Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 113 Banquet

Chapter 113 Banquet

The change in CV-16's mentality made Lu Yanzhi happy, and at the same time, he secretly made up his mind that in the future, whenever he meets a stray ship girl, he will try to fish for it. It's okay to fail, but if it succeeds, it's not something to celebrate thing?
Back in her own room in the tutelary mansion, Tennessee was nowhere to be seen. From the handles thrown on the ground, she must have been in a bad mood when she left.

At about eight or nine o'clock in the evening, Yixian pushed open Lu Yanshi's door in confusion.

"Admiral, are you free now?"

When Lu Yanzhi saw that it was Yixian, he smiled and said, "Of course, what's the matter with Yixian?"

Yixian blushed slightly and said, "Admiral, if you go to a banquet, do you have to wear a dress and dance?"

"Yes!" Lu Yanzhi affirmed.

"This? Admiral, will you go pick out a dress with me tomorrow?" Yixian said in a low voice.

"Of course you can. This kind of thing is definitely unavoidable."

"Then, then, can the admiral also teach me how to dance?" Yixian asked again.

"So Yixian can't dance? Don't worry, just leave it to me. Speaking of which, I can teach you right now!"

"Ah, hey, now? Will this disturb your rest, Admiral?"

Lu Yanzhi waved his hands and smiled: "Don't worry, I usually go to bed very late, but I guess I can only practice for more than an hour tonight. Yixian gets up so early every day, so he must go to bed before ten o'clock. "

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Yixian repeatedly said that getting up early was not a problem at all.

"In this case, then come in, Yixian, why are you still standing at the door?" Lu Yanzhi looked at Yixian who was still standing at the door and dared not come in and smiled.

"Isn't San Juan here?"

As Yixian walked in, he looked carefully at Lu Yanzhi's bed.Seeing no one, Yixian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, put this hand out, yes, hold my hand, fine, this hand, this hand on my shoulder, yes, come on, this foot, this, this, it's okay , this is the standard starting action for waltz or tango."

Like a puppet controlled by Lu Yanzhi, Yixian's body was stiff and he didn't dare to move. At this moment, he was facing his admiral within 25 centimeters, and the admiral's hand was still around his waist.

Lu Yanzhi smiled secretly, and put his arms around Yixian's waist, he could naturally feel that Yixian was extremely nervous now.

Now, the most important thing is to appease Yixian's nervousness first.

Thinking of this, Lu Yanzhi lowered his head and said softly to Yixian: "Yixian don't need to be nervous, just follow my pace and walk slowly."

"How can you not be nervous!"

Yat-sen thought shyly in his heart, never thought that he would be in such close contact with the admiral, that he could clearly feel the other's breath, and the entire base of his ears turned pink.

Dizzy, he followed Lu Yanzhi's pace.

"One da da, two ta da, hiss!"

Lu Yanzhi was shouting to the beat and leading Yixian to dance, when he suddenly felt that his feet had been trampled on.

Yixian naturally felt it too, he stepped on the admiral's foot just now, so he completely gave up the idea of ​​practicing dance with the admiral, and came out of Lu Yanzhi's arms, Yixian said nervously: "Admiral is fine, I'm sorry! "

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine, come on, let's continue."

"Don't practice anymore, admiral, maybe Yixian is not suitable for learning this dance!" Thinking of the charming just now, Yixian refused.

"What is Yixian talking about? It's normal for a novice to practice this kind of dance, stepping on his feet. Moreover, as a ship girl, Yixian must have a strong learning ability. How could he not be suitable for learning this dance?"

"But, but, I'm worried that I'll crush the admiral." Yixian still hesitated.

"Hey, what is Yixian talking about, your admiral is not a useless person, you can trample it a few times, and if Yixian doesn't learn, then I won't even have a dance partner at the banquet , Yat-sen won't want me to be laughed at by others, will he?"


What else did Yixian want to say, but Lu Yanzhi put his arms around Yixian's waist, and then held Yixian's hand with the other hand and said, "Okay, let's continue! It's about the admiral's face, and Yixian will definitely not let you I'm disappointed, right?"

"Well, okay!" After struggling for a moment, Yixian also supported Lu Yanzhi's shoulder.

Well, the second dance, the two of them finally danced a complete tango, but just after the dance, Lu Yanzhi sat on the bed, for no other reason, his feet were a little painful from being stepped on by Yixian, and, in the end, The most important thing is that in order not to dampen Yixian's interest in learning, Lu Yanzhi dared not say that his feet hurt, but said that he was a little tired and should take a rest first.

Yixian struggled for a while, then sat gently next to Lu Yanzhi.

"Admiral, am I a bit stupid!"

"What's the matter, Yixian is very smart. You must know that I used to step on my dance partner in order to learn ballroom dancing, so I got angry. Fortunately, I was a classmate in college at that time, and I will be fine after apologizing."

"But, why do I find this dance step so difficult?" Yixian said the question in his heart.

"Ha, it's actually not difficult at all. The most important thing about ballroom dancing is to relax your body, especially for the woman. You only need to memorize a few dance steps. At other times, you follow the lead of the man. It's very simple."


"Of course, Yixian, you just need to memorize those few dance steps, then relax and follow my rhythm."

"If that's the case, then, Admiral, let's try again. I remember all the dance steps just now." After thinking about it, Yixian gently said to Lu Yanshi.

"No problem!" Lu Yanzhi stood up.

After a long time, another song ended, and Lu Yanzhi admired: "Yixian is really good, it's only the second time and I've almost learned it!"

Yixian smiled softly: "This is thanks to the admiral for his hands-on teaching."

"Okay, stop studying, it's already late, admiral, you need to go to bed early, I'll go back first." Looking at the clock, it was almost nine o'clock and ten o'clock, and he recognized Lu Yan again.

"Practice hard when you go back!" Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"Then, good night, Admiral!"

"good night!"

"Finally gone, damn it!"

San Juan watched Yixian leave Lu Yanzhi's room through his room, and said dissatisfied.

Just now I wanted to have a good chat with my admiral, but as soon as I arrived at the door, I heard Yixian was also in the room. Although he was jealous, for the sake of the harmony of the guard house, San Juan resisted going in to catch and rape the couple. Impulsive, at this moment, seeing Yixian finally left, San Juan couldn't bear it.

"Hey, San Juan, why are you here again?" Lu Yanzhi asked in confusion when he saw San Juan coming in again just after changing his clothes.

San Juan looked at Lu Yanzhi and snorted coldly: "Hmph, what's the matter, do you forget the old people when you have new people? Will you forget me completely if you have Yixian?"

Lu Yanzhi smiled and said, "San Juan, what are you talking about? Yixian just came over just to ask me about ballroom dancing."

"It's fine, what kind of ballroom dancing is you learning, it's not bad to seduce the admiral, but you, admiral, are really a pervert, so you can't stand the temptation."

San Juan sat beside Lu Yanshi's bed and said angrily.

Lu Yanzhi shook his head, stepped forward and threw San Juan on the bed.

"Little girl, I don't know if Yixian has seduced me, but I know, you must be seducing me now!"

"Ah! Slow down!" San Juan exclaimed, for a moment, the spring was boundless.

 Huh, there are three more chapters in the afternoon, and they will be posted after nine o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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