I can work indefinitely

Chapter 318 Taishang, a cultivation tool man!

Chapter 318 Taishang, a cultivation tool man!

"I forgot to tell you, I have a kind of supernatural power called enlightenment, which can enlighten all things."

"After the souls are enlightened, I am their heaven, I am their way, and I am their god! Any request from me will be obeyed by the enlightened!" Chen Tianzhen said every word, and after looking around , Said part of the ability of the attunement skill.

While speaking, Chen Tian sent his hand to the Taoist Samsara's head, and the attunement rune floated gently, and floated to the Taoist Samsara's eyes in a leisurely manner.

"Master, spare me, spare me!" Taoist Samsara suddenly yelled in horror, his face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

After hearing Chen Tianzhen's description, the others looked at Chen Tianzhen in horror.

This is not enlightenment, it is simply brainwashing!After this trick, is he still himself?

At this moment, the attunement rune was integrated into the forehead of Taoist Samsara,

Taoist Samsara's body felt like an electric shock, and he went mad!It looks very similar to epilepsy with onset.

During the twitching process, the expression on Taoist Samsara's face gradually disappeared. When Taoist Samsara was not twitching, the expression on Taoist Samsara's face disappeared. It looked cold, like a lifeless machine.

An inhuman aura came from Taoist Samsara, and there was no trace of spirituality in him anymore.

The next moment, Taoist Samsara knelt in front of Chen Tianzhen, his expressionless face instantly became extremely fanatical, as if he saw a god of faith.

"What a terrible method!" Taishang Daoist's pupils shrank suddenly, almost the size of a needle's eye. He was horrified to the extreme. After seeing Chen Tianzhen's enlightenment method, he realized that Chen Tianzhen had carved talismans in their true spirits. Wen, is really already a gentle means.

Compared with the current state of Taoist Samsara, they are already very lucky!
The two Taoists Yuqing and Shangqing glanced at each other, and they could see the fear in each other's eyes.

The Taoist reincarnation looks like he has no self-awareness at all. He seems to be alive, but it is more painful than death.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that Taoist Samsara's self-awareness has been erased by Chen Tianzhen, and the living Taoist Samsara is not him at all, but a puppet of Chen Tianzhen.

"Master, you are so mighty, Taoist reincarnation doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and wants to harm you. All of this is what he asked for!" Taoist Taishang was the first to stand up and spoke respectfully.

"That's right, Taoist Samsara has no teacher, arrogant and arrogant, like a beast wants to kill his master, he really deserves to die!" Taoist Yuqing also said with the same hatred.

"Bah!" Taoist Shangqing's face is much thinner in comparison, so he can only use actions to express his disdain for Taoist Samsara.

"Human race is really not an ordinary race! Chen Tianzhen doesn't look like an ordinary person!" Taoist Xuehai took a deep look at Chen Tianzhen.

"Master is really amazing!" Taoist Xuanwu was terrified at first, and then ecstatic. He was grateful to Chen Tianzhen in his heart, and he didn't have any bad feelings towards Chen Tianzhen.

The stronger Chen Tianzhen is, the safer he is!

"Taoist Samsara, you go back to the Taoist world and practice the supernatural powers that I have passed on to you to manifest your holiness. Without my order, you will never stop!" Originally, Chen Tianzhen's idea was to directly destroy the Taoist Samsara, but later he changed his doctrine.

As a disciple of Supreme Realm, Taoist Samsara is the only one now, if he is killed directly, the loss will be too great!
Although Taoists of Reincarnation have just entered the Supreme Realm, if Taoists of Reincarnation use the skills of revealing the Holy Spirit, the effect is more than a hundred times that of Taoists of Taishang!
Therefore, Chen Tianzhen used attunement skills to turn the Samsara Taoist into a tool man to help him practice.

"Respect the decrees of the God Lord!" Taoist Samsara's voice was frenzied, and he kowtowed heavily to Chen Tianzhen, just like when he begged Chen Tianzhen to give him a chance to contact the six-path reincarnation disk.

There are also some differences. Taoist Samsara is sincere now, but when he begged Chen Tianzhen, he was still thinking about how to escape from Chen Tianzhen's control.

A crack in space opened, Taoist Samsara stood up, moved mechanically, with an indifferent expression, without the slightest emotion, and walked straight in.

Others saw the expressions and movements of Taoist Samsara, and felt that Taoist Samsara was not a creature at all, but a puppet without any intelligence!
"What a terrible method!" Taoist Taishang secretly swallowed.

Others also felt tingling in the scalp and chills in the back!
"My good disciples, in fact, there is something I have been keeping from you as a teacher! Through the runes carved into your true spirits, I can not only control your life and death, but I will also know any thoughts that cross your mind!" Chen Tianzhen glanced over the faces of the remaining six people.

Taoist Taishang, Taoist Yuqing, and Taoist Shangqing suddenly became stiff, and they were extremely grateful, "Fortunately, Taoist Samsara used the power of the Supreme Realm to get rid of the means planted by Master in our true spirit. , otherwise, Master would probably turn me into a puppet if those thoughts that flashed through my mind just now were discovered by Master!"

Tian Hou looked at Chen Tianzhen with strange eyes. She is a woman, and sometimes strange thoughts would flash through her mind. Many of these thoughts were deviant thoughts, and there were even some secrets that must never be revealed.

Hearing what Chen Tianzhen meant, does Chen Tianzhen know? !

Even with the Heavenly Empress Dao Realm's cultivation base, she couldn't help turning red in the face!

"Master is so old, he actually peeped into a woman's mind!" Tian Hou cursed in her heart, "Fortunately, that bastard Taoist Samsara did a human thing and removed the rune in our true spirit."

Taoist Xuehai knew from the very beginning that Chen Tian really had this ability, so he didn't care much.

Taoist Xuanwu never had any other thoughts about Chen Tianzhen in his heart, and he didn't care.

Feeling the thought of him flashing in everyone's mind, Chen Tianzhen paused and continued, "By the way, there is one more thing I need to tell you. In fact, the runes in your true spirits are always there!"

"You can't sense it because I concealed the rune. Although it is hidden, the power of the rune has never weakened!" Following Chen Tianzhen's words, the control rune hidden in their true spirits , it was revealed that the same restrictive force before appeared in the true spirit of all people.

At the same moment, Chen Tianzhen stared at Taishang, Yuqing, and Shangqing with extreme coldness.

This sentence sounded like thunder in the minds of Taishang, Yuqing, and Shangqing, especially after sensing the reappearing power in the true spirit, the eyes of the three Taishang were rounded, and they were frightened Senseless!
In the next moment, the three of them, almost at the same moment, knelt down in front of Chen Tianzhen, all of them had extremely panicked expressions on their faces.

"Master, my disciple is wrong! My disciple is wrong! I don't dare anymore, I beg Master to spare my life! I beg Master to spare my life!" The Taishang's voice was almost crying.

While admitting their mistakes and begging for mercy, the three of them greeted the ancestors of the reincarnation Taoist for all generations in their hearts!

It was because of Taoist Samsara's action, they thought that Chen Tianzhen's rune had really been removed, so they dared to be so presumptuous.

Everything was caused by Taoist reincarnation!

"If I knew today, why did I have to!" How could Chen Tianzhen let go of this kind of person with ghosts in his heart!

Let them go today, maybe tomorrow they will become the next reincarnated Taoist!
The role of Chen Tianzhen accepting disciples is very simple, that is to help in cultivation, it doesn't matter how smart or wise the disciples are!

All you need is to be able to practice honestly and without distractions!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Chen Tianzhen smiled.

At the moment when the three of them were in ecstasy, Chen Tianzhen opened his tightly clenched hands, and the three runes of the Holy Spirit floated from his hand towards the three of them like leaves falling in autumn.

The three Taishang people were extremely desperate at once, a fierce light flashed in their eyes, when they wanted to resist.

It was only then that they discovered that the runes in the true spirit were like a world, pressing on them, and they couldn't move a single bit, couldn't mobilize a single bit of power.

They could only watch helplessly as the three attunement runes slowly fell down. They finally felt the desperation and helplessness of the Samsara Taoist in the face of the attrition runes. Every moment made them feel desperate to the extreme!

The three runes were fused in, and the Samsara Taoist pumped a few times, but the three Taishangs were only in the Dao realm, and they didn't have any resistance at all. The moment the attunement runes were fused in, they were killed. Distorted thinking.

From then on, Chen Tianzhen was their heaven, their way, their god, and everything to them!
Apart from that, they can no longer hold anything in their hearts!
"God Lord!" The three knelt in front of Chen Tianzhen devoutly and fanatically, completely becoming Chen Tianzhen's puppets!
"If I knew today, why bother! You three, go practice!" Chen Tianzhen shook his head, opened the crack in the space, and sent the three of them in like machines. Their future fate is already doomed. .

"Next, it's you guys!" Chen Tianzhen looked at the remaining three people, with some joy in his voice.

Whether it's Tianhou, Xuehai, or Xuanwu, after hearing Chen Tianzhen's words, their faces turned pale with fright!

(End of this chapter)

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