Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 103 New Thoughts

Chapter 103 New Thoughts (For First Order)


Only the traces on a dirt road less than 100 meters away did not bring any additional clues to Lu Yanshi and CV-16, and the idea of ​​trying to catch the murderer by tracking was killed in the cradle again.

"Then, what should we do now?" Lu Yanzhi asked again.

"Let's go, go to the city, first find a restaurant that sells dog meat in Haikou City."

'You mean they might sell dogs in restaurants? "

"This is the only possibility, otherwise, why would they catch the dog?" CV-16 said to himself.

After thinking about it, Lu Yanzhi didn't have the heart to tell CV-16 about the horrific dog abuse news in his previous life.

It was after four o'clock in the afternoon. In Haikou City, Lu Yanshi and CV-16 visited all the restaurants in the city. Without exception, they all claimed that their restaurants never sold dog meat.

At this moment, Lu Yanzhi was sitting paralyzed in a milk tea shop. Unlike CV-16, he was very curious about investigating the case. He just wanted to cool down on the air conditioner and drink iced Coke.

"Impossible, there is no reason, how could there not be a shop that sells dog meat?" CV-16 murmured while sipping milk tea.

"Are you saying that they are worried about us reporting, so they dare not admit it?" Lu Yanzhi finally couldn't help it, and reminded him.

"That's right!" CV-16's eyes lit up.

"That's right, it must be like this, that's why they dare not admit it."

"Admiral Lu, have you got your admiral certificate? I have a solution."

"So, your method is to pretend to be a customer who wants to eat dog meat?"

Lu Yanzhi looked at CV-16 helplessly and said.

"That's right, can those people prevent a naval admiral from eating dog meat?"

"I hope it works!"

Lu Yanzhi sighed, and seemed to have no confidence in CV-16's approach.

CV-16 didn't care about these things, and happily ran into a restaurant that had been observed for a long time and was the largest restaurant in Haikou City with the admiral's certificate.

Lu Yanzhi followed closely behind.

"Guest, you are joking, we don't sell dog meat here." The restaurant waiter looked at the CV-16 holding the admiral's certificate with some headaches.

"How is it possible? In a restaurant as big as yours, don't you even sell dog meat?" CV-16 pretended to be angry.

"I'm really sorry, how about some rabbit meat for you, our rabbit meat is very famous here." The waiter suggested.

"Okay, just give us your famous rabbit meat!" Lu Yanzhi smiled at the waiter.

"Admiral Lu, why don't you let me continue to ask?" Seeing the waiter walk out of the private room, CV-16 gave Lu Yanzhi a dissatisfied look, and she felt that she was almost successful.

"The waiter obviously didn't want to talk about it. It's probably useless even if you ask a hundred times. It's just in the afternoon. The two of us might as well have dinner first."

"But, if these restaurants really don't sell dog meat, where did the dog dealer take the dog? Could it be other urban areas?"

"Here, CV-16, let me tell you, some human beings like to torture small animals the most. After catching those animals, they usually beat them with whips, or even dismember them with knives."

After thinking for a long time, Lu Yanzhi still told CV-16 about the cruelty to animals. Sure enough, after hearing Lu Yanzhi's words, CV-16's pretty face turned frosty, and he was very angry.

"How can there be such a person? It's really hateful. It's best not to let me catch him, otherwise, he must be smashed with BTD-Destroyer."

Seeing that CV-16 hadn't reacted yet, Lu Yanzhi explained: "Well, I mean that Pang Da may have fallen into the hands of this kind of person."

CV-16 choked for breath, and turned his gaze to Lu Yanzhi stiffly, as if wanting to get a negative answer.

Lu Yanzhi nodded cruelly and said, "Yes, and maybe these restaurants really don't sell dog meat, and Pang Da was just stolen by a psychopath with a tendency to cruelty to animals."

"This? What should I do about this?" CV-16 asked anxiously in a moment of confusion.

Lu Yanzhi comforted: "It's useless for you to be anxious now, why don't we eat first, and after we finish eating, we will search again."

CV-16 nodded absently, and agreed with Lu Yanzhi's opinion. On the one hand, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and he was really hungry. On the other hand, as Lu Yanzhi said, going now is like a headless chicken. It's better to wait until you've eaten and drank enough to search carefully.

Coming out of the restaurant, CV-16 was very nervous, and said to Lu Yanshi: "Let's go back to the crime scene first, we must not let this kind of person get away with it."

Lu Yanshi nodded, and drove the car to the place where Pang Da was lost.

After getting off the car, CV-16 took out a magnifying glass out of nowhere, observed it carefully, and said to himself: "There must be some clue that we have overlooked."

As CV-16 said, he glanced at Lu Yanzhi again and said, "If a big dog wants to be captured silently, then the criminal suspect must use some method to calm the dog down. If I were that criminal, the best way to stun a dog must be the added dog food."

"Hey, here, here, detective, come and have a look, there is something here."

Lu Yanshi found something in a tuft of grass under a tree.

"Sure enough, the suspect must have added drugs or something to this kind of dog food." CV-16 looked at the few bones of dog food that Lu Yanzhi found.

"By the way, find a plastic bag and put these things in. These are all evidence."

"Come on! Lu Yanzhi takes the order." He is now the number one assistant of detective CV-16.

"Hey, don't hold it with your hands, find a clip or something to put it in."

CV-16 saw that Lu Yanzhi was about to take it with his hands, and stopped him.

"What now? What should we do?" Lu Yanzhi asked again.


CV-16 smiled confidently, "It's easy now, we just need to find a pet store in this city that sells this kind of dog food."

"It's that simple?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

"Of course, under normal circumstances, if it is a new criminal, then in order to protect his privacy, he will definitely buy crime tools far away from home, but habitual criminals don't care about this, because, they know, the more casual the behavior, the more Clear them of suspicion."

Taking a breath, CV-16 continued: "Obviously, the suspect we met this time is skilled in crime, and it is definitely not the first time he committed a crime."

Lu Yanshi gave CV-16 a thumbs up and asked curiously, "Did you study these in Sherlock Holmes?"

CV-16 said: "No, I learned it in the Gendarmerie. Senior Saratoga took me there to listen to their lectures. A ship girl was reporting what kind of admiral is most likely to be a lolicon."

"Then you are also very good. You can draw inferences from one instance to another. People say the admiral, and you can think of criminals." Lu Yanzhi laughed.

Then, CV-16 looked serious: "The admiral of Lolicon is a criminal!"

(End of this chapter)

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