Chapter 69

After finishing speaking, she pressed the remote controller and turned sideways, and a colorful and lively slideshow pattern appeared on the screen instantly.

When Hai Chao saw it, he was dumbfounded.

Jiang Zining explained while changing the slides: "Everyone has a dream. This animal jewelry series is original, beautiful, cute and has a sense of humor. It is reminiscent of the strange and magical Russo world. Therefore, this animal The jewelry collection will use the highest quality gemstones such as quartz, kunzite, pearls, Paraiba tourmaline, moonstone, red gold, titanium and precious woods, with a "natural" feel to bring its authenticity… ..."

Looking at the envious and surprised eyes of the department heads and reporters in the seats in front of him, Jiang Zining was very satisfied, and cast a glance at Hai Chao, seeing her shocked and unbelievable appearance, she felt even more excited.

Because of her excitement, she ignored Guan Che's expression at the moment. His two thick eyebrows were tightened with Jiang Zining's explanation, and his expression became deeper and deeper.

Seeing that everyone was very satisfied with Jiang Zining's design, Hai Chao suddenly said loudly when Jiang Zining stopped to take a breath, "Wait a minute." "What?"

Jiang Zining looked at Hai Chao, and everyone couldn't help looking at her in astonishment, with question marks in their eyes.

Hai Chao asked: "Are all these jewelry designed by Ms. Julia?"

Jiang Zining smiled and said, "Of course, if it wasn't designed by me, how could I be standing here?"

Hai Chao asked again very seriously: "Is the work published above really your work?"

"Yes, it was my inspiration when I traveled to Australia half a year ago. Ivy was also there at that time. Would you like to invite her back to testify?" Ivy was Jiang Zining's assistant who resigned three months ago.

Seeing this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you. They were at a loss for this situation for a while, and they all looked at Hai Chao.

Seeing that Hai Chao didn't make a sound, Jiang Zining said triumphantly, "If I have nothing to say, I'd like to continue explaining, can I, Miss Hai?" After a pause, seeing Hai Chao's lips twitch to say something, she spoke first. "Will Ms. Hai deliberately hinder me in this way because she has no confidence in her own work after seeing my work? Please be more confident, Hai Chao, this is the first time you have published your work to so many people , will inevitably be nervous, come on, keep reading."

Hai Chao lowered her eyes and took a deep breath as if enduring great pain. After that, she did not continue to look at the design on the screen, but quietly looked at the watch on her jade wrist.

Want to fight with my wife?Haichao, you are still young.Jiang Zining gave her a cold look, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

“…my design philosophy is that the inspiring splendor, the natural world and the creative genius endowed by ‘humanity’ come together in perfect harmony to create glamorous high jewelry.”

After Jiang Zining finished explaining, everyone applauded in the conference room. The reporters raised their cameras one after another, and the spotlights flashed.

The department manager looked at Jiang Zining and praised: "Miss Julia's design is really great! If you don't vote for her, who else will you vote for?"

Jiang Zining bowed to everyone with a smile and said, "Thank you Manager Zhang, thank you for your encouragement and support!"

clap clap-

As soon as she finished speaking, Hai Chao suddenly stood up, raised his hands and clapped his hands, and said with a smile: "Not bad, wonderful! You are indeed the number one god in the design world."

"Copy God?"

Everyone did not miss these two sensitive words, and the reporters grabbed the focus and asked anxiously: "Miss Hai Chao, why do you say that?"

Jiang Zining's face darkened, and she warned: "Hai Chao, please be careful with your words."

Hai Chao ignored her and said to everyone: "Before publishing my work, I would like to invite everyone to watch a video." After speaking, she nodded towards the host.

The host agrees, please Jiang Zining to return to his seat, then press the remote control, the projection screen will automatically close up, and a wall-mounted LCD TV with the same size as the projection screen will appear. Then, Hai Chao will hand over a USB flash drive to the host.

After a while, a scene of a live jewelry exhibition appeared on the LCD TV screen. A model wearing a noble and gorgeous dress, with shining jewelry, walked on the flyover step by step...

"This jewelry exhibition is the initial work of Anastasia's "Eternal Memory" published in Italy last year. It used 138 pieces of high-end jewelry with animal-themed works. It was a sensation. I believe everyone should remember it. Anastasia was awarded the The Global Design Creativity Award, and because of this series of works, Anastasia's work was released in France, and NBC Radio in the United States followed up and reported the whole process."

Hearing this, Jiang Zining's expression suddenly changed, and then she lowered her head slightly, her hands on the table trembling slightly.

How could this be?how come?
The people in the conference room were shocked, their eyes widened, and they looked at Jiang Zining in disbelief.

The reporters were even more uproarious!How could this explosive news be let go, so everyone wanted to rush forward, but they were stopped by the security guards.

Hai Chao looked at Jiang Zining, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Feng Wenjie said in surprise: "This is not..."

"That's right, that's why I asked Miss Julia if she designed it herself, because Anastasia is my favorite designer, and I am the most familiar with her works, and I like to collect them the most. I happen to have That's why she published her works for everyone to compare." Hai Chao looked at Jiang Zining, "Miss Julia, please explain what's going on here?"

When the words fell, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Zining, but her mind was in chaos, her fingers were clasped tightly, and her knuckles were already turning white.Huo Di, Jiang Zining stood up and said in a trembling voice, "You are framing me, Hai Chao, do you mean that I copied someone else's work?"

Hai Chao sneered, "Whether it's framing or plagiarism, isn't this video clearly explained?"

Jiang Zining was speechless for a moment, she looked helplessly at Guan Che, hoping he could say something for her.However, Guan Che's expression was condensed, "What's going on?" There was no other emotion in his voice, and it was because of this that Jiang Zining was afraid. The less emotional he was, the more serious it was that things were far more serious than he imagined.

"Yes, Miss Julia, what's going on? Did you really plagiarize Anastasia's work?" The reporters asked loudly.

She hurriedly defended herself: "This... this is definitely a mistake there, it is absolutely not like this." She thought quickly, "If this is the case, the design this time is purely accidental... yes, yes Occasionally, people... people's brains are all alike."

"Similar?" Guan Che squinted at her with eagle-like sharp eyes, and said in a slightly angry voice, "Are you being fair to say that? It's not just one or two works. The works you are showing now are all exactly the same as Anastasia's works."

"It's not...that..." She panicked, the more she wanted to explain, the more she couldn't make up words in her mind.

"What else do you want to argue?" Hai Chao didn't give her time to spell out words to explain, and coldly tossed out more shocking words. "Miss Julia, this isn't the first time you've plagiarized Anastasia's work. You also had a criminal record before."

Wow!Everyone's eyes focused on Jiang Zining again.Julia has a criminal record?This is really big news!
"You...don't spew blood!" Jiang Zining roared excitedly, struggling needlessly with the remaining strength. "I didn't, I didn't even know who Anastasia was before."

That's right, she didn't know who Anastasia was at all. She was framed this time. Jiang Zining clenched her fists and stared at Hai Chao angrily. If it wasn't for the conference table, she really wanted to pounce on him and tear him to pieces.

"Who is Anastasia? Of course you don't know, but you must know who she is." Hai Chao smiled strangely at Jiang Zining, left his seat, walked to the host, took the remote control in his hand, and pressed it lightly. The LCD TV on the wall instantly changed to another screen.In the picture, the guest sitting opposite the tall and strong male host with blond hair and blue eyes is a noble and gorgeous oriental woman.

Anyone who watches foreign TV stations knows that it is a celebrity interview column on NBC Radio in the United States. This program mainly invites well-known figures in the business, political and entertainment circles, and the ratings are extremely high.

Everyone in the conference room opened their mouths slightly in surprise when they saw this oriental woman. She... isn't she the president of Haoyue Group, who could it be, Chang Yuhuan?

"Anastasia, first of all, congratulations on the success of your new work at today's press conference. Next, I believe everyone wants to know why you use anonymity? With your status, wouldn't it be more conducive to development to use your real name to make public appearances? Also, why did you choose to show up at this press conference after being invisible for many years?" The host asked a series of questions with a smile on his face.

Yu Huan smiled back at him, and said: "There is indeed a little story about using anonymity. I remember more than three years ago, after a friend I thought set a trap for me to jump into, she challenged me: If I don't have a family Asylum, I have no ability to beat her. Because of this unyielding energy, I used the name Anastasia to participate in the Paris Rookie Jewelry Designer Competition. As for why I chose to show up at this time, it was because the time was up , with my current achievements and status in the jewelry industry, I am far superior to her."

Anastasia is Chang Yuhuan?Jiang Zining felt her whole body was icy cold, her head was dizzy, her body was shaking, and the blood on her face had long faded, and she was pale as snow.

Hai Chao didn't turn off the TV, but lowered his voice a bit, and turned to Jiang Zining, "Miss Julia, I don't think anyone here understands the meaning of Anastasia's words better than you."

"I don't know what you want to express at all, but I know very well that I didn't plagiarize Anastasia's work, it was you who designed to frame me." She still wanted to make a dying struggle.

(End of this chapter)

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