I can work indefinitely

Chapter 309 Clone

Chapter 309 Clone
After Guitian pulled Chen Tianzhen into the scope of the weird world, Chen Tianzhen, whose eyes were straightened and whose pupils were out of focus, suddenly grinned at him.

"Ants, you've been fooled! Then, you can go to your death!" Chen Tianzhen's voice was full of joy, and while speaking, the original mysterious aura in the book in his hand disappeared immediately.

During the period just now, Guitian used the strongest means in his life, thinking in his heart that he could take Chen Tianzhen down in one fell swoop, without any mistakes!This situation was simply unacceptable to him.

"Fake? How is it possible!" Guitian's voice was full of disbelief, he had been carefully sensing everything about Chen Tianzhen, and Chen Tianzhen's breath hadn't changed in any way since he was pulled into the weird world.

"Is it true or not? Regardless of whether it's true or not, you're going to die!" An extremely violent voice came out of Guitian's mouth, and the strange power of the strange world suddenly erupted, and the power of destroying heaven and earth acted on Chen Tianzhen. body.

Under this force, Chen Tianzhen was directly annihilated from body to soul, without even a trace remaining.

"It turned out to be fake..." Seeing this situation, Guitian gritted his teeth with a cracking sound, and a thought suddenly appeared in his heart. After this thought appeared in his mind, endless shock flashed in his heart. stand up.

The Chen Tianzhen in front of him is really fake, so where is the real Chen Tianzhen?
"That's really..." At this time, behind him, a breath of ultimate power to destroy everything suddenly came.

Guitian turned around abruptly, and what he saw scared him out of his wits!

"Dao Jie!" A clear voice came from Chen Tianzhen's mouth, and nine runes emerged from his body, forming an incomparably mysterious ring in front of him.

"Destroy!" Under Chen Tianzhen's guidance, Dao Jie's power fell directly in front of Chen Tianzhen.

In front of him was a spatial rift, a spatial rift between the strange world and the original world!

Originally, this space crack was tightly guarded by Guitian with the power of the strange world. Even if Chen Tian really had the power of Dao Tribulation and the power of the original world, it would not be easy to get close to it.

But just now, Guitian thought that he had used the power of illusion to control Chen Tianzhen, and it must be foolproof to take Chen Tianzhen down. In order to take Chen Tianzhen directly in a very short period of time, he almost took all The power is all focused on expansion, ignoring the defensive power of space cracks.

"Don't!" Guitian's face was extremely pale, and destroying the space crack was equivalent to cutting off his connection with the strange world. Without the continuous supply of power from the strange world, the power that invaded the original world would not be long. The original world was completely suppressed.

"It's too late! If I had known today, why would I have done it before!" Chen Tianzhen was unmoved, and under his idea, the ring formed by the Dao Tribulation Form fell towards the space crack from top to bottom.

Silently, in the space that Dao Jie passed through, the space cracks and everything were directly erased by the power of Dao Jie, and the space cracks between the original world and the strange world were no exception.

Sensing the same power breath as last time, the hatred in Guitian's heart reached the extreme, but he didn't dare to stay at all. If the space channel between the original world and the strange world was destroyed by Chen Tianzhen, he would die!

Guitian has initially merged with the strange world and is the master of the world. This is an advantage, but everything in the world has two sides. While gaining benefits, there are naturally disadvantages.

The master of the world can only be in this world, if it appears in other worlds, it will be the same as Guitian now, if it appears in the original world, it will be regarded as an invading world by the original world, and the instinct of the original world will prompt It devours Guitian just like it devours other worlds.

In the induction of the original world, the world masters of other worlds are no different from the world!
"I want to go back, I have to go back! When I am ready next time, I will never give this ant a chance again! I must kill him. If I don't kill him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!" Some of the ghosts in the original world don't care about other things in an emergency, and directly use means to burn this small weird world attached to the original world in exchange for a steady stream of world power.

The power of the world resisted the natural instinct of the original world, and he also broke through the space through the power of the world, and a flash appeared before the crack in the space.

Looking at the crack in the space in front of him, Guitian didn't dare to push it any further, instead of slowing down, he rushed over even faster.

"I will return you a hundred times and a thousand times the humiliation I have suffered this time, you ant, bastard!"

"Hehe..." At this moment, Chen Tianzhen chuckled lightly, and the Dao Tribulation ring that had been falling slowly moved suddenly. The ring flashed and fell to the ground. There is also the space where Dao Tribulation passed, where it has become nothingness and disappeared directly.

"I told you to die, so I will definitely let you die." Chen Tianzhen glanced at Guitian. Originally, the strange world outside Guitian's body was hundreds of miles in diameter. The weird world the size of a mile has disappeared, and only a world with a diameter of ten miles is around Guitian.

This strange world, which is ten miles in size, is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye under the instinctive swallowing of the original world. In one breath, the size of the strange world will shrink inward by a diameter of one mile.

At this time, Guitian's forehead was densely packed with beads of sweat. After reaching the Dao realm from the realm of practice, Guitian had never encountered a situation so close to death.

Fear emerged uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart, causing Guitian's body to tremble uncontrollably.

"Ant, even if I can't escape today, you have to be buried with me!" With every breath, the strange world around him shrinks rapidly. If this layer of protection disappears, the moment Guitian is exposed to the original world Will be swallowed by the instinct of the original world.

But now, Chen Tianzhen has destroyed the space channel to return to the strange world, and Guitian has no chance to go back.

His fate is sealed!That is, the soul flies away and is swallowed by the original world!

It was Chen Tianzhen, a human ant, who made all of this happen!

"Ants, give me your soul!" The murderous intent and hatred in Guitian's heart erupted completely, and the world ten miles in size was almost completely burned in an instant, and the power of the world burst out after the strange world burned into a huge black giant The vortex, the vortex carries a mighty force that devours everything.

All the power emerging from the vortex concentrated on Chen Tianzhen!
This unstoppable force erupted, wanting to tear Chen Tianzhen apart from the levels of body, soul, and true spirit.

Chen Tianzhen had long been prepared for Guitian's dying counterattack, and the power of Tianshu was used by him to the greatest extent, forming an indestructible barrier around him.

"You can die in peace!" Chen Tianzhen turned his head and looked at Guitian who looked like a wild beast, with a hint of mockery on his face.

"Hehe, reincarnation of the six realms!" At this moment, Guitian's face also showed an extremely ferocious smile. He used the strongest method he obtained after refining the strange world. The spirit, as well as the avenue he practiced, began to collapse after using the six reincarnations.

Dots of light emerged from him, if Guitian's face was not extremely ferocious, the picture should look beautiful.

"Ant, you let me be swallowed by the original world, and nothing survives! Let me practice for countless years to nothing, then I will use the fundamental law of the weird world to send you to the weird world, so that you will be like me, Be devoured by the world!" The Six Paths of Reincarnation is the most basic law of the strange world, and the strange world is also a world derived from this most basic law.

"You will die with me." Seeing Chen Tianzhen being pulled in by the power of the six realms of reincarnation, Guitian laughed wildly happily, and his body gradually faded in the wild laughter.

The moment before Guitian was about to be completely swallowed by the original world, Chen Tianzhen appeared intact and smiling in front of Guitian, "What are you laughing at? The one that was sucked away just now is just a clone of me."

"Impossible...!!" Gui Tian, ​​who was left with only the last trace of phantom, had madness in his eyes, and his voice went completely mad at the last moment.

Guitian is extremely unwilling, his heart is full of absolute hatred, if Guitian can still leave his thoughts after being swallowed by the original world, there is absolutely only one emotion left in his thoughts, that is the irresolvable resentment .

(End of this chapter)

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