Do more with less memory

Chapter 8 Overlearning Strengthens Memory

Chapter 8 Overlearning Strengthens Memory
When we remember the predetermined content in the study, we continue to study for a period of time in order to better consolidate the memory. This memory method is called "over-learning memory method".That is, on the basis of memorizing the learning materials, memorize them several times to achieve the level of memorization and memorization.

Experiments by psychologists have proved that low-level learning materials are easy to forget, while over-learning materials are better than those that can be recited.The spirit of the over-learning method may be more or less experienced by most students in the learning process.The so-called over-learning should not be misunderstood as "over-learning bamboo" or "tired learning". It refers to carrying out exercises beyond the level that can just be recalled, and its purpose is to strengthen memory.

Strengthen memory, that is, improve memory fastness by increasing the intensity of stimulation and increasing the excitement of brain cells.General knowledge and everyday things are like passing clouds, but scenes of distress, scenes of humiliation and articles written with my own thoughts are unforgettable for a lifetime.The difference is that the latter has a greater stimulus intensity.In a serious exam, students will forget the content of the questions that are easy to answer, and the questions that are difficult to answer or that are not answered will not be forgotten for a long time.This is called the "Zigoni effect" in psychology.

According to this principle, if you want your brain to stimulate what you want to remember and remember it more firmly, you can use the over-learning and memory method in learning.If you just memorize the textbook after reading it ten times, if you stop there and practice no more, you may soon forget it.In order to keep the memory long-term, more practice should be added. This extra learning is called "over-learning".For example, when learning to ride a bicycle, after learning it for the first time, you must continue to practice until you are proficient, and you will not forget it even if you don’t ride it for many years.Information enters the brain through a certain pathway, and is repeatedly turned back and forth according to a certain neuron circuit. This state will take a certain period of time to consolidate.Therefore, readers are advised to focus on the time and content of learning in their studies, and use the method of over-learning appropriately, otherwise the memorized content is easily forgotten.For concentrated study time, 30-40 minutes is suitable for teenagers, and 50-100 minutes for young people.For example, if you read an article well, you can retell it verbatim after reading it for a certain period of time or a certain number of times, which is called "adequate", and reading it later is over-learning.

【Experimental support】

The famous German memory psychologist Ebbinghaus once did such an experiment. He listed several groups of 16 meaningless syllables. I read it 8 more times, until I read it a maximum of 16 times. After an interval of 64 hours, Ebbinghaus reviewed these syllables again until he could recite them.It was found that the retention percentage was almost equal to the number of times he could recite after he was studying. That is, if he read 24 times more, he could keep 8% more, and if he read 8 times, he could keep 24% more, and if he read 23 times more, he could keep more. Keep it at 64%, and this number becomes the "limit".That is to say, over-learning can improve the retention of memory (the amount of memory), and the amount of memory is proportional to the number of times of over-learning (within a certain range).So when we have just reached the level of recitation of the review materials, please don't stop immediately or transfer the memory object, but continue to read it several times.This is conducive to the consolidation of memory and improve review efficiency.

Through the above reading, we have learned that over-learning is conducive to improving the retention of information, and the number of over-learning is directly proportional to retention, that is, the more times of review, the higher the memory retention rate.But if there are too many times of over-learning, if it exceeds the limit, there will be a situation of "diminishing returns". Wouldn't that also waste precious time?This involves the question of how much over-learning is appropriate.Experiments have proved that if the number 100 is used as adequate, that is, the time spent just to recite, then the most economical time for overlearning is between 100 and 150, and the learning between 150 and 200 is not cost-effective, and 150 is the best time or time. frequency.Although the overall retention will increase, the loss outweighs the gain.Therefore, the excessive memory method is not without time and frequency restrictions, and the effect of "adequate" time or frequency is not significant enough; too much excess will make people tired, bored, and inattentive.I believe that through reading the above content, we will gain something and be greatly inspired.

Because excessive learning memory is a kind of mechanical memory, it is generally used for reviewing materials.This requires forcing yourself to remember materials that are not easy to remember but must be remembered.Its main feature is repeated memory, willing to work hard, but also needs to pay attention to master some basic skills of memory.

(1) Close your eyes and think.

This is a method of combining memory and recall.Memory includes two links of "remembering" and "recalling". Memorizing is the process of storing information, and recalling is the process of extracting information.When some people are studying, they like to hold their books and recite them non-stop. Is this good?Of course, we can't say it's bad, but the best way is to combine memory with recollection and reflection.Because recall can detect which things we have remembered and which things have not been remembered, which increases the purpose of memory. In addition, recall is much faster than memory, which is also conducive to knowledge extraction training, making knowledge storage and Make both links smooth!After reading a lesson or a book, in order to deepen the memory, close your eyes and strengthen the memory with the help of recall.Closing your eyes can cut off all kinds of visual stimuli from the outside world and make your thinking highly concentrated.At this time, you can recall as soon as possible.If you can reproduce scenes, pictures or numbers and words in your mind like a movie every night before going to bed, it will be much better than finding a lot of time to study later.

(2) Pick up a pen and write.

"A good memory is not as good as a bad pen", "The lightest ink is worse than the best memory bamboo. When writing something, we will think further about the content of the memory, and the impression will be deeper.

(3) Tell others.

There are many ways to speak: answering questions is "speaking"; students ask and answer each other is also "speaking".This helps to promote the quickness and coherence of thinking, thereby deepening memory.

(End of this chapter)

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