Chapter 118

On the last day of July, Lu Yanzhi took the ship's wife who participated in the exercise directly from the tutelary mansion to Su Mo's tutelary mansion.

After returning from Su Mo's tutelary mansion, Lu Yanshi asked Nelson to help him buy a cruise ship. It happened that it would be much more convenient to travel in the future.

According to the results discussed by Su Mo and others, everyone needs to gather with him first, and then set off together to the East China Sea. There is an old world naval base there. Although the base was destroyed and abandoned due to the raging deep sea, later, the ship The Maiden Alliance still rebuilt there as an outpost of the Ship Maiden Alliance.

Moreover, there are many islands in the East China Sea, so joint exercises are also convenient.

According to Su Mo's idea, the purpose of this joint exercise is not only to improve the combat ability of the ship girls, but also to improve the overall quality of the admirals. In a word, when to fight and when to withdraw, these things are not only It is the responsibility of the ship's mother, and the admiral must also understand that only an excellent admiral can complete incredible battles with ordinary strength.

"This Su Mo is not ordinary! Since the appearance of the ship girl, human beings' ability to deal with the sea has obviously become weaker and weaker. Basically, everything is handled by the ship girl. He actually made such a move. What is his idea? What about it?" Lu Yanzhi said with a playful smile.

"It should be because I don't want the human admiral to become a waste who can only rely on the ship's mother. After all, the ship's mother brings glory to the admiral, and the admiral must have enough ability to bear this honor, otherwise, he will only be laughed at by others! "

Both Yixian and San Juan didn't come. At this moment, the only one willing to stay by Lu Yanzhi's side to take care of Lu Yanzhi was the prestige.

Lu Yanzhi looked at the prestige and said with a smile: "If I become such a useless person, will you be disappointed?"

"Of course not. Perhaps, many ship girls hope that their admiral is such a person. After all, only when they are relied on can the ship girl have a strong sense of existence. Otherwise, except for fighting, everything will be done by the admiral. What is the ship girl doing?" Sheng Yu replied affirmatively.

"That's true, after all, for example, you and your sister, born maids, Bismarck, born soldiers, Washington, proficient in laws and regulations, whether in politics or as lawyers, are top talents, since this world has given you all kinds of talents Ability, thinking about it, I also think that the ship is not just a weapon for deep seas." Lu Yanzhi thought for a while and said.

Renown didn't say a word, just smiled, just as his master said.

"However, to be honest, some admirals do become useless after having Jianniang. They don't know anything and leave everything to Jianniang. Su Mo's doing this is actually not bad!"

"As long as the master is willing, no matter what he does, the prestige will fully support it!"

The sea breeze was getting stronger and stronger, Lu Yanzhi walked into the cabin with Shengfu.

As soon as he walked into the cabin, the system's prompt sound came.

"Ding, main task: joint exercise, help the Third Fleet to win the final exercise, reward: depends on the completion of the host."

Although the rewards for the long-lost mainline mission were not specified, this time, the commotion was so loud that no matter how bad the rewards were, the rewards would not be much worse. Therefore, Lu Yanzhi began to look forward to this exercise.

According to the number of people and the types of ships registered by the Eighteenth Road Guardian Mansion, Su Mo divided into three fleets, led by Bei Si, Su Mo, and Mo Li respectively, and the third fleet that Lu Yanzhi was in was Mo Li's fleet. up.

Lu Yanshi was the last to arrive at Sumo's tutelary mansion. He first apologized to all the admirals, and then came to the conference room of Sumo tutelary mansion together.

A huge map of the East China Sea is projected on the wall.

Su Mo stood up and explained to everyone: "First of all, we divide the East China Sea, with this naval base as the center, into three areas. The first area is here, the sea area at the junction of the naval base and Luyang City; The second area is here, the sea area at the junction of the East China Sea and the South China Sea; the third area is the area where the East China Sea enters the Pacific Ocean, you must be careful in this area, you can only reach the border of the Pacific Ocean, because it goes deeper Going around, you may meet a deep-sea ship girl."

After the introduction, Bei Si and Li Li stood up together. Now they will draw lots to decide to guard that area.

Finally, the first area of ​​Sumo, the second area of ​​Beisi, and the third area of ​​Moli.

After drawing lots, the next step is to discuss the objectives of this exercise.

Su Mo said in a deep voice: "There are two ways to win this exercise. First, successfully occupy the naval base and keep the defense intact for a week. Second, fight until the other two admit defeat."

"However, we all know that the drill uses empty ammunition. What if the opponent refuses to admit it?" asked an admiral from the Beisi camp.

Su Mo nodded with satisfaction and said: "Yes, this is indeed a problem, but I have already said hello to the company of the Luyang City Ship Girl Alliance. At that time, she will cooperate with the Haikou City Ship Girl Alliance to send six ships The aircraft carrier is dedicated to carrying out reconnaissance planes to do justice, and this exercise has already been approved by the Haikou Ship Girl Alliance. When the time comes, the No.1 MVP of the exercise will receive a set of standard equipment from the Ship Girl Alliance. And, he The admiral will receive the Commemorative Medal of Military Merit issued by the Fleet Girl Alliance."

As soon as these words came out, those ordinary admirals were fine, but Beisi Aijia and others were not calm. The Medal of Honor issued by the Ship Girl Alliance, not to mention its usefulness, is more likely to attract wandering ship girls. Paying attention to this item is enough to make them excited. After all, I have never heard of an admiral receiving the Medal of Merit awarded by the Ship Girl Alliance. This means that your tutelary mansion has been recognized by the Ship Girl Alliance.

Bei Si swallowed her saliva and said, "Brother Su, did you play so big this time?"

Su Mo cast a glance at Bei Si and continued: "So, this task is not just as simple as a drill. I hope all colleagues can work hard with me."

"Now, do you have any questions?" Su Mo asked the crowd again.

"No problem!"

"In this case, everyone, go back and prepare well. Tomorrow, the notary sent by the Ship Girl Alliance will be in place, and we will go to the battlefield separately."

After walking out of the meeting room, Li Li caught up with Lu Yanzhi: "Admiral Lu, this exercise is still up to you. After all, among the few of us, you are probably the only one who is stronger in this aspect."

"Don't worry, no one wants to lose, besides, the reward this time is so generous." Lu Yanzhi said as he walked.

Li Li smiled slightly: "Then, Admiral Lu, what do you think of the strength of the three major fleets?"

Lu Yanzhi glanced at the several admirals next to him, and asked, "Are you sure you're talking here?"

Mo Li looked at the admirals who came out one after another, and said awkwardly, "Well, tomorrow, tomorrow, haha."

 Chapter 3, ask for tickets every day, subscribe.I am really grateful to Mr. Yunhai, and it is another five hundred coins. Oh, I am very happy to get a bowl of instant noodles!
(End of this chapter)

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