Chapter 34

Thinking of this, she rushed in. "Brother, don't meddle in this matter."

"Xiao Huan? Are you awake?" Chang Zhixiang sat closest to Yu Huan, he got up and took her hand, and asked with concern: "Do you feel any discomfort?" When they came back, Yu Huan was still there Sleeping in the room, with tears still streaming down her face, she felt sorry for her and wanted her to sleep more, so she didn't wake her up.

She replied, "Well, I've had a good night's sleep and I feel better."

"Xiao Huan, come here and sit here." Chang Zhitao raised his hand to her and patted the seat beside her.

Yu Huan sat down as she said, her eldest brother was sitting on the other side, and the third and fourth brothers were sitting opposite her. After greeting them one by one, she remembered her purpose. "Brother, I hope I can settle my affairs by myself, and you don't want to interfere."

Chang Zhirui lit a cigarette, inhaled and exhaled slowly, and said, "Xiao Huan, do you mean you want us to let them go?" A little surprised, he thought Xiao Huan would agree with their intervention. In the past, as long as someone bullied She, they will naturally seek justice for her.

Chang Zhixiang looked at Yu Huan: "Yes, Xiao Huan, don't be afraid, brother will protect you." He thought Xiao Huan was afraid.

Chang Zhibo echoed, "That's right, Xiao Huan, although the fourth brother's boxing skills are not as good as the fifth one's, but as long as anyone bullies you, I will fight for it."

"I know that you are all concerned about me, but some things must be experienced by myself in order for her to grow. I can't rely on your protection for the rest of my life. I insisted on this marriage at the beginning, but now it has failed. I can't blame other people. "Yu Huan lowered her eyelids and wrung her fingers on her knees, "He doesn't like me, don't blame him. He's not wrong, people always have to be loyal to their feelings, and it's very painful to live with someone you don't love for the rest of your life." thing."

She couldn't say that Guan Che did that out of revenge for her "harming" his younger brother, it would only make his elder brother prejudice against Guan Che even more.

Chang Zhixiang frowned displeasedly, "What are you talking about? Do you want to just let them go?"

Yu Huan shook his head, "No, I won't let those who hurt me go, I just don't want you to take action, lest they say that our Chang family only knows how to use power to suppress others, and I want to avenge this revenge myself."

Chang Zhirui didn't answer her, his sharp eyes fixed on her deeply, suddenly, a faint smile appeared on his elegant and sexy thin lips. "Okay, you are indeed a child of our Chang family, Xiao Huan, you have grown up." When he spoke, there was a flash of appreciation in his eyes. "Just, without us helping you, how will you take revenge?"

"I think..." Just as Yu Huan was about to speak, her phone rang and interrupted her words. She turned her head slightly and saw Third Brother took out his phone, got up and walked aside to answer it.She took a deep breath and continued: "It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for three years. What I owe now is recognized strength and an identity. I will use my own body to retaliate against him." She wanted Jiang Zining to also try to be beaten People accuse plagiarism in public and feel helpless on stage. Of course, it takes time and patience to set up this situation.

"It's a good way to treat others with their own body. Fifth brother agrees with you, but I don't think it is necessary to be civilized when dealing with some despicable villains. Second brother, don't you think so?"

Chang Zhitao glanced at him, instead of agreeing with him, he asked Yu Huan instead: "Xiao Huan, have you decided yet?"

Yu Huan nodded, and at this moment, Chang Zhikai came back after listening to the phone call, and said to everyone: "Good news, I found a formula to cure 'Resentment Grass'."

"Really?" Everyone was excited.

Chang Zhikai said: "Zhou Zhen said that he would pass on the formula to us later, but there are several formulas that are very rare, and we need to spread our hands to find them."

"To have a recipe is to have a hope."

"Okay, we get the formula, let's act immediately." Chang Zhirui thought deeply: "Kai, I will leave Xiaohuan's affairs here to you, and I will take her to the United States."

"America?" Yu Huan was surprised, "Why should I go to America?"

Chang Zhirui said: "Don't you want an identity? It's time for Zibaotang to be taken over by you."

Zibaotang is an international chain organization of makeup, beauty and body. It is the business of Chang Yuhuan's mother Murong Xi's natal family. The Murong family has a strange family rule, the family business is only passed on to daughters and not to men.Therefore, Yu Huan was destined to be the heir of Zibaotang at birth, but unfortunately she is not interested in doing business.

The Chang family didn't force her, anyway, there were many brothers in the normal family, and they loved her so much, one of them would jump out and volunteer to help her take care of it, so the burden fell on the eldest son Chang Zhirui.

"However, I have no interest in business at all. What I like is jewelry design." She wanted to protest.

"I didn't ask you to give up designing, as long as you can pass the assessment, I allow you to learn designing as a hobby."

Yu Huan's protest was ineffective, and Chang Zhirui knew the danger of the 'grass of resentment', so he didn't dare to gamble with his sister's life, and he couldn't let her stay in the country until the poison on her body was cleared.

two weeks later

In the dead of night, wearing nocturnal clothes, Yu Huan came to a castle in the outskirts of London, full of ghosts and demons, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, and he couldn't see his fingers.

The day before yesterday, I was supposed to go to the Antiquities Exhibition in Tokyo, but my eldest brother found the list of antiquities exhibited through my relationship, and the jade bracelet she mentioned was not in it. Later, she received a letter in the mailbox, which said that the jade bracelet she was looking for The bracelet is now in a castle called Devil in London, with a brief introduction and photos of the castle attached.

Legend has it that vampires lived here about 300 years ago, and the surroundings are gloomy and full of magic. Every night when the moon is full, there will be mummified corpses here. Over time, people dare not approach the castle.

More than 30 years ago, a descendant of a nobleman brought his family here. They did not believe in legends such as demons. As a result, in the third year after they moved in, the noble family members died strangely one by one. The only one who survived, It is the son cursed by the devil, the residents here call him the son of the devil, because he only appears at night, sleeps in the castle during the day, and every full moon night, he will call the castle to cry , very sad, very sad...

When Yu Huan saw the photo of the Devil's Castle, she shivered for no reason, because the castle was eerie and reminded her of those horror movies abroad.

Vampires are not scary. The vampires in the movies are like normal people, thoughtful and human, like the recent Twilight, where Edward is her favorite.If it were those demons and monsters, it would be really scary.

She thought about it all night, and finally came to a final conclusion——

Whether it is true or false, or a trap, in order to solve the doubts in her heart, even if the jade bracelet is in a volcano or a sea of ​​flames, she will not be too late, let alone a legendary demon castle.

So she made an excuse, saying that she wanted to relax in England and forget about those unhappy things, and then come back to take over Zibaotang.Anyway, the formula has not been found yet, and she is so far away from Guan Che here, her poison will not take effect.

The eldest brother couldn't stand her pestering, and finally agreed to let her come, as a holiday before taking over Zibaotang.

During the day, she checked the terrain and found that there was a moat in front of the castle with a high wall, but there was a drainage hole in the river that could be swam across and then drilled into it.So, what she's wearing tonight is waterproof.

The river water was very cold, so cold that she was rambunctious. She didn't expect the river water to be so cold at night. She wanted to retreat, but she thought that the jade bracelet was inside. She bit her lip, closed her eyes, and swam quickly. She got out of the drain Kong, was about to go ashore when there was a sound of messy footsteps coming from afar.

Oops, someone!She leaned against the shore, holding her breath.

A few steps away from the shore, Yu Huan heard them talking in pure English——

"Have you found my lord?"

"No, I saw him nearby just now, why did he disappear all of a sudden?"

"Will he leave the castle?"

"Well, what to do then? Once he leaves the castle, someone nearby will surely suffer."

"What can I do, keep looking, hope he didn't go out."

After the sound of the two people's legs walking far away, Yu Huan climbed up from the water. Because the river was too cold, he climbed a few times before successfully getting ashore.

She recalled the conversation between the two of them just now—as soon as he leaves the castle, someone nearby must suffer?Could it be that the "suffering" they said meant being sucked dry?Could it be that the lord is a vampire?Thinking of it this way, a pale and bloodless handsome face appeared in his mind, with red eyes, he grabbed a person in his hand, and bit the other person's neck violently.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind passed by, and she shivered, God!Don't think about it, lest you scare yourself, besides, maybe that lord will be as handsome as Edward, she comforted herself like this, then, she raised her head and took a deep breath.

In the dark night sky, the moon hangs round and big, surrounded by a few stars that flicker and dim.

With the silvery light, she crossed the grass and walked towards the castle.

It was very quiet, except for the occasional chirping of crickets.

In such a big castle, there is no one on guard?Then wouldn't it be easy for her to steal the jade bracelet?Where are jade bracelets usually stored?Will it be the owner's bedroom?And the Treasure Pavilion?The castle is hundreds of years old, and the owner must be very rich, so rich, there must be a place to hide treasure.

The gate of the castle was open, the inside of the castle was brightly lit, and a row of torches were stuck on the stone wall. The flames stretched her figure so long, it was quite scary.

She climbed the stairs along the cold stone wall to the corridor. "Uh—" She staggered back a few steps, her body suddenly knocked down something and made a loud noise.

"Who?" Suddenly someone shouted.

My mother, it turns out that there are people guarding here.She wished she could kill herself, but now was not the time to hesitate, she had to find a place to hide before the other party found her.

She randomly found a place that could accommodate her and hid.

(End of this chapter)

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