Invincible ship girl system

Chapter 127 Revenge

Chapter 127 Revenge

On Chicheng's side, the two fleets first arrived at Beisi Base. After confirming that there was no one there, they headed northwest from Beisi Base. The target was Sumo Base.

About to approach Su Mo's base, two carrier-based planes flew over Chicheng's head.

Without Akagi opening his mouth, Atlanta and Brooklyn each raised their anti-aircraft guns and accurately sank the two carrier-based aircraft.

"No need to move forward, CV-16, you control your bomber and carry out shuttle bombing on Su Mo's base!" Chicheng ordered CV-16 on the side.

"When the ship girls at Sumo base react, we will immediately go south to attract all their main forces to the south."

In a battle with no retreat, after Chicheng gave the order, several ship girls looked at Chicheng in amazement, but Chicheng couldn't explain to everyone, but secretly prayed in his heart: "Admiral, you and Lu Admiral's sneak attack battle will be sure. Be successful!"

"The enemy has been successfully attracted. Three formations and eighteen ships have been dispatched. There are eight battle cruisers in total, two aircraft carriers, five destroyers, and three heavy patrols."

The bomber of CV-16 has flown back to replenish the ammunition and report the situation to Akagi by the way.

Chicheng was very happy, and Su Mo obviously wanted to end the exercise in one wave, otherwise, how could it be possible for all the capital ships to attack.

"All ships, listen to my order, follow the route when you came, and move forward at a medium speed!"

"Aircraft carrier formation, all carrier-based aircraft are dispatched, fighter jets strive for air dominance, and bombers bomb randomly!"

At the same time, Lu Yan knew where he was.

"The whole fleet! Go above the naval base on the north side, target, Sumo base, set off!"

Here at the Sumo base.

"Brother Su, is this really okay? We only have two aircraft carriers." Ai Jia hesitated.

"Don't worry, there are only four aircraft carriers at Mo Li's side. As long as we can survive the first round of bombing, then we will have an absolute advantage."

"Brother Su is right, no matter how powerful the aircraft carrier formation is, we can still handle four aircraft carriers." Fu Feipeng added.

"In this case, it's fine, but it's finally coming to an end. After so many days here, I feel like I'm about to collapse!" Ai Jia said with emotion.

"Aircraft carrier formation, report the results, I have sunk a destroyer!"

"A heavy cruiser!"



Chicheng took a special look at CV-16, and then said: "The carrier-based aircraft supplies, and then, continue to move forward, don't give the opponent the distance to bombard."

"Atlanta, Brooklyn, Helena, shoot down all the enemy's carrier-based planes!"

Akagi looked at the bomber flying over and continued to give orders.

"Hey, boom!"

"Wuhai is broken!" Indianapolis was in Wuhai, and it was the first time to discover the news of Wuhai's break.

"Speed ​​up, evacuate at full speed!"

Chicheng finally understood that Su Mo was obviously going to fight decisively. However, in this case, there was no need to hang them at a medium speed, so he directly ordered a full-speed retreat.

Su Mo's fleet, Bismarck's side, was very excited.

"Follow at full speed, as soon as the target enters the attack range, start shelling immediately!"

In the Su Mo base, Su Mo organized the remaining eight ship girls. These ship girls mainly focus on light patrol and expulsion. Because the training level is too low, they can only stay here.

"You guys, don't relax, especially those equipped with anti-sea radar, pay attention to offshore patrols."

Tennessee and Oklahoma were the flagships, and they led eight ships to quietly approach Su Mo's base from above the naval base.

"Two offshore patrol ships have been found!" The heavy cruiser Augusta in the Tennessee team was the first to spot the enemy ship.

"Don't worry about it, just move on!"

Tennessee and Oklahoma smiled at each other, and the two had the same idea.

Until the shadow of Sumo base could be seen vaguely in front of him, Tennessee ordered everyone to stop advancing.

At this distance, all the ships in the fleet can already launch a salvo attack!
On Su Mo's side, the patrolling ship lady finally saw Tennessee's group on the radar, and then a rush of horns sounded.

Su Mo stood up suddenly in the war room.


"All ships, including destroyers, fire salvos, target, war room and within 30 meters around the war room."

Tennessee gave the order to attack.

On Chicheng's side, after the carrier-based aircraft was fully replenished, an order for the second bombing was immediately issued.

Bismarck had already had countermeasures: "Aircraft carrier formations cover, battleship formations, continue to advance against the bombing, and get close to the enemy!"

The direct result of Bismarck's doing this was that he successfully broke through the aircraft carrier blockade at the cost of sinking a battleship and destroying one.

Chicheng secretly said something was wrong: "Quick, all the ship girls, retreat at full speed, retreat!"

Her mission is to hold back Su Mo's fleet, how can she fight Bismarck and the others here.

Veneto and others are not willing anymore, what does it mean to retreat again and again in the final decisive battle.

"All battle cruisers, muzzle adjustment, target, twelve o'clock direction, salvo and half salvo ready!"

"Veneto, what are you doing?" Akagi asked, frowning.

"Don't do anything. Since it's a decisive battle, what's the point of running away? If you fight here, even if you lose, you won't be called ashamed!" Veneto looked up at Chicheng with a sneer on his face.

Ignoring Veneto, Akagi rushed to the aircraft carrier formation and ordered: "Aircraft carrier formation, retreat at full speed!"

At the same time, I thought to myself: "Admiral, hurry up, if this goes on, we won't last long at all!"

Akagi's order this time was not executed immediately, especially CV-16. She was taught by Saratoga that she would not abandon her comrades. Therefore, CV-16 did not execute Akagi's order, but slowly retracted the carrier aircraft. .

If CV-16 doesn't leave, Helena will definitely not leave either. Not to mention that both of them are ship girls from Lu Yanzhi's side, even in normal times, CV-16 has the best relationship with Helena.

Chicheng frowned and looked at the others: "Aren't you leaving?"

A few people didn't speak, but the firm eyes showed that they wanted to fight openly.

"Okay! If you don't leave, then you won't leave. Let's fight head-on!" Chicheng also retracted the carrier aircraft and said in a deep voice.

Bismarck, who had just broken through the blockade of the bombers, was first attacked by a round of artillery fire before he had time to counterattack.

"Aren't you going to run away? While avoiding the gunfire, while looking at Chicheng, the corners of Bismarck's mouth raised slightly.

Bibi also followed closely behind and rushed over.

"Aren't you running away?" Looking at the eyeing enemy, he chuckled very lightly.

"Bismarck, it seems that your reckless raid is useless!" Bismarck looked at the four ships left behind Bismarck, and laughed.

"Hmph! Coward, if I hadn't come here to keep them, what use would you be."

As if they were winning, the British and the American still had time to quarrel here.

Renown carefully pressed down the muzzle of his cannon. In the shelling battle just now, he only fired a half-volley. At this moment, he can still carry out a round of shelling.

No one can stand being ignored like this, Veneto's immature face flushed with anger.

"Half salvo, attack!"

The target of prestige is directed at Bismarck, who is still quarreling with Wu Wu.

Bismarck never thought that there would be a ship girl attacking her at this time, let alone that the attack would be so high that she could directly sink herself. It was not until she was taken out by the notary that Bismarck turned his attention to the prestige.

Shengfu smiled smartly: "Since you have defeated the Beisi Fleet, killing you can be regarded as revenge for the master!"

 Well, that chapter ends tonight!Ask for a ticket,
(End of this chapter)

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