I can work indefinitely

Chapter 321 World Top Secret, Silver Shuttle

Chapter 321 World Top Secret, Silver Shuttle

Chen Tianzhen found that he could not use Taoist and Buddhist skills at all now, he opened the infinite inauguration panel, directly chose the Buddhist and Taoist professions, merged with the dream master profession, and became a consumable for the dream master to break through to the sixth level !

This decision was not made impulsively by Chen Tianzhen!
It was made by Chen Tianzhen after careful consideration.

The Taoist profession has the fifth-level skill of Heaven and Man, and the Buddhist profession has the fifth-level skill of Buddha Kingdom!
The master of dreams also has the fifth-level skill dream walker!
In fact, the skill of dream walker is not only a skill of espionage and killing in dreams, but also a skill of practice.

The practice effect of the dream walker is definitely not worse than the harmony between man and nature, and even better than the harmony between man and nature.

The dreamwalker skill allows Chen Tianzhen to sneak into the dream of anything, and in the dream, he can obtain all information about this creature or this item.

It looks inconspicuous, but in fact this ability is extremely terrifying.

Because, the law is also the object that Chen Tianzhen can dream about, as long as Chen Tianzhen dreams into the law, all the information about the law will be mastered by Chen Tianzhen.

In addition, after Taoist priests and Buddhists are fused, the skill effects will also be fused to the dream master's skills, instead of disappearing, so Chen Tianzhen chose to fuse directly without any hesitation.

"The efficiency of Taoist Xuehai and Taoist Xuanwu is still very good!" Looking at the infinite inauguration panel, he found that it would take a long time for the master of dreams to integrate Taoist priests and Buddhists. Chen Tianzhen directly closed the infinite inauguration panel, no longer focus on.

His divine thoughts fell on Xuanwu Taoist and Xuehai Taoist through time and space, and found that at this moment, in the world after the magic pit, five Daojing monks had been killed by Xuehai Heixuanwu. Hunt down the remaining two.

After confirming that Xuehai and Xuanwu were not in danger, Chen Tianzhen stepped forward and appeared in the ancestral realm of the original world.

The environment of the ancestral realm is excellent, with beautiful mountains and rivers, spirit beasts and fairy flowers, all of which are too beautiful to behold. Coupled with the abundant aura in the ancestral realm, this place is more suitable for cultivation than the Dao realm.

The Heavenly Court obtained from the Earth Immortal Realm has been placed in the Ancestral Realm by Chen Tianzhen, and the position is just covered by a natural formation.

This formation is miraculous, and it is absolutely impossible to discover it without Dao realm cultivation.

In the palace of Heavenly Court, Yu Ji sat cross-legged and practiced without moving. Even when Chen Tianzhen appeared beside her, she did not respond.

"Unfortunately, Yu Ji is practicing now, so I can't share my joy with her." Chen Tianzhen sighed, he didn't want to practice at first, but now everyone is practicing.

In this situation, if he doesn't practice, he really can't find anything to do.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk!" After thinking for a while, Chen Tianzhen called out the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. All along, it was the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk that he had been working hard to refine himself to Chen Tianzhen. Already refined 27 restrictions by myself.

"Dreamwalker!" Chen Tianzhen used the dreamwalker's skill on the six-path reincarnation disk.

Suddenly, the six-path reincarnation disk that was trying to refine himself to Chen Tianzhen began to dream in a daze.

Chen Tianzhen appeared in the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk, and when he found that Chen Tianzhen appeared in the dream, the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk was immediately filled with joy.

"At first!" With a heartfelt thought, Chen Tian directly controlled the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk, and pulled the dream until the six-path reincarnation disk began to conceive.

In nothingness, like a tumbling of a chicken, there is chaos in it, and endless good fortune plays a role in it. This set of disordered chaos gradually turns into order. In the process of order, an ignorant but great existence begins. bred.

That is the way of the world!
Conceived together with the Dao of Heaven, there are nine other supreme beings!
It represents the nine supreme laws of yin, yang, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, time, and space.

In addition to these nine supreme beings, the aura during their gestation combined with the aura of chaos, and they were related to each other, and nine more magic weapons began to be conceived.

These nine magic weapons were originally the accompanying magic weapons of the nine supreme beings, and they are the basic laws of the original world. According to the general fate plan, the nine supreme beings will all become the supreme realm and become the cornerstone of the operation of the heaven.

The nine supreme treasures will be refined and perfected after the nine supreme beings have integrated into the world of heaven!
The Six Paths Reincarnation Disc is one of the magic weapons!
The rotation of time and space, the rotation of life, and the renewal of Vientiane.

Even among the nine treasures, the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk can be ranked in the top three!

Unfortunately, at the moment when the world was about to be conceived, a silver shuttle appeared from nothingness. With a terrifying force, the shuttle pierced through the barrier of the original world with a sudden rush.

The supreme existence representing the law of the most yin, just before the shuttle, was directly destroyed by the impact of the shuttle, leaving a little original power.

The six-path reincarnation disk conceived with this supreme being was also severely damaged because of this!Part of the original source was lost. Originally, the six-path reincarnation disk, a treasure, could be bred to 44 prohibitions. After 43 prohibitions, the original source was consumed.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk showed Chen Tianzhen everything in detail from its gestation to meeting Chen Tianzhen, without any reservation.

In the dream, Chen Tianzhen turned into the Six Paths of Reincarnation Disk. He was conceived by the Dao of Heaven, and he was absorbing the origin to grow. One after another, prohibitions appeared in his body. The power of the six realms of reincarnation and the way of operation follow the progress of the dream. , has become Chen Tianzhen's instinct.

When being shuttled, that hostility and anger!

When meeting the reincarnation Taoist, that kind of joy!On the Samsara Taoist, the Six Paths of Samsara sensed the breath of the Supreme Yin Being, and the Samsara Taoist is a continuation of the original source of the Supreme Yin Supreme Being.

Chen Tianzhen even experienced the feeling of being enlightened by Chen Tianzhen himself with his attunement skills.

"The laws of the six reincarnations, I have mastered them all!" A dream is the life of the six reincarnation disks, and I have obtained everything in the six reincarnation disks!
Only ten years have passed in the outside world, and in the dreamland, Chen Tianzhen has spent countless years.

His cultivation base has not changed, but the laws of reincarnation of the six paths, in the dream, have been completely mastered by Chen Tianzhen, which is more perfect than the laws of reincarnation mastered by Taoist reincarnation!
As long as Chen Tianzhen integrates the six laws of reincarnation he has mastered into the original world, he will immediately become a supreme powerhouse!
However, Chen Tianzhen did not rush to do that.

Through the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk, Chen Tianzhen saw the most secret and terrifying thing in this world!

That is the invisible but real destiny!
And the silver shuttle trying to escape fate!
The emergence and gestation of the original world is doomed, the appearance of the way of heaven is doomed, the nine supreme existences, the nine supreme treasures, these are all doomed, everything is doomed, just like there is a more terrifying existence Standing out of nothingness, manipulating it all.

Only the silver shuttle is something that is not predestined and not in destiny, and it is precisely because of the appearance of the silver shuttle that the established destiny is broken!

And through the dream of the six-path reincarnation disk, Chen Tianzhen sensed the existence of the silver shuttle.

They are all humans!

Yes, they are all human races!
"No wonder, the way of heaven will destroy the human race no matter what!" Chen Tianzhen finally understood at this time, why in the era of the Eternal Continent, under the secret guidance of the heaven and earth, the ten thousand races aimed at the human race and wanted to exterminate the human race.

"No wonder, Da Ri kept saying that the human race came to this world!" Originally, Chen Tianzhen found it difficult to understand, but now after personally seeing how the human race came here, he finally understood.

The human race is not a native race of this world at all, but came to this world from an unknown place on a silver shuttle.

"Da Ri has always said that when the heavens and worlds return and the world is unique, he will wake up." Chen Tianzhen narrowed his eyes and considered carefully.

After seeing the most concealed thing through the reincarnation disk of six paths, Chen Tian really knew that if only the heavens and worlds returned, the world would be unique, and this world would still be incomplete!

There is one last thing to do if the world is to be complete!
That is to integrate the law of the six paths of reincarnation into the ocean of laws, consume the treasure of the six paths of reincarnation disk, open up the world of the six paths of reincarnation, and let the law of the six paths of reincarnation become the basic law in the original world and work!
Only in this way can the great sun recover from the heaven!
However, with the resurrection of the great day, dangers will follow, the way of heaven will recover, and the eight supreme realms will also recover.

"We must go to the Renzu Temple to take a look first." In this matter, Chen Tianzhen did not dare to be careless in the slightest, so he wanted to go to the Renzu Temple to have a look before deciding whether to make the world complete .

(End of this chapter)

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