Chapter 77

Yu Huan raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.Why did she start to complain about Guan Che?

Hai Chao took a piece of meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and continued after swallowing it: "My cousin's temperament, if you don't really know him, you will say that he is ruthless, but his coldness is actually to protect his own family." " She glanced at Yu Huan, "You should know that he has no blood relationship with our Guan family, right?"

Yu Huan nodded.

"Before he was ten years old, he always thought that he was a child of the Guan family. Although his eldest uncle and aunt did not love him a little bit after brother Hao was born, brother Hao often complained that his uncle and aunt loved his brother more than himself. Once, brother Hao pestered his cousin to take him to the street to play, but the cousin accidentally lost brother Hao. The whole family went out to look for brother Hao, but they couldn't find him all night. I regret that I didn’t pay close attention to brother Hao. My uncle and aunt did not blame him for this, but instead comforted him, which made him feel even more guilty. But my cousin didn’t think so, he scolded my cousin in front of everyone, saying He must know that he was picked up and raised, and he deliberately lost his younger brother for the sake of the succession of the Guan family. The cousin was stunned on the spot when he heard what the uncle said, and after his uncle and aunt confirmed what the uncle said , regardless of the danger, he rushed into the night with his small body, just when the typhoon hit that night..."

Yu Huan, who was originally absent-minded, suddenly became focused when he heard this, and looked at the tide nervously.

"In the early morning, he appeared at the door with his whole body soaked holding Brother Hao. No one knew where he found Brother Hao, but that day he had a serious illness. After he recovered, he appeared to be the same as usual, but He respects his elder uncle and aunt even more than before, Brother Hao is like life. Therefore, Brother Hao's death made him extreme, and he mistrusted the investigation information, thinking that you were the murderer who indirectly killed Brother Hao, so he took revenge on you." She later heard about Guan Che's revenge on Yu Huan from Gao Yuan.

Regarding Guan Che's retaliation for Guan Hao's incident, Yu Huan had already forgiven him.

Hai Chao didn't know what Yu Huan was thinking, thinking that she broke up with Guan Che because of this incident. "I'm telling you this not to win your sympathy, but to let you know that my cousin hurt you like that, and he was in pain too! After divorcing you, if he really loved Jiang Zining so much, why didn't he immediately Marry her? It's obvious that he has fallen in love with you long ago in his heart, but in his heart, he always thought you were the woman who indirectly killed brother Hao, even if he loved you deeply, he would not admit it. "

Yu Huan gasped slightly, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart. Could it be that Guan Che at that time was just like what Hai Chao said, clearly in love with her, but because of Guan Hao's matter, he dared not accept her?

"But he...but he didn't get engaged to Jiang Zining in the end." Even if it was delayed, but at that time he had the idea of ​​marrying another woman, Yu Huan did not deny that she was very concerned about the relationship between Guan Che and Jiang Zining as a fiancée .

"Do you know how their marriage contract came about?"

Yu Huan shook his head.

"I heard all this from Gao Yuan. Since I divorced you, my cousin often went to and from the bar and came home drunk, because this gave Jiang Zining a chance to drug my cousin's wine, and my cousin was forced by her aunt. They got engaged to her only after they got married, otherwise, why would their wedding be postponed again and again?" Because of this, she, who originally didn't like Jiang Zining, was even more sure that driving Jiang Zining away from Haoyue Group was the most correct decision.

Yu Huan narrowed her eyes and looked at the woman sitting opposite her.She said these words as if it was a matter of course, but is what she said true?Guan Che fell in love with her before they divorced?Guan Che never really betrayed her?

But these are all one-sided words from other people's mouths. Guan Che has never told her, can she believe it?For a moment, she felt that her whole head was going to explode.

Separated from Hai Chao, Yu Huan didn't go back to the company, her mind was in a mess, and she drove around the city. It was near evening before she drove to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter home.

But when her sports car approached the gate, she saw a silver sports car parked beside the door, a tall figure leaning against the door, and the countless cigarette butts under his feet told her that he had been waiting here for a long time.

Duo'er was very excited to see Guan Che, she patted on the car window and waved to Guan Che. "Dad, Dad..."

When Guan Che saw them, his tense handsome face seemed to relax.

Yu Huan rolled down the car window and said to him, "Let's go in and talk about something."

Guan Che nodded, threw half of his cigarette on the ground and stomped it out, walked over and opened the rear car door and got in.

Duo'er immediately got into his arms, hugged his neck vigorously, and kissed his cheeks. "Father, are you here to see Duo'er?"

"Yes." He kissed Duo'er's face intimately, and then embraced her in his arms.

Seeing that they got along so well, Yu Huan couldn't help exposing him, "Don't lie with your eyes open in front of children." After she finished speaking, she pressed the remote control, and the iron door slowly opened.

Duo'er seemed to understand Yu Huan's words, so he turned around and asked disappointedly: "Father, are you lying? Didn't you come to see Duo'er?"

"No, Dad is here to see Duo'er and your mommy." Guan Che hurriedly comforted Duo'er, but when he said 'Mommy', his eyes were on the woman in the front seat, and she happened to be looking at him through the rear mirror.

After peeping was discovered, in order to cover up his behavior, Yu Huan deliberately mocked and said: "The company's stock is plummeting, you should be very busy, why are you so leisurely to work as a guard?"

Guan Che was surprisingly good-natured, and he was not discouraged by her attitude at all. He stared at her deeply and said, "If you lose money, you can make it again. If you lose your loved one, you can never get it back."

Before coming here, he thought she would be with Mo Che, so he was jealous and annoyed himself.He didn't dare to go in, for fear of seeing a scene that would drive him crazy.He stood restlessly outside the car, smoking one cigarette after another.

The moment I saw her sitting in the sports car just now, the dark cloud lurking in my heart immediately dissipated. It turned out that she was not with Mo Che.

Love is a kind of poisoning that loses judgment. No matter how perfect a person is, it is not the antidote. The right person is. Even if that person hates and resists himself, his heart is still honest and sad, only throbbing for her...

During these several hours of waiting, he knew with certainty that the woman in front of him was the one he was looking for and loving for the rest of his life.He won't let her have a chance to walk away from him, even his closest brother can't take her away!

lover?Yu Huan's heart was beating wildly, but his mouth said: "If you miss something, you won't come back."

Hearing this, he stared at her intently, smiled wryly and said, "Are you trying to hint at me?"

Seeing his injured expression in the mirror, Yu Huan's heart tightened.

"No matter how hard I try, if I'm sincere, you're not going to give me a chance, are you?" He looked at her and asked.

Meeting his dejected and frustrated eyes, her heart trembled wildly.

It happened that the garage was in front of him, and Yu Huan used this to avoid his question.

After listening to Hai Chao's words in the afternoon, even though she wandered around the city again and again, her messy heart still couldn't sort out. If Guan Che had fallen in love with her when she loved him, it was only because of Guan Che's love. Hao didn't dare to accept herself because of the reason, then everything she did now was using him without words, so what is the difference between her and him before?
However, if this is not done, Mo Che will disappear. One of them is affectionate to her, and the other is righteous to her. She is really embarrassed.

After parking the car, Guan Che got Duo'er out of the car, holding hands and walked to the main house, she silently followed behind.

"Miss, you are finally back!" The butler saw Yu Huan coming in, as if he had met a savior, he rushed over anxiously and said, "Mr. Mo is very ill, but he refuses to see a doctor..."

"What?" Yu Huan was shocked, did not realize the meaning of the housekeeper's words, hurriedly passed the two people in front, and ran upstairs, and the housekeeper followed.

"Daddy is sick again?"

Guan Che was startled, and asked Duo'er thoughtfully: "Is your father often sick?"

Duo'er tilted her head slightly, as if she was thinking about what to say. After a while, she said, "Daddy almost fainted yesterday. It must be the reason why he rarely sees the sun. Miss Zhang said that it is only healthy to be in the sun. "

In Duo'er's impression, Daddy would never appear in the sun, unlike the father in front of her, who would play with her no matter day or night, if Daddy was like him, that would be great!

Duo'er's words aroused Guan Che's curiosity. He remembered that he rarely saw Mo Che during the day, and every time he came to pick up Duo'er from get out of class, Mo Che always avoided him. Besides, if he really loves Yu Huan, there is no reason Will let her be with him.

It seems that this triangular relationship is not as simple as it appears on the surface, Guan Che thought deeply, is there some secret they are hiding?
In the room, Mo Che was lying on the bed, curled up, shivering all over his body.

Yu Huan opened the door and ran in. "Che, what's the matter with you?"

"Hmm—" Mo Che turned around. "You're back?"

He wanted to sit up, Yu Huan helped him up, found that his cheeks were unusually red, reached out his hand to his forehead, it was very hot, turned around and said to the housekeeper: "Sister-in-law He, go find the medicine box, ice pillow and cold towel. "

"Okay." The butler turned and went out.

Yu Huan went to the cloakroom to find a quilt and covered Mo Che. "If you're so sick, why don't you call me?"

"I...cough cough..." Mo Che just opened his mouth to say something when his throat suddenly tickled and he coughed violently.

"Don't talk." Yu Huan patted him on the back lightly to let him relax.

At this time, the butler came in with a medicine box.

Yu Huan took the medicine box, found antipyretic medicine inside, and handed the medicine to Mo Che. "Come on, take this medicine."

Mo Che swallowed obediently, drank the water in the glass with her hand, watched her put the empty glass aside, then let him lie down, covered him with a quilt considerately, and put an ice pillow on him on the forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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