianzhen's mind from the dream master profession.

"The dream master's professional level, if you want to improve next time, you need to wait until my cultivation level breaks through to the divine realm!"

"According to this law, every time I upgrade my career level in the future, I need at least a big level of improvement in my cultivation!" After absorbing the information, Chen Tianzhen already knew the law of career level improvement on the infinite employment panel.

"Currently, the level of the dream master profession is level five. The next time you upgrade, you need to integrate another level five occupation!" When upgrading from level four to level five, a career with space attributes is needed. For Tier [-], this restriction has disappeared, as long as it is a Tier [-] occupation.

"Then the next fifth-level profession, let's break through the Taoist profession!" The Taoist profession has incomparable effects in cultivation. From entering meditation, contemplating gods, leaving the body, and manifesting holiness, every skill is extremely useful for monks of any realm. big plus.

After experimenting with each profession one by one, in the end, the student profession that had been turned into a rune was successfully integrated with the Taoist profession.

It's just that the student profession is only a third-level profession. If it is just a profession, it is not enough for the Taoist profession to break through to the fifth-level profession. Therefore, in addition to the student profession, the teacher profession is also integrated this time.

Because it is not the fusion of two Tier 99 occupations, but the fusion of a Tier [-] occupation and two Tier [-] occupations, the integration time is longer this time, and it takes [-] days to successfully integrate.

"Now, the integration of occupations has come to an end, and the next step is the integration of the immortal world!" The time for occupational integration takes 99 days, and Chen Tianzhen doesn't care much about this. For tens of thousands of years, the effort of less than a hundred days is nothing to him.

A spatial crack appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen, and after stepping out, Chen Tianzhen appeared in the central area of ​​the original world, carefully feeling the situation of each world in the original world, and Chen Tianzhen had already made specific arrangements for the earth fairy world.

"Fusion!" The next moment, Chen Tianzhen appeared in front of the ancient battlefield. With a finger, the space crack that was originally connected to the Blood Sea Realm and later connected to the Earth Immortal Realm began to expand rapidly.

"The Heavenly Book!" The Heavenly Book appeared in Chen Tianzhen's hands, and through the power of the Heavenly Book, Chen Tianzhen mobilized almost all the power in the Earth Immortal Realm.

While the world was shaking, a huge opening appeared in the sky, and some scenes of the fairy world in the original world could be seen clearly through this space crack.

After this space crack formed, like a mouth devouring everything, the space crack moved forward, swallowing the area of ​​the ancient battlefield, including the space crack.

"The ancient battlefield has disappeared!" After the surrounding soldiers saw the disappearance of the ancient battlefield, regret appeared in everyone's eyes. When the ancient battlefield just appeared, it brought a huge shock to the Dragon Kingdom. Among them, the invincible The skeleton caused even more panic.

However, after Chen Tianzhen purified this area in one fell swoop, it became a paradise for practitioners.

The blood qi flowing from the blood sea world raised the soldiers' cultivation base at an extremely fast speed. It is precisely because of the existence of so many soldiers with cultivation bases that they can, under the background of the revival of the spiritual energy in the original world, There were almost no civilian casualties in the Dragon Kingdom.

Compared with the huge casualties and almost extinction of other countries in the world, the Dragon Kingdom is undoubtedly lucky.

"However, after this space crack disappears, the hidden dangers here will also disappear." Although in the middle period, the huge amount of aura flowing from the space crack here brought great benefits to the Dragon Kingdom, but later with the recovery of the aura The degree deepens, and it hardly has much effect here.

Also because the spiritual power in the Blood Sea Realm is extremely evil, in the later stage, the spiritual energy here will continue to form waves of skeletons. The Dragon Kingdom must send people to station and clean it regularly, otherwise it may cause disaster.

Now under Chen Tianzhen's means, the ancient battlefield area has disappeared directly, which is a good thing.

At the moment when the space crack swallowed the ancient battlefield, Chen Tianzhen's figure flashed, and he also entered the fairyland of the original world.

Since the opening of this area, it was the first time for Chen Tianzhen to enter it.

Here, there are fairyland monks living in the big world of the universe, and other small world fairyland monks who are constantly integrating into the original world are sent here.

The area of ​​the fairy world is less than one-tenth of the mortal world, but it is also extremely vast.

The area of ​​the Earth Immortal Realm is basically the same as that of the Immortal Realm. At this moment, under Chen Tianzhen's control, the Earth Immortal Realm has already floated above the Immortal Realm.

An incomparably terrifying force surged between the two worlds. This force was so powerful that even a cultivator at the ninth level of Wonderland trembled under the influence of this force. There was a kind of The feeling of imminent disaster appeared in my heart.

"Fusion!" Chen Tianzhen gave an order, and the power of resisting devouring from the immortal world suddenly disappeared, and the devouring power emerging from the fairy world became irresistible at this moment.

Like a loud noise that opened up between worlds, it resounded through the entire world in the next instant.

Amidst the loud noise, the Earth Immortal Realm suspended in the sky moved to the side and appeared at the edge of the Immortal Realm.

Then the entire Earth Immortal Realm fell down and merged with the original land of the Immortal Realm.

At the same time as the world was merging, Chen Tianzhen took the initiative to extract the origin of the world belonging to the earth fairy world in the book of heaven, and integrated it into the void of heaven.

Every bit of the origin of the world of the Earth Immortal Realm is integrated into the original world. Chen Tianzhen feels that the authority of the Dao of Heaven that he has grasped through the Heavenly Book is constantly improving, bit by bit.

When the fusion of the two worlds is completed, Tianshu has already controlled a quarter of the original world!

"That's right, with this quarter of the authority of the Heavenly Dao, unless the Great Sun is resurrected, unless the Heavenly Dao develops its own will again, unless there are monks who are supremely haunted, otherwise, I will be invincible in this world! "Through the Heavenly Book, Chen Tianzhen carefully investigated the power of the Heavenly Dao.

After obtaining a quarter of the authority of the Heavenly Dao, as if he had obtained a major breakthrough, the power he obtained increased exponentially, reaching an extremely terrifying level.

The authority of the Dao of Heaven can allow Chen Tianzhen to have the offensive and defensive power of the Dao Realm, and even the nature of the power has changed like the power of the Supreme Realm.

Under the circumstances of the Supreme Realm and the Dao of Heaven, Chen Tianzhen is already invincible!
Chen Tianzhen only needs to rely on the power of the Heavenly Book, no matter how many Taoist cultivators appear in front of Chen Tianzhen, Chen Tianzhen can easily suppress them.

"The Human Ancestor Temple, the Bronze Divine Tree, and the Dao of Heaven, the Great Sun..." After completing the integration of the world, Chen Tianzhen's aura subsided, and he became like an ordinary person.

A seemingly ordinary step forward, but it directly crossed the world, and directly answered the home of the mortal world from the fairy world.

Seeing that the two girls were still cultivating naked, Chen Tianzhen blushed a little, and in the next moment, two white clothes condensed by spiritual energy covered the two girls.

"It seems that I should practice hard again!" The two girls were practicing, and the Earth Immortal Realm had also merged into the original world. Chen Tianzhen felt a little bored.

"Then let's practice!" Sensing that the two of them would not wake up in a short time, Chen Tianzhen broke through the world with his spiritual thoughts unwillingly, rushed into the divine realm, and came to Yu Ji's side.

Then he discovered that Yu Ji had also fallen into a deep level of cultivation!He who wanted to enjoy a wonderful fish spa was disappointed this time.

"I'm very pleased to see that everyone is working hard in cultivation!" Chen Tianzhen withdrew his spiritual thoughts, with a satisfied smile on his face, and then he also turned his heart to the sky and began to practice.

After breaking through to the Immortal Realm, Chen Tianzhen hadn't practiced well yet, and the current increase in cultivation was all part of the result of his disciples' hard work.

The disciples he accepted practiced, gained spiritual energy, and comprehended Chen Tianzhen. Now he is only a disciple of the Dao realm, and there are close to ten disciples. The disciples of other realms cannot be counted. All massive.

If an ordinary person obtains these auras and insights, he will be able to improve his cultivation to the Dao realm within a month at most.

However, it is more likely that after an instant, the force between the body and the soul will be directly exploded by this violent power.

"Da Ri told me that the cultivation technique of the human race is the Hunyuan Tiantu! The Hunyuan Tiantu is not just a foundation-building technique in the mortal realm, but the supreme technique of the human race. Since its creation, no one has ever used this Cultivate to the highest state, the state of detachment!" Chen Tianzhen carefully recalled Da Ri's explanation for fear that there might be any omissions.

The cultivation process of Hunyuan Tiantu in Mortal Realm is broken down, which is the practice method of each realm after that.

The cultivation techniques in the fairyland correspond to the first layer of the Hunyuan Tiantu!
Refining skin, refining meat, refining bones, refining internal organs, refining blood marrow...

The practice at this level is to cultivate the body and lay the foundation for the cultivation base in the mortal realm, while the practice in the fairyland is essentially the process of cultivating the mortal body into the body of a fairy.

In the case of retaining the racial characteristics of the human race and not changing the physical essence of the human race, one can obtain a body that is more compatible with the aura and the Dao.

The fairy body can carry more aura and power, and it is also stronger, laying the foundation for the next step to enter the realm of the gods.

From this point of view, the practice in the Mortal Realm Body Refining Stage is no different from the practice in the Immortal Realm!
"Hunyuan Tiantu, fairyland cultivation technique!" With a twitch in his heart, the first picture of Hunyuan Tiantu appeared in front of Chen Tianzhen's eyes. According to the formula taught by Da Ri, after some actions, the Hunyuan Tiantu's cultivation skills in the fairyland Fa revealed in Chen Tianzhen's mind.

"Golden muscle and chalcedony, deify internal organs, Hunyuan Immortal Physique!" Hunyuan Tiantu Wonderland practice skills are divided into three levels, corresponding to the lower three realms of the fairyland, the middle three realms, and the upper three realms. You can cultivate the most powerful Hunyuan Immortal Physique of the human race, with unlimited potential.

"Practice!" A thought, this mysterious and unparalleled exercise, all the mysteries appeared in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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