Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 101 Throwing Himself into the Firefly

Chapter 101 Throwing Himself into the Firefly


Hearing Little Lolita's self-introduction, Shengfu showed a satisfied smile.

"I'm the battlecruiser Renown, and I'm your sister, do you know?"

"Sister Renown? I know, I know!"

The fireflies cheered up in vain.

Shengfu snickered, the little guy must have heard about her achievements in the old world, otherwise, how could she know of her existence since she had never met her.However, it will be easy until you do it yourself.

"Since you know my sister, let's go back to the tutelary mansion with my sister. There is still a person who loves us the most in the tutelary mansion waiting for us."

"What did the prestige sister say?" Firefly asked curiously.

"Admiral, from now on you will follow Sister Shengfu, and you will definitely join our tutelary mansion." Shengfu said softly, holding Firefly's hand.

"The tutelary mansion? Admiral?"

Firefly first tilted her head, put a finger into her mouth and thought for a moment, and then happily said: "Okay, from now on, I will be guarding the mansion with Sister Shengfu."

"In this case, let's go back, see? The direction of the lighthouse is our tutelary mansion." Shengfu pointed to the direction of the lighthouse in the distance, and said to Firefly.

At this moment, in the town guard's mansion, Lu Yanzhi came to the dock to wait restlessly after dinner. It has been more than four or five hours since the pursuit, especially now that the sky is already dark, even though the moonlight is bright, but, The movement on the sea is still invisible with the telescope.

"Hey, Admiral, look quickly, there is a shooting star." San Juan pointed to a green light across the sea, and quickly closed his eyes and made a wish.

"Meteor, it's because of the flames caused by the friction of the meteorite when it hit the ground at high speed. It's useless to make a wish." Lu Yanshiti San Juan explained.

"Ti~Du~" San Juan immediately pulled Lu Yanshi's hand and refused to obey.

"Okay, okay, go back to sleep early, you don't need to accompany the admiral, the admiral can just wait here by himself." Lu Yanzhi stroked San Juan's hair and said.

"No, I'm going to wait with the admiral. In fact, admiral, you don't need to worry at all. Saratoga has already said that the deep-sea ship girls are powerless in a single battle. Prestige and the others will definitely win."

"Okay, let's wait together!" Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"Hey, Admiral, look, look, that meteor is getting closer and closer!" San Juan suddenly saw the meteor flying closer and closer to the sea.

"Impossible. Meteors usually rub violently when they pass through the atmosphere and burn cleanly. How could they get closer." Lu Yanzhi didn't believe San Juan's words at all.

"No, admiral, look quickly, it's already here."

Seeing that San Juan didn't seem to be joking, Lu Yanzhi raised his head and saw the "shooting star" getting closer and closer. Although the speed slowed down as he approached the coast, Lu Yanzhi felt that at that speed, even if he rushed to the beach Above, it may not be able to stop.

"My God, Admiral, did you hear that? This meteor can still talk!" San Juan said in surprise.

"Can't hear clearly! But why do I suddenly have a bad feeling!" Lu Yanzhi wondered.

As the "shooting star" got closer and closer, Lu Yanzhi finally heard what he said.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down! Ah!"

Finally, following the light of the lighthouse, I could see the true face of the meteor. A little loli with twin ponytails, after landing on the shore, couldn’t stop her speed until she reached the beach. Draw two deep marks, and then stop in front of Lu Yanzhi.

Lu Yanshi was about to speak, but due to inertia, the little loli leaned forward again and bumped into Lu Yanshi's arms straight.

The small body contained great energy, Lu Yanzhi's body was knocked down on the beach, and the little loli got up on Lu Yanshi's stomach.

"Ah, are you the commander? I am the G-class destroyer Firefly."

"A firefly?"

Lu Yanzhi only felt that his internal organs were tumbling.

"Is it really a firefly? The head hammer is cost-effective, ahem."

San Juan was shocked by this series of changes. At this moment, seeing that the person bumping into the admiral turned out to be a little girl less than one meter tall, he lifted him up.

"Firefly? Since you know he is the commander, why did you hit him?"


The firefly that was lifted was flustered.

Unable to break free, all limbs hang down, head down, Nuonuo said: "Firefly, the firefly didn't stop."

"You can't stop and you can't bump into the commander. The commander is just an ordinary person. What if I get hit by you?"

"But, but, I just can't stop!" Firefly said aggrieved.

"If you can't stop, you can hit me. I'm also a ship girl. It's okay to be hit by you."

Hearing San Juan's words, Firefly suddenly raised her head and blinked her big eyes as a matter of course: "But, but, my sister is so beautiful, Firefly is reluctant to bump into her."

San Juan smiled helplessly and put the firefly down.

Helping up Lu Yanzhi who was still lying beside him, he asked, "Admiral, are you alright?"

"It's okay, it's a good thing that the fireflies stopped early, and it's a good thing that I practiced the golden bell cover." Lu Yanzhi was still in the mood to joke.

"By the way, are you alone, Firefly?" After a while, Lu Yanzhi asked Firefly.

"Ah, Sister Shengfu is at the back, she'll be here soon." Firefly said happily, remembering her reputation.

After a while, Lu Yanzhi completely recovered, and then the figures of the prestige and the others could be seen in the lighthouse.

Firefly obviously saw it too, stepped forward and waved her right hand and shouted happily: "Sister Prestige, Firefly is here, Firefly is the first one to arrive."

Lu Yanzhi also came over and watched several people go ashore. Although all four of them were there, he still asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, master, the deep sea ships were all sunk by us before they even had a chance to attack." Shengfu said.

"By the way, destroyer Firefly, master, you should know, the ship we salvaged this time."

Before Lu Yanzhi could speak, San Juan smiled and said, "How could you not know that when we first met, that little guy threw himself into his arms."

Lu Yanzhi also laughed out loud.

"Huh? Firefly, what happened?" Shengfu asked.

"Ah, this, this." Firefly lowered her head and fiddled with her hands.

Although the prestige elder sister looks amiable, she can point a big gun at herself when they meet for the first time. If she tells the story of knocking down the commander, will she be beaten?

Lu Yan didn't know Firefly's little Jiujiu, but such a cute little guy stood there with an aggrieved expression and looked at her heartbroken.

Zhangkou explained: "It's okay, it's just that the firefly jumped into my arms as soon as we met, don't you think so, Firefly."

"Ah, yes, yes." Firefly looked at Lu Yanzhi happily, his eyes full of gratitude.

Shengwang looked at the two obvious deep marks behind him, and nodded thoughtfully.

But since his master wants to protect this little guy, he is sure that only the master will obey.

 The last chapter is free, I still hope you can support the first order

(End of this chapter)

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