I can work indefinitely

Chapter 312 Master, Treasures Are Predestined For Me

Chapter 312 Master, Treasures Are Predestined For Me

In the Dao realm, all the Dao realm monks gathered together.

On the top of each one, there is a great statue that traverses the sky and the earth. Before the statue, there is a space channel that directly connects with the origin of the world.

Massive amounts of original aura are continuously poured into the body of the Supreme Master, and the original aura gushing out from the cracks in the space, in an instant, can make an ordinary person's cultivation level directly reach the divine realm!
But for people of the highest class, such a huge amount requires continuous accumulation over time to improve their practice a little bit.

"Fellow Daoist Blood Sea, you have been by Master's side all the time, do you know why Master suddenly sent us a letter asking us to practice using divine powers?" After practicing for a year, Tianhou suddenly asked Blood Sea.

There are only a few of them in the Dao Realm, and under Chen Tianzhen's means, the others have completely cut off their connection with other worlds.

Only Taoist Xuehai still has a thought to follow Chen Tianzhen, this is no secret to others.

After Tianhou asked this question, the other people also gathered all the information related to Chen Tianzhen, they all wanted to know.

Although he is in a state of rest, he can use the practice of manifesting his holiness, even if he does not concentrate, it will only slow down his comprehension of the laws, and the effect will not be great.

"It just so happens that the master has something to ask you. You should ask the master directly." When the Xuehai Taoist answered, everyone felt an irresistible summoning force appearing, and this force could not be resisted. , acting directly on their true spirits.

"Oh?" Except for Xuehai, everyone felt confused. In fact, even Taoist Xuehai didn't know why Chen Tianzhen suddenly summoned others to go over.

The next moment, the true spirits of all of them disappeared from the Dao Realm, together with the disappearance, and the vision that they filled the heaven and earth because of their use of divine powers.

In the mortal world, in front of the space crack, extremely bright light spots appeared from the void, and these light spots were the true spirits of the Supreme Beings.

"Coagulation!" Everyone used the method of condensing their bodies.

The spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth gathered in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, everyone condensed into a body in Chen Tianzhen, and each breath was extremely powerful, far surpassing Chen Tianzhen, a cultivator in the divine realm.

"Master!" After condensing the body, everyone respectfully bowed down to Chen Tianzhen.

"Okay, everyone get up!"

"I asked you to come here because of this!" Seeing everyone standing up, Chen Tianzhen didn't hide anything, and pointed his hand towards the space crack, and the aura of the innate magic weapon in the ghost world was revealed in front of everyone.

"This is the aura of the innate magic weapon..." Taoist Samsara became excited after sensing the aura of the magic weapon of Ghost World, "And, this magic weapon, I feel, is my chance and the key to my enlightenment! "

"This force is the power of reincarnation in the world..." The Taoist reincarnation honestly expressed his feelings.

Everyone looked at Taoist Samsara in surprise, and then said, "It's the aura of the innate magic weapon! But is there any direct connection with Master's asking us to practice?"

Even the Daoist Xuehai who had been following Chen Tianzhen didn't understand what Chen Tianzhen meant.

"Yes, this is an innate magic weapon, and it is an innate magic weapon without an owner!"

"I have used the method of blood refinement to refine it for two years in a row! I pour it with blood every day, but unfortunately there is still no connection until now."

Everyone looked at Chen Tianzhen's waist, which was as thick as an arm, like a fountain of blood, and everyone's expressions became incomparably astonished.

"Two years? With the current consumption of Master, even I can't bear it for two years. If I come to refine, I can only bear it for a month at most. After one month, my cultivation base will regress to the ancestral realm! Master is really a god!" Taishang Taoist said with admiration.

"Master, amazing!" Yuqing and Shangqing seemed to understand something after hearing what the Supreme Master said, with admiration in their eyes.

"This old Taoist priest usually looks dignified, but I didn't expect that... he is also a sycophant. I am disgusted!" After the Xuanwu Taoist cursed secretly in his heart, his face suddenly became extremely serious.

"Master's stamina, since I became conscious, no one has been able to match it! There is no one before, and there will be no one to come..." Taoist Xuanwu's face was extremely serious, and he opened his mouth to talk endlessly.

Everyone looked at Taoist Xuanwu in astonishment!Even the way Tianhou looked at Taoist Xuanwu changed.

When he was in the Heavenly Court, because of his race, Taoist Xuanwu acted arrogantly and uprightly. In front of her and the Heavenly Emperor, he had never done such a flattering thing.

"I didn't expect you to be such a Xuanwu!"

"Okay, don't talk about what you don't have!" Chen Tianzhen listened to Xuanwu talk for 5 minutes. During these 5 minutes, Taoist Xuanwu talked more and more vigorously, and his level was also very high. There were no repeated words at all.

If it's not important, Chen Tian really wants to know how long the Xuanwu Taoist can talk.

The most important thing is that with such a strong and nice-speaking person by his side, Chen Tian sincerely felt that the depression of not refining the ghost world was greatly reduced.

When everyone heard it, they understood that what Chen Tianzhen said next was the key point, and they all pricked up their ears.

"I came to you to ask you, is there any other way to refine the innate magic weapon?" Chen Tianzhen's eyes swept over the faces of everyone.

Among these people, except for Tianhou who lived a little shorter, the others all came from the Eternal Continent era. They are well-informed and may have mastered the method of refining innate magic weapons.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, everyone shook their heads vigorously!

"Master, from ancient times to the present, there is only one way to refine the innate magic weapon, and that is to obtain the approval of the innate magic weapon."

"The art of blood refinement is a means to speed up the refining of innate magic weapons after the innate magic weapons are approved." The emperor was the first to speak, pointing Chen Tianzhen intentionally or unintentionally, telling Chen Tianzhen that there is something wrong with the current method of refining innate magic weapons , is completely putting the cart before the horse and has no effect.

The others nodded one after another, approving what the Taoist Taishang said. The first step in refining the innate magic weapon is to obtain the approval of the magic weapon!

Without this step of approval, any means will have no effect!
From the birth of the world to the present, it has always been like this, and there has never been a change.

"Is that so?" Chen Tianzhen frowned, and his tone was very suspicious. When he refined other innate magic weapons, he didn't have this step approved at all, but directly suppressed and forcibly refined them with the power of heaven.

But on the magic weapon of the ghost world, this method is useless at all, because the magic weapon of the ghost world also has the power of the world, and it is impossible to suppress it with the power of the world of the original world.

"It seems that what the Taishang and the others said is true. Obtaining the approval of the innate magic weapon is their regular method for refining the innate magic weapon!" Seeing the affirmative expressions on the faces of other people, Chen Tian also had a judgment in his heart.

Although Taishang's answer was frustrating, Chen Tianzhen didn't care too much.

In the process of refining the magic weapon of the ghost world, he had already used other means, but Chen Tian really didn't know when the means he had prepared would be effective.

The Taoist Taishang and the others came over to ask if there was a safer and faster way.

"Which, Master, I think I am related to this treasure, can you see if I can get in touch with this treasure..." At this time, Taoist Samsara who had been standing silently spoke suddenly, his eyes full of With confidence, since the true spirit descended here, he felt a sense of intimacy coming from the treasure of the ghost world.

While sensing this breath, Taoist Samsara's spiritual sense told him that his chance to become a Taoist has arrived!

The ghost world will be the greatest opportunity in his life, as long as the ghost world initially recognizes the master, the reincarnated Taoist can use this to directly break through to the supreme realm!
If the ghost world is lost, the reincarnated Taoist will never be able to become enlightened!

Because the way of reincarnation comprehended by the Taoist reincarnation, and the treasure of the ghost world, have the same attributes, and it is simply a match made in heaven.

"If I can break through to the Supreme Realm, any means that act on me can be eliminated by the power of the Supreme Realm, and the runes that Master used in my true spirit can also be driven away..." A thought came to Taoist Samsara It flashed through the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness, and then he sealed it to the deepest part of his sea of ​​consciousness, not daring to reveal a single trace.

(End of this chapter)

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