Guardian and Destruction of Armored Warriors

Chapter 103 Talking with Jujian Hui

Chapter 103 The Conversation with Jujian Hui

"Ah, today is another beautiful day." Xie Yue went out of the window and stretched. Since Nana was taken away by the teacher last time, his life has become extremely leisurely, and the system has also become silent. His sister's interruption, without the encouragement of system tasks, he now sleeps day and night every day, bored and doesn't know what to do.

Just when Xie Yue finished her breakfast and was about to go to play chess with Zhou Gong, the voice outside the door suddenly caught his attention.

"Hello, is this the home of Young Master Xie Yue?" A gentle voice reached Xie Yue's ear.

"Looking for me?" Xie Yue was a little surprised. He only stayed in this world for a month, and he didn't have any friends. It's impossible for someone to come to him?With a thought, Xie Yue walked out towards the direction of the door.

After walking outside the door, what came into view was a slim but elegant woman in TPC business attire.

"Master, you are here. Someone is looking for you, but because of your order two days ago, I didn't let her in." The guard said respectfully after seeing Xie Yue.

Xie Yue glanced at the woman, then nodded to the doorman, and said lightly: "You did a good job, open the door and invite her in! Take this lady to the living room, and I will come as soon as I change my clothes."

"Yes, master." The doorman was relieved to see that Xie Yue was not angry because of this. To be honest, although he is just a doorman, his annual salary is indeed very high, which has surpassed most people in the world. I don't want to lose the job.

"Hello, I'm Ju Jianhui, the captain of the Victory Team at the TPC headquarters. I have something I want to talk to you about." After coming to the living room, Ju Jianhui said thank you to the guard and turned to Xie Yue with a smile.

"Okay, Captain Jujianhui, I don't know what you want to ask me for? I don't think we know each other!" Xie Yue sat down on the sofa and asked indifferently.

Ju Jianhui was not angry because of this, he smiled kindly at him, and then said: "It doesn't matter if we don't know each other, maybe we will get to know each other in the future, everyone never realizes that they know each other and finally become friends, don't they?"

Xie Yue was slightly taken aback when she heard that, then she gave her a high look, and laughed loudly: "You are indeed the captain of the victory team, hahaha."

Seeing this, Ju Jianhui also laughed, "We know each other now, don't we?"

"That's right, I don't know what business Ms. Hui Jian has for me?" Xie Yue said with a smile on her face.

"Haha, since Young Master Xie is so polite, then I'll just say it straight." Ju Jianhui paused for a moment with a serious face, and said, "I think the evil emperor's armor that appeared at that time is Mr. Xie!"

Xie Yue's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. He is not from this world, so his identity is the biggest secret to himself. No ruler will allow a powerful but uncontrolled person to exist in the world. The domain he rules, what's more, he has been in this world for a while, and he knows about the world. He knows very well that there are many people in TPC who are studying the power of giants. If those people knew, he would definitely be in danger from those people in the future, so when he heard Jun Jianhui's words, a strong killing intent radiated out uncontrollably and shot straight at Jun Jianhui.

Jujian Hui came to see Xie Yue, so she was naturally fully prepared, and as a senior member of TPC, she also knew something about the darkness in TPC, felt the killing intent from Xie Yue, and quickly shook her head with a smile: "Don't worry about that, no one in this world knows your identity except me and the Dagu team."

Xie Yue was taken aback when she heard this, and asked, "Did Gu tell you my identity?"

"Yes, yesterday I heard from a member of Dagu that you want to join the Victory Team, so I came to talk to you." Fearing that Xieyue might still have some scruples, Ju Jianhui hurriedly said, "But don't worry, Dagu and I are not the same. Your identity will be revealed."

"So that's the case, are you here to invite me to join the Victory Team today?" Xie Yue asked.

"Well, yes, but before I do that, I want to ask you a few questions."

"Okay, I will try my best to answer your questions within my ability." Xie Yue nodded.

"Then I'm offended!" Ju Jianhui straightened his face, took out a thick book, and looked at Dao

"May I ask why you want to join our Victory Team? After all, with the power you have, you can completely rule the world, and even if you reveal your identity, you can completely enter the top management of our TPC." Jun Jianhui asked without hesitation.

"It's very simple. I'm not from your world. No, it should be said that I'm from the universe. I'm just a practitioner who was sent over by the teacher through the world barrier using great supernatural powers. I will leave this world and return to my world in a few years. In the world, I don’t have the ambition to rule your planet, I only come here for one purpose, that is to experience and improve my strength, and joining the Victory Team is just to enrich my life, after all, I’m so bored to death right now.” Xie Yue shrugged helplessly and yawned boredly at the same time.

After hearing this, Ju Jianhui was very shocked. She always thought that this boy was just an alien, but she didn't expect that he came from another universe. She didn't know how strong it would take to send him here accurately through the cosmic barrier. , but she feels slightly that even if the earth develops for another 100 years, it will not be able to reach this level.

"Then you come to Earth from a different universe to practice?" When it comes to the word "experience", Ju Jianhui frowned slightly. Obviously, she doesn't have a good sense of these two words, and she regards the earth as a place for experience. What an ironic fact, but at the same time, she was also relieved, as long as she didn't come to destroy the earth, after all, the boy in front of her had a power that even giants couldn't resist.

"Isn't this nonsense!" Xie Yue said impatiently with the rambling words of the person in front of her, rolled her eyes and looked at her.

"Well, I believe you have no malice towards the Earth, but after joining the Victory Team, you must protect the planet with us. Also, you must have a good relationship with the team members, and you cannot use your powerful power to bully them at will. Don't play the young master's temper." Ju Jianhui also saw Xie Yue's impatience, and she didn't have much time.

"Of course, I promise you this, if they don't mess with me, I won't do it casually." Xie Yue nodded in response.

"Well, from tomorrow onwards you can report to Victory Team as my younger brother. Our Victory Team welcomes you." After hearing Xie Yue's agreement, Ju Jianhui showed a smile on his face, and at the same time He also let out a sigh of relief.

Xie Yue couldn't react because of Ju Jianhui's decisiveness, "Is this allowed? Do you trust me like that?"

"Actually, I have believed in you from the very beginning. I just went through a process. The most important thing is that I believe that the guardians of the Armor Kingdom will not destroy the earth." Jun Jianhui explained with a smile. Suddenly turned his head, winked playfully at Xie Yue, and said, "Remember, it's my role as a younger brother."


 Well, there was a power outage yesterday, and it lasted until noon today, and the phone was out of power, so there was no update.

(End of this chapter)

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