I can work indefinitely

Chapter 314 6 Wheels of Seals, Turn Your Face

Chapter 314 Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk, Turn Your Face
Taoist Samsara might also have this idea, he felt that Chen Tianzhen might be against him.

Therefore, after obtaining the approval of the Ghost World Supreme Treasure, I immediately increased the communication with the Ghost World Supreme Treasure, while looking for a method to initially refine the Ghost World Supreme Treasure in a short period of time, while communicating with the Ghost World Supreme Treasure in my heart, I want to obtain the protection of the power of the most precious treasure in the ghost world before refining.

"No! I'll help you!" A message was transmitted from the treasure of the ghost world to Taoist Samsara's heart. The next moment, Taoist Samsara discovered that a strong connection had been established between him and the treasure of the ghost world.

Through the connection with the Supreme Treasure of the Ghost World, the six laws of reincarnation possessed by the Supreme Treasure of the Ghost World are directly exposed to the eyes of the Samsara Taoist without any concealment.

The avenue is revealed, endless mystery!
The law of reincarnation of Taoist reincarnation is already extremely domineering, but compared with the law of six paths of reincarnation of the treasure of the ghost world, it is as gentle as a child.

For others, the law of reincarnation of Taoist reincarnation is so complicated that it takes a lifetime to comprehend its mysteries, but compared with the law of six paths of reincarnation contained in the treasure of the ghost world, it is simple and crude to the extreme.

When seeing the law of reincarnation of the six realms, Taoists of reincarnation fell into enlightenment.

While the Samsara Taoist was enlightened, the aura of the Samsara Taoist was rising at a terrifying speed. In just one breath, there was a terrifying power of the reincarnation of all things on the Samsara Taoist.

In a few blinks of an eye, a supreme aura emerged from Taoist Samsara.

Taoist Samsara directly broke through to the Supreme Realm!
"What a treasure, what a treasure!" Taishang Daoist's eyes were shining, he had just refined the treasure of the ghost world, and Samsara Taoist broke through to the Supreme Realm, and he could see the terrifying power of this treasure.

"After initially refining this treasure, you will break through to the supreme realm. The luck of the reincarnation Taoist is really great!" Others also looked at it with envy.

"This time, Master really lost his wife and lost his army!" The Taishang Taoist gave Chen Tianzhen a dark look, "Besides, the Samsara Taoist has now broken through to the Supreme Realm, and the Master has only mastered the Supreme Realm in advance through treasures." If the power of the upper realm is used, it is estimated that Master will suffer a big loss."

"It's a pity, such a powerful treasure, if it were me, I would rather ban it forever, and I would not let anyone refine it, and add an enemy for myself for nothing!" The Taoist Taishang couldn't understand Chen Tianzhen. If he is Chen Tianzhen, he is in a strong position, even if the Taoist of Samsara kowtows to the end of time, he will not agree to the request of the Taoist of Samsara.

Before, if Chen Tianzhen didn't agree, even if Taoist Samsara had a destiny with the treasure of the ghost world, he would not have the chance to obtain the treasure of this treasure, and would not have the chance to break through to the supreme realm.

According to Taoist Taishang, Chen Tianzhen was shooting himself in the foot this time. Not only did he lose control of Taoist Samsara, but it was even more likely that Taoist Samsara would attack Chen Tianzhen after breaking through.

When Chen Tianzhen killed his friend of Taoist Samsara and Taoist Bodhi before, he did not show any mercy.

When controlling the Samsara Taoist, he did not hesitate at all.

In addition, the opportunity to help become enlightened is too great, and the Samsara Taoist cannot repay this opportunity!

Can't pay off the chance, what's the best way?
kill!As long as Chen Tianzhen is killed, this opportunity will not be repaid!

The Samsara Taoist, who was breaking through, shifted his focus to the True Spirit as soon as he broke through to the Supreme Realm, and when he found that the control runes on the True Spirit had disappeared, his face showed ecstasy. look.

"Sure enough, my guess is correct! Only after breaking through to the Supreme Realm, can the control runes left by Chen Tianzhen on the true spirit be removed!"

"Chen Tianzhen grasped the power of the Supreme Realm in advance with the help of the magic weapon, and used this borrowed power of the Supreme Realm to plant runes in our true spirit."

"As for me, now I possess supreme power, which is naturally higher than the power he borrowed!" Thoughts flashed through the mind of Taoist Samsara.

The essence of practice in the Taoist realm is to establish the Tao. After referring to the laws of the world, create your own laws and create your own path, just like the laws of reincarnation of Taoists in reincarnation.

After the path and laws created by oneself are perfected, the laws and regulations can be integrated into the whole world, and one's own laws become the basis for the operation of heaven and earth, and one's own is a part of heaven and earth.

Unless he has the power to destroy the world, otherwise, no means can kill him!

This is the key to immortal monks!
Now, having obtained the six laws of reincarnation, which is the treasure of the ghost world, the reincarnation law of Taoist reincarnation has been perfected to the extent that it can become the law of heaven and earth. In fact, he has not broken through to the supreme state now, but stepped into the supreme state with one foot .

It is not that simple to make one's own laws become the basic laws of operation of the world. In addition to the perfection of one's own laws, there is also a process of integration. Before one's own laws are integrated into the world, the reincarnated Taoist will still die.

The process of merging the law into the heaven and the earth is a gradual process, it cannot be accomplished overnight, it takes time to accumulate, so the Samsara Taoist ended the process of retreat and opened his eyes directly.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk! Come!" The first thing the Taoist reincarnation did when he opened his eyes was to summon the treasure of the ghost world from the void into his own hands. After initially refining this treasure, the Taoist reincarnation already knew this The real name of the treasure.

It's called the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk! 43 forbidden peerless treasures.

"Bodhi!" After waking up from the state of cultivation, he took out a seed, which was the bodhi seed left after Taoist Bodhi was killed by Chen Tianzhen.

"The power of reincarnation!" The power of reincarnation that belongs to the supreme realm flows out from the hands of the reincarnation Taoist and falls on the bodhi seed, and the time of the bodhi seed begins to flow backwards.

The supreme power of reincarnation can already reverse cause and effect!

Taoist Bodhi died in the hands of Chen Tianzhen. Taoist Samsara wanted to use the power of reincarnation to restore the time of Bodhi to the moment before Bodhi's death, so that Taoist Bodhi could be resurrected from death.

From the moment when Taoist Samsara opened his eyes, from the beginning to the end, his expression was extremely indifferent, he didn't look at anyone, and he didn't pay special attention to Chen Tianzhen. He regarded other people as nothing, as if they didn't exist.

The moment Taoist Samsara stepped into the Supreme Realm with one foot, he was already destined to be nobler than everyone else, because all the monks who entered the Supreme Realm were great existences who could sit on an equal footing with the Dao of Heaven.

Chen Tianzhen is just an ant who uses treasures to steal supreme power, so how could he be seen by Taoist Samsara.

Chen Tianzhen looked at the movement of Taoist Samsara with absolute coldness in his eyes, "It's just one foot stepping into the supreme realm, do you really think that you are invincible! I want the power of Taoism to reverse time and space and make Bodhi The Taoist is resurrected, I am afraid of death and think too much!"

How did Taoist Bodhi die?

It was beaten to death by Chen Tianzhen with the Bronze Sacred Tree. The Bronze Sacred Tree is not an ordinary thing. Chen Tianzhen does not know where the power limit of the Bronze Sacred Tree is, but there is one thing Chen Tianzhen is very sure of, that is, the Bronze Sacred Tree is absolutely not Unsurpassed power can be shaken.

The Bronze Divine Tree is a true treasure beyond this world.

After a while, Taoist Samsara had already returned the time of Bodhizi to the world of immortals. When he used the supreme power of reincarnation for the first time, the powerful power of supreme realm gave Taoist Samsara a feeling of controlling everything. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Bodhi, I don't know if you will be surprised after being resurrected by me."

When he said this, Taoist Samsara finally looked at Chen Tianzhen!
Taoist Samsara had indifference in his eyes, as if he wanted to look at an ant that could be crushed to death at will, "Chen Tianzhen, you planted a control rune in my true spirit, this kind of practice that blasphemes the way of heaven, you deserve to die!"

"However, I have broken through to the supreme realm, and I will kill you and dirty my hands. I will resurrect Taoist Bodhi and let him destroy you!" When Taoist Samsara was speaking, a force of reincarnation silently shook Chen The innocence wrapped in it directly cut off the direct connection between Chen Tianzhen and Tiandao.

"Fellow Daoist Samsara, wait a moment. In our true spirit, there are runes planted by our master. If he dies, we will also be buried with him!" The Taoist Taishang, who was watching the show, listened to me. After the reincarnation Taoist's words, his face suddenly changed, and he spoke anxiously.

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation!" Taoist reincarnation sneered, the supreme power of reincarnation directly appeared on the true spirits of all people, and pulled the runes carved on other people's true spirits, and sent them into reincarnation instantly.

"If you have some cause and effect with me, I will spare your lives. Chen Tianzhen's methods of ants are nothing in my eyes!" Taoist Samsara's expression was extremely relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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