Chapter 73

Yes, it was pain, because she was the one who indirectly killed Guan Hao, how could he be with someone who made him lose his brother?

He hates her, doesn't he?But when he asked her, if he wanted a divorce, would she agree?
The damn woman actually answered yes.

Hearing her answer, he felt angry for no reason, wouldn't she fight for it?If she said no, he would... damn it!What was he thinking? He actually thought about being with her.

Why did she meet Guan Hao before she met him?Even if she was forced to marry her, if she hadn't met Guan Hao before meeting him, would their fate be different?


Back then when he found out that Jiang Zining and his best friend had betrayed him, he had never suffered as much as he does now. At most, he would go back to China to accept a forced marriage, marry a woman he didn't love, and then take care of his mistress openly and aboveboard.

He really can't go on like this, otherwise, after a long time, he will forget his hatred and stay with her desperately.

How could he ignore their pain and stay with the woman who killed their son?

He ended it all, she was a bad influence on him, she made him shake.

He cannot tolerate this situation!
So, that day, when he was in the office, he accidentally saw a picture on the computer screen——

He has a habit of installing cameras in his home or office, and when he is in his home office, he can see every corner of the office and vice versa.Of course, at home, he only installed a camera in the study, because there are some things that are very important to him, and under normal circumstances, he would not click on the screen to see it.Ever since Yu Huan moved in, he accidentally found her drawing pictures in the study room. When she was uninspired, she liked to swing her waist while playing dance music. Sometimes she would make all kinds of funny expressions, and even sing a song with a pen holder as a microphone. .

Because of this, he is used to turning on the screen when he is in the office to see what she will do in the study today.But now, he actually saw Jiang Zining inside, flipping through Yu Huan's picture album, taking pictures with his mobile phone.

He probably knew what was going on, and after that, he called Jiang Zining to ask her where she was, and she replied to visit her friend, but she didn't say to visit Yu Huan.

He didn't question her because he wanted to see what she thought next?Sure enough, it didn't take long for her to propose to him that her press conference be held on the same day and at the same place as the newcomer design contest awards.

On this day, he saw this woman clearly, and at the same time, she gave him the inspiration to take revenge on Yu Huan even better.

Under his silence and motionlessness, the woman was defeated, but instead of stepping forward to comfort her, he even sprinkled salt on her wound. Seeing her suffering, he got rid of her from then on.

However, when he saw her signature on the divorce papers, he felt as if his chest had been completely hollowed out, the feeling that his heart was suspended in mid-air, he was a little dazed, at a loss, and even lost his direction.

Revenge didn't bring him joy, at least not in the way he imagined, but after she left, he thought of her every night, and his dreams were full of her hurt look, crying and asking him why he treated her like this?
Then, whenever he returns to the apartment, the door opens, there will no longer be a smiling face, no one will prepare a table of dishes for him to eat when he comes back, no one will put the bath water for him, and chirp to ask him if he is tired today. Not tired, what's interesting...

Later, he met her again, he knew that this was a chance given to him by God, but he seemed to be too late, she had a man who replaced him by her side, the man who looked exactly like him——his younger brother, who was related by blood younger brother.

Then he found out that he was wrong. It turned out that this was not the case. After Guan Hao's accident, she did not enjoy it in a foreign country, but Guan Hao's accident hit her and received treatment in a foreign country.

An accident happened to Guan Hao, but Yu Huan was enjoying happiness abroad. Who told him these things?
Yes, it was Jiang Zining.

At that time, he was still with Jiang Zining, and one day, she saw a photo of him and Guan Hao taken together before.

"Huh? Is he your brother?" Jiang Zining asked in surprise.

"What? Do you know him?" Her tone seemed to be like this.

"Did your brother ever study in Mingyang High School?"

"Yeah." Guan Che lowered his eyes and said sadly, "However, he passed away in a car accident in the last semester."

"I was also in Mingyang High School at the time, and I was your younger brother's junior. After his accident, many girls on campus were sad. He was the prince of the school, and the person who was with him when the accident happened was the school belle." Jiang Zining glanced at him. Glancing at him, he said sadly, "I don't know if you've heard of it, Guan Hao is not an accident."

He raised his head and narrowed his handsome eyes. "What's the meaning?"

"I also heard that Guan Hao quarreled with his girlfriend before the accident, because the woman made trouble unreasonably, Guan Hao chased her to explain to her that the accident was caused by her ignorance, and the woman's family background is prominent, so these things were suppressed , followed the woman but went abroad to play as if nothing happened."

He believed Jiang Zining's one-sided words, and the detective agency found out that Yu Huan had gone abroad at that time. After that, he did not pursue it further, and firmly believed that Chang Yuhuan's accident was indirectly caused by Chang Yuhuan.

It's too late to regret now, the damage has already been done, he can only make up for the mistakes he made, and he will love her even more in the future.So, when he saw Yu Huan rushing into a Korean restaurant one time, he didn't follow him intentionally, it was just because he had called to ask her out before, but she rejected her on the grounds that he had dated someone else. Know who she's dating.

After following up, I found that there was a familiar figure besides her in the box, and that person was his cousin who had just returned to China.When did they meet?Looking at the atmosphere of the interaction between the two, this is not the first time they have met.

Afterwards, he found someone to keep an eye on Hai Chao's recent situation, knowing that she and Yu Huan would meet at that restaurant every three days, and the two seemed to be secretly planning something.Until that day, when Hai Chao openly challenged Jiang Zining in his office, he finally understood a little bit.

Three years ago, Jiang Zining framed her for plagiarism, which hurt her a lot, but he knew the truth but did not reveal it. He who allowed others to hurt her should also be punished.

If revenge will make her feel better, then let her go, he owes her that.

"Although you owe her the debt, you can't use the company's future to pay off the debt. It's about the jobs of thousands of employees. I don't want to look for a job anymore." Gao Yuan disagrees with his approach. Knowing that doing so would damage the company's reputation, they did not take any measures.But then again, Jiang Zining was all to blame, why didn't she show her true strength to compete, not only losing her own future, but also affecting the company.

"I have my own points, you just have to do what I tell you." Haoyue is not owned by him alone, it belongs to the Guan family, of course he will not let it go bankrupt.

"Well, since you said that, I won't be too long-winded." Although they are employers, they have known each other for many years, and they have long regarded each other as brothers, so there is no need to be too polite when talking. Moreover, he believes that Guan Che Even if Haoyue goes bankrupt today, it can still create a new Haoyue within a few years.

The room fell silent again, Guan Che closed his eyes and meditated for a moment, opened the drawer, took out a brocade box from the safe inside, opened it, and inside was a pair of jade rings.

He put the two rings in the palm of his left hand, and caressed the body of the rings with his right hand. Many images flashed in his mind, including joy, sadness, and helplessness, but the most unforgettable thing was when she put the ring on his finger. That satisfied smile.

——If we have an afterlife and you forget me, I will design a ring of the same style for you, then you will know that it is me.

——If we have an afterlife, I think of you, and I put this ring on your ring finger with my own hands, then you will know that it is me.

"You said that you helped me drive away Chang Yuhuan and let me return to Che. Why did I leave in the end?" After leaving Haoyue Group, Jiang Zining dared not go back to her residence, and finally hid in a small hotel, standing Talk on the phone by the window. "Didn't you put the poison of 'grass of resentment' on her back then? Why is she not affected at all now?"

"'Resentment Grass' is not incurable, it's just difficult to cure. With the financial resources of her Chang family, how could she not find a cure." The person on the other end of the phone said lazily.

"Then help me one more time, I want Chang Yuhuan, that bitch, to disappear forever." Jiang Zining said ruthlessly.In just half a day, the story of her plagiarism has spread abroad, and the orders received in private have called to unsubscribe, and the Internet, media magazines, etc. have even judged her as worthless. She has played all her life, but in Before she died, she couldn't see Chang Yuhuan's fiasco, so she was unwilling to die just like that.

"I'm sorry, Miss Jiang, we don't agree with each other." The other party refused directly.

"Miss Jiang? Is it necessary for us to be so unfamiliar?" Jiang Zining was very angry at his unfamiliar address.

"I don't have that relationship with you for a long time. I'm very busy. If there's nothing else, then so be it."

"Wait." Feeling that he was hanging up the phone, Jiang Zi said anxiously: "We met once, and now I'm in trouble, can you help me?" Since he rejected the previous request, if you ask him to help him through Difficulties, he should agree, after all, they had a deep relationship.

Anastasia, a cutting-edge jewelry designer, turned out to be the president of the European Union Group. This news spread in the fashion industry instantly. The Qianzi Diamond Jewelry under the European Union Group has become synonymous with world famous brands at an unstoppable speed. All Anastasia's works have been sold in the market. The stock was out of stock, and the orders booked by those ladies and ladies were also scheduled for half a year later.

At the same time, Anastasia was also invited by Selfridges department store, a century-old boutique in London, and the new works "Time" and "Eternity" series officially entered London, the multicultural capital.Emerge on the international stage as an art jeweler and open the doors of modern art jewellery, London.

(End of this chapter)

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