Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 111 PR5 Game Console

Chapter 111 PR5 Game Console


The evidence is conclusive and the stolen goods were obtained together. CV-16 and Lu Yanshi successfully solved the case for the first time.

After handing over the boss to the public security agency, Lu Yanshi and CV-16 quietly returned to the tutelary mansion.

The Samoyed who made a great contribution was also brought back by Lu Yanzhi, and was temporarily taken care of by CV-16.

Early the next morning, Lu Yanzhi came to the warehouse, and the Haifangfang fighter jets obtained after completing the mission lay quietly in the warehouse.

Caressing the blue fuselage of Hai Duya, Lu Yanzhi wished he could go in and drive it.

"Huh? What is this?"

Lu Yanzhi's eyes were suddenly attracted by a black box next to him.

"System, what is this?" Lu Yanzhi pointed at the black box about [-] centimeters high and said to the system.

"Household console PR5!"

After hearing the introduction of the system, Lu Yanzhi remembered that he had done a lottery draw before completing the construction task, and it was this inexplicable PR5.

"What's the use of this thing? You still use an intermediate box to store it in the system?"

"The home console PR5 supports a large number of games, and some ship girls like it very much." The system explained to Lu Yanzhi again.

"Some shipgirls like it? North house? Where can I find a North house? That guy, I haven't heard that an admiral built it for a long time."

Although he said so, Lu Yanzhi still moved the machine to his dormitory.

"Massive games? I want to see what games are available." Lu Yanzhi muttered to himself.

Connect the power, turn it on, after a brisk BGM, enter the game options.

Lu Yanzhi was dumbfounded by the familiar game names.

"Baby! It really is a good thing. I didn't expect these old games to exist."

Yes, the games carried by this home console PR5 are the classic games such as Super Mario, Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Tank Wars that Lu Yanzhi played in his previous life.

Clicking on Contra, accompanied by the familiar BGM, Lu Yanzhi picked up the controller. In the past, as a game planner, he had never been exposed to any kind of game, especially this kind of classic game. As far as those great masters who pass the level with one life, at least they are not too far behind.

It wasn't until the prestige came over to call Lu Yanzhi to eat that Lu Yanzhi realized that it was already noon, so he reluctantly turned off the game console.

"Master, it's not a good habit to be addicted to games."

Shengfu frowned and said to Lu Yanshi that since this morning, she has seen her master staying in the room playing games, and the admiral has not done his work.

Lu Yanzhi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he would remind himself that everything would be accommodating to his reputation, and then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just that these games are all classics I played in my childhood, I miss them for a while, I won't be addicted to them !"

Just kidding, there are so many girls in the town guard's mansion, it's so fun to chat and play with them, how could it be possible to be addicted to games.

The prestige is no longer loud, as a maid, she has already reminded her master, for the rest, just believe that the master can do it.

After lunch, Lu Yanzhi did not continue to play games, but came to the office. According to Yixian, there are several documents that he needs to decide on himself.

"These are the summary of this week's work sent by the Ship Girl Alliance, just sign and seal it, Admiral."

Lu Yanzhi signed and sealed the document according to Yixian's command.

"What about these two copies? What are these two copies?"

"These two are invitation letters. One is an invitation from the Sanshui Township government. I hope you can come over to help them cut it. The other is an invitation from our neighbor, Admiral Su Mo. He plans to hold a banquet. I hope we can go there." join."

"Push the invitation from the government, and just say I have something to do. As for Su Mo's invitation, when?" Lu Yanzhi asked, leaning on his chin.

"In three days' time, I will be at Admiral Su Mo's tutelary mansion." Yixian quickly gave Lu Yanzhi the answer.

"If that's the case, then I'll go and participate. Anyway, Helena and Atlanta are not here recently, and the First Fleet can't be formed, and I can't go out."

"By the way, admiral, there is one more small thing." Yixian seemed to think of it suddenly, and said to Lu Yan again.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yanzhi asked.

Yixian handed Lu Yanzhi a newspaper, and then explained: "What you and CV-16 did in Haikou City was published by Haikou Daily, no, it's in the latest issue of Haikou Daily."

Lu Yanshi took the newspaper, glanced at it briefly, and almost didn't laugh out loud.

"This, this is too nonsense, what kind of detectives are couples, who bravely fight gangsters, and save thousands of pets from the fire and water? Those people's imaginations are too rich, why don't they become writers?"

Yixian smiled lightly and said, "Admiral and CV-16 are talented and beautiful, aren't they a match made in heaven?"

Thinking of CV-16's occasional cute appearance during the investigation process, Lu Yanshi thought, looked up, and Yixian looked at him with a half-smile, which made him feel guilty again.

He coughed dryly and said, "What nonsense is Yixian talking about? CV-16 hasn't joined our tutelary mansion yet, so why is he a natural match?"

"Then, why don't the admiral hurry up and work hard to get CV-16 to our tutelary mansion?"

Lu Yanzhi could clearly feel that Yixian was in a bad mood.

"This is? Are you jealous?"

Lu Yanzhi secretly smiled and felt guilty at the same time.

For Yixian, I like more than a little bit, but after getting it back, because of Atlanta and CV-16, it seems that I have been neglected a lot. In the past, Yixian took care of her daily life in every possible way, and the two could still see each other. He smiled knowingly, but since he gained reputation, those things were managed in an orderly manner, and Yixian could only sit in the office facing the tall documents.

Thinking about it this way, Lu Yanzhi felt more and more guilty. He knew his own situation. How could he possibly stay in this office? Basically, he could only stay for 10 minutes every time except for work. In this way, the time spent with Yixian was too much. It is rare and rare.

"Well, I was thinking, how about going to the banquet held by Admiral Su Mo, Yixian, this time?" Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian and asked gently.

"Me? Let's forget it. I'm leaving. Who will manage the town guard for you, the admiral." Although he was willing to do so, Yixian was not as irresponsible as San Juan, who casually sent the secretary ship The work is handed over to a ship girl with no experience.

"In this case, let's make it a deal. Yixian and I will go to this party together. The work of the secretary ship will be handled by the prestige for the time being. Anyway, the prestige is so stable that there will be no mistakes." Lu Yanzhi But regardless of Yixian's refusal, he made a decision directly.

"If Yixian is really worried, in the past two days, he should teach the prestige, what should the secretary ship do."

Lu Yanzhi stood up, patted Yixian on the shoulder and said.

"Then, if Yat-sen doesn't mind, then I'll take this newspaper away. I guess CV-16 must be very happy to read it."

 Hey, there was a lot of trouble yesterday, the first time it was put on the shelves, it was a mess.Well, please recommend, subscribe, reward, monthly pass,
  Well, I'm too greedy, so I won't ask for a reward.

  Speaking of which, I still owe two chapters to the boss above Yunhaifenglin. I don’t know if I can code it out in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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